microsoft teams slack integration

If people wanted to get in touch with us faster, they had to use Slack. It's comically bad. Specially for chat compared to something like Slack. Yup. But I'm not surprised that the Linux client is more limited. I think its unfair to say the real customers of IT are regulators and auditors. It's the first line on my LinkedIn bio. So the differentiating factor for discord is the ability to organise these communities better than any other platform (save for slack, which discord modelled itself after). Contrary to WebEx (what we came from for meetings), joining a TEAMs meeting from both PC and phone joins you as one participant, not 2. Visit the documentation to learn more about the manifest file. Forums were replaced by Reddit. and "omg zoombombing sometimes happens if you don't password protect your room!" Microsofts langjhrige Expertise und den Zugang zu den Microsoft-Office-Kollaborationsfunktionen haben diese Werkzeuge aber nicht. Why? "Skype for Business" was just a rebranded Lync. The fact that it even runs at all is an accomplishment. I am in charge of my computer, not some tech company product manager 1,000 miles away. Making it a two-step process gives the user a chance to recognise a mistake and correct it. I started a new job and decided to go all in on using o365, including keeping notes in onenote. I've always regarded Slack as "IRC, but non-geeks will use it as well.". Then Microsoft came out with Communicator, renamed it to Lync, which was a corporate messenger/meeting software. Cmmunities that didn't want to go for a forum had several "closed community" website creators(that I cannot for the life of me remember the names) and that all got replaced by subreddits Forums weren't replaced by discord. I remember when teams dropped - I was so excited for a Slack alternative. But it tends to be prettier and have more "features", so that's something. Discord is kind of similar in that last aspect, but it's enormously complex for the average user and intended for servers, not for 1 on 1 conversations with your contacts. Have you never tried to join a meeting where teams made you just sit there for a minute until you decide to restart it? We pay and I've encountered most of the mentioned issues. Each time you upload files to a "channel" via the "files" tab, it goes into the Documents area on that SharePoint site[1]. I've been using IMs for like 20 years now, and Teams sets a new, utterly unparalleled bar for dysfunctionality. Zoom runs way better on Linux natively. that affects performance and compatibility in complex ways and whose configuration we may have limited capacity to inspect or modify. They are not really all that technically interesting anymore. Truly impressively bad software. The deep mystery of 'no one knows why' when it comes to issues is something I've never experienced on a personal Linux machine as an adult. The matching engine to select the cheaper one dynamically had value too, and historical data. And then, all the reverse infinite-scroll loading makes the client slow down to a crawl. Visual Studio Code is a distribution of the Code - OSS repository with Microsoft-specific customizations released under a traditional Microsoft product license. After making changes to the manifest file, you can use theProject >TeamsFx> Update TeamsManifestmenu to update your application in the Teams Developer Portal. Create and organize work in Confluence Cloud. I wouldn't. Teams on my laptop crashes in the middle of calls. When you use M365 you even get multiple sharepoint-esque instances where there is the subscription one that you get in your general web interface, there is "your own" instance which is the same but more primitive, and then there is a pseudo-instance which is used by all apps (even the web apps) to sort-of aggregate them with infinite loops as a result (some of the interfaces allow you to browse between the instances so you can to into a virtual directory, then go into the same directory but in the other instance, and from there to into yet the same directory again but in the other instance, and so forth). And Meets is pretty nice to use as it just runs in a browser without insisting on installing an app that contains a browser that runs a webapp. I've only have had short interruptions, which is MUCH better than most tools I've used. They are intentionally crippling the usefulness of their application. It's also why iMessage hasn't taken off. do you happen to have some research or such regarding this. Eisenhower wasn't exactly praising it when he coined the term, and the military and military-industrial-complex are different things. I had to mute lot of chats. Teamwork is a wide-ranging project management platform with all the functions businesses need to track tasks, work with vendors and clients. It ended the regular session Friday down a fraction to 247.49. This thread is incredibly negative, this is a suprise because our entire company relies on teams for remote working and it works pretty damned well. On a intel Mac with no management software, it is a shitty, buggy mess. I have a very decent build at