list 10 ethics of teaching profession

The top ten useless articles, all start with top 10. Its much more than blabbering about the meaning of life and so on which you can, yes, think for yourself. That was all the rage as far as useless degrees go when I went to college in the 80's. And its quite amusing to see philosophers trying to defend their position by endlessly asking questions about accepted cultural definitions. It establishes that the human being must live according to the laws of nature. To some, money is the ultimate power. I'm majoring in psychology and minoring in philosophy, and I know precisely what I want to do with my degree, career wise, in my future. LAW) . Unless if youre a senior as well, which really wouldnt make sense based on your undeveloped style of writing. We use cookies to provide our online service. They are not corporate yes-men who are destined to spend their careers in the shadow of a great entrepreneur. Not much mystery solving there.". I do understand your argument. Philosophy sparked science which then (post religious persecution) invented the computer: 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 are all niche business/social areas. Moving on, I would never even dream of picking up one of Russells books because I do not want to waste my time pondering over questions that have no answers (which is what philosophy majors primarily do). The average pay depending on the assignment, is sometimes $8.00-$12.00 per hour. Not sure where you're from, but most of the english speaking world spells it 'mystery', not 'mistery'. Since kindergarten Ive been taught that it is best to make a career in an area in which I am talented and proficient at. ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses. Those who think it is the Top Useless Degree is just another ignorant person, who doesnt recognize the behind the scenes people who make those in the forefront look good. The small-mindedness of the peons is to be expected. I would be more interested in seeing a list that just focused on degrees. (The Common Good Approach), Which option leads me to act as the sort of person I want to be? The ones with the diplomas in the liberal arts and sciences will be very polite to you as they are promoted above you. without Art, people wouldnt be able to see creatively, nor would they know about the wonder of imagination. What you learn in 'business' school is some of the most useless and ubiquitous stuff that can be taught over a 2 month training working at any run of the mill business. Do some research, then make your Useless College Degree list. 1.12 work collaboratively with peers using open direct communication to resolve differences of opinion or to recognize others' perceptions. This is exactly the attitude that I absolutely hate in so many (not all) of you liberal arts majors. The grievance must be made within three years of the last instance of the alleged violation(s) of this code. It takes ENORMOUS creativity to study a hard science, especially when research is involved. Evaluate each proposed solution in terms of possible consequences and make a decision. Actually, you did. Therefore, we collectively and individually affirm the following declarations of professional conduct. What is science? Social Responsibility, 3. What criteria? If for a person that subject in which he is best in is philosophy, why should he be forced to become a doctor or engineer? In music therapy, Dileo (2000) outlined a 12-step model that is a compilation of several other approaches to addressing ethical dilemmas. No evidence, other than the contents of the written notice from the respondent and the evidence previously submitted during the Formal Resolution will be considered by the Judicial Review Board during the appeal. It seems like you have forced me to write my own rebuttal. This Code of Ethics is grounded in a set of eight Core Values: 1. Accountability is valued as a means to establish trust and strengthen professional and client-based relationships. A lot of them were drama students also. And for all of the people saying that Philosophy graduates do well in law school, that's great. Looks like all the Philosophy majors are coming out of the woodwork! WebYou may have arrived at this page because you followed a link to one of our old platforms that cannot be redirected. Maybe I should be a zoologist, then buy a computer programLmao So basically, I would love to be a caretaker at SeaWorld or Busch Gardens, design the rides there, and document it for the Travel Channel, and design a logo for it. Do I know enough to make a decision? Other than to teach philosophy and keep the cycle going, the degree is useless. So get off your high horses. After reading everything you wrote, I just want to say I'm so glad you're not in the sciences. Please oh arbiter of reality explain to us neophytes what light is [particle or wave]? How those programs came to be is beyond rational. 6.03. WebContact the Center of Ethics and Human Rights at Physics used to be called, at least in the time of Isaac Newton as I am aware, 'Natural Philosophy', or the philosophy of nature. Not forgetting the fact that these research papers always take the side of women, which shows the bigotry of these university departments. This research is published in science journals which are read by other researches, because the research contains useful information and is worth reading. I do see the humour. Chop chop! 8.02. WebFaith, derived from Latin fides and Old French feid, is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept. But you might say that bankers are more important, since theyre contributing financially. By taking these "useless" courses (your words, not mine) you gain insight into life itself and understand human life at a deeper level, and you will feel more fulfilled than if you got a degree in, say, accounting and sat all day in an office living a mundane life full of trivialities and tedious tasks. Who needs art? If you dare say that then be ready to throw philosophy out of the window as well. Evidence: "On a absolute final note, its really hilarious how a philosophy major is telling me the inside scoop on my own field (job prospects, competition, skills needed etc.) If you have a question, concern, or complaint related to the AMTA Code of Ethics, please contact a member of the Ethics Board using our secure email address: "Hey! The field of ethics, along with aesthetics, concerns matters of value; these fields comprise the branch of philosophy called axiology.. Ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality by defining concepts such Attract potential software engineers only by full and accurate description of the conditions of employment. Hardly anyone does, and thats the problem with the world. Philosophy affects us everyday: especially in the field of ethics: abortion debates, same-sex marriage, stem-cell research on what basis is everyone debating these sensitive issues? Like other humanities subjects, philosophy is important not just to memorize and repeat facts, but to teach one how to think. If you think philosophers contribute nothing, then shouldnt your assessment also apply to, bankers, accountants, journalists, consultants, anyone who doesnt, contribute as much to the seemingly high and noble professions (in your, view) of doctors and lawyers? So if there is anyone out there telling folks back home that they are making it big here in New York. In days gone by, people graduating from school with >50,000 in debt were called Lawyers and (Medical) Doctors. Please don't find the need to educate me on something I'm already well aware of. Its logic establishes that what benefits the majority of the population is good. The authors suggest a four-step decision-making process using: (1) recognize and define the ethical issues, (2) reflect, (3) decide the right thing to do, and (4) implement, evaluate, and reassess. The Ethics Board may consider grievances brought by members of the Association against other members, by nonmembers, and by students. I dont really need to come up with a response; your comment speaks for itself. NURSES AND GLOBAL HEALTH 18. Enjoy your $100,000 debt, LOL. Especially in the U.S people are really judgmental about liberal arts and I have no idea why. we did our time .. so you want to insult my intelligence some more while we are savin your butt?!?!?! As field of study, its very interesting. I would also include musical therapy and dance to that list. In fact, philosophy should do better than these subjects, since its more general minded and skills-based, compared to knowledge-based. I completely disagree with the fact that philosophy or art degrees are useless. WebQuestia. Should we fear death? You bring shame to your colleagues. Medical ethics specifies how the relationship between the doctor and the patient should be, how patients' illnesses and illnesses should be managed, how behavior should be between co-workers, among others. Is it merely a question of how much society needs the professions? I'm going to go read a book on how to read, and then watch a video that tells you how to see. They allow one to think critically and develop a new way of looking at things. I did IB english lit and history. omg, lmao. On what basis?.Simply by just voting into effect anything the population likes? Although I agree with the beckham course. However, even in this generality, the Code provides support for software engineers and managers of software engineers who need to take positive action in a specific case by documenting the ethical stance of the profession. As a philosophy major I personally have seen the statistics that out of All law schools and medical schools Philosophy majors hold the highest acceptance rates of all other majors including BUSINESS. (2017). Had a good chuckle over some of these degrees and was surprised how the country of my current residence, Australia offered so many pointless degrees. Since you obviously never studied philosophy I will mention Gotlob Frege, inventor of first-order predicate calculus, the basis of computational theory. Its not necessary for all psychology majors to be psychologists, same with economics majors- some end up in finance or banking they are not all economists. 3.13 be familiar with the Code of Ethics, abide by its principles and report witnessed violations to the Ethics Board, refraining from frivolous or punitive reporting. For my spelling and grammar may not be 100% and i am only sixteen, i am a child. I get promoted to CEO with $2 million dollar annual salary but am unable to communicate with my family properly, is that going somewhere in life? Get with the times. Who said mixing chemicals is a bad thing? 'Natural Philosophy' as it was known back them was also a precursor to modern chemistry. 7.03. Credit fully the work of others and refrain from taking undue credit. The reason people *typically* spend *lots* of money on a degree is because they want to obtain a good job good *typically* meaning high paying. in short people who cant argue with the facts like to call people stupid. On a side note, I did have a lot of fun talking to other people about the questions of humanity, life, the universe, and so on. I dont think engineers are always the best choice to resolve these issues. She was an important leader in the history of social work and women's suffrage in the United States. But these have been supported by various other people, mainly other peers who work in my field. Perhaps the author of this article should be a little more careful not to be so offensive, and maybe a little more educated.). 5.05. This Code of Ethics is applicable to all those holding the MT-BC credential, and professional membership in the American Music Therapy Association. Fact of the matter is, if anti-art or anti-philosophy types really want to stick it to the snobby, pseudo-intellectual and pretentious artsy hipster types, they need to give up wasting their time convincing, and be actively trying to end liberal arts programs instead of whining about them over the internet, because the arts wont be dying off anytime soon. People hear music differently. Accept full responsibility for their own work. Art direction and all of the backstage jobs for major studios, theatres, and advertising companies, such as make up costuming, set dressing, research, layout. Ever heard of people saying homosexuality is unnatural? That has connection to natural law ethics. A liberal education, whether it be in Philosophy, Political Science, or in English is designed to expose the student to a variety of competing ideas, and teach the student to synthesize these said ideas and create their own analysis. I do accept that in the majority of cases people taking these degrees often end up doing manual labour or something similar. A real major is a major that is applicable to the real world such as biology, physics, computer science, engineering, law, etc. Excluded professions. But i tell you now i will never ever give up on my dream and i dont care what people think of the degree course. 6.07. We support ministers in leading the nations health and social care to help people live more independent, healthier lives for longer. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.?? Got to agree, and same for Art History. ?Some of the subjects like star trek or phallus studies i can understand. WHY? Tell me. You seem to think you know everything about what goes on at UBC. 3.14 cooperate and participate in ethics board inquiries and processes when requested to do so. But its flawed because its not based on facts. For some people, they are want to learn these methods and perhaps apply them to other areas as they see fit. The decision by the Judicial Review Board on the appeal will be final. However, what they are incapable of getting though their heads is that most people get a degree in philosophy AS WELL as in another practical field where the two combined will have results that can analyse relevant matters, even in engineering, business economics, and mathematics. In between studying for my final exams and explaining how the world works to people like you, its really very gratifying. The fundamental problem is that there's more to being queer than sex. The people there are so close minded. Included in this notification will be a copy of the signed complaint. You wont have developed basic logic, reasoning, writing, or speaking skills which could be applied to a much broader range of jobs that exist in the real word.". 6.06. Same thing with this high paying jobs and upper management; these jobs arent jobs that a lot of women go into. 4.06. Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, Amended June 1, 2010 and January 1, 2017). mathematics are far older then Aristotle, the Egyptians the incans even the Sumerians (oldest known civilization on earth) Used math dont talk like these Greek philosophers invented it they werent even as good at it as other societies who were far more adept at mathematics (the Chinese). Despite what people are telling you as I'm sure you are all unable to think for yourselves philosophy students do fine after graduation. Dont forget your multi colored shirts! Heres another useless sport degree spreading through Universities across the world, but this one lands the number two position because its not even fun. Heck somebody has to set the record straight. We are not simply given equation and expected to learn them off by heart, it is of paramount importance that their origins are understood. WebThe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. useless? And besides, all law really is, is the philosophy of law. As for ending up working in a convenience store I know two people with philosophy/philosophy combined degrees. Parapsychology is certainly NOT useless. It might sound like a joke, but the squeaky-voiced soccer star actually has a degree course dedicated to him. Businesses use art to promote advertising, Science uses philosophy to try and reason why there is nature, Math uses philosophy to solve problems, History, Even shows that philosophy has been used for Thousands of years with Government, and politics. The computer age and satilite television.if you want to paint, there are hundreds of programs that can teach you.. Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest. Sadly, more philosophy students have been shown to suffer with mental illness than any other subject, and why? Additionally, adherence to the principle of veracity requires thoughtful analysis of how full disclosure of information may affect outcomes. One can read all the books he wishes and he can visit art galleries therefore gaining a deep understanding of culture and human society, but i don't see the necessity of having a piece of paper to confirm that. WebPRIME Education is an accredited provider of continuing medical education. If two or more individuals report a grievance against the same party, they may report a group grievance. I wrote the same thing 7 times because I wasn't seeing my comments being posted after submitting them. Does this decision involve a choice between a good and bad alternative, or perhaps between two "goods" or between two "bads"? WebPRIME Education is an accredited provider of continuing medical education. A not-for-profit organization, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. But thats bullshit now, of course. I think your over-simplification of my argument has in many ways proved my point. My god you are ALL idiots in one form or another. They value CREATIVITYPlus, you dont need to go to college to become a leader. 6.05. Web6.04. Does all science have to be falsifiable? Be encouraged to volunteer professional skills to good causes and contribute to public education concerning the discipline. Whatever would we do if people stopped suing eachother for slipping on sidewalks? Are you kidding me, look at all of the philosophers around the world there are. Some people learn ancient languages not for a job, but out of their interest and out of the fact that they want to research more knowledge. First, the post you replied to is over a year old. You should know better than to attack other people's disciplines. I certainly don't have such a narrow minded view of the Arts, I thoroughly respect them. For all of you useful majors, I hope you enjoy cardiac episodes at the age of Forty. View all 36 Resources: First graders were doing a practice Pacer Test, where I had them run the width of the gym instead of the length. a lot of people who study philosophy go on to study law. You like money, money, money, while others might like to contribute in whatever subject they truly love and enjoy. Tesla (the inventor of ac power) died flat broke. What is the ideal form of government? David Beckham studies I went to a local college in the Bay Area. There are so many jobs related to this. It has shaped the whole way nations define themselves and how they relate themselves to others. Why are philosophy majors so long winded? In situations outside of their own areas of competence, call upon the opinions of other professionals who have competence in that area. Well, this course teaches analytic skills, highly valued in the field of medicine. If I told someone I respector told a television audiencewhich option I have chosen, what would they say? How is knowledge achieved? Is this issue about more than what is legal or what is most efficient? In the event that a member or former member declines to participate in Ethics Board processes, the Ethics Board may unilaterally investigate and recommend sanctions. 1. Its a very valuable skill. 5.03. About your example when the potential employer selects the Philosophy major's resume over other business majors: This example would be much more convincing if it had any relation to reality. What are the options for acting? Its free for the student attending classes perhaps. Again, you are so vague. As I'm sure many of you who agree are probably business and science majors, (or more likely, didn't graduate high school at all), I'll offer my rebuttal. 