coolest mutant powers

The ones that do aren't particularly prominent in mainstream comics. Disguises and clothing can't even help hide the maximum gross factor with this mutation either as bio-paraffin bodies tend to leak heavily. They're both skilled fighters but the fact that nothing ever goes wrong for them makes them look incredibly cool. And then of course there's the threat of being overtaken by the Phoenix Force. Depending on the range, you could even avoid airports altogether. Teleportation could add hours to your life that would otherwise be spent sitting on public transport or in a car during rush hour. She was so gifted in fact that when the police tried to take her fatheraway, her abilities attracted the nearby animals, who triedto stop the men from take Magneto and (SPOILER ALERT) ended up getting her and her mother killed. Her senses are enhanced. Power: The ability to draw power from a metropolitan landscape. Notable Users: Animal Man, Vixen, Manimal. How do you keep someone from talking, really? You're back already. While it is totally cool what he does, in the practical sense, super speed is easily one of the best powers to have. Power: An ability to hear things outside of the normal human range. One of the most dangerous abilities on the block, being able to control and target psychic energy as an explosive blast is a force to be reckoned with. The 3 Best Mutant Powers. 15. Perhaps more than any other super power, mind control is an ability that could be used for immense evil if in the hands of the wrong person. Whether it's the good ol' Jedi Mind Trick or just a skill to modify your Diplomacy in D&D, the power of persuasion is all-powerful. Cypher's power is the ability to translate any language -- both human and alien. Power: The ability to take control of someone else's body. Power: You become impossible to stop once you're moving. #25 - #21. Goku's Kamehameha, Naruto's Rasengan, and Monkey D. Luffy's Gum-Gum Pistol are all fantastic examples of signature anime attacks that are capable of delivering a fatal blow while looking cool in the process. You will never be sick, as your body will prevent anything from affecting you, whether it be a natural event or a foreign entity entering your body. In fact, one of the more famous heroes in the Marvel universe to have invisibility powers is Sue Stormof the Fantastic Four. Updated by Jodi Nicholls on September 26th, 2022. The ability works through a combination of psychokinetic and psionic environmental manipulations that positively influence the wielder's surroundings. Perhaps the legion of misanthropes out there will disagree but it's unlikely. Power: The ability to concentrate psychic energy into an explosion. It's near impossible to think of any advantages to having this power. The cult star suffers from hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, a genetic . Zeitgeist died in a dark joke in his first appearance, though his legacy remained through the rest of the X-Force run, and he was notable enough to earn a fatal cameo in Deadpool 2. However, it also made her a target for many fans who ridiculed her as little more than a mallrat with the ability to shoot balls of light. The uses of telepathy can be far more intrusive than that, however. There's a wide variety of locations tendrils could be emitted from your body -- it could be a tongue, a tail, or just pieces of symbiote goo -- but it basically equates to having an additional arm. There are real-world considerations that are vitally important for those with the power of flight. Item duplication is particularly handy when it comes to weapons, as you could essentially make a high-paying career out of being an armorer. Several Pokemon like Meloetta and Jigglypuff. Imagine what could happen when you have multiple chances todo the right thing. Apocalypse has more powers than most mutants can dream up. These series have come up with some creative new abilities to showcase. RELATED: The 10 Worst Things That The Dark X-Men Have Ever Done. It may not be the most flexible or dynamic power ever, but at least the good/bad guys will have a tough time keeping you contained. Who knew? Power: The ability to fully comprehend the moods and emotions of others. Power: The ability to convince others of anything. Discover what your cat dreams about or simply stop your dog from staring at your fork while you eat. It's all in his name. It also granted him a degree of gravity-based electromagnetism but led to mental instability as well. Power: Creating bolts of lightning or other forms of electrical discharge. Notable Users: Hydro Man, Wonder Twins, Mercury. With the ability to impersonate anyone, Mystique became the ultimate assassin and spy in the Marvel Universe, feared by virtually everyone she came across. The 7 Coolest Powers in Marvel Comics. If you have ever enjoyed a hug then you know how awful power absorption would be. Her precise control over the weather means she's manipulated the air to suffocate her opponents or increased the air pressure to throw off their balance. Being able to ask animals to do your bidding has a lot of benefits: You could take a ride on a cheetah, you could have an army of sharks, or you could infest your enemy's lair with spiders. Power: The ability to instantly adapt to any environment. From ice storms, to flame bursts, to its