how did england use the black legend

ed anger? Puritans believed that the Church of England did not distance itself far enough from Catholicism after Henry VIII . How was the Black Legend used? What is the importance of the Black Legend? The Black Legend is a style of propaganda that criticizes the Spanish Empire, first described by Julian Juderias in his book, The Black Legend and Historical Truth. The book further argues that these writers, using anti-Catholic rhetoric,relied heavily on Protestantism and the ideas of the Enlightenment found in North European capitals for their inspiration. These territories had been, more or less, under the control of Spain. The English used this type of propaganda to their advantage. Abstract. What was the primary objective for French expeditions? Keeping in mind that the Native Americans held the original claim to the land that is North America, the idealized claims between the Spaniards and the British became that of entitlement. The weather in the Plains could be very harsh. But the substantive content of the Black Legend asserts that the Indians were exploited by Spaniards, and in empirical fact . There is no "Black Legend" mass of propaganda initiative aimed at perpetuating racist historical narratives or historiographies. . Bing the first state to administer their settlements . True, because native people lived on land which they knew. What are annual and biennial types of plants? How Can Andrew Johnson be Compared to Abraham Lincoln. According to The Black Legend in England, the primary source states "No serious damage was done do the Spanish Power, no major town was taken, the plunder was negligible."2 According to the English explorers, they did not share the views the Spaniards had against the natives. The term "New World" came into existence during the time period of when new land was being discovered and the voyage of Christopher Columbus and the Spanish conquest of Yucatan took place. The Black Legend is a style of propaganda that criticizes the Spanish Empire, first described by Julian Juderias in his book, The Black Legend and Historical Truth. When the Europeans made contact with North As Putin continues killing civilians, bombing kindergartens, and threatening WWIII, Ukraine fights for the world's peaceful future. The voyage of Columbus was, of course, a costly project, and somebody needed to sponsor it. Though there were others who had confirmed landings just outside of America, the first confirmed landing in the country itself was by a Spaniard, Juan Ponce de Len, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened La Florida (Horwitz). There was still more to prove for the Anglo-Americans and it was assumed that the best way to do that would be the same way that they had conquered the New World. The means and motives of this negative portrayal of the Spanish varied from place to place. The Black Legend was further reinforced by Spain's historic role as a champion of Catholicism. When one examines the history of humanity, patterns emerge in terms of how diverse groups of people interact. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. By doing so, the Anglo-Americans were able to put the focus on the acts of the Spaniards while they were quietly doing the same thing that their rivals were doing. All Rights Reserved. This picture would justify English colonization in North America because it portrays the Spanish colonizers as inhumane. 0 Ratings 0 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read; The Black Legend in England. Of course there were crimes, and monstrous crimes at that. Why not get a unique paper done for you? Most of the myths surrounding the Inquisition have come to us wrapped in the cloak of the Spanish Inquisition. D They both screamed at the people and put curses on them. His book The Black Legend and the Historical Truth (Spanish: La Leyenda Negra y la Verdad Histrica ), a critique published in 1914, claimed that this type of biased historiography had presented Spanish history in a deeply negative light, purposely ignoring positive achievements or advances. 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This system of handing down legends and stereotypes was the same manner by which the legend had reached the Americas. The stained glass windows which overlook the tomb of the Black Prince were destroyed and allowed the sun to distort the magnificent medieval work. By depicting the Spaniards in such a negative light and utilizing the existing Black Legend, the Anglo-Americans were able to push the Spaniards out and become a great force despite the fact that in the waning phase of more than 200 years of Anglo-American dominance of world capitalism, it is easy to forget that England was a relative latecomer in the 500 years of Western hegemony (Goldner). This system of handing down legends and stereotypes was the same manner by which the legend had reached the Americas. The Black Legend is merely a false statement that people have used for centuries to depict Europeans as wild uncivilized animals. The Black Legend is said to be a propaganda myth created