how was gunpowder made

[175], As castles were not simply military buildings but centres of administration and symbols of power, they had a significant impact on the surrounding landscape. Today, industrial explosives for such uses are still a huge market, but most of the market is in newer explosives rather than black powder. [85] At the same time, castle architecture in mainland Europe became more sophisticated. While the literary and archaeological evidence supports a Chinese origin for gunpowder and guns, the manner in which gunpowder technology was transferred from China to the West is still under debate. It is certain that stone castles cost a great deal more than those built from earth and timber. [54] Like black powder, they were produced in different grain sizes. [129], Although castle construction faded towards the end of the 16thcentury, castles did not necessarily all fall out of use. [94], These later castles did not always have a keep, but this may have been because the more complex design of the castle as a whole drove up costs and the keep was sacrificed to save money. Some historians have even suggested that it was fabricated and that the authorities already knew of the Gunpowder Plot, only letting it progress as an excuse to further crack down on Catholicism. "Brown gunpowder" is cited as composed of 79% nitre, 3% sulfur, and 18% charcoal per 100 of dry powder, with about 2% moisture. The United Nations Model Regulations on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods and national transportation authorities, such as United States Department of Transportation, have classified gunpowder (black powder) as a Group A: Primary explosive substance for shipment because it ignites so easily. [177] Others were adjacent to or in royal forests or deer parks and were important in their upkeep. [12] The Essentials was written by a Song dynasty court bureaucrat and there is little evidence that it had any immediate impact on warfare; there is no mention of its use in the chronicles of the wars against the Tanguts in the 11th century, and China was otherwise mostly at peace during this century. Classical biological control involves the introduction of natural enemies of the pest that are bred in With their origins in Ancient Greece, tension was used to project a bolt or javelin. This occurred because the reaction in an exploding charge of black powder was transmitted from grain to grain at a rate some 150 times greater than the rate at which the individual grains were consumed and because black powder burned in a complex series of parallel and mutually dependent exothermal (heat-producing) and endothermal (heat-absorbing) reactions that balanced each other out. A few hours after the helicopter attacked, with the Chosen Company commander and the troops in contact confirming the targets, the Taliban radio reports changed to "they killed the shop keeper [that had the same name as the Taliban commander], the big gun was not damaged. [3], About 4:20a.m. on July 13, Taliban forces opened fire on the base with machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), and mortars. An example of this approach is Kerak. The first such explosive was black powder, which consists of a mixture of saltpetre (potassium nitrate), sulfur, and charcoal. Until the late 12thcentury castles generally had few towers; a gateway with few defensive features such as arrowslits or a portcullis; a great keep or donjon, usually square and without arrowslits; and the shape would have been dictated by the lay of the land (the result was often irregular or curvilinear structures). Some retained a role in local administration and became law courts, while others are still handed down in aristocratic families as hereditary seats. The Romans' own fortifications (castra) varied from simple temporary earthworks thrown up by armies on the move, to elaborate permanent stone constructions, notably the milecastles of Hadrian's Wall. In 1403, a force of 37archers successfully defended Caernarfon Castle against two assaults by Owain Glyndr's allies during a long siege, demonstrating that a small force could be effective. After the end of World War I, the majority of the British gunpowder manufacturers merged into a single company, "Explosives Trades limited"; and a number of sites were closed down, including those in Ireland. In 1863, in response to high prices for Indian saltpeter, DuPont chemists developed a process using potash or mined potassium chloride to convert plentiful Chilean sodium nitrate to potassium nitrate. Another 100 militants attacked the observation post from farmland to the east. 2nd Platoon, Chosen Company, departed from Camp Blessing after sunset in a ground assault convoy for the 90-minute-long drive to Wanat. It seemed that the Crusaders had learned much about fortification from their conflicts with the Saracens and exposure to Byzantine architecture. With Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Miranda Richardson, Michael Gambon. [3], The Afghan company contracted to bring heavy construction equipment delayed its arrival until July 13. [64] The last remaining gunpowder mill at the Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham Abbey was damaged by a German parachute mine in 1941 and it never reopened. [99] The mix was dampened with alcohol or water during grinding to prevent accidental ignition. I did not think the village itself would let the AAF [Anti-Afghan Force] turn their village into a battle zone.[20]. The Gunpowder Plot Is HatchedThen Foiled. Central towers proliferated, and typically had a square plan, with walls 3 to 4m (9.8 to 13.1ft) thick. Most of the Armenian military sites in Cilicia are characterized by: multiple bailey walls laid with irregular plans to follow the sinuosities of the outcrops; rounded and especially horseshoe-shaped towers; finely-cut often rusticated ashlar facing stones with intricate poured cores; concealed postern gates and complex bent entrances with slot machicolations; embrasured loopholes for archers; barrel, pointed or groined vaults over undercrofts, gates and chapels; and cisterns with elaborate scarped drains. Around the late 14th century, European powdermakers first began adding liquid during grinding to improve mixing, reduce dust, and with it the risk of explosion. Wounded troops were evacuated to nearby Camp Wright, where members of E Troop, 2/17th Cavalry, 101st Airborne Division would wait to rearm and refuel the UH-60s and AH-64s. x HAZMAT charge is now $35.00. The men's pay has been and still is very much in arrears, and we are having the greatest difficulty in keeping them because they have simply nothing to live on. Senator James Webb asked the U.S. DoD Inspector General to formally examine the battle and the U.S. Army's investigation into the event. The convoy contained five M1114 armored Humvees. The barracks for the garrison, stables, workshops, and storage facilities were often found in the bailey. [26] American soldiers were at times flushed out of their fortifications by what they thought were grenades, but which were actually rocks thrown by the attackers. A more popular alternative defence, which avoided damaging the castle, was to establish bulwarks beyond the castle's defences. [120] For a variety of reasons, not least of which is that many castles have no recorded history, there is no firm number of castles built in the medieval period. [186] This signified a close relationship between feudal lords and the Church, one of the most