ultimate the elemental storm, this tempestuous javelin that can challenge the skills of even a veteran lancer. There are other teleporters in the X-Men's lineup, though they use different methods of teleportation to get around. Let that sink in. Emitting radiation is a powerful weapon, giving the user the ability to melt through objects or even use themselves as a nuclear weapon; a ticking time bomb. Being a mutant is definitely a mixed bag. Power: The ability to walk through solid objects. Unfortunately, from a story perspective, it bombed. While that might sound cool in theory, keep in mind what little aging comic book characters normally do. Imagine getting impaled with the blade of an enemy, and being able to shift your internal parts around just right so that it's merely a flesh wound? Neither of those options could be considered welcome or desirable to 99.9% of people. Power: The ability to call upon the Darkness to take out your enemies. He has an acidic vomit that can burn through just about anything. A dude with knives on his hands is intimidating, but a feral warrior with friggin' bone claws? You'd be on the cutting edge at all times, and you'd push humanity to a new stage of evolution. You've heard of the unstoppable force, but this power would make you the immovable object. While technically a little more limited in its uses, the ability to hide from sight has long been a desire for people. When he first debuted, he only enjoyed an accelerated rate of healing and healed slightly faster than a normal person. RELATED: Marvel: 5 Reasons Wolverine & Storm Are The Best Comic Couple (& 5 Why They Are Terrible Together). Power: The ability to stretch one's body like rubber. Having control over snow and ice means you can go skiing literally whenever you feel like it, even in the middle of the hottest summer on record. Channeling the devil leaves the bearer with increased strength, super speed, and -- usually -- horns. It's theultimate body horror mutation. He's a mutant Brood, an alien race that works as a hive-mind that wants to protect its queen. This mutant's one and only power is that his skin is blue. We've seen super hearing that ranges from just being able to hear at a larger distance than humans all the way up to hearing radio waves or explosions on other planets. For those that have no interest in being another person, there's always the option to shapeshift into an animal form and go running with Wolves or swimming with Dolphins. Cyclops's signature move is a blast of red energy from his ruby quartz visor. 500 feet is the lowest commercial planes are legally permitted to fly but military planes often fly at 250 feet so never fly with headphones in and always stay grounded on cloudy days. He's not a mutant, but instead gets tattoos from a mutant that give him powers. This power is different from super mentality, which is more about the state of one's super mind rather than its ability to perform in a super state. Feeling the Earth move under your feet is an actual possibility for those with this super power, allowing the user to literally move mountains should they choose. Having a healing factor is fairly common in the X-Men. Think of your favorite anime ability. Not to be confused with the first entry on this list, telekinesis is the ability to lift objects with your mind, ahyper-useful skill many have wanted to have. Many mutants have an enhanced healing factor as a secondary mutation, helping them cope with the strain their powers put on their bodies. You super-learned how to be a pilot. Power: The ability to control visible light. Manipulating gravity means you could make things levitate, akin to Luke using the Force; you could get objects from across the room without getting up and freak out your friends. Good luck trying to land a date when everyone can see your stomach bile and wet lungs. Top 10 Best Super Powers Of All TimeSubscribe To Top 10 Nerd:, nerd squad. The fear of death is what keeps most people from following their vigilante dreams, but this power would take that element out of the equation. Believe it or not, multiple mutants have the ability to sense animals feelings and even talk to them. Well, as in all things, it just depends on who's using it. Jean Grey 1. Like Wolverine, Darwin is essentially immortal, dooming him to a long and potentially lonely life. Notable Users: Domino, Longshot, Amos Fortune. Part of what makes Gambit one of the most popular and sensational X-Men is his unique and visually impressive mutant power. With this ability you could literally go anywhere in the world in a snap (assuming your powers aren't limited like Nightcrawler's sometimes are), then be back to where you need to be with no issues. Two X-Men in fact have that ability in the comics. Andwhen you need to make a clean getaway? For example? Not only will you be awesome, but you'll be deep too. This list has been updated to enhance the reading experience and reflect the most up-to-date information. Sure, it's really gross, but at least it's got its benefits. Proving that in a court of law is another thing entirely, but having a prosecuting attourney with the power of persuasion (see #92) would probably help. Notable users of this power are champion Ornn from League of Legends, Master Piandao from Avatar: The Last Airbender, etsu Nimaiya from Bleach, Sparda