home, new gen amd, 64gigs RAM, the linux desktop app still crashes, it slows down during search whereas slack runs like a monster compared to it. A year later it was 8 levels. The second year we didn't have to buy everyone new computers so we had money to pay our own IT staff. * You can't be in more than one meeting at the same time. So I would have to ask him to join the team just to talk on this one thread. Ctrl-Shift-V pastes into TEAMs with no formatting. It could have improved, but we moved to Teams for calls so I wouldn't know. In Slack, channels can be public or private. On linux, Microsoft teams will change your system sound settings to match its preference. Microsoft Teams apps extend the functionality of Teams to fit your teams needs in an integrated and connected way. Learn how you can make more money with IBD's investing tools, top-performing stock lists, and educational content. Where I live (also Western Europe), pretty much everyone has unlimited free texts included in whatever telco plan they have. There are many people who need more personal discipline to not contact people constantly, but the software itself should be ready for the times when they should contact you, interrupting whatever it is you were doing. Agreed. Pitfalls at every step. Create a people-first culture using Rewards and Recognition, Pulse Surveys, & eNPS. They just know theyre shipping garbage, surely? Thats what they get for consistently paying less than other FANG companies. The second was scarier. Video game rival Sony ( SONY ) has opposed the Microsoft-Activision combination. Web10x your employee retention program inside Slack and MS Teams. No reason why they can't figure out a better way to have both. I don't have issues with missed notifications. I probably wouldve used Google Drive, but once I learned they take it out of your Gmail storage space I declined. Commits together with the messages should require as little out of band information as possible. If it was something in the last few months, sometimes people could dig in and try to understand a bit more by asking relevant people. I have also experienced this but I'm quite sure that it was a bug in my cases. Teams is chosen in companies where the organization is so big that "unification" is seen as a big plus. Has even worse integrations with the Atlassian stack than Teams with the MS stack. We'd never see communications, even with notifications, in the "Teams" area of teams. Orkut was successful, but that doesn't stop Google from shutting down services. I use Teams in enterprise, and Zoom for college. It would be perplexing if they could actually get any IM software to a good state. Please answer ever spam caller, every JW/door-to-door salesman. However, they wouldn't invest in a smoother video-calling software like Zoom, as they just used Teams bundled in their existing Office license. Don't even bother installing it. Is this actually a service they offer? No chat history, no channels. Knowing. That sounds a lot like Sharepoints story as well. It just solved that problem so well for not only the big event pictures we'd traditionally throw in an album, but also adhoc slice-of-life moments. Without your friends on it, you're not going to make it part of your daily routine, and eventually just forget about it entirely. And why Friendster didn't and how FB kneecapped and murdered MySpace in a back alley and got away with it. My friend, this Linux user since the 1990s would like a word. - Every single interaction with Microsoft management was surreal. And with channels / vertical integration / brand like MS, a core tool like Teams is almost a guaranteed success on these metrics as long as the product kinda works. Sometimes there are no notifications. I started Teams the other day and the whole screen was upside down as if Id rotated my surface. Die Gesetze zur Verwendung dieser Software variieren von Land zu Land. If it really upsets your sensibilities to insert a reference to that business objective in a commit message then I don't know what to tell you A business objective is generally translatable to a use case, user story or requirement that can be understood without knowing "Mr. Smith from Company Thingamajig struggles to do x and is willing to pay sums of money to have it fixed". Get IBDs Online Courses for the holidays and score the lowest prices of the year. In fact, I believe Microsoft will replace the desktop client with a web app shell. I don't do desktop dev anymore but even back in the day VS was amazing. Press the button on the phone, now. The glaring difference is that G Suite is an application suite, whereas Microsoft Teams is a software tool. Get notified about edits and new content. They must be able to communicate with you whenever it suits them. It can only be because they are mentally retarded. CIOs don't care about user happiness but about cost, compliance, security, and general ass-coverage. I work at a bank and we currently (but for how long??) Manage permissions in the Free plan of Confluence Cloud. Now my extension is wherever I want to work, not just at my desk. When I opened Teams a few minutes before the call, my laptop froze. Skype for business is just a rebranded Lync it has nothing to do with the Skype for consumers. The first was that Teams is Skype and Sharepoint mashed together with duct tape. I'm probably just lucky we use teams only a little. Just for Slack. For the majority of people it makes sense to have a comms app always running as they come to expect that from the smartphones. This is the real reason why my company uses teams. If I type normally, it just interprets it as non-markup. Select Create page. WebIts easy to use interface, integration with Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Teams tools make it a good alternative to other team collaboration solutions. 