benefits of being a middle school teacher

There are times when you are the only person that a student can rely upon. Students at private schools are typically in higher socioeconomic brackets; therefore, if you are looking for a more diverse group of students to teach, you may want to consider public school. Your email address will not be published. Some states will require prospective teachers to take a double major, however. Not only are you sharing your ideas or concerns about the issues you have with the curriculum or certain students, but you are also becoming part of each others lives as well. When you work as a high school teacher, there might be 1-2 periods each day where you do not have any teaching responsibilities. Last night, I told my wife I would take a bullet for the kids, Parish said, noting that he thinks about it all of the time. In reality, it will take a little time for your students to fully trust you, and it will only be after this initial periodthat they will open up to you about their challenges and feelings. As the requirements vary from state to state, prospective teachers should always check what the specific certification requirements are for their state. So not only do you get to read these awesome books again, you get to watch a whole bunch of kids discover them for the first time. 2. Sure, youll have to work longer in the beginning because youll need to learn how to proficiently prepare for your classes. If you aspire to become a teacher, do not be hesitant. I think I'll be the teacher that becomes emotionally attached to the children because I love them Ahh well Love makes you vulnerable. As a result, you will have to devote a significant amount of time and money to this degree, and you should be certain that becoming a teacher is truly what you want to do for a livelihood to justify the initial investment. I knew I wanted to be a teacher once I entered high school. She is a big fan of books, social justice, holiday-flavored coffee creamers, righteous indignation, and Friday Night Lights. The smells. Your pros and cons were spot on. No two students are alike either, which can create some unique challenges at the high school level. However, the salary in private schools isnt always as high as it is in public schools, primarily because teachers arent required to be certified. As a result, prominent researchers including Roeser and Mark Greenberg, founding director of the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center, are turning their focus on whole-school change and how to create caring communities of learning in schools for teachers and students. Youre teaching multiple periods each day, seeing lots of students, and conveying information that you are passionate about all of the time. In addition, the nonprofit organization Teach For America offers recent grades opportunities to teach in needy schools. Hence, it is your responsibility to enhance a students passion for a subject. There will be tough questions that students will ask that will force you to re-examine your thoughts, opinions, or priorities. To get from my desk to the door, I have to wade through a miasma of teen-product vapors that make me want to shower in bleach. It is a career you will never regret. Teaching middle school, much like teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, demands constant vigilance. Besides, you also take care of childrens emotional and social needs. And seriously, the bar is so low to start out with, its really impossible not to be impressed by their growth. If you have attained all the requirements for being a teacher, you can work anywhere in the world. I find myself looking to go back to the city. Teacher can change the future of education: Teachers can increase educational quality. One of the best benefits of being a high school teacher is that you get to teach in a specialized subject more often than not. Come and share in ourWeAreTeachers HELPLINE groupon Facebook. There will always be teaching jobs in our society. Seriously could very much relate to your article and enjoyed it. Youre expected to have more expertise in your designated subject (such as U.S. History or Biology), and planning and grading assignments will be more complex and time-consuming ventures. 7. In follow-up surveys, teachers reported learning these skills, as well as feeling less job-related stress, fewer feelings of anxiety, less emotional exhaustion and fewer symptoms of depression as compared with teachers in the control group. Most schools are underfunded, and teachers can spend a lot of time trying to raise money for their class, grade, or school. mlzingarella from Massachusetts on August 25, 2012: I, similar to you, started teaching 11 years ago. This site uses cookies to assist with navigation, analyse your use of our services, collect data for ads personalisation and provide content from third parties. To augment their poor incomes, many instructors are forced to work over the summer or part-time throughout the school year. I totally agree with you that teaching can be both rewarding and frustrating. The program also improved how teachers managed the classroom they perceived to be their "most stressful" at the beginning of the following school year. But, being a teacher is more about impacting students life than acquiring personal benefits. Every year new teachers do a lot more than stay in their classrooms too late and struggle to control classrooms. Use this form if you have come across a typo, inaccuracy or would like to send an edit request for the content on this page. Chances are youve also been a witness to at least one of their top ten most embarrassing moments. Teachers do an important job for society: Another benefit of working as a teacher is that you will be contributing to society in a 4. You will most likely just work 40 hours per week, however, some teachers work much less. Then at the end of the class, I redirect the students to the daily learning goal or question to sum up the lesson. When you are a high school teacher, then you get to be a hero. However, you will have to deal with tough people regularly, and you should ensure that you do have the courage to do so before deciding on a career as a teacher. Substitute teaching is a great way to get some experience and test the water if youre not sure about becoming a teacher. Some charter schools and rural districts can pay significantly less that that too. Class sizes and student body demographics are important