from Devil May Cry, Sunfire Elves from The Dragon Prince, and Eitri from Marvel Comics. Just in case being a 7-foot-tall elephant man wasn't enough to make you stand out . While characters like Gambit, Nightcrawler, and Beast remain some of the most popular in the Marvel universe, there are plenty of mutants that are utterly ridiculous. The inclusion of some names might surprise you and the exclusion of others may anger you, but this is our list. The premier tool of espionage, invisibility allows you to be the ultimate spy. 99. Notable Users: The Blob, Vision, Ultimate Kitty Pryde. Not only would this power (presumably) give you a natural understanding of complicated subway lines, but it also lets you draw increased strength and speed from the cityscape. Notable Users: Wonder Twins, Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat), Mystique. New species of sea creatures! You'd be the most valuable cop on the force if you chose to expose yourself (or simply viewed as the luckiest if you didn't). Finally, it's just a nice party trick, and all you have to say it, "I've been working out." Apocalypse. Marvel Comics characters have some of the coolest mutant powers, but they also have the worst. The real fun here is the ease of getting around without those annoying laws of physics getting in the way. However, Jubilee's power goes beyond that. Or, if you're truly sinister, you could change oxygen into poison and there goes the neighborhood. Power: Emitting scorching hot beams out of one's eyes. But even worse than that would have to be getting a boring superpower. What makes his eye-beam unique is that it produces concussive force, which knocks enemies back instead of, say, burning holes in them like Superman's heat vision would. Power: Being capable of relocating the major organs within your body. With it, he can harden any part of his body at will. Super powers are inherent to comic books, so a lot of our picks were culled from there, but there are also plenty to consider from video games, TV, and movies. Kitty Pryde 1. He's definitely not the kind of guy you want to go on a pub crawl with. It's unclear how someone could shoot energy blasts out of their chest without blowing off chunks of themselves. Power: The ability to turn yourself into water. Still, that doesn't mean every X-Men decision is a . However, even worse than a terrible superpower is a boring one. Or seeing what your grandkids will look like in the future, even if you're only 30. Power: The ability to remove your arms and legs at will. Notable Users: Taskmaster, Kat (Alphas), The Flash. She can even tune into their thoughts and feelings so she can feel them herself. How cool would it be, then, to have utter control over insects and be able to use that against your enemies? When it comes to controlling the natural elements of the world, having the ability to manipulate plant life is definitely one of the best examples. You can only get so high before breathing becomes an issue. He once bit into a detached finger to get a vision of the murderer who cut it of. Notable Users: Abe (Oddworld), Wario, Fartman (Howard Stern). There are numerous superpowers in the realm of fantasy and comics. Even on a home base level, reaching through an object, instead of having to work around it, is something we've all wanted to do at least once. Still, that doesn't mean every X-Men decision is a home run. Power: The ability to speak with and take command of animalkind. Super strength? While there are some unfortunate cases -- like Cyclops's inability to contain his energy blasts without the help of special lenses -- in general we think is a good power to have. Maggott's powers also had benefits, including the ability to absorb the memories of any people the slugs consumed. Add into the equation that they would only do this for you if you agreed to become a WMD for them and it's hard to see any upside to being a walking death cloud. Notable Users: Franklin Richards, Scarlet Witch. Gone are the days of being bullied in school or getting mugged by thugs, because anyone who tries is going to get a lamp post tied around them in the shape of a bow. He has roughly six extra feet of skin on his body. Adamantium skin sounds cool. Power: Draw on the various abilities of animalkind. Also, as both comic book shows and TV shows have often demonstrated, you could give your blood to someone else, and let the healing factor cure their ailments as well. If it isn't a team on the opposite side trying to hunt them down, it's the humans who think mutants are freaks trying to usurp their place in the evolutionary chain. Tag's secret power? While heroes don't typically use guns, sharpshooting gives you the ability to hit your target with anything, not just bullets -- popcorn kernels, playing cards, fingernail clippings whatever projectile you can come up with, really. From turning a cityscape into an urban jungle to creating the perfect bouquet of flowers for your significant other, control of plants is defintely a super power to wish for. Have a load of work to do? What came first? Banshee's powers are incredibly potent but his vocal cords are his major weakness. It's literally the only "power" he has working in his favor. More rugged than those blasted adamantium claws, Wolverine's bone claws are way cooler. 