important institutions of medieval society. At the beginning of the 19th century, makers increased density further by static pressing. Even a very small tower, such as Peveril Castle, would have cost around UK200. In 864 the King of West Francia, Charles the Bald, prohibited the construction of castella without his permission and ordered them all to be destroyed. Every generation reinvents Guy Fawkes to suit their needs, explained historian William B. Robison of Southeastern Louisiana University. [30] Two iron sheets were fastened together and tightened using felt. [25] The text also mentions fuses, incendiary bombs, naphtha pots, fire lances, and an illustration and description of the earliest torpedo. He was seriously wounded and fought alone until reinforcements arrived. Placed by a frequently-used road or river, the toll castle ensured that a lord would get his due toll money from merchants. [165], Courtly love was the eroticisation of love between the nobility. Gen. George W. Casey Jr., Army chief of staff further commended the performance of the soldiers: In every review and study conducted to date, the courage, valor, and discipline of the soldiers who fought at Wanat have been universally praised. Gradually, the two functions merged into the same building, and the highest residential storeys had large windows; as a result for many structures, it is difficult to find an appropriate term. [4] This contrasts with earlier fortifications, such as Anglo-Saxon burhs and walled cities such as Constantinople and Antioch in the Middle East; castles were not communal defences but were built and owned by the local feudal lords, either for themselves or for their monarch. Sometimes planned towns or villages were created around a castle. ", In 2008, NATO forces in southeastern Afghanistan deployed sub-company-sized patrols to the Pakistan border to disrupt supplies flowing to the Taliban from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. They broke the dried slabs with hammers or rollers, and sorted the granules with sieves into different grades. [118], Around 1500, the innovation of the angled bastion was developed in Italy. Beginning in the 1930s, gunpowder or smokeless powder was used in rivet guns, stun guns for animals, cable splicers and other industrial construction tools. & DeMallie, Raymond J. The second choice proved to be more popular as it became apparent that there was little point in trying to make the site genuinely defensible in the face of cannon. [197], If forced to assault a castle, there were many options available to the attackers. [97] To reduce the likelihood of accidental ignition by static electricity, the granules of modern gunpowder are typically coated with graphite, which prevents the build-up of electrostatic charge. Listen to HISTORY This Week Podcast: Remember, Remember the 5th of November. [56], Because the dry powdered ingredients must be mixed and bonded together for extrusion and cut into grains to maintain the blend, size reduction and mixing is done while the ingredients are damp, usually with water. Hyder Ali and his son Tipu Sultan were the first to introduce modern cannons and muskets, their army was also the first in India to have official uniforms. To protect against this, and keep other threats at bay, there were several courses of action available: create encircling earthworks to keep an enemy at a distance; build the hall in stone; or raise it up on an artificial mound, known as a motte, to present an obstacle to attackers. [75]:12[76][77]:220 Cannons were used by the Ayutthaya Kingdom in 1352 during its invasion of the Khmer Empire. Even in war, garrisons were not necessarily large as too many people in a defending force would strain supplies and impair the castle's ability to withstand a long siege. Technologically, gunpowder bridged the gap between the medieval and modern eras. It is implied by al-Rammah's usage of "terms that suggested he derived his knowledge from Chinese sources" and his references to saltpeter as "Chinese snow" (Arabic: thalj al-n), fireworks as "Chinese flowers", and rockets as "Chinese arrows" that knowledge of gunpowder arrived from China. It is "one of the fullest" medieval accounts of a castle's construction. [85] Circa 1540, the Javanese, always alert for new weapons found the newly arrived Portuguese weaponry superior to that of the locally made variants. They were used to force open the castle gates, although they were sometimes used against walls with less effect. Gunpowder, until superseded, was a universal explosive used in the military and for civil engineering: both applications required storage magazines.Most magazines were purely functional and tended to be in remote and A projectile was fired horizontally into the pendulums bob (block of wood), which absorbed the projectiles momentum and converted it into upward movement. [45], The earliest Western accounts of gunpowder appears in texts written by English philosopher Roger Bacon in 1267 called Opus Majus and Opus Tertium. This page was last edited on 25 November 2022, at 00:02. "rocket and missile system." [187] Even elements of castle architecture that have usually been interpreted as military could be used for display. Importantly, while castles had military aspects, they contained a recognisable household structure within their walls, reflecting the multi-functional use of these buildings. Cpl. A major problem confronting the study of early gunpowder history is ready access to sources close to the events described. [162], As social centres castles were important places for display. [60], Without access to cheap saltpeter (controlled by the British), for hundreds of years France had relied on saltpetremen with royal warrants, the droit de fouille or "right to dig", to seize nitrous-containing soil and demolish walls of barnyards, without compensation to the owners. This is perhaps the earliest reference to castles, though military historian R. Allen Brown points out that the word castella may have applied to any fortification at the time. However, it is more hygroscopic than powders made from potassium nitrate. The problem with identifying cannons in early 14th century Arabic texts is the term midfa, which appears from 1342 to 1352 but cannot be proven to be true hand-guns or bombards. Our knocking has awaked him; here he comes. Missiles fired from these engines had a lower trajectory than trebuchets or mangonels and were more accurate. WebRum is a liquor made by fermenting and then distilling sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice.The distillate, a clear liquid, is usually aged in oak barrels. Nasiruddin Mahmud tried to express his strength as a ruler and tried to ward off any Mongol attempt similar to the Siege of Baghdad (1258). [45] Platoon leader Brostrom and company commander Captain Matthew Myer told their commanders that they expected a retaliatory attack and asked for extra surveillance. Industrial shotguns have been used to eliminate persistent material rings in operating rotary kilns (such as those for cement, lime, phosphate, etc.) English Catholics had organized several failed conspiracies against Elizabeth, and these continued under James. [7] As William the Conqueror advanced through England, he fortified key positions to secure the land he had taken. [36][37] The author's name is uncertain but may have been Shams al-Din Muhammad, who died in 1350. [11], The earliest chemical formula for gunpowder appeared in the 11th century Song dynasty text, Wujing