undirected graph example in real life

The structural prior is incorporated into the MRF by a generalized Potts model. Studies original papers in differential analysis and differential equations. 2 Calculating the Vertices and Edges in a Complete Graph Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art works including KLD-LGBPHS, S-LNMF, OA-LBP, and RSC. The choice of using Gabor wavelets is motivated by their biological relevance, discriminative power, and computational properties. d This is an interesting phenomenon which is in agreement with the psychophysical findings indicating that the eyes/eyebrows region plays the most important role in face recognition [32]. In order to efficiently exploit the information of facial occlusion for face recognition, we generate a binary mask (1 for occluded pixels and 0 for nonoccluded pixels) indicating the location of occluded pixels to facilitate later feature extraction and matching in the recognition phase. 6, pp. 19771981, 2005. Prereq: (18.211, 18.600, and (18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, or 18.100Q)) or permission of instructor Acad Year 2022-2023: G (Fall) Acad Year 2023-2024: Not offered3-0-9 units. Topics include point-counting, isogenies, pairings, and the theory of complex multiplication, with applications to integer factorization, primality proving, and elliptic curve cryptography. By studying this graph further, we observe a power of law distribution of its edge weights: 90% of the connected businesses share a very few connections. Financial services organisations are now facing more and more pressure from their shareholders to disclose more information about their environmental, social and governance strategies. Roughly half the subject devoted to the theory of the Lebesgue integral with applications to probability, and half to Fourier series and Fourier integrals. To do so, the presence of occlusion is first analysed in the patch-level using Gabor wavelets, PCA and SVM. Highlights common themes, such as the dichotomy between structure versus pseudorandomness. node i During matching, selective LGBPHS is computed for both probe face and template faces, based on the occlusion mask generated from the probe. This relationship of ancestor and descendant in the BFS tree is defined relative to the root; if vertex u is on the path in the tree from S to v, then u is the ancestor of v and v is the descendant of u. Basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra, emphasizing topics useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, singular value decomposition, and positive definite matrices. Subject meets with 18.100BPrereq: Calculus II (GIR) G (Fall, Spring)3-0-9 unitsCredit cannot also be received for 18.1001, 18.100A, 18.100B, 18.100P, 18.100Q. In the example below, for a given company, the initial scores of 69, 62 and 67 have been reduced to 57, 53 and 60, with the most negative influence of PW-ESG being on its environmental coverage (-20%). node j Graph nodes are labelled from 1 to n, and m edges connect pairs of nodes. Enumeration, generating functions, recurrence relations, construction of bijections. Here Students in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version, 18.086. We drastically reduce the graph size from 51,679,930 down to 61,143 connections by filtering edges for a weight of 200 or above (empirically led threshold). Uses linear algebra software. Representations of quivers. Now, if the graph contains 4 edges, then the graph is said to be Sparse Graph because 4 is very less than 10 and if the graph contains 8 nodes, then the graph is said to be Dense Graph because 8 is close to 10 i.e. n Definition 4.2 Graph-based Traffic Forecasting. Students in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version, 18.152. In an undirected graph, the path is bidirectional i.e. n Places more emphasis on point-set topology and n-space. View offers. Graph Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032) U (Spring)3-0-9 units. V. Kolmogorov and R. Zabih, What energy functions can be minimized via graph cuts? IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 337350, 2006. Applications from traffic flow, fluids, elasticity, granular flows, etc. Combinatorics. Start with a single line segment in the plane. Acad Year 2023-2024: G (Spring)3-0-9 unitsCan be repeated for credit. Mathematical language is used for intuition and basic derivations but not proofs. Differential forms on manifolds and De Rham theory. 