10/10 Love To Have: Telepathy Telepathy is the holy grail of mutant powers. 3 Trailer Reveals First Look At Adam Warlock, The Conners Is Setting Up The Biggest Tragedy Since Roseanne Died, Big Bang Theory Boss Admits Huge Penny Mistake In Early Seasons, After 57 Years, Starfleet Can Finally Quit Warp Travel In Discovery Season 5. From the small, insignificant skillsto universe-altering abilities, there is no lack of creativity when it comes to powers. Marrow's unusual skeleton did offer her some advantages. 9. Maggott would release the slugs several times a day to absorb the food he required to survive, though their energy also gave him superhuman strength and toughness. You could create -- or eliminate -- anything you wanted. Marvel. We collected 100 common superpowers. Just as paralysis would limit your basic motor functions, so too would it impair your ability to use a natural power, so taking that away from an enemy would be critical to winning a battle. Of course, this does come with a few caveats. Making you impervious to fire, bullets, blades, and mostly anything else, having steel skin is definitely one of the greatest -- and shiniest! As far as powers go, though, not so much. If you thought controlling ice or water was cool, what about controlling all of that stuff?! But how is it practical? Nightcrawler is another very popular mutant, and his ability to teleport nearly anywhere also makes him one of the most useful. It's important to note for this one that we don't mean healing to the extent that you are essentially immortal, like Wolverine or Deadpool. Plus, your hair will always be perfectly slicked back with just the right amount of moisture. That's one use, but pheromones can also put people to sleep, make them experience deep fear, or even wish for death. Green Lantern's ring has long been touted as "the most powerful weapon in the universe," and with good reason. Notable Users: Singed the Mad Chemist (League of Legends), Poison Ivy. Acidic sweat, overwhelmingly enhanced super-senses, and adaptable fat deposits are just a few of the powers that defined the strangest team of mutants ever assembled. Power: The ability to travel backward or forward in the time-space continuum. Intuitively being able to invent complex creations opens up a world of possibilities for the user. If you're gonna go superheroing, luck is something you need on your side. Now true, there are dangers here-- you'd probably seea few things you didn't want to see, and if not controlled, hearing everyone's thoughts and not just the person you're trying to focus on could be incredibly overwhelming. Gifted since birth and manifesting during puberty, mutant powers are both a curse and a blessing. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Have you always wanted to spend a night walking around town as a famous celebrity? We don't all battle super villains, but having a healing factor would keep you off the disabled list permanently in any of your chosen activities. This means you'd be able to blend into any enviornment, chameleon style, and infiltrate anything from secret enemy facilities to birthday parties you weren't invited to. Episode aired May 15, 2014 IMDb RATING 7.7 /10 9 YOUR RATING Rate Comedy X-Men: Days of Future Past is hitting theaters soon. It pays to have good aim if you're going to be battling crime day in and day out, so having the power of marksmanship is extremely desirable. This is easily one of Marvel's most practical and potent powers. Power: The ability to instill pain on someone with mere thought. With the ability to control the weather though, you could make it rain, and thus save the crops, and the farmers' time. He spent most of his childhood in terrible pain with doctors attributing the bizarre slug creatures to cancer until Magneto forcibly removed them from his body. Karma has a pretty strange form of telepathy as a power. For Forge, he often doesn't know how his machines work after completion, as his subconscious usually does all the tinkering and problem solving at lighteningspeeds. But also, free movies! It's a cool power because as it drives you to be more confident in yourself, the more confident you are, and the better you will be. Superman on Krypton isn't super-powered, but on Earth he is because of the yellow sun. You catch it without a second thought. A former prostitute, Stacy X has the power to control pheromones--meaning she can control your bodily functions like orgasms, nausea, and vomiting with a touch. With super speed you can accomplish aninfinite number of tasks. For example, in our species' recent past (around 12,000 years ago), a single human had a. Power: Tendrils emitted from one's body capable of gripping. His counterparts like Sabertooth, Laura (now the all-new Wolverine), and Daken also share this power. Need to make something smaller? Power: The ability to absorb information at an advanced rate, or even instantly. About to stub your toe? Pluto The Hills Have Eyes (1977) While most movie mutants are the work of men in monster suits, make-up artists or cunning special effects techs, Wes Craven's low-budget 1977 horror instead used actor Michael Berryman's real-life appearance to freak audiences out. It's even better if your phasing extends to the people you are phsyically touching! That means you'd have access to some of the most powerful energy on the planet, and all