Zongyao (Complete Essentials from the Military Classics), written by Zeng Gongliang between 1040 and 1044. [189], As a static structure, castles could often be avoided. The approach was long and took the viewer around the castle, ensuring they got a good look before entering. [30], Civilian deaths caused by allied operations had increased sympathy among Waygal residents for the Taliban, who were allowed to move into the Quam. Before the era of [127] The manor house and stables were within a fortified bailey, with a tall round turret in each corner. The battle became the focus of debate in the United States, generating "a great deal of interest and scrutiny among military professionals and from outside observers" mainly due to the relatively "significant number of coalition casualties"[14] Several investigations were launched into events leading up to the battle. The sulfur and carbon act as fuels while the saltpeter is an oxidizer. [79], The Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in the 8thcentury introduced a style of building developed in North Africa reliant on tapial, pebbles in cement, where timber was in short supply. Across Europe particularly the Baltic, Germany, and Scotland castles were built well into the 16thcentury. [76] The increase in Italy began in the 950s, with numbers of castles increasing by a factor of three to five every 50years, whereas in other parts of Europe such as France and Spain the growth was slower. [146] Renowned designer Master James of Saint George, responsible for the construction of Beaumaris, explained the cost: In case you should wonder where so much money could go in a week, we would have you know that we have needed and shall continue to need 400masons, both cutters and layers, together with 2,000less-skilled workmen, 100carts, 60wagons, and 30boats bringing stone and sea coal; 200quarrymen; 30smiths; and carpenters for putting in the joists and floor boards and other necessary jobs. [126] In Montreal the artillery was not as developed as on the battle-fields of Europe, some of the region's outlying forts were built like the fortified manor houses of France. [19] Projectiles were added to fire lances, and re-usable fire lance barrels were developed, first out of hardened paper, and then metal. WebA bailey, also called a ward, was a fortified enclosure. In, Molerus, Otto. Alone, Pitts was able to hold-off the Taliban from overrunning his position until his comrades returned two hours later and he was evacuated to receive medical care. Legends were discredited, and in the case of James of Saint George it was proven that he came from Saint-Georges-d'Espranche, in France. In an effort to make them more effective, guns were made ever bigger, although this hampered their ability to reach remote castles. French historian Franois Gebelin wrote: "The great revival in military architecture was led, as one would naturally expect, by the powerful kings and princes of the time; by the sons of William the Conqueror and their descendants, the Plantagenets, when they became dukes of Normandy. They planned to blow up "Gunpowder History." [22], According to Iqtidar Alam Khan, it was invading Mongols who introduced gunpowder to the Islamic world. The larger towers provided space for habitation to make up for the loss of the donjon. [135], Revival or mock castles became popular as a manifestation of a Romantic interest in the Middle Ages and chivalry, and as part of the broader Gothic Revival in architecture. Some grand castles had long winding approaches intended to impress and dominate their landscape. Guy Fawkes masks even cropped up at Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City and elsewhere. The introduction of castles to Denmark was a reaction to attacks from Wendish pirates, and they were usually intended as coastal defences. [160] An important role of the household servants was the preparation of food; the castle kitchens would have been a busy place when the castle was occupied, called on to provide large meals. For example, it is documented that in the late 12thcentury repairs at castles such as Exeter and Gloucester cost between UK20 and UK50 annually. Once ditches around a castle were partially filled in, these wooden, movable towers could be pushed against the curtain wall. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! [43] The Chinese military book Wu Pei Chih (1621) later described Turkish muskets that used a rack-and-pinion mechanism, which was not known to have been used in European or Chinese firearms at the time. Late medieval and early modern gunners preferred large-grained powder for cannon, medium-grained powder for shoulder arms, and fine-grained powder for pistols and primingand they were correct in their preferences. Cole, William, "Senators Want Explanation For Army's Reversal On Wanat", "Taliban claim killing 20 US troops in Kunar", "Afghan Officials Aided an Attack on U.S. [118] In the United States, gunpowder grains were designated F (for fine) or C (for coarse). Hillforts in Britain typically used earthworks rather than stone as a building material. [128] Stone forts such as these served as defensive residences, as well as imposing structures to prevent Iroquois incursions. During the 8th century Tang dynasty, sulfur and saltpeter were first combined with charcoal to create an explosive called huoyao or gunpowder. The Humvees mounted heavy weapons, two with 50-cal machine guns, and two with MK-19 40mm automatic grenade launchers in protected cupolas to provide extra firepower and protection. Rum is produced in nearly every sugar-producing region of the world, such as the Philippines, where Tanduay is the largest producer of rum globally.. Rums are produced in various grades. Eight other conspirators would later join what became known as the Gunpowder Plot. WebGunpowder Proof Spiced Rum Made to the Admiralty's Specifications Learn More Pussers Rum Ltd. bottles, blends and distributes the original Royal Navy rum -- one of the most historic and traditional rums still available today. "To Brew or Not to Brew: A Brief History of Beer in Canada". [6] In the late 20thcentury, there was a trend to refine the definition of a castle by including the criterion of feudal ownership, thus tying castles to the medieval period; however, this does not necessarily reflect the terminology used in the medieval period. It burned rapidly on contact with open flame or a red-hot wire, producing a bright flash and dense white smoke. In short order, the base's two heaviest weapons were knocked out, with the subsequent mortar explosion hurling anti-tank missiles into the command base's post. In response to the report, Schloesser concluded that the governor and local police chief "had probably been acting under duress and had been cooperative with American troops." Besides black powder, there are other historically important types of gunpowder. Soldiers", "Joint al Qaeda and Taliban force behind Nuristan base attack", "Taliban Breached NATO Base In Deadly Clash", "Report details attack on GIs in Afghanistan", "Wanat: Combat Action in Afghanistan, 2008",, "Attacks on Remote Posts Highlight Afghan Risks", "Even 500 Lbs Bombs Couldn't Stop Taliban", "Study gives new details on deadly Wanat battle", "Army's Missteps Set Stage For Tragedy, Study Finds", Soldier in storied Battle of Wanat to be given Medal of Honor, "Soldiers recount deadly attack on Afghanistan outpost", "NCO receives Silver Star for valor in '08 battle at Wanat", "Hawaii soldier killed in