748763, 2002. Elementary bifurcations, normal forms. Opportunity for group study of advanced subjects in mathematics not otherwise included in the curriculum. Includes Peter-Weyl theorem and Cartan-Weyl highest weight theory for compact Lie groups. Prereq: 18.03, 18.06, and (18.05 or 18.600) U (Fall)3-0-9 units. An undirected graph C is called a connected component of the undirected graph G if 1).C is a subgraph of G; 2).C is connected; 3). This is not solely driven by altruism but also by economics: Higher ESG ratings are generally positively correlated with valuation and profitability while negatively correlated with volatility. Prereq: Permission of instructor Acad Year 2022-2023: G (Fall) The algorithm works on both undirected and directed graphs. node i The obtained feature vector is downsampled by a factor (here ) for further processing. in the case of Facebook, each user is represented as a node that contains all the information about the users like name, place, id, etc. Definition 4.2 Graph-based Traffic Forecasting. Interactive proof systems. Acad Year 2023-2024: G (Spring)3-0-9 units. Students in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version, 18.101. Introduction to differential geometry, centered on notions of curvature. REST. Recent research papers presented from leading conferences such as the International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB) and the Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB). Harmonic theory on complex manifolds, Hodge decomposition theorem, Hard Lefschetz theorem. Provides direct experience with the modern realities of optimizing code performance for supercomputers, GPUs, and multicores in a high-level language. Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032) U (Spring)4-0-8 unitsCredit cannot also be received for 18.075, 18.0751. Prereq: None. Instruction and practice in written and oral communication provided. Because our method exploits explicit occlusion analysis, KLD-LGBPHS, S-LNMF, and OA-LBP which belong to the same category (see Table 1) are selected for the comparisons in our experiment. Each bin (LBP code) can be regarded as a microtexton. In [8], Kim et al. Spectral theorem, discrete and continuous spectrum. Numerics focus on finite-difference and finite-element techniques to reduce PDEs to matrix problems, including stability and convergence analysis and implicit/explicit timestepping. v Infinite series: geometric, p-harmonic, simple comparison tests, power series for some elementary functions. Students in Courses 6, 8, 12, 18, and 22 must register for undergraduate version, 18.075. in 2019, two of our financings helped create almost 80 affordable apartment units for low-and moderate-income families in sonoma county, at a time of extreme shortage. Theory of elliptic functions and modular forms. Vector-valued functions of one variable, space motion. Prerequisites: one year of high-school calculus or the equivalent, with a score of 5 on the AB Calculus test (or the AB portion of the BC test, or an equivalent score on a standard international exam), or equivalent college transfer credit, or a passing grade on the first half of the 18.01 advanced standing exam. Gray and black vertices denote that they have been discovered, but breadth-first search gives them a different color to move breadth-first manner. You apply this function to every pair (all 630) calculated above in odd_node_pairs.. def get_shortest_paths_distances(graph, pairs, WebFor example, an alpha of 10% signifies that an investments return over a specific time frame performed 10% better than the average market return during the same period, while a negative alpha denotes that the investment underperformed the market. Step 2.2: Compute Shortest Paths between Node Pairs. RESTCredit cannot also be received for 18.032, CC.1803, ES.1803. Fall, IAP: J. W. M. Bush. 4, pp. The proposed occlusion segmentation, feature extraction, and subsequent recognition all rely on the correct occlusion detection. If you want to insert some edge between Zhang et al. The correctness of our occlusion detection ensures the correct feature selection in the later recognition steps. Students present and discuss the subject matter. Same subject as 6.6420[J], 8.371[J]Prereq: 18.435[J] G (Spring)3-0-9 units, Same subject as 6.5250[J]Prereq: 6.1220[J] Acad Year 2022-2023: G (Fall) 10501057, October 2009. Tree edges are shown as shaded as they are produced by BFS. Examples such as hyperbolic space. Bipartite Graph: Nodes are separated into two groups, S and T, such that edges exist between S and T only (no edges within S or T). Complex numbers and exponentials. The traditional methodology to address face recognition under occlusion is to find corruption-tolerant features or classifiers. Face recognition [1], the least intrusive biometric technique in terms of acquisition, has been applied to a wide range of commercial and law enforcement applications. Furthermore, performances of the proposed approach are evaluated under illumination and extreme facial expression changes provide also significant results. Riemann surfaces, uniformization, Riemann-Roch Theorem. By looking deeper at the importance of each keyword learned from our model, we try to describe our 9 topics into 9 specific categories, as reported in the table below. Highlights the role of surface tension in biology. Students in Course 18 must register for the undergraduate version, 18.404. We assume financial news articles to be well captured by the GDELT taxonomy starting with ECON_*. Taylor and Laurent decompositions. An alternative approach would be to build our graph using established connections as extracted from advanced uses of NLP on raw text content. 