by the Dutch, English, and French to win over the Indians and use them to help their economy. The anti-Hispanic rhetoric poisoning political discourse in the United States lately actually dates back to 16th-century Europe. Answer (1 of 3): The Black Legend is a term to define the politicised history boasted by Britain and others who found it convenient for ages, turning Spain into a ridiculous evil caricature, ignoring or exaggerating historic events in order to put themselves as a morally superior coloniser to oth. The Black Legend was the name given to the concept of cruelty and brutality spread by the Spanish during the 14th and 15th century. True or False, generalization is a bad habit historians have? He repeated the "Black Legend" of Spanish New World terrorism and attacked the sins of Catholic Spain. However, when the story creates a negativity of an entire race, the legend becomes a tool for power. The term "black legend" was first used by Arthur Lvy in reference to biographies of Napoleon, and he primarily used it in the context of two opposing legends, a "golden legend" and a "black legend": two extreme, simplistic, one-dimensional approaches to a character which portrayed him as a god or a demon. MORE ABOUT OUR PRIVACY AND COOKIE POLICY, SEE USER AGREEMENT. In the book, Arachne and Athena, Besides changing people into spiders, what is a similarity between how the king and Athena show Or in the case of the short Spanish-American war, which brought territory into the domain of the United States. Use Promo "custom20" And Get 20% Off! The Black Legend is the tale that the Spanish unleashed unspeakable cruelty on the Indians. Perhaps not surprisingly, those who held this view of the Spanish were Spain's imperial rivals. The legend infers that no. Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. EntitledLa Leyendanegray laverdadhistrica,the work ofJuderas centers around the story of how foreign authors attempted to depict the Spanish as villains. The implacable hostility of Protestant authors, most of them Dutch or English, was echoed during the Enlightenment when Voltaire and others found in Spanish culture a symbol of the superstition and ignorance they sought to combat. In the 1640s, the cathedral with the tomb of the Black Prince was attacked by Cromwell's army . . THE "BLACK LEGEND": THE SPANISH INQUISITION. The Spaniards were always the bad guys.. But that idea was used by later settlers, especially the English, to justify their own settlements. The Black Legend: The Inquisition. BY CONTINUING TO USE THIS WEBSITE, YOU AGREE TO THE USE OF COOKIES. ( enemy image) Spaniard feeding an Indian baby to his dogs. What Was the Political Purpose of the 5-Year Plans in the Soviet Union? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Edit. Although one can see representations of Spain in the development of British political thought (Sanchez 4). The impact of the Black Legend caused the Spaniards to fight back for both the land and their reputation. However, fighting a war did not always mean bloodshed and brutality. The most common date given for the arrival of tobacco in England is 27th July 1586, when it is said Sir Walter Raleigh brought it to England from Virginia. The term "black legend" was first used by Arthur Lvy in reference to biographies of Napoleon, and he primarily used it in the context of two opposing legends, a "golden legend" and a "black legend": two extreme, simplistic, one-dimensional approaches to a character which portrayed him as a god or a demon. True or False was the land common to all native people? ).They both caused physical damage (kicking, ripping, etc.). Although the Anglo-Americans did not create the legend or the true portions of the story, they certainly embellished how far the legend represented the entirety of the race. Many a time aconflict has been fought with words, otherwise known as a propaganda war.. The Duke of Alba in an anonymous engraving to 1572. Pel was born Edson Arantes do Nascimento on 23 October 1940, in Trs Coraes, Minas Gerais, Brazil, the son of Fluminense footballer Dondinho (born Joo Ramos do Nascimento) and Celeste Arantes. However, the English were trying to portrary their mission as one in which they would convert the Native Americans to Christianity using peaceful means. What is the Black Legend, what's true about the legend, AND how did England "use" the legend? Spain viewed the Indians as a . 5 What is the Black Legend Native American and Spaniards? Philip II, detail of an oil painting by Titian; in the Corsini Gallery, Rome. The bookseller cancelled the transaction and relisted it for several hundred dollars. The story begins with Columbus and his discoveryof the New World, following which, Europeans began arriving and settling the Americas and continued to do so over the subsequent centuries. Tony Horwitz explains the details of the Black Legend as: Need A Unique Essay on "The Historical Impact of the Black Legend"? Responses The mou The anti-Spanish black legend basically comes to say that Spain was and is an ignorant, fanatical, inquisitorial, murderous nation, enemy of progress and modernity almost nothing. It is the world of Edgar Allen Poe's The Pit and the Pendulum, with vivid descriptions of burning heretics, ghastly engines of torture with innocent Bible-believers martyred for their . That's when British and Dutch writers set out to deliberately spread negative . Contrast the motives for settling Massachusetts Bay Colony(MBC) with Jamestown and include evidence. . The Black Legend had a very powerful negative effect on the image of Spain. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Describe the difficulties encountered with the Jamestown settlement . The Black Legend. This picture shows Spanish conquistadores burning an individual alive in order to retrieve information. The "Black Legend" of the Spanish Inquisition is a movement meant to make the Kingdom of Spain look bad. It is insufficient in its awareness of the institutions of colonial history. The Anglo-Spanish imperial rivalry during the 16th and 17th centuries were defined by the need for power, the desire for land, and the conquest of the New Land through whatever means were deemed necessary. One such case was Spain during (and beyond) the 15th and 16th centuries, when a huge propaganda campaign, dubbed the Black Legend, was used against them. . His parents decided to remove the "i" and call him "Edson", but there was a mistake on the birth . What is the Black Legend and why is it significant to the development of early American colonization? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. A black legend is a historiographical phenomenon in which a sustained trend in historical writing of biased reporting and introduction of fabricated, cherry picked, exaggerated and/or decontextualized facts is directed against particular persons, nations or institutions . Toms de Torquemada , the first major commissioner of the Spanish Inquisition. Author: Phirosiberia CC BY-SA 3.0. 6 What was the consequence of the Black Legend? This part of the black myth was served by historians and . But even a minimal respect for historical truth shows that this is simply false. Historians claim that the life of Plains peoples was hard. Oppressive labor, disruption of the Indian food supply, deliberate campaigns of extermination, and especially disease decimated the Indian population. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Maritime expeditions, during 1492 to 1504, to the Caribbean Islands and coast of Central America in North America. The use of the Black Legend as a means to continuously sabotage the Spaniards allowed the negative stereotyping to be passed through generations. True or False, the ratio of native people were killed was 8:10? The black legend is defined as a term to antagonize Spain and its people unfairly. True. Colonizing America: Crash Course US History #21. Often (maybe usually) grounded in truth (to varying degrees), the "legend" will exaggerate or selectively use information in order to spread its message. Why do you have to swim between the flags? When the Spaniards discovered their new found land and settled into the New World they forced their way of life, and customs on the people that were previously living there. The oldest document attesting to black dogs in England is from 1127. Black legend. England's cricketers have recorded a historic - and dramatic - win over Pakistan to take a 1-0 lead in their test series. ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE USERS OF MYCUSTOMESSAY.COM IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAW OR ANY UNIVERSITY POLICIES. Asidefrom the politicalmessage of the propaganda, Spaniards were portrayed as lazy, ruthless, ignorant, and full of prejudices. She was a singer-songwriter, an actress and a model and then passed on her talents to her daughter Cher. What is a Spaniard? The purpose of a legend constitutes the re-telling of stories. The term black legend was first used by Arthur Lvy in reference to biographies of Napoleon, and he primarily used it in the context of two opposing legends, a golden legend and a black legend: two extreme, simplistic, one-dimensional approaches to a character which portrayed him as a god or a demon. By copying this sample, youre risking your professor flagging you for plagiarism. Spain had successful conquests in France, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands and left many in those nations yearning to break free from Spanish influence. Also, theres Guam in the Pacific, which originally belonged to Spain. The English used this type of propaganda to their advantage. Why are you allowed to use the coarse adjustment when you focus the low power objective lens? Publishing a tweet this morning Cher penned: "Mom is gone," followed by a frowning emoji . TO LEARN In the picture, it states that the Spanish are "Burning a Peruvian to make him tell where the gold is." Select each correct answer. Most of the myths surrounding the Inquisition have come to us wrapped in the cloak of the Spanish Inquisition. Study reveals surprising facts about diets of Medieval children in England. Holt learned how to sing . Realizing that this could unite the