factors when it comes to choosing between teaching at public and private schools. There are definitely days where it is a struggle to make the commute to work, but the gratitude and smiles from the students always make it worth it = ). AJ Styles Moving To Monday Night Raw Soon. Students should feel supported by their teachers. Another consideration is the teaching certification required to work in public schools. Happened upon your posts searching for what makes awesome middle school teachers. Although tenure requirements vary, it often involves working for several years. Everyone assumes they know a teachers role, and people are often quick to argue that teaching involves short hours, long holidays, and relatively little work! They also create and innovate, connect with and inspire students, and breathe new life into old curriculumbut these things hardly ever get a headline. Table of Contents [ hide] 1. Don't get disheartened- with time, you learn to block out the annoying aspects and as soon as you shut your classroom door you remember why you became a teacher = ). (Haha, right.) Teachers dont spend a lot of time sitting down. The childrens future will also be in your hands because it will be up to you to educate them how and where to learn as well as some skills and experience so theyll be prepared for the tough world we are living in. Average teacher pay: As private schools dont always require teachers to be certified, it can be a good way to start your career. In reality, parents can be even tougherthan children at times, and that can be aggravating to have regular conversations with them. Minimum of three (3) years Middle School teaching experience; independent school experience preferred; Strong commitment to students progress, success, and social-emotional well-being; Commitment to student-centered pedagogies and authentic assessments; Knowledge of current best practices in Middle School education Although teachers work long hours, they benefit from a set schedule. Thus, teaching middle school is beneficial since one can take extra courses, set up businesses, volunteer for summer classes, or take vacations during breaks. You get to become a confidante for your students. It doesnt matter what you say or do with that latter group. I ended up in a tough inner city middle school and really for over a year spent most if my energy and creativity in classroom management. The schedule. The health insurance benefits are usually superior to what you would receive in other industries, although there can be some variation between the public and private schools in this advantage. I know science teachers who are afraid to write organism on the board because its only a couple of missed letters away . There are times when well-trained teachers are in high demand throughout the country. Youll always discover something new about your students: Working as a teacher can also be pretty intriguing because you will always learn new things about your kids. Therefore, with time, you would no longer require as much preparation, resulting in a significant reduction in your productive working hours. As Julie Turkewitz wrote in 2018 for The New York Times, school shootings put teachers into a new role as being a human shield. 1. Middle school is when a lot of kids stop reading for pleasure and teaching middle school English is like being a battlefield medic. 3. Youll have to teach the same lesson over and over: Another disadvantage of teaching is that you will be required to teach the same material repeatedly and over again. A teachers role depends on the school theyre working at, and there can be significant differences between working in a private or public school. In the affluent suburb I deal with so many who expect the world; whereas in the city my students expected nothing of me, a sad indicator of their past experiences, and they appreciated with sincerity and surprise. Most teachers specialize in one or more subjects. These can be standalone courses or may be taken as part of a masters degree. Whats the worst or best part of teaching middle school? "We found that the teachers who participated in the program tended to be more proactive in managing student behavior and supporting students' autonomy. For a variety of reasons, teaching is among the most vital occupations. Your feedback is important to us. 9. All of the negative connotations associated with teaching may start to wear you down. Each group of students will develop a unique personality that you associate with that time. You might not receive support when there was a need to discipline a student in the classroom because they were being disruptive. 2. 4. You get to teach a wide variety of subjects, and the requirements for becoming a substitute teacher are far less stringent than those of a full-time teacher. That means youre covering the same information up to 7 times per day in some schools. 1. Of course, this isnt true of every public school. Most teachers dislike standardized testing as much as their students but finding the time to focus on other areas can be challenging. In addition to every day being different, every year is different An effective teacher acknowledges when a student has done well. The schools administrators may not give you the support that you need. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. However, when you ate able to truly make a difference in a child's life, all the negativity from the outside will just roll right off your back! Being a teacher also serves as a great foundation and jumping-off-point to other careers. Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. There will be times when you will wonder why on earth you chose this profession, and there will be many more times you realize there is nothing else in the world you would rather do. But oh, the joy. You get to watch little kids turn into human beings every single year. Working in a classroom with 25-30 students means teachers are constantly trying to meet the needs of students working at different levels. i really injoy my students but when bad comes invoveld i just want to go home do i no cause i love my job but most of all i love my students!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got observed by the meanest administrator during last period on a Friday in a class thats half special needs when your co-teacher was absent? There is always something different that happens during the school day when you work as a teacher. 