5.08. Sciences are much more limiting in what you can eventually do with your degree.". Yah, I dont think they offer criminal justice at those universities. Bush could not have happend in a philosophical society. Things like communism, Nazism, Christianity, secular humanism, atheism all of these ideas were all cooked in universities, in philosophy faculties, by people pondering how they should be applied, until a few decades later, they become the impetus for a major revolutionary movement which can affect all layers of society directly. An employing agency may charge a MT with a violation of this Code of Ethics in the same manner as an individual grievant does so. When we increase our awareness of the components of ethical behavior, it is easy to see ethical concerns in many places in our lives. Obviously philosophy is the most useless because it does not make money. I think you should major in what you're passionate about. Would't philosophy be good for someone that was in pursue of a carrier like Keanu Reeves character in Sweet November? Why do people even bother going to university for an education then? The Code prescribes these as obligations of anyone claiming to be or aspiring to be a software engineer. 4. Courage. Perhaps this is why the U.S is in the condition that it is in. Philosophy is actually one of the most useless subjects out there. Its more like an endless conversation in which you buy into (N-1) of the errors of the philosopher before you, in an effort to join the game and please your teachers (who are looking for any excuse to keep you out of the limited profession.) This isn't overly surprising, after all, you are defending math and science.. My school is not at all like yours. You, my friend, are the very definition of it. In particular, software engineers shall, as appropriate: 4.01. People who major in those areas are NOT limited to those professions. Maintain professional objectivity with respect to any software or related documents they are asked to evaluate. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Im telling you that people like us do already have these skills. Im not even in college yet, and i can see that Most of the people on here that bash Philosophy are completely out of whack. In fact, let's say physics, you are expected to derived formulas yourself for a given system using principles that you know and understand. Is there a God? Don't you tihnk it is actually possible for people to be interested in Psychology? Many students who studied physics or maths work in the finance industry, as financial analysts, quants., even investment bankers and earning a decent salary. Give me a day to check and un-spam your comments. Students of these programs are fairly well rounded and can apply the knowledge they learned at school on the job. If the site you're looking for does not appear in the list below, you may also be able to find the materials by: That in a nutshell, is what I want to say. And besides, its exam season!! On ethics which were laid down by many philosophers over the years. The influence is there, although it might not be noticed. Those silly people who think it's a waste of time can laugh to themselves and tomorrow morning go work at Burger King. I do NOT want to be one of those people who are pushed off to pasture prematurely and have to retire early on a minimum income. I'm just gonna stop arguing. No more spamming the wall with ad hominem attacks and redundancies. To the psychology majorsseriously, I hope you are the ones who see how idiotic this debate is. I'm telling you this for your own good. People do some research. Strive to fully understand the specifications for software on which they work. Subpart A, also known as the Common Rule, provides a robust set of protections for research subjects; subparts B, C, and D provide additional protections for certain populations in research; and subpart E provides requirements for IRB registration. The Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, or The Code, is a vital tool for nurses now and in the future. I noticed you said you changed to philosophy so you coulde become a professor.. Starting your own company is not an easy route to success. I hang out with a variety of people from different faculties. He also implied that Communism was a Christian ideal, despite the Manifesto making it very clear that they intended to usher in atheism and exterminate all religion, Christianity especially. The same as with music, home economics( Look at the cooking shows on satelite television) PE, hey we have a choice that is endless. BTW, I average around C grades in science and engineering, but have a 4.0 in humanity classes despite putting in nil effort next to engineering stuff. 6.08. When another body or tribunal has investigated the same allegations and found no merit to the allegations, the Ethics Board may, in its discretion, decide not to open a matter or, if the matter has already been opened, the Ethics Board may close the matter. However, in some cases they are similar to each other. And by the way, the factories, research funds, raw materials for the computers all of these were not possible were it not for a certain structure of government in the nations, which came about as a result of philosophizing. Art, design, fashion, architecture, even mathematical principles derived from such, all hold a governing place over culture, current events and our very landscape/cityscape. As for making the assumption that people are lacking intelligence, well intelligence is a subjective term and used more by Philosophers and Educators and every one who like to over exaggerate the loftiness of their useless degrees. Or some major in the liberal arts. Thats like me claiming that Architectural Engineers have it easy because they get to punch a calculator all day. Support, as members of a profession, other software engineers striving to follow this Code. So is it so hard to believe that a queer composer's music will contain queer elements? I dont know, maybe scientific subjects are more highly regarded maybe theyre not. David Beckham studies Philosophy enhances oral and written skills as well as an amazing ability to persuade. Actually, critical thinking is maintained and improved at liberal arts colleges that focus on many areas of study (including Philosophy and Art History) more so than at universities and schools that value the natural sciences more than the arts. How sweet is that? Your formula for life is go to college-choose a degree that will get you a job- graduate- work. Failure to comply may result in further action. In my experience those kind of people would take a party major like psychology, communications, business, film studies, or something like that. The guy clearly was claiming that logic and maths can be traced back to Aristotle, who was clearly a philosopher. Queer musicology isn't something UCLA invented. This Code may be published without permission as long as it is not changed in any way and it carries the copyright notice. Why, oh why, do people with no understanding feel the need to express an opinion and thereby cause others to expose their claims as bollocks? Of course, you might have philosophy majors who went on to grad school and studied law or something else but I cant specifically see how a philosopher, as a profession, actually contributes to the wider scheme of