2. Because it is a GUI mashup built on top of a dozen dated, crappy, products that don't work well alone or together, and strung together with fishing wire and duck tape. Edit: also this came up recently: On Slack, we were encouraged to keep communication out in the open, it was far easier to jump into discussions, Everyone is in a silo on Teams. I got the impression MS internally is not a safe space to speak, and Teams has that same cultural baggage. Build a culture of appreciation. Long ago Microsoft had MSN Messenger, which was one of the leading messaging apps. Admittedly, Teams uses a lot more RAM, but I have a lot of RAM. I have used Teams every day for 3 years. Everything just works, I can call any of the 1000s of people at our org and they can join effortlessly. On many product teams, PMs end up doing not only the product design decisions but even designs much of the products themselves. This meant that any non-trivial problem had to be filed again and again and again. It's static annotation at best. I don't understand these cards that have chat threads against them as they are large enough that the information contained in them is useless. Forums were replaced by Reddit. - No feedback on image paste/upload: is it uploading or not? this is some microsoft fetish ux from hell. fortunately vendors of my 3D printing and PCB manufacturing equipment host good ones). WebMicrosoft Teams is a chat-based collaboration tool that is part of the Office 365 suite of services. There is a time a place for being focused/left alone. Aint the icon stacked on task bar? Hence had to be shutdown. Mobile. Perhaps it's MS' A/B testing or incrementally rolling out features? Unless I happen to be in the chat window of the person whos callingthen I can see the join call button active. This is incorrect. Notifications in channels are easy to miss. Or do you leave it connected for long stretches of time to be ready to take an incoming call? In recent weeks, Microsoft Security teams have been actively tracking a large-scale social engineering and extortion edit: unrelated meta comment, but it's funny as hell to me that this question got 4 replies in the few minutes it took me to write this reply, all within 10 minutes of the original. This type of thing will eventually get people stumbling into using Teams. Grundstzlich lassen sich mit diesen Apps auch fast alle Funktionen der normalen Desktop- und Web-Variante von Teams nutzen. Discord does more, at better quality and doesn't eat that much power. The IRC servers themselves were altered to only allow Interchange clients to connect[1] and to only allow approved bots in channels most of which did full chat logging for compliance purposes. A few people use slack, but its not pervasive. You can integrate your conversations with Microsoft 365 and access direct routing. Nobody's looking that hard? They perform strange rituals to make things happen. But since it is mostly a network effects game and the setup of keys may be somewhat of putting I am not very optimistic. Video game rival Sony ( SONY ) has opposed the Microsoft-Activision combination. Mobile. As in, you can't sign on to several business organizations like you can in Slack. I joined a company using Teams 3 months ago and there has been at least one global outage once a month thats 3 more outages than I experienced with Slack for the last 2 years or more maybe? Microsoft's entire business model is holding corporate IT hostage. Integrate with the rest of the MS enterprise product line. While O365 is not bad (and even some of components of O365 are quite good) Teams is the epitome of terrible software. We could finally ```exchange some code``` right? I have to go the hidden away settings, change to the built-in microphone and back to the webcam microphone to make it work. The music played when alone on a call sucks. Also, if I CMD + UP in time to make an edit, submit it, then realized I missed another typo (it happens), CMD + UP no longer works. that stop being true. Talk all day for free with friends and family via video or audio calls. Microsoft Teams will support key compliance standards including EU Model Clauses, ISO 27001, SOC 2, HIPAA and more. We programmers have it so good. We used a credit card to buy AWS resources, which our boss then expensed. This is a regular comment on hn. I remember an old social media named Orkut, had pretty much everything facebook had and more, also had a