2. Its not just students that need to study. The information you enter will appear in your e-mail message and is not retained by in any form. Therefore, as you teach what is in the textbook, you and your student will gain and share more knowledge on various topics and achieve personal growth. Yes, teaching tweens and young teens has its fair set of challenges, but its also one of the most rewarding jobs you could ever have. 1. Earn your degree. Mindfulness training can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in middle-school teachers while boosting their self-compassion and classroom management skills, according to a new study by researchers at Penn State and Portland State University. I have a game I like to play. Then I use a variety of methods such a cooperative group work, games, lecture, question and answer sessions, etc. When you are a teacher, you teach beyond the textbooks. And you spend 180 days with those creatures, so you know their fears (everything) and their hopes and what makes them laugh. This helps them to be motivated to learn new concepts and skills. Oh, wait, no. If youre interested in smaller class sizes, a private school might be a better option for you. by zeroing in on the type of professional development that would most benefit you as a middle school teacher will help ensure that your investment pays off in more ways than one. I really enjoyed this :). There is the issue of payment during the summer months. Limited promotion options: As a teacher, you may also have limited prospects for advancement. Although associating with children is exciting, you may have a bad day or a complex concept, and you will need help from your colleagues. Your email address will not be published. I am right now currently a stay at home mom, but reading your article you hit it home exactly why I did become a teacher. You might want to think about teaching English abroad. Just remember to budget for the summer when your district might not be issuing you a paycheck. There are many reasons why people would hire a professional security agency. WebAs an elementary and middle school teacher, its essential to encourage students and celebrate successes. My kids have had some ok teachers, and some (one in particular) fantastic teachers, which makes up for everything in my opinion. Generally, a bachelors degree and teaching certificate are the requirements of a middle school teacher. :). I knew that I wanted to teach and allow future students to have the fantastic experience I didsharing their love of books and writing about their ideas. If something comes up and you have an emergency expense in the summer, then youre digging into your savings account for sure. The problem is the stuff students use to cover it up. However, the BLS reports that the median salary for middle school teachers in 2018 is $58,600 per year. High school teachers will typically plan and teach a classroom of students using a specific curriculum. We seem to be the scapegoat for all that is wrong in education. Youre going to earn that time with the long hours you put in during each school day, but it usually tends to balance itself out well. I'm sorry you were one of the people cut in the horrible budget cuts plaguing states everywhere. Unfortunately, I lost my position due the economy and budget cuts. This document is subject to copyright. Teaching can be rewarding and exciting, so its not surprising that many people consider working in the education sector. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. This increases your portfolio of A career in academia can be highly rewarding. That means you can take some time off if you need it without disrupting the relationships you form with your students. ", More information: Elementary and kindergarten teachers tend to teach more general subject material on a wide range of topics. Then consider adding a minor in education. The point I want to make with students is that by setting small, consistent habits, we slowly work toward being better versions of ourselves with every habit, without feeling defeated if we dont meet every goal. There are generally 5 specific steps that you must follow in the United States to become a high school teacher. jwhitman (author) from Albany, New York on August 05, 2011: I'd be willing to bet that the administration causes most of the problems within school districts today. Resolving classroom conflicts. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Furthermore, you would soon be able to pinpoint whether someone is lying to you or stating the truth. Interested in exploring your options? If I leave 30 seventh graders unattended for upwards of 15 seconds, theres no telling what will happen. Explore the TRS website for more information about the health benefits available to teachers. 6. Although you are teaching the same curriculum to multiple periods throughout the day, you will discover that no two classes are exactly the same. Copyright 2021. In the United States and throughout much of the world, there are some choices that you can make in life that make it easier to teach high school if that is your priority. I've yet to teach a higher-level class with students who are eager to learn. The page before that. You know why? WebThe median annual wage for middle school teachers was $59,660 in May 2019. You will have those who always excel and overachieve, the kids who fall into the middle spectrum where they are average (or a little above or below), and then there are the teens who really dont care about what you have to say or teach. While some private schools may not require this, anyone who wants to work as a teacher in a public school will have to be certified and undertake the required continuing development courses. That means youll earn somewhere around $60,000 annually. Oh, and Jose and Dave cant work together on a project because Jose doesnt feel comfortable because Dave bullied him when they were in pre-K together, and it just makes him nervous. Really enjoyed reading this, very helpful and informative! School districts often offer substantial health care benefits packages, another reason many teachers choose the profession as self-pay has become There can be boring elements to teaching, but youre not doing it right if you feel bored by your career. Potential for tenure. Typically, middle school teachers teach grade six to eight children. 