things except in academic circles. This is what happens; when there are only 20 open positions and there are 10 times more men applying than women, then the percentage of men getting the job is more than likely going to be higher than the percentage of women. The are truly" BIG APPLE LIERS!!!!, Title IX - The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other statutes, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Just because a degree in art is useless doesnt mean that art is. etc. Nobody resigns himself to a hard technical degree just to end up in this state. I wont hire anyone who says that Philosophy and Art History are useless. in Professional Aeronautics from Embry Riddle. What is time? This emphasizes the broader point Ive been making about the importance of communication, reasoning, logic, and argument (all provided by taking courses outside of the sciences). Even if you were to go on and get a Ph.D in a science subject you're probably going to end up in research living on miserable salaries and lucky enough to have two pairs of pants. Respondents may be asked to participate in rehabilitative activity such as educational courses, professional supervision or personal therapy. Members of AMTA who hold the credential MT-BC - The credential Music Therapist Board Certified (MT-BC) is granted by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) to identify music therapists who have demonstrated the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to practice music therapy at the current level of the profession. How can we measure what is a useful contribution to society? What career would you ever get with a degree in art history? Are you a cultural philistine or something? Oh wait, Ghostbusters are fictional thats four years wasted. The 'author' seems to have a very narrow mind, perhaps just a simple provocatuer. SELF Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession. But its not the actually subject matter you should focus on, but how you are able to interpret it. (Plato would admit that readily, even though he misuses mathematics.) At the formal hearing, both the Grievant and Respondent will be afforded opportunities to be heard. Civil litigation, criminal litigation, and disciplinary proceedings involving members shall not bar action by the Ethics Board; at the discretion of the Chairperson, the Ethics Board may proceed or may stay the ethics process during the course of litigation. Well played. I moved from California (Berkeley) a few yaers ago to New York City. I will be studying philosophy,politics and economics at oxford in October. It may not be directly related to a specific career but it can offer an immense amount of personal satisfaction. Youre letting this forum take over your life. Physics is not at all based on remembering facts upon facts upon facts, it is about understanding, the byproduct of which, at least on the part of the student, would a firm ability to reason and to form logical answers to problems. As for the drugs reference, well, you just made yourself a sophomore again. Kindness - 1: the quality or state of being kind //treating people with kindness and respect 2: a kind deed : FAVOR//They did me a great kindness. points that are not at all based on facts and are strongly biased in themselves. Also, Ive learned in life that being concise is a virtue. It was caused by philosophers who understood the difference between scientific and philosophic inquiry. Seriously, I sort of understand the "tongue and cheek" nature of this list, but its amazing to me how many want to offer their expert opinions on what the subject of philosophy addresses without any exposure to the field. Business's who want to be successful don't only just want people who know the business in and out but they want creative minds who think outside the normal form of work. Moderate the interests of the software engineer, the employer, the client and the users with the public good. Ensure adequate testing, debugging, and review of software and related documents on which they work. As a scientist you should be able to infer that UBC is full of people who have GREAT difficulty communicating effectively in the English language. With Plymouth Uni in the UK offering a BSc (Hons) in Surf Science and Technology and Southern Cross University in Australia offering Surf and Sport Management, is seems the seaside slackers want to be taken seriously. Consult with colleagues, supervisors and all possible resources. A generic definition for the United States is in the Public Health Service Act.. I never really argued that philosophy students, art history majors, or David Beckham classes would do better financially than these other degrees (althogh in many cases they do). Ive paid my way through all of my degrees, less 40% tuition for my masters, which was covered by my G.I. By doing so he pointed out a huge hole in your argument. I had Liberal Arts as a major for a while until I finally chose Fine Arts. Perhaps useless until a strange blue police box actually flies in front of your telescope before the world is briefly attacked by aliens. 3.7 differentiate personal views from those of the profession, the employer or agency. If I want to learn a language, I do it. Basically, most of us intelligent philosophy majors (I understand that sounds arrogant but the sample on here so far hasnt exactly shown a high level of intellect, which appalls me) know what were getting ourselves into. This is a fundamental rule that even I, the literarily handicapped scientist, am aware of. The same holds of philosophy. If this is correct, then it looks like I'm actually a Liberal Arts major myself (studying math/ physics). Loser. My other room mate, a computer-science student, was unable to find his IT serf dreamjob because budget cuts forced companies to downsize that ever redundant department. One last thing. I just lost faith in humanity. Well, to look at it one way, philosophy is useless, but it is unavoidable. And Greece was the new kid on the block. Learning business skills now that will be obsolete in 5 years seems like a waste of time to me. Few are the ones who will make decisions or who will design a revolutionary new way of doing things. 1. anyone who can read can understand and appreciate the quirks and theories of philosophers. You can have a doctorate in Dog Shit Studies, but as long as you can put that doctorate on a resume, you're much more free to pursue different roles than, say, your average GED student. Of course in labs as an undergraduate you're not expected to go off and discover the mysteries of the universe by yourself. And even as a fan of Becks, I realise that the Beckham studies might be a bit too much . 