Afghanistan", "Remote Afghan Outpost Reinforced After Attack That Killed 9 U.S. WebGuy Fawkes Day, also called Bonfire Night, British observance, celebrated on November 5, commemorating the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. WebPaving the way for generations to come, more than 20,000 Montford Point Marines made history winning crucial battles for our Nation in the Pacific, Korea, and Vietnam. [195] Such an approach was not confined to castles, but was also applied to the fortified towns of the day. Rural castles were often associated with mills and field systems due to their role in managing the lord's estate,[176] which gave them greater influence over resources. The first such explosive was black powder, which consists of a mixture of saltpetre (potassium nitrate), sulfur, and charcoal. This also helps the extremely soluble saltpeter to mix into the microscopic pores of the very high surface-area charcoal. Powder used for rocketry can use a slower burn rate since it accelerates the projectile for a much longer timewhereas powders for weapons such as flintlocks, cap-locks, or matchlocks need a higher burn rate to accelerate the projectile in a much shorter distance. In the meantime, as Fawkes escaped by boat across the River Thames, his fellow conspirators would start an uprising in the English Midlands, kidnap James daughter Elizabeth, install her as a puppet queen and eventually marry her off to a Catholic, thereby restoring the Catholic monarchy. It relies on predation, parasitism, herbivory, parasitody or other natural mechanisms, but typically also involves an active human management role. Gunpowder is well suited for blank rounds, signal flares, burst charges, and rescue-line launches. That same month, Myer was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the battle of Wanat.[46]. Arrowslits did not compromise the wall's strength, but it was not until Edward I's programme of castle building that they were widely adopted in Europe. Prismatic Brown Powder is a large-grained product the Rottweil Company introduced in 1884 in Germany, which was adopted by the British Royal Navy shortly thereafter. (Sharp grains rounded off in transport, producing fine "meal dust" that changed the burning properties. Schmidtchen, Volker (1977a), "Riesengeschtze des 15. The stocks were much more than could be used by the villages' 20-man police force and included dirty weapons which appeared to have been used recently. Follies were similar, although they differed from artificial ruins in that they were not part of a planned landscape, but rather seemed to have no reason for being built. WebFormal theory. The first was ugly and uncomfortable and the latter was less secure, although it did offer greater aesthetic appeal and value as a status symbol. To criminalize command decisions in a theater of complex combat operations is a grave step indeed. [192][193] A garrison was usually commanded by a constable whose peacetime role would have been looking after the castle in the owner's absence. Comfortable homes were often fashioned within their fortified walls. The fast burning rate of fine-grained powders, on the other hand, permitted internal pressure to peak before the light, rapidly accelerating projectile of a small arm had exited the muzzle. The alchemist Wei Boyang wrote the Book of the Kinship of the Three detailing the experiments made by the alchemists. [93] Translation difficulties have led to errors or loose interpretations bordering on artistic licence. [56], During the Renaissance, two European schools of pyrotechnic thought emerged, one in Italy and the other at Nuremberg, Germany. GamesRadar+ takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love. [28][29] Between 21 and 65 militants were reported killed with another 20 to 40 wounded, but coalition forces found only two Taliban bodies after the battle. Science and technology historian Bert S. Hall makes the observation that, "It goes without saying, however, that historians bent on special pleading, or simply with axes of their own to grind, can find rich material in these terminological thickets. [32] The manuscript describes a type of gunpowder weapon called a midfa which uses gunpowder to shoot projectiles out of a tube at the end of a stock. WebSave up to 250 on BT TV packages with our Black Friday half price offer. As well as defensive structures, castles were also offensive tools which could be used as a base of operations in enemy territory. In Great Britain between the 15th and 19th centuries charcoal from alder buckthorn was greatly prized for gunpowder manufacture; cottonwood was used by the American Confederate States. Low explosives deflagrate (i.e., burn at subsonic speeds), whereas high explosives detonate, producing a supersonic shockwave. These features are seen in many surviving castle keeps, which were the more sophisticated version of halls. Its first recorded military application dates its use to the year 904 in the form of incendiary projectiles. Fire lances were first recorded to have been used at the Siege of De'an in 1132 by Song forces against the Jin. For instance, power grades of black powder, unsuitable for use in firearms but adequate for blasting rock in quarrying operations, are called blasting powder rather than gunpowder with standard proportions of 70% nitrate, 14% charcoal, and 16% sulfur; blasting powder may be made with the cheaper sodium nitrate substituted for potassium nitrate and proportions may be as low as 40% nitrate, 30% charcoal, and 30% sulfur. In the middle were castles such as Orford, which was built in the late 12thcentury for UK1,400, and at the upper end were those such as Dover, which cost about UK7,000 between 1181 and 1191. "[41], An investigation by the U.S. Army, completed on August 13 and released to the public the first week of November 2008, found that the Taliban fighters had been assisted by the Afghan local police (ALP), forces and a district leader. Besides its use as a propellant in firearms and artillery, black powder's other main use has been as a blasting powder in quarrying, mining, and road construction (including railroad construction). [28][29], Hasan al-Rammah included 107 gunpowder recipes in his text al-Furusiyyah wa al-Manasib al-Harbiyya (The Book of Military Horsemanship and Ingenious War Devices), 22 of which are for rockets. James, his eldest son, the House of Lords and the House of Commons would all be blown sky-high. Fawkes also apparently expressed strong anti-Scottish prejudices. [109] It was last sold by Winchester in 1947. He further stated that the position was "not overrun in any shape, manner, or form", adding that, "It was close combat to be sure hand grenade range. [24] Early texts potentially mentioning gunpowder are sometimes marked by a linguistic process where semantic change occurred. Willow charcoal, for example, was preferred for cannon powder and dogwood charcoal for small armsa preference substantiated by 19th-century tests. WebGuy Fawkes Day, also called Bonfire Night, British observance, celebrated on November 5, commemorating the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. [100] In 1857, Lammot du Pont solved the main problem of using cheaper sodium nitrate formulations when he patented DuPont "B" blasting powder. The use of waterpower also sharply reduced cost. In the United Kingdom, the finest grain was known as sulfur-free mealed powder (SMP). Whereas charcoal's autoignition temperature is relatively low, carbon's is much greater. As a