you'd have to do is exercise. Truly, the only limit for this power would be the imagination of the user. "What rotten luck!" For example, some do it through touch, which requires close contact, while others can simply observe and copy. Apparently, his adamantium is holding him back in some ways but, left unchecked, his body's constant regression could turn him into a feral beast so it's probably worth the inconvenience. While you won't be invincible, you'll likely live a long time with only minimal pain, something many can only dream of. RELATED: The 10 Most Obscure Marvel Superheroes With The Weirdest Powers. Power: The ability to control your metaphysical energies. Either/or. Simply make one really great battle-axe, for example, duplicate it dozens of times, and bam! Awesome. Being a mutant is no joke. Not only can she read minds, but she can also possess other beings to take control of them temporarily. Rogue 1. Her bones were incredibly dense and could either be shaped into makeshift armor or broken off and used as weapons. Shapeshifters are commonplace among the X-Men, though their classic villain Mystique is the most infamous. Molecular Combustion: This refers to speeding up the molecules found in every object (no matter how big or small) to blow that object into smithereens. Keeping your distance from open flames would be a priority. Life is dangerous for mutants, especially if they're hanging around with superpowered individuals. ForgetMeNot was cursed as one of the most peculiar and obscure X-Men characters in existence, the living embodiment of Schrdinger's Cat. The X-Men were first introduced in 1963 and have given comic book fans some of the greatest Marvel superheroes of all time. Lifeguard's powers are peculiar in that she can detect danger to human life and automatically gains any powers needed to save those at risk. It is a roll of the dice and not all mutant powers are equal. Having the ability to mimic substances -- be it metals, fabrics, or the landscape -- would essentially make you invisible. Storm has demonstrated the ability to change temperatures and climates, cause rain, and generate lightning, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Just the feeling of defying gravity, the wind in your hair, the sky literally becoming the limit, is why flight is the coolest super power there is. Power: Manipulation of the climate, causing wind, rain, hail, lightning, tornadoes, etc. Plenty of other mutant shapeshifters have appeared over the years, each with their own unique twist on the ability. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Go through a wall, they'll never catch you (unless they too can go through a wall, of course). Thor: The Dark World (2013) Possessed by Unnamed Daughter. This power is essentially the ability to increase the odds of something good happening, and it's a surprisingly common mutant power. With that in mind, one has to ask, what powers would be both cool to have, but also practical enough to use in society without "being caught"? Or they can end up in a mental institution likehis son. Or if someone is pinned under something, you could remove the objectwith ease. Notable Users: James Heller (Prototype 2), Carnage, Sandman. Of the recent X-Men films, Evan Peters' Quicksilver has managed to steal every scene he's set foot in. He joined the X-Men anyway, using a suit of powered armor. Can't see because all light has been extinguished? Colossus 1. Unfortunately, Bailey didn't develop a secondary mutation. Ironically, few X-Men have the ability to turn invisible. In the 2000s, Wolverine regenerated from a skeleton and still bounced back. It'scomplicated. He can't eat, however, two creatures that can devour anything live in his digestive system. If you enjoy comic books, the odds are high that you dream of havingsuperpowers. Even on a smaller scale, bursting from one spot to another that's only a few feet away saves time, energy, and hassle. Power: Power to manipulate all manners of bugs. It was incredibly effective and he was able to detonate entire starships after merely nicking his opponents. It has to surpass normal human capabilities. Magneto 1. It is a roll of the dice and not all mutant powers are equal. Even if it's only temporary, it's be avery humanitarian approach to using your healing abilities. He has the ability to mimic any sound he hears using his vocal chords. If you don't mind hopping on your right leg for a while, you can beat your opponent senseless with your left one. If you play your cards right, no one could ever land a punch on you and it'd be near impossible to keep you out of -- or in -- any sort of prison. How the weather flows can change the world, and if you're the one controlling how the weather flows, then you're effectively controlling the world, aren't you? Done. Possessed by Molecule Hound. Incredible. Then shapeshifting is for you. No, power absorption is as much of a nightmare as having a bio-paraffin body. RELATED: 10 Cringiest Things In Marvel Comics. And Lucio from Overwatch. There are worse ways to kickstart your psychic thoughts than by eating food; how great would it be to have an excuse for pounding all those cookies and cakes you'd be scarfing anyway? Storm is a stand-out member of the X-Men and her ability to control the weather is one of the most impressive powers in Marvel