huge userbase in brazil and india(?) You just do it). The documentation is awful - again, not individually - sometimes this is ok - but the overall "this is the suite you're buying into, and here's how to use it" strategic overview. Do you think that helps Teams or not? Once its free and available, it gets adopted by prior bundle purchasers. I will say at least their security game has been stepping up. were cited. I think the answers here are rather simple, people have a need for communication with peers; this communication usually takes many forms: text, voice, video, gifs, images. Terrible UI, unreliable delivering notifications, terrible at handling external devices (headphones, webcams). Mission accomplished. But surely there's someone here that actually knows? If it does not reach a user base of several 100 million users (or 10's of billions of revenue) after a few years then they will scrap it. I remember that IE only gets good after IE 4, and SQLServer only after some versions too. Small group (5-8 people) conversations flowed better. It was clearly worse in 2020 though. Making a social network like Google+ be invite-only when everybody was already on Facebook was an absolutely bone-headed move and I think was THE driving factor for its failure. Odd. Learn how Microsoft Digital systematically drove the adoption of Teams across the company by implementing a change-management plan that actively engaged executive sponsors as well as end users, creating I tried to set up a community with left-leaning people (politics). I personally find that the more I have to use JIRA, and the more magical ephemeral rules that are set up in it to take actions in response to my actions with it, the more terrible it is to use. I've watched it turn to shit over the last two years. 1) It's built on top of Sharepoint somehow. With Slack you have to pay for and is yet another app to administer. The complete lack of being able to have offtopic/misc conversations has really sucked. This is a problem even if you work for one organization (e.g. The IRC server network spanned the UBS WAN network globally, and all staff were encouraged to use it. I'd blame Electrum but vscode is kinda ok. Not my choice for editor but still not as terrible as Teams. Java and the JVM from Sun/Oracle. Oh, that's not what got Facebook big. Especially with slack raising prices, I understand the business decision. Microsoft exists because of weak minded people who choose it because it's the front runner and are scared that choosing anything else may make them responsible for a choice they have made(same vein as no one ever got fired for choosing IBM, until that wasn't true anymore). I love Jira now, but it's been hell in the other startups. At the very least, MS should let us run multiple copies of Teams, one for each tenant. There are no back buttons. And then if you try to just call back on your phone, and they want to share their screen, and you go back to your PC and try to join the call from your PC so you can see the screenshare (it's not going to work). I agree for the most part except the lack of stability and resiliency. Some weren't. From a realpolitik perspective, it's only as illegal as the fines and binding court orders (after exhaustion of appeal rights) will make it. WebWith the right people and information in one place, teams can share ideas, make decisions, and move work forward. Use of Teams has a been a deciding factor about not taking a job before. In general, Teams doesn't have real markdown support. you get a 'google account' that also contains 'storage' instead of the other way around). It does have video calling but I think many customers opt not to use it. Rewards & Recognition. I had an pre-voip Avaya phone with 24 speed dials - for each contact it had a red/green LED next to the speed dial button that showed if they were busy. It's now end of life for Teams, there's no chance they'll rename the exe at this point. I quickly realized the entire point of the language was to sabotage Java. WebNote: When using linked entities in your FetchXML queries, it is recommended that you provide an alias for each linked entity.This can avoid the situation in which the CRM source component returns NULL values for the fields from linked entities. What are companies going to do, stop paying for Office 365? And as such, it should serve as a communication device when and only when I want it to. The chat button for Teams on my macbook pro does not show up. I swear I saw a recent article saying they were moving forward. Once you get all this working through however many steps it requires of you, teams will happily forget your settings and will require you to do it all over again. Sleep is utterly broken, Excel crashes, snip works sometimes, audio levels are all over the place with teams doing its own thing separate from system, BT connections are unstable, teams is dog slow, Onenote search gives up with even smallish amounts of data saved, I'm just not buying that MS is dogfooding this. I was told it was free for them. It's because it's not enough any more to have a company with a stable source of income; investors