4. Also, you guide them on important life principles such as discipline and honesty. I went to college and took my undergrad courses in English Writing and Secondary Education. For the most part, all you need is a bachelors degree and a willingness to live abroad for an extended period of time. Also see: Advantages and Disadvantages of being a lawyer. Helping students understand a tricky topic, being a source of support through a difficult time, and seeing pupils succeed is unbelievably rewarding, and its what teachers aim for daily. Public schools also offer higher levels of diversity among the student body. The program gave teachers the experience of learning in warm and supportive classroom that focused on building their sense of autonomy, well-being and calm. In addition, other attractive benefits include paid vacations and insurance coverage for medical, vision, and dental bills for you and your family. Working as a student teacher will allow you to learn more about the teacher positions available in your area and help you understand which school systems are most secure and offer the best pay and benefits. This was an amazing note. If the lockdown warnings ring, then you cannot afford to freeze. In addition, you can engage in other activities during summer, especially for people who do not have a family yet. You can make decent money with little experience (particularly in AsiaEuropean countries tend to have higher standards for their English teachers in terms of experience and education). Some kids with potential just dont care, but your job is to find a way to motivate them anyway. Junior high and high school teachers teach more specialized subjects. For most teachers, however, the main Teaching keeps your body moving and could be beneficial to your health. Tell them you teach seventh grade, and they have one of two responses. One, Oh, wow, you must be a saint! or two, they take several steps back, shake their heads before running away, and leave all the hors doeuvres to you. Perhaps you are already on your way toward a degree in education. "And practicing mindfulness and self-compassion can help caregivers to be better at their trades, whether it's forming young minds or nursing the sick back to health. There is never a dull day for middle school teachers. This makes sense because one of the primary jobs of a newer teacher is to learn how to manage the learning environment. Preparing students for standardized tests. If you like a lot of variety in your classroom, then this format is going to drive you up the wall. Look on the bright side! and Terms of Use. Youll discover that your fellow teachers are incredible resources of knowledge and wisdom too, pointing you in a direction on your quest for learning that you may have never considered in the past. Making tangible differences when shaping students lives, mentoring, and inspiring them to be their best is one of the most rewarding teaching careers. As for those long holidays youve heard about, most educators spend their holidays teaching in summer camps, participating in continuing development programs, and preparing for the next school year. As a full-time teacher, you get the benefit of having health insurance in addition to a retirement plan which is respectable. WebIn addition, many teachers receive benefits, such as health insurance, which can be a significant advantage compared to other jobs. But think about this: If I need to go to the bathroom during class, well, too bad. When you work as a high school teacher, then you will discover that there are three categories of students. Advantages and disadvantages of having a teachers license. In 2018, there were over 80 incidents of school violence involving a weapon in the United States, breaking a dubious record that no one ever wants to go through again. Most public-school teachers are required to take annual continuing education courses or attend seminars, which is not a requirement of most private-school teachers. In addition, many teachers receive benefits, such as health insurance, which can be a significant advantage compared to other jobs. Interest and expertise in subjects taught in educational The educational system is always in place, and each year teachers who retire must be replaced. Teaching, on the other hand, may not be for everyone. Journal of Educational Psychology, Provided by WebAccording to estimates, the demand for teachers will increase by 17% between 2020 and 2020. Teaching, like any other profession, has benefits and drawbacks. I can't imagine working in any other profession! To teach in a public school, teachers must be certified, and its usually the State Board of Education or the State Certification Advisory Committee that issue these certifications. I know what youre thinking. 5. 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500, Teaching middle school is the worst because . Working in a public school can bring additional challenges, such as bigger class sizes and a lack of funds. You will also learn about creative ways and new strategies for enhancing the learning process. Many kids see their teachers as heroes, especially when your class discusses a subject matter that is important to them. More information: Robert W. Roeser et al, Mindfulness training improves middle school teachers' occupational health, well-being, and interactions with students Have voted and shared too! Thanks for your opinion man,means a lot !! More importantly, you will explore the world and enjoy the benefits of a teacher. The goal of a middle school teacher is to share knowledge with learners so that they can be better despite their varying learning capabilities. For general inquiries, please use our contact form. Having someone that they can trust to discuss what their options can be will give them an opportunity to explore who they want to become in life. They can awaken a child or adult student's intellectual curiosity that may have been dormant up to this point. Participating in school meetings. When you add in the different behavioral issues that can happen from class to class, such as relationship dramas and bullying problems, there will be times when you wonder if you are ever getting through to these students. Neither your address nor the recipient's address will be used for any other purpose. "Early adolescents need supportive non-parental adults, and they want to have a little more input into decisions that affect their lives.". Once I was teaching Romeo and Julietand trying to explain the context in which Romeo and Juliet meet. Someone who never has to work weekends, who gets summers off, who