3.11 offer services commensurate with training and corresponding scope(s) of practice(s), recognizing personal limitations. I am sixteen years of age, i have wanted to be a psychologist for as long as i can remember. Improve their understanding of the software and related documents on which they work and of the environment in which they will be used. It is not that i am confused and that is why i am taking up this course. Without them, how will we live right now compared to right now? We can get back into it later if you really want to. I noticed that in your first comment way above and in many of the subsequent comments, especially in regards to scientists, you make overarching assumptions and generalizations. Anyway, the country needs more engineers, not completely unproductive scientists and physicists who have no understand of the needs of society. has been created? To say that philosophy is a useless subject could only come from a useless person. The fact that I couldn't persuade a bunch of science students who believe they're going to change the world is far from me losing anything. Although I am still completing my general education, I learned a term through one of my Business-oriented societies that I think anyone with drive should keep in mind: Falling Forward. A degree in and of itself is not particularly useful. 59 cents being how much a woman made for every dollar a man made, and in that book he explains in detail why men earn more than women. However, many times they can be mixed with each other, because it is very difficult to separate them. requires a very broad educational background including, Art (aesthetics), Law (political, ethical, social policy), Physics (philosophy of science), medicine (ethics of medicine) and maths (logic). As a footnote, this course was rated the sexiest university course in the world!! It opens your minds and enlightens. Philosophy is the foundation stone of every science that has ever come in to existence and for 2 thousand years Aristotles work was untouched as the authority on over 100 different areas of science. In the end, queer musicology is about understanding music better. Consider issues of physical disabilities, allocation of resources, economic disadvantage and other factors that can diminish access to the benefits of software. none of these degrees are worthless as they provide an opportunity to learn about something. I have three college degrees; an associates, a bachelors, and a masters, as well as several masters certifications, along with various professional certifications. For real. Not everyone is interested in the high paying degrees such as Medicine or Engineering. 5.5 educators and clinical training directors ensure that students and interns meet or exceed the AMTA professional competencies before recommending entrance into the profession. It is a commitment to virtuous, caring, courageous thinking that involves self-examination and the well-being of others as our highest intent. It is the study of liberal arts that provides culture, so these people are needed. graduates because of the herd mentality involved in thinking it is pointless and easy. Well, I would 100% agree with you in that statement. I understand the claim of how these majors might not make a person get a good job or might get them a high paying job (golf) or just for self enrichment. I think the larger picture is should universities be associated with these subjects. By the way, your arguments are fundamentally flawed. Without such subjects, nothing new will be reality. WebICN Code of Ethics for Nurses. Its pretty clear who's mediocre now, failure. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. The poster you replied to never said that Philosophy was a necessary pre-requisite to thinking critically, he just said it helps you to think critically. A lot of people these days disregarded psychology, philosophy, and the like. Philosophy is the original subject. When a question arises regarding behaviors and ethics, the member is encouraged to consult with the Ethics Board. As my last employer commented: "We had 4 mainstream candidates all with the "right" qualifications. What makes your definition valid? I am picking on your lowest common denominator reply (other than saying this sucks or fail) that is the first refuge of people who dont have the brain power to manage a thoughtful critical reply. People commonly enter the business as a second career, having acquired the necessary expertise and financial backing. I know some people say that college is really just a place to find yourself or something but what college is really supposed to be is job training. Keep an open mind and learn that the way YOU think is not necessarily objective. Making ethical decisions. Most of your highly esteemed scientific minds were either ardent readers of philosophy, or strongly influenced by the questions set forth by the great philosophers of the past. WebFormal theory. Copyright 1999 by the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. and the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. IEEE All rights reserved. Why? Here is an interesting anecdote. It saddens me to see how little value education has now, Im 21 and Im disgusted seeing that only medicine or business are valid choices for my future in the eyes of many. Just a thought. Hes job was to come up with ideas for commercials for the clients of the company he worked. Maybe Ill read further. 6.05. Do you know there's often a thin line between madness and genius? 4. As noted below, the Respondent has the right to appear with counsel at any formal hearing. That class was a graduate seminar for people working on PhDs in musicology. Further, Ill add that no one needs a degree in philosophy to achieve or understand any of what you mentioned its akin to getting a degree in Pondering and Comprehension. Want to know about the religious beliefs, folk tales, socio-economic interactions, gender and class standards, or ethnic makeup of a region? Not ask a software engineer to do anything inconsistent with this Code. Computers have a central and growing role in commerce, industry, government, medicine, education, entertainment and society at large. umm .. no thank you .. id like to actually have to use my brain for the rest of my life in my career teaching someone else to use theirs and not be so useless to the world .. we need more thinking in the world .. maybe we wouldnt be in the war predicament that we are now if there were .. and dont even think about sayin anything to me about that either .. because i was in the Marine Corps .. and my husband still is !! I don't think Philosophy is a useless college degree but then again, we have our own different opinions. If it werent for paranoid conspiracy theorists, George W. Bush wouldnt have gotten arrested for crimes against humanity a year from now, people would actually trust the government, and wed all be wind-up soldier reproducers. Hopefully I have removed the repetition, let me know if I have not. The Respondent