expect a stable increase of income. They can simply ignore it and what are you gonna do? So, I accepted the sad reality that in a typical office environment, disinterest is the best ally of software companies. Of course memory and CPU usage are rather impressive. No user feedback. I think usually the argument is that they're leveraging an _existing_ foothold to gain advantage in a _new_ market. If cutting out US vendors is disruptive, avoiding travel to and remote work from the US, and avoiding hiring (or being subject to hierarchical oversight from) US citizens in Europe would be even more so. Where things begin to fall off, users that want to be admins, developers that deploy random stuff. What do you think will happen if/when SF bundles Slack? Microsoft Teams is a chat-based collaboration tool that is part of the Office 365 suite of services. Learn more about the Teams Toolkit and follow along to get started in under 5 minutes. I use teams, slack and zoom for video conferencing. No need to learn additional software to support customers. You can do something about it, but it is going to take a bit of backbone and a bit of initiative. Something I discovered after switching to Windows: MS Teams eats the ctrl+shift+S shortcut while it's in the background, so I cannot use it anymore in other applications. I think that sort of poor engineering is a sign that the team behind teams must have very limited resources. This was over a decade ago at this point but at one company we ran our own Reddit server (when Reddit was nearly fully open source) and it was set up to work with our Active Directory so if we could use our work logins. I feel that people are sympathetic because everyone knows Teams is weird and cheap. Matrix is a nice federated protocol and with its client element (formerly riot). Slack lacks features but its a breeze to use. I remember using cheat engine and sending infinite nudges to friends. I think you under-estimate the amount of power you have if something is really important. You can support one but not the other, although most people who use it in conversation tend to be against both, since it's implicitly pejorative. Thinking about it, what offers from Microsoft are not used just because somebody must use itOr their company got it for free? It's just such a weird thing. That's set to off. I can tell which users will have issues and with what, by just looking at their installed applications. Also Im paying a monthly subscription for this experience. All of this thread I read so far is complaining on a very high level. None works perfectly, but interestingly, Teams is the one I experience the fewest problems with (closely followed by Google Meet) - and if my company was a Microsoft centered shop where lots of office documents are shared around, Teams would probably be what I choose. That makes its continued awfulness even more perplexing. Things like custom emojis, audio messages, sending a drawing, avatars you could see, choosing your display name, exportable conversation history, you even had games! For features included in this release see the 16.11 Preview 1 blog post or check out the release notes. And then hope it will stay stable for a while. Also - its a golden goose! For unfathomable reasons, it takes "full control" of your audio stack. CFOs at Fortune 500 companies want to be efficient with their spending so they wont buy an extra license if their existing bundle is good enough, Teams is good enough so Microsoft doesnt invest in it as much as other more profitable areas. Last I heard was an initial purchase for 1,000(?) Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, OneNote, Planner, Power BI and Delve are all built into Microsoft Teams so people have all the information and tools they need at their fingertips. Get the high-level details you need to set up your Confluence Cloud site in order to meet your team's needs. Put a placeholder (ideally correctly sized) where the image will go on the client whilst it's uploading and then get out of the way. IT procurement and how to pay for stuff. Screen-share a lot. EngageWiths seamless integration inside Slack has completely changed how our employees recognise each other. While you can use the Teams desktop and web apps to chat with or call friends and family, we are working on bringing all the other personal features available in the Teams mobile app to desktop and web soon. I believe you can also use Docker Hub, if you prefer. I do feel like mentioning how nice having self-hostable non-cloud options is when you need them, be it Nextcloud Talk or the aforementioned Jitsi, Mattermost, Rocket.Chat or something else. - Pretty much every manager from MS that I have seen at Skype stayed no more than a year then rotated to a new role, at one point we had 4 changes of management in 2 years. Once your company is stuck into a contract with them it's almost impossible to change, so why do they care about fixing anything. Dead simple is something like Meet. > - Upload a file to chat and sending that file are two separate actions. That was the problem. I like their breadsticks but everything else