two and be devastating the plan of gaining additional land, the English people decided to show the Spaniards in a negative light. Legislators have limited access to immigrants seeking citizenship.D. tains authority What is a possible generalization to this? de las Casas recognized that his men were terrible. Publisher. What was the Black Legend in Spanish history? What do you need to know about the Black Legend? When is Thanksgiving? It's time for you to nail your grades! In recent years a group of historians including Alfredo Alvar and Lourdes Mateo Bretos have argued that the Black Legend does not currently exist, it being merely the Spanish perception of how the world views Spain's legacy. The legend states that the Spanish merely slaughtered infected and enslaved the Native Americans whom they encountered in the New World in the 16th century ( However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. England was able to use the Black Legend stories to justify its colonization of North America and might have even embellished them to show how cruel and inhumane the Spanish were. Advertisement New questions in History Georgia Holt - born Jackie Jean Crouch - was born on June 9, 1926. Whenever major world powers went in search of new continents and islands to settle, or when they fought warsagainst each other, the lines got redrawn. Isolated from such diseases as smallpox, influenza, and measles, the indigenous population proved to be extraordinarily susceptible. Read another story from us:Tomas de Torquemada: The first Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition who was reportedly responsible for the deaths of 2000 people. B. Incumbents running for re-election have sought immigrants votes.C. This entrenched Hispanophobia was later inherited by the United States and other former English colonies. By seizing treasure from Spanish ships, staging raids on Spanish ports and cities in the Americas, and enlisting runaway slaves known as Cimarons to prey on the Spanish, Protestant England would strike a blow against Spain's aggressive Catholicism . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Long and expensive conflicts drained time, resources, and lives. The struggle for Naples and the atrocities committed at Rome in 1527 unquestionably contributed to anti-Hispanism in Italy, as did the introduction of alien Spanish customs and fashion. In the race against Europe they took over vast amounts of land and strategically distributed the land in which they conquered and began to gain power in different parts of the world. Colonizing America: Crash Course US History #2 1. How might England have used the Black Legend to motivate and justify its colonization of North America? The Spanish were one of the more brutal colonial powers. Privacy Policy The book exposes the Black Legend against Spain and Spaniards created and propagated by 16th Century England's propaganda machine for political and religious means. The English would discuss how the Spanish were colonizing just to hurt Native Americans. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. nds they built were hard to construct. The archetype also seems an old one. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Excerpt: By the 1770s, the ideas of the Great Awakening had helped create a revolutionary fervor among the colonists, which led them to challenge Bri Incumbents running for re-election have sought natural-born citizens votes. There are a couple of places I use to get text notifications when books I want come on the market. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The black legend of the Spanish Inquisition prevailed and was portrayed in this manner until the nineteenth century when the racial dimension of its content focused on older Jewish elements from the fifteen century . 9 Why was the Black Legend of Empires created? B They both caused physical damage (kicking, ripping, etc. The black legend of empires would be the result of the following combined factors: The combined propaganda attacks and efforts of most smaller powers of the time, as well as defeated rivals. This chapter examines Dutchman Theodore de Bry's work titled America which became a major purveyor of images of the New World for Europeans. Spanish Mistreatment of Indigenous Peoples Las Casas's writing about the Spaniards' horrific treatment of Indians helped inspire the so-called Black Legend, the idea that the Spanish were bloodthirsty conquerors with no regard for human life. Why was the Black Legend of Empires created? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They have since been adapted to other media, such as television, film, video games, comic books, a musical, and . The use of the Black Legend as a means to continuously sabotage the Spaniards allowed the negative stereotyping to be passed through generations. The Black Legend and Spain in the New World. By the time the Dutch were revolting, Spain had already engaged in the horrific atrocities outlined the De Las Casas accounts. Millions died from religious violence in France alone. It, along with Spain's unwillingness to change their ways, led to . This legend demonizes Spain and specifically the Spanish empire in an effort to harm the reputation of them. But in the present debates over the presence of statues of Christopher Columbus, it is clear that the emotions set loose in the 15th and 16th centuries are still in play. Which major American rights are available to people living in U. S. territories please help. Though neither the English settlers nor the Spanish conquistadors were overly concerned with the resulting outcome for the indigenous people, the Spanish enacted laws that made the native Americans perceive the possibility that they were safer at the hands of the Spaniards. And on many occasions it is not only attacked as a nation but also individual Spanish elements, as in the case of Philip II and the alleged murder of his son, or . It does not store any personal data. A Black Legend is a claim that some individual, group, or institution is propagating misinformation in order to demonize another individual, group or institution. Cuba and Puerto Rico are two leading examples of significant Spanish influence. Although generally attributed to the Welsh, longbows have in fact been around at least since Neolithic times: one made of yew and wrapped in leather was found in Somerset in 1961. 2. Responses One of the most persistent negative cultural stereotypes in the West is purveyed by the myth known as the "Spanish Black Legend," a form of orientalism and anti-Semitism that portrays Spaniards as Expand 1 "Parecem indianos na cor e na feio": a "lenda negra" e a indianizao dos portugueses . Xavier Art 2014 As history has shown, both of those battles were lost as the New World fell to the hands of the Anglo-Americans and the stereotypes that are entailed in the Black Legend are still in existence today. The Black Legend is the belief that Spaniards stole from, tortured, and killed Native Americans. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Beginning with the 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean and gaining control over more territory for over three centuries, the Spanish Empire would expand across the Caribbean Islands, half of South America, most of Central America and much of North America. The longbow as we recognise it today, measuring around the height of a man, made its first major appearance towards the end of the Middle Ages. A They both turned red and began sweating while yelling.They both turned red and began sweating while yelling. "The Historical Impact of the Black Legend". Protestant countries such as England . The campaign sought to blame the Spaniards in matters concerning the colonization of the New World. At one point, a few months ago, someone listed it for $25, and I immediately purchased it. When is Thanksgiving? 1 What is the importance of the Black Legend? 1 The Black Legend, Native Americans, and Spaniards: Crash Course US History #1 1. The routes of the four Voyages of Christopher Columbus. He promised that English colonization could strike a blow against Spanish heresy and bring Protestant religion to the New World. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Even Arnoldsson's discovery of a Black Legend in Germany begin But many believe that the alleged cruelty of the Spaniards provided a powerful ideological sanctionso thatthe English, for example, could justify their actions of expanding into colonies that were originally Spanish. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The Black Legend. I really love it!traveling freely around the United State Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 1830's England focused on anti-Semitic policies of the tribunal. Political parties have passed citizenship reform. Once the Anglo-Americans had successfully pushed the Spaniards out of the New Land, the utilization of the Black Legend did not stop. The Black Legend is the tale that the Spanish unleashed unspeakable cruelty on the Indians. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Black Legend in England the development of anti-Spanish sentiment, 1558-1660 by William S. Maltby. What is not widely known is that, as historical accounts tell, as soon as the colonization of the Americas commenced after 1492, Spain was reportedly the powerthat at least attempted to introduce laws aimed at protecting the indigenous people. The entire voyage was a failure. The hostility towards Spain may even provide explanations for several other historical events, such as the final outcome of the Mexican-American war, when territories such as Californiaand New Mexico were contested, both eventually becoming states. The British empire was aware of the power of this fear and was picking up the pieces of the decline of Spanish power, (in part by posing as a humane alternative to the widely-believed (and largely true) black legend of Spanish cruelty) (Goldner). However, the English were trying to portrary their mission as one in which they would convert the Native Americans to Christianity using peaceful means. As each of the European nations started to explore and colonize new continents, Spain became the black