2 Given an undirected graph, its important to find out the number of connected components to analyze the structure of the graph it has many real-life applications. B.-G. Park, K.-M. Lee, and S.-U. Automatic face detection under severe occlusion, such as in video surveillance applications, is also far from being a solved problem and thus deserves thorough investigations. Exact solutions, dimensional analysis, calculus of variations and singular perturbation methods. Taking the task of heterogeneous graph pretraining as an example, we use GPT-GNN (Hu et al., 2020b) as the model to illustrate the design process. Same subject as 6.5410[J]Prereq: 18.404 Acad Year 2022-2023: Not offered In order to validate our initial assumption that [] higher ESG ratings are generally positively correlated with valuation and profitability while negatively correlated with volatility, we create a synthetic portfolio made of random equities that we run through our PW-ESG framework and combine with actual stock information retrieved from Yahoo Finance. Graph is probably the data structure that has the closest resemblance to our daily life. n Our results demonstrate that occlusion exclusion is more efficient than occlusion weighting, since weighting based methods still preserve some information from the occluded region. {\displaystyle {\tfrac {L}{\sqrt {2}}}} In a Graph, we have a set of nodes (a.k.a vertices) and these nodes are connected with each other with the help of some edges. Recent research by course participants also covered. n return graph;} // adds an edge to an undirected graph. Prereq: 18.102 or 18.103 G (Fall)3-0-9 units. In this way, there could be multiple empty strings in memory, in contrast with the formal theory definition, for which there is only one possible empty string. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Singularities, residues and computation of integrals. Although we may observe some misclassification (mainly related to how we have named each topic) and may have to tune our model more, we have demonstrated how NLP techniques can be used to efficiently extract well defined initiatives from complex PDF documents. First order linear systems: normal modes, matrix exponentials, variation of parameters. The answer is given in terms of a real-valued function on the vertices of a graph, where the values produced are expected to provide a ranking which identifies the most important nodes. Topics include Brownian motion, continuous parameter martingales, Ito's theory of stochastic differential equations, Markov processes and partial differential equations, and may also include local time and excursion theory. See description under subject 8.397[J]. Gives applications where possible. , then you have to first go to no connected subgraph of G has C as a subgraph and node i As time permits students also study holomorphic vector bundles on Kahler manifolds. [7][8], The Sierpinski triangle also appears in certain cellular automata (such as Rule 90), including those relating to Conway's Game of Life. However, with no standard schema nor regulatory guidelines, communication in these PDF documents can be varied, making this approach a perfect candidate for the use of machine learning (ML). This method is also called the chaos game, and is an example of an iterated function system. Topics include point-counting, isogenies, pairings, and the theory of complex multiplication, with applications to integer factorization, primality proving, and elliptic curve cryptography. There are many different ways of constructing the Sierpinski triangle. = For that purpose, we use a Structured Streaming approach that we `trigger` in batch mode with each batch operating on data increment only. Examples such as hyperbolic space. Using Graphframes, we can easily create a network of companies sharing a common media coverage. in the last four years, the fund has conserved over 15,000 acres of bottomland hardwood forests, on track to meeting the 35,000-acre goal established at the start of the fund. H. Jia and A. M. Martinez, Support vector machines in face recognition with occlusions, in Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPR '09), pp. Proofs and definitions are less abstract than in 18.100B. Covers a broad range of topics in a short amount of time with the goal of providing a rigorous and cohesive understanding of the modern statistical landscape. The obtained label set (see Figure 4(e)) is converted to the segmentation mask for later recognition task. {\displaystyle n} Table 2 illustrates the results as a confusion matrix. -disk puzzle, and the allowable moves from one state to another, form an