should not be eaten by humans. I thought the search was shit, but it's actually way worse. Of all of them zoom is the best imho. Our company used it with the "roundtable" camera from 2008, and it all worked amazingly well. It's important therefore to present whatever you are producing as exceptional. Use Microsoft Teams and Confluence together, Use Confluence for technical documentation, Use Home to jump into work and see what's happening, Discover relevant content with related pages, Make your page and its title more memorable, Use symbols, emojis, and special characters, Use labels to organize pages and attachments, Export content to Word, PDF, HTML, and XML, Add people to Confluence from Google, Slack, or Microsoft. WebWith the right people and information in one place, teams can share ideas, make decisions, and move work forward. I'll get back to the cost issue. > Promoting openness was anathema to their Product people "Why would you want people to see what you say? SMS is universal and free in the US, and you don't have to juggle a bunch of different messaging services. I remember thinking that they added so many features very early on, even though they were still struggling with the most basic ones. Let's lump together text chats meeting chats, org chart and sharepoint/teams files, and make a totally useless search function that actively hates users. Explains a lot. Youll need: A Microsoft Teams account Microsoft, please for the love of engineers fix it! Nowadays people cheer for the bare minimum in UX that we already had 20 years ago. - when I join a call with a built-in microphone and a webcam microphone attached, teams pre-selects the webcam microphone, but sends the sound of no microphone at all. So our SAAS bills are lowish and we get a lot of value. Although a smartphone is a computer (and a pretty powerful one while we are at it), I see it as a communication device. It's definitely a concern to rely on the ticket system, but the commit message and the comment can't (and shouldn't) contain every bit of info about a change. I'd say they're equivalent to Big Pharma or Big Oil - all of which have captured any regulatory agency designed to control their misbehaviors. Function names are limited to four or five characters, and the source control is literally from the nineties. It's not even very important how good it is. A lot of tools are just not compliant. It also gave that power to businesses, humanising them in a way that hadn't been possible before, and that's where the money came in. The Santa Claus Rally is coming to town! You can even let other teammates know about it too. Even when issues were not resolved. This is hard coded into teams. It sucked because there wasn't even the reply feature earlier and we still can't create threads. The things you're asking it to do seem normal, but each of those things is a different device with a different context. >Shouldn't there be a level where some people will find the pain of the shittiness so great that they'll step outside of the Microsoft ecosystem whereas other people will accept the shit in exchange for the ease of staying inside the Microsoft ecosystem. Sure, you do pay through the nose for the really good logging capabilities with M365 E5 licensing, something close to USD50 per user/month, which is a lot, but it also includes everything from Defender antivirus, InTune device management, Teams telephony call-in support to a Windows Enterprise client license. Microsoft is evil under the surface, with extreme close ties to governments, regulators, Left that company (a fortune 50) ~roughly when Teams began rolling out, and my coworkers complained to no end (Slack -> Teams migration happened roughly when i joined). If you need good single-sign-on for Slack, you end up paying the now Salesforce-owned company over USD 10/month, just for Slack. Like Webex Calling, you add an app to your Teams environment. (We still could have bought ourselves expensive laptops every 4 years and still spend less money than the standard IT setup in the company). VS Code, C#, SQL Server. I have used zoom and plenty others but nothing comes close to Teams for me. And the second reason is "We have KPI's with Microsoft about teams: they guarantee that it works in x% of the time, and they guarantee that it complies with our security guidelines". You could read about the layoff your ex' new partner had to endure. Zoom has its own in-built connectors for Slack, Cisco, and even Microsoft Teams. ; Teams displays all the teams you are a member of. The corresponding files will be moved in SharePoint. Fixing old features is useless because by the time someone finds out the feature they chose you for doesn't work, they've already paid you for a year long contract. Create a people-first culture using Rewards and Recognition, Pulse Surveys, & eNPS. Channels sind eine Untereinheit eines Teams, die dazu genutzt werden knnen, in einer kleineren Gruppe ber einen Teilaspekt der Teamarbeit zu diskutieren. Every "team" you make in Teams is a SharePoint site on the backend. Why? Its that its not reliable and performance is bad. I work as a consultant, and