Comics. Ever wanted to be in two (or six) places at once? Who wouldn't want to zap themselves between locations with a mere thought? Power: The ability to manipulate plant life. From the couch to the toilet for example or from the couch to your bed. Your powers are just as likely to leave you deformed or hideous as they are to be incredibly awesome. The 30 most useless superpowers ever created. The Avengers would have never formed, Bowser would go undefeated, and Heroes would have been a soap opera. Having a spider-sense would be a boon to everyday life, for sure -- no more stubbed toes or bruised elbows. As her former Generation X instructor Emma Frost once speculated, if wielded properly, Jubilee could detonate objects on a subatomic level. Unsurprisingly, Cypher met his end just a few years into New Mutants. Storm hails from a tribe in Kenya, and when her powers manifested, she was perceived as a goddess. The ability to phase through objects has plenty of use, especially in rescue scenarios when you need to get through debris and you can't move what's in front of you. This is a power most would choose to forget about if they had it. Jubilee was the inadvertent poster child of the X-Men for a long time. Just by saying the word, the practicality of healing is obvious. Many classifications have been established to classified the mutants regarding to their power-set and mastery. Shapeshifting. Legion: Each one of his personalities has a different power, arguably the most powerful mutant in existence. Power: The ability to reanimate the deceased. Here's some night vision. It's probably one of the most psychologically taxing powers, but to be fair, it's easily one of the coolest. Ripping off the top layer of skin sounds completely horrific though. As an added bonus, being able to draw on many animals at once means that your skillset would always be in flux, letting you try new things every day. A high spot on most peoples' lists, it's hard to deny the use of telepathy can have in everyday life. The Storm, Anthems most electrifying javelin, has electrifying power, but minimal armor. For mutants, things are a little morenuanced. The power has also demonstrated a surprising scale, even raising Darwin's intelligence so he could understand alien languages. Shapeshifting is so important that for the majority . It's certainly cooler than having no super powers at all, but there are certainly better powers to be had (99 of them, to be exact). Iconically, we could even fly by using a special set of wing provided by the X-Men. CBR explores the best and worst powers! It's even been known to act on your behalf to protect you and your allies. Marrow's power was one of the X-Men's more unusual abilities, albeit one that's made her a fan favorite for years. No thanks. Either or. If Lex Luthor has taught us anything, it's that land is the one thing they're not making any more of. Stack the items up into a pile, pick up said pile, and walk out the door. A one-time Interpol agent, the Irishman had the unique ability to manipulate sound in incredible ways. Lower your density so his fists pass right through you. It certainly makes one harder to jail when prison cells are typically made up of metal and concrete. As a transitional omni-morph, her power originally generated random, if viable, bodies beneath her skin. The threat of jet engines would be constant too. We imagine being a superhero means that there's lots of running involved, so being able to plow through your enemies while you're doing what you'd be doing anyway is super appealing. Maybe if it had some kind of creepy orifice like opening for the blasts to pass through. Admittedly, most people would use them for opening cans or cutting their food but still how cool would it be to have claws like Wolverine? Maximus Jensen, AKA Mammomax, is a mutant villain who is basically just a giant elephant man. You can also use this power to catch a toad leaping at you, bend spoons, and snag the last Oreo before your roommate. Ever. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. This one is pretty grim, but useful if you don't really care about scarring your enemies for life. There are always gloves but that's like smelling food and never eating it. First Appearance: New Mutants #29. He can control and manipulate magnetic fields which extends well beyond the ability to control metal. Nobody wants to trade half their face for the ability to blast energy out of their chest. Teleportation? Whether it's just to hide from someone who's after you, wanting to just avert the looks people give you while still going to your destination, or just to sneak into somewhere (this is very likely the most sought-after superpower for creepy people), we've all wanted to not be seen as one point or another. Power: Wounds will heal at an advanced rate, making you nearly unkillable. Whether they're a hero in the X-Men or a villainous member of the Brotherhood, death is always lurking around the corner. Not only would your missions go much smoother, you'd probably always get the best seats in restaurants. Better yet, preventing your rival from being born, acquiring future technology (hover boards! Power: The ability to control Earth elements like dirt and rocks. 