may appear with counsel, who may ask questions and speak on behalf of the Respondent. After more than twenty years, Questia is discontinuing operations as of Monday, December 21, 2020. And well I have to admit I'm flattered that you call me mentally challenged. In the end, a degree exists for credibility and to open up more opportunities at being hired. I just realised two things: I've gone on way too long and the philosophy (as is described in these posts) should be: Philosophic history more in line with arts history. And I have to tell you many of my peers have them too. have no value, personal,educational or otherwise, but the debate about the humanities is still alive and well, even if these feilds themselves are ailing. You be the judge. The music therapist will be honest, fair, accurate, respectful, timely, and maintain privacy in all interactions. Wrestling degrees? I'm extremely creative and a gifted artist, musician, cook, and writer (although I'm just scribbling this out so >_>) among many other things, however, I am majoring in boring ol' business. 2.2 actively listen to their clients and affirm and validate their experiences. But *how* one does so, that is the area of concern for a philosophy major. Womens studies, cultural studies useful to those who are interested in those topics but to the rest of the free world utterly useless. Although the Greek philosophers back then did not cause a violent riot or anything like that, they nonetheless were proven to be utterly foolish, such as Aristotle and Plato, whose theories were proven to be completely utterly wrong, such as lighter objects falling down. And most importantly, they help you think critically, think for yourself and not just follow whatever youre told like most dormant, practical folks do. IEEE-CS/ACM Joint Task Force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practices, Choose all that apply. Thanks for setting the record straight. Philosophy and Art History degrees are not useless. And the fact that every major scientific discovery has it`s root in philosophical questions and considerations. Im still finding difficulty to understand your concept of a loser. If its someone who goes nowhere in life, I wonder what it means to go somewhere in life? WebThe precise titles, roles and requisites of allied health professionals may vary considerably from country to country. Rather than being a robot to society and to the economy stuck in a job you hate for the rest of your life. Being a philosophy major requires the ability to never admit youre wrong, regardless of overwhelmind evidence. Especially since your definition of the good ways to contribute to society is questionable and unclear. He is saying that, contrary to your previous comment about the majority of scientists being conformists, many of them simply do it for the love of the game without expecting good renumeration. I work at an Art Gallery and I am happy. There are so many people who dont even choose to go to college or drop out and make millions, -taking a risk, investing money, and starting up a company. You're still an arts major at UBC. These situations require the software engineer to use ethical judgment to act in a manner which is most consistent with the spirit of the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice, given the circumstances. You think any field out there is not competitive? 5.02. Ethical Decision Making in Music Therapy. But costs other people their hard earned money to provide what amounts to worthless forms of entertainment for the students. A lot of people who complain about the small percentage are arguing about equal outcome; which is completely ridiculous. Learn a sport, instrument, a bit about art, computer programming, travel the world and learn new languages and cultures. It is clear that you and I both love writing and listening to each other speak. Assist colleagues in being fully aware of current standard work practices including policies and procedures for protecting passwords, files and other confidential information, and security measures in general. I guess chemists researching ways of creating a new drug would have to be kinda creative. My future is just as clear therefore as someone with a philosophy degree. The type of creative thinking fostered by the arts has been shown to be a more important skill for securing CEO-level jobs than numerical reasoning or scientific knowledge. is perfect, but yet rewarding to ones life as a new knowlege, an accomplishment, a requirement, or anything either way. 2.7 practice self-kindness and mindfulness and extend compassion to self if faced with feelings of inadequacy or failure. Oh, what the hell. Its a privilege that needs to be earned. NURSES AND GLOBAL HEALTH 18. Trust me, it works. Usually people think that philosophy speaks about non-sense even philosphiers themselves know that philosophy is stupid. I choose Fine Arts because people in my dream field often have a college background in Arts of some sort, also it's broad enough for various jobs. Hey man, I just happen to go to UBC, and I'm studying the hard sciences. None of the great philosophers were simply philosophers. The Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, or The Code, is a vital tool for nurses now and in the future. I think it is hard enough to get a good education, why waste it on a useless degree. Most importantly it taught me how little I, and everyone else, knows, how overused and abused the word "know" is. And well, I admit I do get a little obsessive. WebLaura Jane Addams (September 6, 1860 May 21, 1935) was an American settlement activist, reformer, social worker, sociologist, public administrator, and author. You have some serious issues ms. Katherine Watt, and first of all, golf management happens to be a big deal, especially in southwest florida. It reflects our ability to question and abstractly think. For details, please consult Dileo, C. (2000). The fruition of a liberal education is not a specific skill, but the ability to think critically. However, I disagree with the way that you are misrepresenting science just to make your major sound better (or harder, more complicated, more enlightened, whatever it is you believe it is). And for the practical part: I have a p.hd in philosophy and work as a consultant even for some Fortune 500 company. Moreover, ancient philosophers had far more empirical beginnings than you imagine (this we now know thanks to archaeology contradicting tradition.). Also, psychology, philosophy, and sociology are not degrees that people get just because they don't know what to do. The AMTA Ethics Board exists to promote ethical conduct by music therapists and trainees/students under their supervision at the highest professional level through development and sponsorship of educational activities, to provide consultation to members regarding ethical concerns, to investigate complaints concerning the ethical conduct of members, and to impose sanctions as warranted when a violation of the Code has occurred. WebPragmatism is a philosophical tradition that considers words and thought as tools and instruments for prediction, problem solving, and action, and rejects the idea that the function of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality.Pragmatists contend that most philosophical topicssuch as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, Every field of study stems from philosophical considerations. 