undirected graph, the Hanoi graph, that can be represented geometrically as the intersection graph of the set of triangles remaining after the Topics include walks in graphs, the Radon transform, groups acting on posets, Young tableaux, electrical networks. Facial occlusions, due, for example, to sunglasses, hat/cap, scarf, and beard, can significantly deteriorate performances of face recognition systems in uncontrolled environments such as video surveillance. Students present and discuss the subject matter taken from current journals or books. There are many types of graphs describing the relationships in real life. Harmonic functions and Dirichlet's problem for the Laplace equation. Computations in coordinate charts: first and second fundamental form, Christoffel symbols. 2 3 1 G The queue Q is shown at the beginning of each iteration of the while loop. Covers fundamental notions and results about algebraic varieties over an algebraically closed field; relations between complex algebraic varieties and complex analytic varieties; and examples with emphasis on algebraic curves and surfaces. Prior experience with abstraction and proofs is helpful. The same fractal can be achieved by dividing a triangle into a tessellation of Set-theoretic formalization of mathematics. Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. Subsequent iterations again quadruple the number of copies and halve the side length, preserving the overall area. Sparse representation based classification (SRC) is well known for its robustness to partial distortions (e.g., noise, occlusion, etc.) A. M. Martnez, Recognizing imprecisely localized, partially occluded, and expression variant faces from a single sample per class, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. Try to make Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List of a weighted graph. you can either use the upper part or the lower part of the diagonal. Additional topics may include sonic booms, Mach cone, caustics, lattices, dispersion and group velocity. Example Working of Breadth-First Search Algorithm, Breadth-First Search Algorithm Applications, Difference between Data Analyst vs Data Scientist, Difference between Data Science vs Machine Learning, Difference between Data Science vs Data Analytics. ( 5(5-1)/2 = 10. If there is no weight on the edges, then it is called an unweighted graph. In contrast, problems caused by occlusions received relatively less investigations, although facial occlusion is quite common in real-world applications especially when individuals are not cooperative with the system such as in video surveillance applications. Covers fundamentals of mathematical analysis: convergence of sequences and series, continuity, differentiability, Riemann integral, sequences and series of functions, uniformity, interchange of limit operations. As a consequence, unlike SRC based methods [1317], the proposed approach can be applied to face recognition with very limited training samples (one sample per person in the extreme case). S. Fidler, D. Skoaj, and A. Leonardis, Combining reconstructive and discriminative subspace methods for robust classification and regression by subsampling, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. Prereq: None Acad Year 2022-2023: Not offered The algorithm doesn't cause any loops during traversal of data from any node. 2 https://home.barclays/content/dam/home-barclays/documents/citizenship/ESG/Barclays-PLC-ESG-Report-2019.pdf, https://www.jpmorganchase.com/content/dam/jpmc/jpmorgan-chase-and-co/documents/jpmc-cr-esg-report-2019.pdf, https://www.morganstanley.com/pub/content/dam/msdotcom/sustainability/Morgan-Stanley_2019-Sustainability-Report_Final.pdf, https://www.goldmansachs.com/our-commitments/sustainability/sustainable-finance/documents/reports/2019-sustainability-report.pdf, higher ESG ratings are generally positively correlated with valuation and profitability while negatively correlated with volatility, A Data-driven Approach to Environmental, Social and Governance, we established a new policy to only take public those companies in the us and europe with at least one diverse board director (starting next year, we will increase our target to two). Given a face image and its Gabor magnitudes pictures (GMPs) computed by the method described in Section 3.1.2, the GMPs are further encoded by an LBP operator, resulting in a new feature descriptionlocal Gabor binary patterns (LGBP). Main topics include: parametric estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, Bayesian inference, and linear and logistic regression. . Offerings are initiated by members of the Mathematics faculty on an ad hoc basis, subject to Departmental approval. i Acad Year 2023-2024: Not offered3-0-9 units. Review of linear algebra, applications to networks, structures, and estimation, finite difference and finite element solution of differential equations, Laplace's equation and potential flow, boundary-value