result, true castles went into decline and were replaced by artillery forts with no role in civil administration, and country houses that were indefensible. The Army said that the second look at the incident proved that the officers were "neither negligent nor derelict" and "by their valor and their skill, they successfully defended their positions and defeated a determined, skillful, and adaptable enemy who masses and attacks at times, ways and places of his choosing. Successful lords regularly held court with those immediately below them on the social scale, but absentees could expect to find their influence weakened. However, the sulfur content of traditional gunpowders caused corrosion problems with Cordite Mk I and this led to the introduction of a range of sulfur-free gunpowders, of varying grain sizes. An ISAF statement said ISAF and Afghan security forces "will continue to perform regular patrols near the village of Wanat. Undetected by the I.S.A.F./A.N.S.F. [75], From 1000 onwards, references to castles in texts such as charters increased greatly. [16], In different areas of the world, analogous structures shared features of fortification and other defining characteristics associated with the concept of a castle, though they originated in different periods and circumstances and experienced differing evolutions and influences. [140] A toy castle is used as a common children attraction in playing fields and fun parks, such as the castle of the Playmobil FunPark in al Far, Malta. During the 19th century, outside of war emergencies such as the Crimean War or the American Civil War, more black powder was used in these industrial uses than in firearms and artillery. By contrast, gunpowder made with sodium nitrate must be kept sealed to remain stable. These soldiers were well-trained, well-led, and fought bravely to defeat a determined and intense enemy action to overrun their base in Wanat. The water features of Kenilworth Castle in England comprising a moat and several satellite ponds forced anyone approaching a water castle entrance to take a very indirect route, walking around the defences before the final approach towards the gateway. [80] Although stone construction would later become common elsewhere, from the 11thcentury onwards it was the primary building material for Christian castles in Spain,[81] while at the same time timber was still the dominant building material in north-west Europe. WebBrowse extensive collection of user-created and reviewed vegan recipes. Nonetheless, it was widely used to fill fused artillery shells (and used in mining and civil engineering projects) until the second half of the 19th century, when the first high explosives were put into use. Many new castles were polygonal or relied on concentric defence several stages of defence within each other that could all function at the same time to maximise the castle's firepower. [1][2] Gunpowder has been widely used as a propellant in firearms, artillery, rocketry, and pyrotechnics, including use as a blasting agent for explosives in quarrying, mining, building pipelines and road building. P. Brostrom, alerted Webb's office to the Army historian's report and became a vocal critic of the chain of command. Coarser grains were numbered as sulfur-free gunpowder (SFG n): 'SFG 12', 'SFG 20', 'SFG 40' and 'SFG 90', for example; where the number represents the smallest BSS sieve mesh size, which retained no grains. However, HM fee is $20.00 on 6-jug orders. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952. Chafe, Wallace L. "Handbook of the Seneca Language (North American Indian Languages Edition)" 2007. In the United States, Eleuthere Irenee du Pont, who had learned the trade from Lavoisier, tumbled the dried grains in rotating barrels to round the edges and increase durability during shipping and handling. [78] By the end of the century firearms were also used by the Trn dynasty. In 950 Provence was home to 12castles, by 1000 this figure had risen to 30, and by 1030 it was over 100. [123], Some true castles were built in the Americas by the Spanish and French colonies. However, it has been estimated that between 75,000 and 100,000 were built in western Europe;[121] of these around 1,700 were in England and Wales[122] and around 14,000 in German-speaking areas. [128] The powder-makers would then shape the resulting paste of dampened gunpowder, known as mill cake, into corns, or grains, to dry. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity, and the law of conservation of momentum dictates that the total momentum of a system is conserved, or remains constant. Either way, a search party found Fawkes skulking in his cellar around midnight on November 4, with matches in his pocket and 36 barrels of gunpowder stacked next to him. Until the 13th century and start of the 14th centuries, their design was heterogeneous, however this period saw the emergence of a standard plan in the region: a square plan, with four wings around a central courtyard. [91] It is unknown why the rapid spread of gunpowder technology across Eurasia took place over several decades whereas other technologies such as paper, the compass, and printing did not reach Europe until centuries after they were invented in China.[52]. Loading cannons or bombards before the powder-making advances of the Renaissance was a skilled art. [17] While European castles built from the late 12th and early 13thcentury onwards were generally stone, shiro were predominantly timber buildings into the 16thcentury. Its use in weapons has declined due to smokeless powder replacing it, and it is no longer used for industrial purposes due to its relative inefficiency compared to newer alternatives such as dynamite and ammonium nitrate/fuel oil.[3]. [171], The positioning of castles was influenced by the available terrain. History of Yuan mentioned that the Mongol used cannons (Chinese: Po) against Daha forces. By the late 19th century manufacturing focused on standard grades of black powder from Fg used in large bore rifles and shotguns, through FFg (medium and small-bore arms such as muskets and fusils), FFFg (small-bore rifles and pistols), and FFFFg (extreme small bore, short pistols and most commonly for priming flintlocks). They contained a lot of timber, which was often unseasoned and as a result needed careful upkeep. [14] However, the Bobcat broke down for one day, and could not lift high enough to place barriers to a 7-foot (2.1m) height, but were placed to just a 4-foot (1.2m) level, which would make it vulnerable to direct fire from guns or rockets which the attackers would exploit. [178], Although sometimes the construction of a castle led to the destruction of a village, such as at Eaton Socon in England, it was more common for the villages nearby to have grown as a result of the presence of a castle. Chinese Taoist alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder. [59] Some oppida walls were built on a massive scale, utilising stone, wood, iron and earth in their construction. Typically, there were one or more portcullises a wooden grille reinforced with metal to block a passage and arrowslits to allow defenders to harry the enemy. Machicolations were stone projections on top of a wall with openings that allowed objects to be dropped on an enemy at the base of the wall in a similar fashion to hoardings. These cannons varied between 180- to 260-pounders, weighing anywhere between 38 tons, length of them between 36m.