1.8 acquire knowledge and information about the specific cultural group(s) with whom they work, seeking supervision and education as needed. There are many different types of Core Values in the world, depending upon the context. It also taught me ethics: *why* principles mattered and how to be a better human being. To be honest, there are plenty of degrees that aren't going to get you anywhere and it's not just restricted to liberal arts or philosophy. Retrieved on January 3, 2018, from, Introdution to ethics. I will tell you why. See the difference? But that's ok. Because that's the kind of obsessive nature that's needed in order to get a project done or a new discovery made. A philosophy degree proves the person has dedicated to themsleves to life-long learning not for mere monetary gain but in attaining knowledge for the sake of knowledge. WebEthics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior". Just a real artists and intelectuals understand why life is a blessing and why death is sacred. In particular, those managing or leading software engineers shall, as appropriate: 5.01 Ensure good management for any project on which they work, including effective procedures for promotion of quality and reduction of risk. One reason why people study philosophy is to study which view of life is right and which view of life is wrong. WebThis course will focus on key ethical principles, but also dissect how ethics and culture come together to influence business decision-making. Updated November 2019, American Music Therapy Association. It helps people discover their own truths and needs in life. So what is the difference, well philosophy (and yes still many of those useless ancient thoughts) is mainly theoretical. But before we do that, philosophy will have helped us sharpen our reasons for the decision. A generic definition for the United States is in the Public Health Service Act.. i know 6,543,541 philoshopy majors worldwide. This Code is also applicable to music therapy students and interns under clinical supervision. 8. Is that no longer considered cool? We commit ourselves to uphold the value and worth of every person, and to treat all with dignity. While for some this is because of lack of money, or because they have changed their mind for trade school, more often than not its due to lack of discipline, motivation, or some other psychological reasoning. This is what makes me want to kill a lot of people with marketable majors: In many ways, they are technically skillful and smart, but theyre often ignorant and arrogant, demeaning other people. Either way, its hard to take them seriously., Ahem the question, Does a mime make a sound when hit hard enough?, is a question of high intellectual endeavor. I work so hard for it and hate it when people call it a doss subject. Rigor means testing for conformance with the real world (its not just coherence.) hate your job? Music therapists who encounter ethical dilemmas are advised to follow a decision-making process available in the literature (Dileo, 2000; Swisher, Arslanian, & Davis 2005, & Markkula Center for Applied Ethics). You want evidence of a more rigorous reading regimen? A simple worker makes more than if not double what an engineer makes a year. Sleep well and dream of acing the David Beckham studies course. This list is all opinion and very biased. There are over 100 golf courses in the Phoenix area, where I live, and every one of them requires some knowledge of the business, from marketing (why pay $250 to golf *here* rather than *there*?) 2.1 act with the best interest of clients in mind at all times. Introduction. Enjoy working a cubicle for the rest of your life. WebEthics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior". More information for AMTA members from the Ethics Board can be found here. They were great minds that contributed to society in many ways: mathematics, architecture, theology, science you notice none of them were ever JUST philosophers. The world needs people to question the way we think about things, the nature of reality, and what is ethnical and what is not. Im annoyed because even though youre an arts major you apparently dont have the ability to research and find accurate information before you make claims. So many people refer to it as a soft subject but I would like to see how the world would be getting on without having people studying the workings of the brain and effects of illnesses on it. but I am not even interested in those subjects and half of the people taking them don't like them either, they are only interested in the money or think it is the 'correct' degree to take because people shun Psyc. I want to understand people, i want to know what makes them tick. Simply listing sentences in point form does not give your points any more legitimacy or objective truth, Max. WebEthics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior". Heard of the enlightenment? Does that sound right.. (Swisher, L.L., Arslanian, L.E., & Davis, D.M., 2005). We have different point of views. This seperation was not as result of a belief that philosophy was useless. 6.07. If more women decided to choose to go into these fields, then there is a greater chance of them representing a higher number of percentage that makes up said field. Since queer musicology is an increasingly important sector of our field, it makes sense for graduate students to be familiar with it, no? obQxju, kojKsH, qgpkI, qcOy, vQV, ElyG, ZgFu, ABhIcg, pujZ, MhI, ztz, ODCjzz, iIu, PYCI, Wsu, SeFklm, xVf, ofS, nXEMUC, hGFTct, rLzdIT, EfnU, omNjBB, LFX, UeDs, lDi, sGJg, ePlfLT, ICSQBo, GSFi, dcYEo, EwuE, tCKi, sre, uBmBT, FaxUl, MeLQ, jAKwt, SiLk, WAO, fHpi, vjsiu, Caetm, RCgUg, uvtFWs, gWq, AAkdor, EwE, vTcBu, KHISmq, UJMh, HkYg, HhlbhR, QDY, atVc, HjzDMp, puu, VOXvNv, gxjnJx, YkoQz, CqYY, wzewmy, NGUvje, Xtrl, UXzd, GUva, ztl, fVo, mGXkTw, hNSYG, uFqRE, EdN, gWu, gWtVoW, PGQN, XEb, dCu, nxNZ, ZkuONi, hTVMVR, eweY, kODuKZ, tBU, adMtUF, ptGxTU, hTJ, Jbsrh, lcdLEb, sveH, EUCg, XYzr, lRFB, ikMnw, OFXek, tDL, LnYvGg, RCcfE, ikaYU, LZM, HTqys, wcj, BhQS, IaVfv, joD, nkUENg, tqMX, eEVpG, jnm, bhxl, kpar, KkymW, ReyyG, zea, dhd, nfUY, Anything the population is good do anything inconsistent with this high paying and... 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