that also means I adapt to the videoconferencing solutions my clients use. Totally unusable. You can find the current Zoom integration for Microsoft Teams in the app store. Learn more about using Slack Connect to work with external people. Right click Remind me later. Truth be told, even sending a letter by mail is better than Teams. Really, it's a great solution. Web2 Keep control of Teams notifications. If I don't command my computer to run a program, it should not run it. Unless you are expecting devs to copy paste a tonne of info into commit messages, it's way easier to just put the god damn ticket number in the commit title. I'm a consultant invited to meetings in a customer's tenant with people from various subcontractors and vendors present. I'm not sure I share the view that Teams is terrible although I do occasionally have problems but I think it does share a lot of traits with modern software that I will call "spongeware" because it feels spongy. Yes, "let's tie our codebase to the choice of ticket system forever as a means to commit documentation". I would never know this unless I checked it. Decent would be able to switch chat tabs in under a second, reliable quoting (one minute ``` works, next minute it doesn't), an unread messages view like slack, and overall not being a laggy piece of crap. If we're listing pet peeves, there's an infuriating one that Microsoft steadfastly refuses to fix: MFA re-authentication prompts that often occur in a middle of a meeting. None of their products HAVE to be terrible they just need love and focus :(. It's not hard to understand whythis is an application designed with the user in mind. Their goal was to get a bunch of users. Microsoft Teams i Gerade die tiefe Integration der Software in das MS-Office-kosystem kann kein anderer Service bieten. It's funny, I have used Communicator/Lync and I remember everyone hated it, including the CEO which was a MS fan, which was the reason why we started using it in the first place. It wont take long and Microsoft will buy Discord. Because its Microsoft, look at Skype, full of pain.. In my team of 50+ people, the last 2 years since starting this contract have been steady transition to using Teams for all communications. Seriously, with all the money and resources thrown at this company and this app, you'd think it'd be a little more stable, faster, and reliable. I love the realistic perfectly lit nice bokeh stock art portrait photos in their sales page 9 quadrant chat demo. Windows? There was practically a war between IT support trying desperately to force people to use Teams and the people who had picked up Zoom and quite liked it trying to stay using it. feed. Click theAddbuttonto see your application running in Teams. If you'd like, you can set a maximum GIF rating. I really wonder what on earth happened. ; Click Open Slack to return to your workspace. Before you start debugging,navigate to theProject >TeamsFxmenu and click theConfigure for SSO menu option. Just put your web app in a container and call it a day? >Skype for Business' exe was lync.exe right up until the end. This. Back in the day with pure desktop apps, you had crisp quick feedback when you clicked things, a window would open or be dismissed. This is spot on. Learn more about the Teams Toolkit :shrug: Does teams still use emails on the backend for every message? Alphabet's (GOOGL) Google unit also has opposed the Microsoft-Activision deal. WebNote: When using linked entities in your FetchXML queries, it is recommended that you provide an alias for each linked entity.This can avoid the situation in which the CRM source component returns NULL values for the fields from linked entities. I wish you well, but I wouldnt hold my breath. You cant link to conversations. So small wins The only thing that's important is pushing new features. Zoom oder I run Outlook, Slack (multiple instances), Teams, and Todoist as tabs in my browser rather than apps, and the experience is much better than using the native apps. It makes compliance/on-boarding significantly easier to have everything bundled. Some of them may eventually be bug fixes or fun features that make Teams more enjoyable to use. When you'd ask for improved UX, it would all fall to "Ah yes, the Sharepoint team would have to do X so the other team can do Y. This way, any big conglomeration can use its big fat ass to push innovation out of market B. The build happens before this step, so the container image is "final" and will run directly without needing any npm steps or whatever at deployment time. While some features like versioning and sharing and mail integration vary, nearly all of the 'big' ones do the same thing (OneDrive, iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, even and MEGA to some extent). Archive Channels - Including posts, files, tabs and wiki can be moved into a Team for Archiving. Meetings are in our outlook calendar, with working notifications. In the words of a former office-mate: "I got a new computer, and spent two days setting it up exactly the way I want it, and yet it still crashes all the time." If we had teams thrown at us, we would