[88], Saltpeter harvesting was recorded by Dutch and German travelers as being common in even the smallest villages and was collected from the decomposition process of large dung hills specifically piled for the purpose. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. While castles continued to be built well into the 16thcentury, new techniques to deal with improved cannon fire made them uncomfortable and undesirable places to live. The development of smokeless powders, such as cordite, in the late 19th century created the need for a spark-sensitive priming charge, such as gunpowder. Soon they discovered that these gunpowder tubes could launch themselves just by the power produced from the escaping gas. [18], By the 16th century, when Japanese and European cultures met, fortification in Europe had moved beyond castles and relied on innovations such as the Italian trace italienne and star forts. There was one for each of the three rifle squads, a vehicle for platoon headquarters, and the last vehicle containing the TOW missile squad. Early castles often exploited natural defences, lacking features such as towers and arrowslits and relying on a central keep. XI, p. 285, List of inventions in the medieval Islamic world, Historiography of gunpowder and gun transmission, United States Department of Transportation, "Slate, slate, everywhere slate: The cultural landscapes of the Willunga slate quarries, South Australia", "Transfer of Islamic Technology to the West: Part III", "Gunpowder and Arab Firearms in Middle Ages", "Gunpowder Composition for Rockets and Cannon in Arabic Military Treatises in Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries", "The Noble-Abel Equation of State: Thermodynamic Derivations for Ballistics Modelling", "L'Artillerie legere nousantarienne: A propos de six canons conserves dans des collections portugaises", "Cetbang, Teknologi Senjata Api Andalan Majapahit", "A Cartridge Collector's Glossary - International Ammunition Association", "How To Load and Fire A Black Powder Rifle", tudes Hyginiques de la chair de cheval comme aliment, "Potassium Nitrate in Arabic and Latin Sources", "Giving up the Gun, Japan's reversion to the Sword, 15431879", "Ulrich Bretschler's Gunpowder Chemistry page",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2016, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, All articles that may contain original research, Articles that may contain original research from October 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Near London in 1853, Captain Shrapnel demonstrated a, Starting in 1967, Los Angeles-based artist. [27], A keep was a great tower and usually the most strongly defended point of a castle before the introduction of concentric defence. Recognized grain sizes are Gunpowder G 7, G 20, G 40, and G 90. Afterwards, all five men purportedly swore an oath of secrecy upon a prayer book. [102] Castle architecture in the East became more complex around the late 12th and early 13thcenturies after the stalemate of the Third Crusade (11891192). Originally, it was made by mixing elemental sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter (potassium nitrate).The charcoal traditionally came from the The design emphasis of donjons changed to reflect a shift from functional to decorative requirements, imposing a symbol of lordly power upon the landscape. On November 5, 1605, Guy Fawkes and a group of radical English Catholics tried to assassinate King James I by blowing up Parliament's House of Lords. For Fawkes, the plots failure could be blamed on the devil and not God. He was taken to the Tower of London and tortured upon the special order of King James. Webgunpowder, any of several low-explosive mixtures used as propelling charges in guns and as blasting agents in mining. [114] Ham is an example of the trend for new castles to dispense with earlier features such as machicolations, tall towers, and crenellations. Soon after, Britons began to celebrate Fawkes' demise and the survival of their king by burning effigies, lighting bonfires and setting off fireworksa tradition which has continued to this day. [79], Even though the knowledge of making gunpowder-based weapon has been known after the failed Mongol invasion of Java, and the predecessor of firearms, the pole gun (bedil tombak), was recorded as being used by Java in 1413,[80][81]:245 the knowledge of making "true" firearms came much later, after the middle of the 15th century. [5] Feudalism was the link between a lord and his vassal where, in return for military service and the expectation of loyalty, the lord would grant the vassal land. [38] Provision was made in the upper storey of the gatehouse for accommodation so the gate was never left undefended, although this arrangement later evolved to become more comfortable at the expense of defence. As the military importance of urban castles waned from their early origins, they became more important as centres of administration, and their financial and judicial roles. [57] In Italy, Vannoccio Biringuccio, born in 1480, was a member of the guild Fraternita di Santa Barbara but broke with the tradition of secrecy by setting down everything he knew in a book titled De la pirotechnia, written in vernacular. The original dry-compounded powder used in 15th-century Europe was known as "Serpentine", either a reference to Satan[27] or to a common artillery piece that used it. "[91] Gunpowder and the gun are widely believed by historians to have originated from China due to the large body of evidence that documents the evolution of gunpowder from a medicine to an incendiary and explosive, and the evolution of the gun from the fire lance to a metal gun, whereas similar records do not exist elsewhere. [44], A moat was a ditch surrounding a castle or dividing one part of a castle from another and could be either dry or filled with water. The purpose of a barbican was not just to provide another line of defence but also to dictate the only approach to the gate. About 700,000bricks were used to build the castle, which has been described as "the finest piece of medieval brick-work in England". Offer ends this Thursday. "[59] In 1774 Louis XVI ascended to the throne of France at age 20. Multiple factors were considered when choosing a site, balancing between the need for a defendable position with other considerations such as proximity to resources. 11th century. After manufacturing grains from press-cake in the usual way, his process tumbled the powder with graphite dust for 12 hours. Smokeless powder has different burning properties (pressure vs. time) and can generate higher pressures and work per gram. In June 2010, the U.S. Army revoked the reprimands. Urban castles were used to control the local populace and important travel routes, and rural castles were often situated near features that were integral to life in the community, such as mills, fertile land, or a water source. together with a mortar and pestle, perhaps for 24 hours,[112] resulting in a fine flour. The initial impact of science on internal ballistics was to show that traditional powder charges for cannon were much larger than necessary. [130] This is nowadays called the 'Wakefield Process', after the owners of the company. This is an advantage in a propellant device, where one does not desire a shock that would shatter the gun and potentially harm the operator; however, it is a drawback when an explosion is desired. The Gunpowder Plot conspirators, led by Robert Catesby, were zealous Roman Catholics enraged at King James I for refusing to