1-Click Thank You Share with Friends Unblock our ads only Random Superpowers: Rerun Options Then, if you can cast this field of luck to someone else, you'll be brightening their day as well. For example, Morph of The Exiles had a malleability power that gave him the ability to shapeshift, though he used his powers to change his body more than he assumed other forms. However, the web-slinger's number one spider-power and definitely the most ethereal of them all is his precognitive ability to detect any signs of danger. Notable Users: Superman, Supergirl, Krypto. Even before his bones were laced with an unbreakable metal, the mutant had deadly claws, a powerful healing factor that not only kept him safe from outward harm but extended his lifespan, and. Notable Users: Professor X, Martian Manhunter, Jean Grey, Notable Users: The Flash, Quicksilver, Sonic the Hedgehog, Notable Users: Fire Mario, Liu Kang, NBA Jam Characters. Being able to read others minds to either help them, support them, comfort them, or even control them (to an extent), the allure to such a gift is definitely a strong one. Shapeshifting typically comes with a host of secondary mutations. In the comics and cartoons, Rogue has some cool powers--like flight. Sometimes, it's the little things that make powers truly worth having. Flight taps into the fearless adventurer inside us, letting us take off and explore in any direction we choose. My name is Amanda McKnight and in this list I am going to. Therefore, being able to communicate with said machines through super powers is one of the coolest and most handy abilities to have. Notable Users: Banshee, Black Canary, Angar the Screamer. Unfortunately, during Marvel's "M-Day" event, the Scarlet Witch erased the powers of over 90% of the mutant population, robbing thousands of mutants of their birthright. Talk about a private island! Dont forget a whole subset of other powers, like generating tornado-level winds from spinning your arms or vibrating your body so fast you can walk through walls. Power: Produce immense strength with your muscles. And if youre not convinced its the best, then we offer you this: With the power to fly, you will never have to wait in traffic again. That's why being a sentient piece of land would be pretty useful. Power: The ability to form your hands into tools of destruction. Besides, a few minutes is enough to change someone's world if done right. She drains mutant powers with a touch, which is a real bummer for her boyfriend Iceman. This turned him into the X-Men's foremost hacker and a capable combatant. However, if the fates are less kind, mutants are cursed with terrible or useless powers. Shapeshifting does exactly what it sounds like it does. Power: Emit super slugs from one's body that in turn digest solid objects and transfer the energy to their host. This is Sara's plight, a Morlock who later joined the X-Men in the wake of "Operation: Zero Tolerance" as Marrow. Invisibility is subtlety. For all the reasons that shapeshifting made my traditional superpowers list, it makes my greatest superpowers list. What power does Goldballs have? But Broo makes his own choices, can make friends, and also happens to have genius-level intellect. Power: The ability to manipulate your personal density. Her popularity in the '90s animated series and her ties to Wolverine meant she regularly showed up, and her unique fireworks power made her an easy target for flashy drawings or impressively stylized shots. Talk about sympathy for the devil. Fixing, re-purposing, rebuilding from the ground up even -- it'd allbe a snap with this ability. Sharing a bed could lead to some issues if you have nightmares and pop them in your sleep but let's face it, sleeping alone is a small price to pay. He tags people, which causes them to emit a signal that makes everyone else run away. There is a multitude of genres in anime, but by. Think of all the money saved from passports and flights. Sona and Seraphine from League of Legends. Sanguine Combustion might be one of the coolest powers in the Marvel Universe. How would this work exactly? While it does require a great deal of focus to use, it allows you to manipulate the environment around you in a variety of useful ways just by thinking about it. Bones breaking through skin and muscle is painful enough, but imagine breaking them off intentionally. Admittedly, this is a pretty great gift under most circumstances. Normally, spouting maggots from your body isn't the coolest. Darwin, a mainstay of X-Factor following M-Day, is the ultimate survivor. Power: The ability to heal the wounds of those around you. They look like they hurt like heck when coming out, for one thing, but more to the point they simply look more ferocious. If we're being honest, nearly all of us have dreamed of having superpowers in one fashion or another. You'rein the clear, my friend. Control over your Chi means you've got the ability to physically manifest all of your inner strength and willpower. Instead of beating bad guys into submission, you can toss them into the darkness dimension where they're faced with their own mortality and ultimate nothingness, only to bring them back emotionally and psychologically stunted. Had the pretty cool ability to imitate other mutants, but specifically was often represented as imitating the powers of the original X-Men. At the Xavier School For Higher Learning, the X-Men learn not only to control their powers, but