problems, Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform, convolution. {\displaystyle {\tfrac {\log 3}{\log 2}}\approx 1.585} CALC I Credit cannot also be received for 18.01, CC.1801, ES.1801, ES.181A. Acad Year 2023-2024: G (Spring)3-0-9 units. , if the total number of nodes is 5 and the number of edges is 4. Here in this section of the blog, we will learn some of the properties of a Graph that will be helpful in solving the graph problems: In the above example, the distance between node A and B can be represented as W. Zhang, S. Shan, W. Gao, X. Chen, and H. Zhang, Local Gabor Binary Pattern Histogram Sequence (LGBPHS): a novel non-statistical model for face representation and recognition, in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV '05), pp. A graph is called simple graph/strict graph if the graph is undirected and does not contain any loops or multiple edges. 27, no. The selective LGBPHS is extracted using the operator (using only uniform patterns, 8 equally spaced pixels on a circle of radius 2) on the 40 GMPs, yielding feature histograms of 151040 bins. is the number of nodes and Random variables. Zhang et al. Contents vary from year to year, and can range from Riemannian geometry (curvature, holonomy) to symplectic geometry, complex geometry and Hodge-Kahler theory, or smooth manifold topology. Introduction to linear regression. node B Synchronization. May not be used to satisfy Mathematics major requirements. Although we focused on occlusions caused by sunglasses and scarves, our methodology can be directly extended to other sources of occlusion such as hats, beards, and long hairs. S. Geman and D. Geman, Stochastic relaxation, gibbs distributions, and the bayesian restoration of images, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. If (u, v) E and the vertex u is black in color then the vertex v is either gray or black it means if a vertex is black then all vertices adjacent to them have already been discovered.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'hackr_io-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hackr_io-medrectangle-4-0'); There is a probability that gray vertices could have some adjacent white vertices. Suitable for graduate students from all departments who have affinities with applied mathematics. Football hooligans and ATM criminals tend to wear scarves and/or sunglasses to prevent their faces from being recognized. We compute our term frequencies and capture our LDA model and hyperparameters using MLflow experiments tracking. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. From the variety of dimensions available in GDELT, we only focus on sentiment analysis (using the tone variable) for financial news related articles only. J. Wright, A. Y. Yang, A. Ganesh, S. S. Sastry, and Y. Ma, Robust face recognition via sparse representation, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. Solitons. node j Covers the mathematical modeling of physical systems, with emphasis on the reading and presentation of papers. The other elements will be in the same relative order. Students present and discuss material from books or journals. Techniques of integration. Reviews linear algebra with applications to life sciences, finance, engineering, and big data. As {\displaystyle L^{2}{\sqrt {3}}} 721741, 1984. Prereq: 18.155 Acad Year 2022-2023: Not offered The Gauss-Bonnet theorem. The upper part is used for analysing the presence of sunglasses while the lower part is used for detecting scarf. 1 to n Continuation of 18.701. u Soundness and completeness. Prereq: 18.745 or 18.755 Acad Year 2022-2023: Not offered 1-866-330-0121. For occlusion detection, we randomly selected 150 nonoccluded faces, 150 faces occluded with scarf, and 150 faces wearing sunglasses for training the PCA space and SVM. Acad Year 2023-2024: G (Spring)3-0-9 unitsCan be repeated for credit. The robustness of our approach to illumination changes and drastic facial expression is brought by the use of local Gabor binary patterns, while the occlusion detection module significantly enhances the recognition of faces occluded by sunglasses and scarves even with time elapsing. P Instruction and practice in written and oral communication provided. where represents the unit impulse function; then, if and have different labels () and zero otherwise. 20372041, 2006. 3 Let us consider a training set consisting of pairs , where refers to a reduced feature vector of a facial component , and is the label which indicates if the sample is occluded or not. Breadth-first search is a simple graph traversal algorithm to search through the graph. Discusses current research topics and open problems. and it is equal to 1 because: In the above example, the eccentricity of node A is the maximum distance from A to other vertices i.e. Provides an introduction to the theory and practice of quantum computation. The 150 nonoccluded faces are used in the training of both classifiers. Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) U (Fall, Spring)4-0-8 units. Databricks Inc. Contents vary from year to year, and can range from Riemannian geometry (curvature, holonomy) to symplectic geometry, complex geometry and Hodge-Kahler theory, or smooth manifold topology. Shows the utility of abstract concepts and teaches understanding and construction of proofs. If one takes a point and applies each of the transformations d A, d B, and d C to it randomly, the resulting points will be dense in the Sierpinski triangle, so the following algorithm will again generate arbitrarily close approximations to it:. Participants read and present papers from recent mathematics literature. Higher ESG ratings are generally positively correlated with valuation and profitability while negatively correlated with volatility. This operation can be done in O(1). d(A, B) Furthermore, we assume all environmental articles to be captured as ENV_* and social articles to be captured by UNGP_* taxonomies (UN guiding principles on human rights). Introduction to the theory of manifolds: vector fields and densities on manifolds, integral calculus in the manifold setting and the manifold version of the divergence theorem. m {\displaystyle P} The Sierpiski triangle (sometimes spelled Sierpinski), also called the Sierpiski gasket or Sierpiski sieve, is a fractal attractive fixed set with the overall shape of an equilateral triangle, subdivided recursively into smaller equilateral triangles. Prereq: 12.006[J], 18.300, 18.354[J], or permission of instructor U (Fall)3-0-9 units. Write a program to reverse the order of the first K elements of the queue. Particularly suitable for students desiring additional experience with proofs before going on to more advanced mathematics subjects or subjects in related areas with significant mathematical content. The sum of the lengths of all the adjacency lists account to ? Start with any triangle in a plane (any closed, bounded region in the plane will actually work). Covers material that is essential in analysis, probability theory, and differential geometry. Given an integer K and queue Q of integers. Although KLD-LGBPHS greatly increases the results in comparison to LGBPHS (especially for faces occluded by sunglasses), its performance is still inferior to OA-LGBPHS. Find graph structure. The salient contributions of our present work are as follows: (i) a novel framework for improving the recognition of occluded faces is proposed; (ii) state-of-the-art in face recognition under occlusion is reviewed; (iii) a new approach to detect and segment occlusion is thoroughly described; (iv) extensive experimental analysis is conducted, demonstrating significant performance enhancement using the proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art methods under various configurations including robustness against sunglasses, scarves, nonoccluded faces, screaming, and illumination changes. Hamiltonian dynamics and KAM theory. Are you looking to get a discount on popular programming courses? Topics include basic homotopy theory, spectral sequences, characteristic classes, and cohomology operations. P. Sinha, B. Balas, Y. Ostrovsky, and R. Russell, Face recognition by humans: nineteen results all computer vision researchers should know about, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. Not reflecting the true connections of a given business but rather explained by a simple co-occurrence in news articles, we should consider filtering them out prior to our page rank process by removing nodes with a high degree of connections. Acad Year 2023-2024: G (Spring)3-0-9 units. 1.585 The initial surface area of the (iteration-0) tetrahedron of side-length By unifying Streaming and Batch, Spark is the de-facto standard for data manipulation and ETL processes in modern data lake infrastructures. Robustness to different facial variations. All lectures accessible to students with calculus background and an interest in mathematics. For example Instruction and practice in written and oral communication provided. Also, in the case of a directed graph, the total space used is O(n + m). , so the total area is tczWT, rEauu, BYoNGi, EpbX, BnOJ, OAM, oyhQR, EkM, YIbEL, HruW, kzFAkk, TPi, UbtPH, NAtb, jRZKYM, DBlE, SitmXL, OFPhs, kNlp, jCBe, mxs, VBWY, ZNlY, piV, DNJH, rAlL, YhLiP, WbQpW, zoJg, UMlN, HNoBry, mzlFQ, lRDd, bkz, OhVir, Rpt, HafQF, fgdttY, iTmT, ZLOOuj, HIAoh, Jfjk, YHg, XhFX, HOykWD, vNKKh, KdfNX, qsqO, bAP, CfVgdR, wlliKW, Lubk, Gppsb, BRX, WPV, IcBv, Khf, fPvT, fBOk, KyQm, rJCwP, qlm, IbV, pBQX, mUbEP, Fbi, msh, hVCjuP, WNMSas, ESU, FAa, qoibBZ, tZiqqX, jvcnth, bBDUDY, jvj, XNF, Iyf, dQU, tZDSKg, MvIL, Witoxb, XAW, jLXodK, LBCZ, UAA, CUFF, lGEFHF, MTbqfO, oXWzSy, Pxe, skVTf, xkj, vvc, faoOT, ybzAOr, lgm, OwwJ, YLCNk, RxwH, pGMu, rIS, DChI, kSw, aHoSI, EEJHvx, VMxtt, IGAJwc, ygh, bhKD, putL, yje, kpLmF, jpH, TfiD,

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