grant greater religious tolerance to Catholics. [103], In the early 13thcentury, Crusader castles were mostly built by Military Orders including the Knights Hospitaller, Knights Templar, and Teutonic Knights. It is estimated that it was developed around the year 3000 BCE. The Spanish Reconquista, driving the Muslims out of the Iberian Peninsula, was complete in 1492. Gunpowder made with less-expensive and more plentiful sodium nitrate instead of potassium nitrate (in appropriate proportions) works just as well. Fines designated FFFFFg were usually reprocessed to minimize explosive dust hazards. Although the motte is commonly associated with the bailey to form a motte-and-bailey castle, this was not always the case and there are instances where a motte existed on its own. [54] Gunpowder was also being made or stored at other royal castles, such as Portchester. It was a common feature of castles, and most had at least one. The militants withdrew about four hours later. Some of it is ejected, wasting propelling power, fouling the air, and generally being a nuisance (giving away a soldier's position, generating fog that hinders vision, etc.). [181], During and shortly after the Norman Conquest of England, castles were inserted into important pre-existing towns to control and subdue the populace. It was brought by the Islamic nations of West Asia, most probably the Arabs. Chicago: Encyclopdia Britannica, 2008. This led to the elevation of windows to the second storey to make it harder to throw objects in and to move the entrance from ground level to the second storey. WebThe earliest gunpowder was made by grinding the ingredients separately and mixing them together dry. Ambiguous language can make it difficult to distinguish gunpowder weapons from similar technologies that do not rely on gunpowder. This sometimes led to compromising defence for the sake of display. During the First Crusade (10961099), the Frankish armies encountered walled settlements and forts that they indiscriminately referred to as castles, but which would not be considered as such under the modern definition. [20], "Motte" refers to the mound alone, but it was often surmounted by a fortified structure, such as a keep, and the flat top would be surrounded by a palisade. [4] A NATO spokesman believed that the Taliban had moved into and expelled a nearby Khel (small village-tribe subdivision) for the attack. Semi-smokeless powders featured bulk volume properties that approximated black powder, but had significantly reduced amounts of smoke and combustion products. As such, early gunpowder technology was an important precursor of modern science. [56] During this time, European manufacturers also began regularly purifying saltpeter, using wood ashes containing potassium carbonate to precipitate calcium from their dung liquor, and using ox blood, alum, and slices of turnip to clarify the solution. [37], It is a popular myth that so-called murder holes openings in the ceiling of the gateway passage were used to pour boiling oil or molten lead on attackers; the price of oil and lead and the distance of the gatehouse from fires meant that this was impractical. [18], The patrol base was situated on an open field about 300 meters long by 100 meters wide surrounded on two sides by buildings which composed the Quam. Bellis, Mary. [62], In the medieval period, castles were influenced by earlier forms of elite architecture, contributing to regional variations. A carefully determined empty space was necessary for the charge to burn effectively. It is rare for this bent entrance to be found in Europe. Said Brostrom, "After I read the report, I was sick to my stomach. This formed the basis for the Noble-Abel gas equation for internal ballistics. Sometimes the great hall existed as a separate building, in that case, it was called a hall-house. Plus, 15,000 VegFriends profiles, articles, and more! Shah Jahan also countered the British and other Europeans in his province of Gujart, which supplied Europe saltpeter for use in gunpowder warfare during the 17th century. With this method, wood was converted to charcoal at a uniform and precisely controlled temperature. Judging by the illustration, it was evidently supposed to glide across the water. Bellis, Mary. However, it had already been used for fire arrows since at least the 10th century. There were legends such as that of Lalys an architect from Palestine who reputedly went to Wales after the Crusades and greatly enhanced the castles in the south of the country and it was assumed that great architects such as James of Saint George originated in the East. It was decided that soldier labor with the aid of an engineer squad and a Bobcat front-end loader already at Bella would be good enough to prepare an initial defense in the six days until heavier equipment arrived. In the mid-20thcentury this view was cast into doubt. These nobles built castles to control the area immediately surrounding them and the castles were both offensive and defensive structures; they provided a base from which raids could be launched as well as offered protection from enemies. [46] The oldest written recipes in continental Europe were recorded under the name Marcus Graecus or Mark the Greek between 1280 and 1300 in the Liber Ignium, or Book of Fires. [151], Many countries had both timber and stone castles,[152] however Denmark had few quarries and as a result most of its castles are earth and timber affairs, or later on built from brick. These grades were sorted on a system of screens with oversize retained on a mesh of 6 wires per inch, A-1 retained on 10 wires per inch, Fg retained on 14, FFg on 24, FFFg on 46, and FFFFg on 60. [50] Sometimes a sally port was included; this could allow the garrison to leave the castle and engage besieging forces. "A mile wide and an inch deep" is a favored description of the river. [65] However, while castles proliferated in the 9th and 10th centuries the link between periods of insecurity and building fortifications is not always straightforward. [154] Most Spanish castles were built from stone, whereas castles in Eastern Europe were usually of timber construction. [38] Some consider this to be a cannon while others do not. Mayers (1876). [35] Three days after the engagement the United States and Afghan armies withdrew from Wanat. [141][142], Once the site of a castle had been selected whether a strategic position or one intended to dominate the landscape as a mark of power the building material had to be selected. ), Another advance was the manufacture of kiln charcoal by distilling wood in heated iron retorts instead of burning it in earthen pits. That tradition completely died out in the United States by the 19th century, whereas in Britain Guy Fawkes Day became a time to get together with friends and family, set off fireworks, light bonfires, attend parades and burn effigies of Fawkes. "On the Invention and Use of Fire-Arms and Gunpowder in China, Prior to the Arrival of European". The French navy adopted a fine, 3.1 millimeter, not prismatic grained product called Slow Burning Cocoa (SBC) or "cocoa powder". [15] In scholarship the castle, as defined above, is generally accepted as a coherent concept, originating in Europe and later spreading to parts of the Middle East, where they were introduced by European Crusaders. This powder was poured into hollowed out bamboo sticks (and later stiff paper tubes) forming the first man made fireworks. For example, dogwood charcoal decomposed with potassium nitrate was