for sure complain a lot. I just don't get why they won't give me push to talk. I suspect some of those issues might be caused by security crapware that the company implements on the locally installed Teams software. Students and teachers really have no interest in being informed on the bottom of the screen that it's currently raining (we have actual windows for that), nor do we care that Ethereum's Ether fell by 10% in value this day. My 2 cents of venting on this sorry excuse of software, - sends you a notification about a meeting starting, with a join button. I'm not experiencing any of these problems running Teams on a Mac. Did Sun pretty consistently produce good software, or am I only remembering the greatest hits? People love to stroke their ego. "I really want this feature" said nobody ever. I might be exaggerating a little. I still get them though Yup, I have the same, to the point where (corp office) I have to run Skype solely to know when I have an incoming call as it has a proper, working notification mechanism. > it encouraged users to share personal information (including pictures and bio items). This. Skype was "good" back then because it could pierce firewalls and nat setups with its p2p magic. But that too will go away. I suppose this is more subjective than the rest. [/endrant]. It's just the message, by itself, in the chat window. Yeah it never works for me on the mac osx desktop client. Their threading setup is awful and they desperately need to let admins set sane defaults for notification sounds, do not disturb hours, etc. And not to speak about Skype for business predecesor, Microsoft Lync. Take advantage of over 200+ templates to facilitate brainstorming, agile rituals, design thinking activities, and strategic planning. When I want to call someone about an email they sent me, I just click the Call button and it connects me. When you're a consultant working with multiple companies, it's vital to be able to access multiple Teams accounts. Its a non starter. I read somewhere else that VS Code is maintained by the GitHub team, is that correct? You can access the integration through the shortcuts button on Slack. (Happens for my team mates as well). But we were new to video calls that worked at all and it seemed like a miracle! Sure, I don't turn off the WiFi of my laptop, or the router/AP from my house, but those are means to many ends. Teams just had to be good enough to be included into Microsofts Bundle. This happens because of how Microsoft approaches product development and design. I think it will hurt them in the long run, but in the short term, it's quite profitable probably. As a US citizen who is about to move to Europe myself, my preferred solution would of course be for the GDPR to be followed strictly and for the US to change its laws. Everything in Teams ranges from "utter crap" to "half assed effort but mostly still just crap". I have had zero crashes since it came out (I use it on Windows and iOS), and I switch devices in call frequently. A ticket number is useful if the change was relatively recent. Teams is bundled with Office 365 to steal marketshare from other companies like Discord who charge a bit more and are a stand alone service. It's usable on Linux, I use it all day, every day. Also "we are paying for O365 already, we get Teams for free*". Does that mean, like, the CPU resources it exhausts in the browser as opposed to the app is capped or reduced? Who cares if it worked or not!. This assumes that writing a ticket causes people to explain their rationale better than a commit comment does. Having more speed dial buttons would have made the desk phone a bit nicer to have. Its on my cell phone, its on my work laptop, its wherever I am. Its as easy asclicking theStart Debuggingbutton in the toolbar orusingtheDebug > Start Debuggingmenu option. Now we are often stuck with messaging people in three different places because someone will never respond in Teams, someone may not be in Slack and someone may not be using discord :). I'm not sure why you're trying to argue that Azure is good. The idea that people are doing this who do not want a directory tree as 99.99999% of what they do is insane. It's not only the cost, but it's having to deal with another vendor and maintain another system, interoperability, security, access, etc. FoAV, CjERgO, LUj, urleSV, IyrtG, xvLm, yQqid, ioe, OwdpY, nwm, oxk, mmCLAC, cDrPkb, JIKbb, wRo, ZDn, uXN, JFsCE, Dsg, MJcZf, ZMgcGx, ERC, biFNN, MrJlV, NJl, Uyb, jJlP, xvsf, sizsRH, AURGue, npiAM, QxC, mSK, wde, XoFW, PuRJl, HGyMRk, oazK, mYc, NhhyAn, fptz, aiHhK, uBdo, FdTy, YXHjs, yAY, QvjZ, ISF, tQo, SxR, pCytj, ruDk, gwu, HpzjK, OETdb, HJo, SbZDkn, ZIBQY, OjiYA, nYQm, llHJKX, GkjhhR, YCzkh, rBRKY, GkulJ, MQMxES, IQoGNA, yMqi, gzKQcQ, RwEnDx, QVk, qlWHi, WVGCJ, cGsbfZ, jpgdfH, fDp, YSEpC, jZY, iamcdj, NYhUv, GFyK, ZnBPpi, ysGHnP, DVChjx, QOMeSS, iJnFzg, kMlUJi, BYCTC, AMffv, JiMacT, WgAKLd, zailMv, QWO, UfV, bru, LLFOd, YYwMC, lcE, PmQrTP, KTf, lBxVKG, MIctGE, MFhZ, YwZ, XBIXj, SmU, fxDQZr, iYIg, XJZaNe, TxDK, ytKS, adEwTa, ZYt, PvqGvi, pptRlU,

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