also blend into society. Individual powers aside, Spider-Man has the coolest power "combo" out of anyone: each of his weird abilities perfectly complement one another. Here are the15 Most Practical X-Men Powers. Powers . His mutant power is an ability to transform himself into any ice cream flavor. This is one of the best powers because it would allow you to survive in pretty much any enviornment. Ad revenue keeps this dumb site alive. Director: Kenneth Branagh | Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston Votes: 849,278 | Gross: $181.03M 11. Plus, the human body is made mostly of water, so having control of water is kind of the same as having control of human beings. When we say "use in society" we mean in a way that is not generally harmful to others, nor enforcing one's will on people. Or, if the need is there, you can save someone by either pushing them out of harms way or pulling them to you to ensure their safety. However, if your ability wasa bit more limited than Kitty Pryde's was inDays of Future Past, say a few minutes? Power: The ability to freeze time at any given moment. Or, you could just be a superhero. However, Banshee could only use his powers by screaming at the top of his lungs, making him the last person to bring on a stealth mission. 100 Greatest Mutants of the Marvel Universe Descending Order List items 1. If you've got to choose between super maggots, gold balls, and explosive farts, it stands to reason that explosive farts is by far the coolest power. Not even a pet hamster. Power: An extended piece of skeleton that emerges from the knuckles to act as claws. Power: The ability to absorb energy and convert it into a different kind of energy. But, if you could change that, imagine what you could do. He had the ability to spew acidic vomit. There's nothing quite as satisfying as catching an artillery shell midair and hurling it back at your enemy -- all with your mind! On the surface, Layla's power to resurrect the dead is incredibly useful. While one can only possess certain "amounts" of the Power Cosmic, wielding god-level energy really results in having any selection of powers under your belt. How do we put this delicately? So while magic is awesome, it's not a power by our guidelines. Power: Use your mind to read thoughts and communicate with others. Power: The ability to alter the size of your body. Here are the 15 Most Practical X-Men Powers. Adam-X can essentially make an enemy's blood combust, burning them alive from the inside-out. They'll likely know your feelings better than you do. You can take it. If used correctly, invisibility can even be used to help protect people. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. How many times have you broken something because it slipped right out of your hand? The X-Men have a lot of amazing powers that we would love to have (but some of them would just be a hassle). Despite being able to survive without needing to eat or breathe, they lived their lives behind helmets, lucky to have each other but essentially alone. You can be their silent and unseen guardians, watching over them and protecting them from harm with no one the wiser. Here's a pair of gills to enable breathing. There are mutants who look like scrawny chickens or who have waxy, translucent skin. Again, it's the little things that can often change the world. It comes in handy. One of the most dangerous, and thus coolest, types of powers is the energy conversion. Power: Emitting a powerful sonic boom from the vocal chords. Or stopping bullies from picking on people because a teacher is about to walk by? Notable Users: Swamp Thing, Lockheed, Lydia. Reading thoughts invites a world of possibilities and benefits but there are downsides too. Yes, please. As Aang showed us in Avatar: The Last Airbender, it can also be used in creative ways such as wind-burst punches, gliding, and air-ball races. He has anti-aging capabilities, meaning he ages slower than others. He was able to throw his opponents off their guard and create concussive blasts that could crush buildings, hypnotize opponents, create sonic shields, and generate sonar. Unfortunately, this only turned him into an unstoppable enemy who lit everything he touched on fire. This means you could hold a bad guy with your prehensile tendrils and pound him with your real arms. Not only is it probably endlessly amusing, eating a greasy meal before a big fight would actually be considered a boon rather that a detriment. This means your outer strength can be just as powerful as your inner strength. Whether you're using it to catch a falling civilian with a catcher's mitt or bombard your opponent with jet fighters, the only limit is your imagination. Power: Transform sound frequencies into forms of light. And as Jean struggles with her dangerous new strength, we get to bid something of a farewell to some of the mutants the franchise has focused on for . Basically, you'd always have some sort of animal army at your disposal. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Right? Being able to learn the secrets of the universe is one thing, but being able to retain and process that information is something else entirely. Easy: Ask the victim, case closed. Truth be told, that sounds like more of a burden than anything else. 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