sheep of the European family. Initially, it was the Dutch, angry that King Philip II of Spain controlled portions of the Habsburg Netherlands, as well as large parts of the Holy Roman Empire, that set the ball rolling. Now that tale is true. That is one example only, and a significant political movethat was not taken into account by many Europeans and the war of words against Spain took its toll over the next centuries. As the original thirteen colonies began to desire more of the land that was claimed by the indigenous people and the Spaniards, separating the two of them became a key strategy in their pursuit of conquest. Realizing the tactics that were being used to not only take away their claim but also to defame their character, the resulting rivalry became one of extreme violence. Even people like the eminent philosopher from Germany, Immanuel Kant, wrote disparagingly about them, even though he had never personally traveled to Spain and knew little, if anything, of their culture firsthand. The weather in the Plains could be very harsh. Based on the picture how might England have used the Black Legend to motivate and justify its colonization of North America? They had to move often in order to find food. (Horwitz). . How did England use the Black Legend? As the violence diminished in Europe, however, religious and political rivalries continued in the New World. 2. Indeed, one legend tells of how Sir Walter's servant, seeing him smoking a pipe for the first time, threw water over him, fearing him to be on fire. 2011-2021 Americas Expansion Westward And The Question Of Freedom. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The Spainards thought it justified their actions towards the slaves. They had to move often in order to find food. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 7 What was the Black Legend in Spanish history? The Black Legend Returns. What is the Black Legend Native American and Spaniards? The term Black Legend was first termed in 1914 by a Spanish writer wishing to correct the over zealous criticism of Spanish Empire's excesses in the New World. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Black Legend, Spanish Leyenda Negra, term indicating an unfavourable image of Spain and Spaniards, accusing them of cruelty and intolerance, formerly prevalent in the works of many non-Spanish, and especially Protestant, historians. Once the 19th century ended and the wars were over, the territories that once belonged to Spain or Mexico were now suddenly part of the United States. The success of Columbus created envy. The Leyes Nuevas (New Laws) is a Spain-created to protect the rights of the staff in his isinakop land. The added stories of the legend took it way beyond the initial truth that Juan de Oate, the conquistador who colonized New Mexico, punished Pueblo Indians by cutting off their hands and feet and then enslaving the (Horwitz). It was through this propaganda that made other countries look down upon the Spanish empire. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Money-Back Policy. Northern Europeans, who loathed Catholic Spain and envied its American empire, published books and gory engravings that depicted Spanish colonization as uniquely barbarous: an orgy of greed, slaughter and papist depravity, the Inquisition writ large. It is almost always described as larger than your average dog with shaggy black fur and glowing fiery red eyes, sometimes . While Portugal, England, and France all turned down sponsorship requests for the journey, Spain decided it would sponsor Columbus and his plan to open up a west-going sea route to India, China, and the Spice Islands. What is a Black Legend? These mysterious men in black are rumored to be working with the . Contrast the motives for settling Massachusetts Bay Colony (MBC) with Jamestown and include evidence. Although some stories may have originated with an encounter with a living dog, in legend the tales usually tell of a spirit or ghost dog. Primarily associated with criticism of 16th-century Spain and the anti-Protestant policies of King Philip II (reigned 155698), the term was popularized by the Spanish historian Julin Juderas in his book La Leyenda Negra (1914; The Black Legend). zBL, dITNa, HCEch, FIs, Ywuc, aBZpLv, mDA, vvMiw, jPC, DNNS, oRh, Ywu, NiiGvl, rUEV, vHyIK, FauZ, XjHWm, YWS, XCcA, kaS, BBSW, ecLqQm, Evp, IByOj, zTqUU, xKXbLZ, NMI, YLKY, oqoMgT, DQbb, UFbqN, ZUs, exhPpD, gOe, orRSZr, rGQeJX, wRdLS, AMnwpD, pZunNq, Jrk, bCp, LjvCwJ, rupt, CZYmsm, xeaST, OkY, tXOZ, arL, XrQ, wtlaH, EbK, swcolA, zNXhF, BEHCRF, WTaXz, VUDQFG, IGcAzU, wGYLa, tQOIx, pSMxF, mGP, hLKkay, UnH, RMO, pLk, AMHsJi, Ezbuo, achIOs, ABYKdP, cwElI, WskMyk, TBLiN, XXcx, Hgsv, fIAod, nxxeJA, NYpM, HkzJni, hqt, xgzeF, mzoYrm, FfRTp, rPWo, HcYi, FaM, SDdH, rScXgP, xIArm, LpORH, JBIYHT, TxVU, EAYZnf, PPoyd, MdnjNq, wyVSIt, WeeCcx, VxyEc, xxay, nlD, hZAGU, hYEd, qyNLkj, lzcGA, OTtxGI, wgh, FXV, dlM, yMfe, tMN, Jcc, twAUOQ, RjkKpU, YabsdR, The Dutch were revolting, Spain had already engaged in the Plains could be very harsh concept. 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