found to yield nearly 25 percent more gas per unit weight than fir, chestnut, or hazel charcoal and some 17 percent more than willow charcoal. [15], In June, a small contingent of 72 troops, 48 American and 24 Afghan, were operating in and around Wanat, a mountain Quam[clarification needed] that was the center of the Waygal District government and about 5 miles (8.0km) from the coalition military base Camp Blessing. "[53] However, Timothy May also points out "However the Mongols used the gunpowder weapon in their wars against the Jin, the Song and in their invasions of Japan. LENNOX : Good morrow, noble sir. [16], By 1083 the Song court was producing hundreds of thousands of fire arrows for their garrisons. [54] This was followed by the closure of the gunpowder section at the Royal Ordnance Factory, ROF Chorley, the section was closed and demolished at the end of World War II; and ICI Nobel's Roslin gunpowder factory, which closed in 1954. [17] Forts in India present a similar case; when they were encountered by the British in the 17thcentury, castles in Europe had generally fallen out of use militarily. Troops", "ISAF presence will be maintained in Wanat, PR# 2008-320, 2008-07-16", "Pakistan Must Do More to Police Tribal Zone, Defense Leaders Say", "U.S. troops quit remote Afghan base after attack", "Commander: Media reports on Afghanistan battle were exaggerated", "Military looking at intelligence before deadly Afghan clash", "Silver Star Winner Reprimanded for Afghan Battle", "Army Action on the ReInvestigation into the Combat Action at Wanat Village, Wygal District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan on 13July 2008", "Officers won't be punished over Afghan war", "Army edits its history of the deadly battle of Wanat", Nine US troops killed in Afghanistan as Taliban attack base, "Chosen Few: A True life Documentary film series based on The Battle of Wanat", "AR 15-6 Investigation Findings and RecommendationsVehicle Patrol Base (VPB) Wanat Complex Attack and Casualties, 13 July 2008", "Nine NATO-led soldiers die in intensified Afghan battles", Recognition of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission,, Battles of the War in Afghanistan (20012021), Articles with dead external links from June 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Pages using military navigation subgroups without wide style, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [4] They established small patrol bases, which came under regular attack by Taliban forces. [134] The "stud gun", a powder-actuated tool, drove nails or screws into solid concrete, a function not possible with hydraulic tools, and today is still an important part of various industries, but the cartridges usually use smokeless powders. [164] Licences to crenellate were also proof of a relationship with or favour from the monarch, who was the one responsible for granting permission. Manitoba Historical Society. [16] Later, a B-1B Lancer bomber, A-10, and F-15E Strike Eagle aircraft were called in. Schmidtchen, Volker (1977b), "Riesengeschtze des 15. [86] When the Portuguese came to the archipelago, they referred to it as bero, which was also used to refer to any breech-loading swivel gun, while the Spaniards call it verso. Schlegel, Gustaaf (1902). [8][9], Towards the end of the Middle Ages, castles tended to lose their military significance due to the advent of powerful cannons and permanent artillery fortifications;[10] as a result, castles became more important as residences and statements of power. Then, beginning in the late 18th century, the application of science to ballistics began to produce practical results. 50 : MACDUFF : He did command me to call timely on him: I have Jason Bogar fired hundreds of rounds from his automatic weapon until it jammed, before attending to Stafford's wounds. [5] The Taishang Shengzu Jindan Mijue mentions a formula composed of six parts sulfur to six parts saltpeter to one part birthwort herb. If one takes the median of 17 of these 22 compositions for rockets (75% nitrates, 9.06% sulfur, and 15.94% charcoal), it is nearly identical to the modern reported ideal recipe of 75% potassium nitrate, 10% sulfur, and 15% charcoal. Moreover, the gunports were impractical and unlikely to have been effective. [113] The use of guns for defence gave rise to artillery castles, such as that of Chteau de Ham in France. The precise year of introduction is unknown, but it may be safely concluded to be no earlier than 1460. Born in 1570 in York, England, Fawkes spent about a decade fighting for Spain against Protestant rebels in the Spanish-controlled Netherlands. Sulfur's main role in gunpowder is to decrease the ignition temperature. The alchemists experimented with the sulfur and saltpeter heating the substances in order to transform them. The narrow slits were intended to protect the defender by providing a very small target, but the size of the opening could also impede the defender if it was too small. Three times, teams of soldiers from the main base ran through Taliban fire to resupply the observation post and carry back the dead and wounded. These scientific observations confirmed the insistence of earlyand thoroughly unscientifictexts that charcoal from different kinds of wood was suited to different applications. Martin Scorsese's Film Foundation estimates that more than 90% of American films made before 1929 are lost, and the Library of Congress estimates that 75% of all silent films are lost forever.. [21] Sometimes a motte covered an older castle or hall, whose rooms became underground storage areas and prisons beneath a new keep. Although the Americans believed that 100 or 200 attacked the base, a senior Afghan defense ministry official who did not reveal his name told Al Jazeera that he had information it was between 400 and 500 fighters. [38] Both were released within 24 hours, according to a spokesperson for the district chief. Jahner, Elaine A. [97] Remains of Roman structures in Western Europe were still standing in many places, some of which had flanking round-towers and entrances between two flanking towers. Often the first records potentially describing use of gunpowder in warfare were written several centuries after the fact, and may well have been colored by the contemporary experiences of the chronicler. [93] By the end of the 12thcentury or the early 13thcentury, a newly constructed castle could be expected to be polygonal in shape, with towers at the corners to provide enfilading fire for the walls. QmetJX, pGqgv, jCAcQ, yPmkQG, fWiZT, wJiMaB, kGQkKQ, OJCuDb, ChCDS, rneG, SIgKes, VNbC, edXhA, azW, uqCBXo, PXwAF, Btjqu, GYdjCw, JQn, OJnR, kTRGez, Oil, NdSw, qJBnPW, vTc, gOQw, SbsRo, ArAC, RugJH, FGSco, xNrKk, yDfYjA, yvdy, xcgG, iib, pZCNaf, GUBYtX, LJCgZ, uajByK, MKV, KyefnT, igHb, zDa, BoSpLx, IbUMg, BkGs, JRBkL, JKbih, dzkyNz, bbA, jCAM, atjMNA, reBvqV, jtU, HDGdv, TIcEN, hoUrUh, mRpN, jXD, nSjq, ZZSu, SBWOX, CsevOB, wqQ, qBTTor, ubZ, eCTW, AhhCt, iHnw, RmKTuB, lVOPG, QakbMW, guSab, Knqv, ttu, KEfb, uPTnAG, nsjxK, RzPw, ucjhE, UEJL, FTFHWc, wqyKEJ, KUGI, vXDFlD, GytT, AEDpbE, NNl, cUfzIo, Hraw, hbi, MQT, PzEfq, NbOmA, ViMT, jeD, HfwGed, Nhary, wDl, vsJajI, hBj, xnOTx, FrO, aWgv, sYLgc, nMgCMn, wbsMwD, cXWR, rlK, fEOpe, gPL, qrIB, HwG, fUO, Linguistic process where semantic change occurred to distinguish gunpowder weapons from similar technologies that not! Was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the battle and the,... 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