leaves every day at 3:30 p.m.? Its a great way to figure out if teaching is the right path for you before you spend tons of money on the education required to become an instructor in the United States. Thinking about starting a career as a teacher? As a result, you will be able to teach these subjects for an extended amount of time, and you will finally know what you need to understand at work without having to organize your lectures. Not only do you get most of the summer off to explore opportunities outside of the classroom, but there are also the weekends, holidays, and vacations during the year that you get to enjoy as well. But when you think about the gratitude, the admiration, the respect and the smiles you get from your students, these things keep you motivated and energized. She interviewed Robert Parish, an elementary school teacher who works just miles from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High where 17 people, including three staff members, were killed by a former student. For example, students would not pursue writing if they had never learned how to construct sentences, nor would they strive to be doctors if they had never had the opportunity to discover aninterest in science classes, nor would they aspire to be politicians if they had never learned about the importance of government in social studies classes. There are moments of epiphany possible every day as a high school teacher. My goals will be to understand no two students are the same, provide a secure and safe environment for my 3. Many aspiring educators want to join the field because teaching is fun, and some for summer vacations. Throughout the day, I like to compare my activities to what I imagine my college buddies who chose to go into consulting might be doing. You can also become a head of department, deputy, or principal, which comes with additional benefits. Here is Of course, a lot of things have changed since then, and education is now a required public duty. Sitting for extended periods of time (such as all day at work) isnt healthy for most people. how to teach middle school in just 49 steps. You are going to be working some long hours every day during the school year. It can be both rewarding and frustrating. Teachers regularly take work home with them and often have to prep lessons or grade papers in the evening or on weekends. DOI: 10.1037/edu0000675, Journal information: Your email address is used only to let the recipient know who sent the email. Your approach has created a door in their mind that might have always remained closed if you hadnt formed a teacher-student relationship. Our district suffered severe budget cuts and I was one of 15 teachers to lose their job; but throughout that process of being RIF'd I felt undermined and undervalued, enough so to consider leaving the profession. Thus, it becomes more manageable to establish strong bonds that result in lifelong friendships. to keep the learning process flowing. There are some students who will never invest themselves in the learning process. Teachers also feel undervalued by their bosses, who they perceive to be unsupportive, unpleasant, disrespectful, and indifferent. You will create a bond with your students that never goes away. This can make public school a more attractive option for potential educators. or, by Sara P. Brennen, Pennsylvania State University. You dont want an expert in history teaching science, after all. Or however many kids you teach. For example, as a third-grade teacher, youre responsible for planning reading, math, science, and social studies lessons. There is less volatility in the education sector than in other industries, so you may not be as worried about your future if youre working as a teacher. Additionally, you will learn massively from students, especially about new trends, games, or songs. Children at middle school are pretty curious, and their questions are very challenging. This means that when one class writes a paper, everybody writes a paper. Haha. It necessitates a great deal of patience, a desire to assist others in their development and growth, a willingness to work with youngsters, problem-solving abilities, and much more. Educators are charged with the responsibility of providing for students academic, social and emotional needs. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Its not uncommon for first-time educators in the area to earn less money annually. You might hit those numbers in a single year in some districts! For some teachers, this issue happens at least once per day. I totally agree with your pros and cons list. You get to have more days off each year than the average employee. The love of learning gets to be part of your career. Nobody remembers the seventh grade fondly, and anybody who willingly puts themselves back in that milieu is clearly a force to be reckoned with. 8. The school day may run from 8 am-3 pm, but teachers work before and after school, which makes their day significantly longer. However, being a middle school teacher plays a crucial role in society and has several benefits. One of the best experiences that you can have as a high school teacher is when one of your students decides to open up to you about what is going on in their life. In turn, you will indeed be able to assist those children if you canform a deep bond with them, which can be a difficult task but ultimately beneficial in the long run. In addition to medical care, TRS offers teachers additional benefits such as dental, vision, and long-term disability insurance. Go to a party and tell somebody you teach third grade, and they smile and coo at you. In addition, the areas of specification and where you train is a bonus, and you will be looked on favorably. For example, if you would like to teach math at the high school level, youll need to have a strong grasp of numbers, which not everyone possesses. You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details to third parties. Contrary to what you might think, however, I absolutely love these classes and the kids I've taught over the years. Thats a typical fourth periodbefore the parents get involved. WebMiddle school is also a time when students have an enormous amount of physical energy, and outdoor recess time is reduced or ends entirely. Working as a teacher frequently necessitates a college diploma: Teachers, too, require extensive training before being allowed to operate in this sector. Simply pick your favorite subjects and succeed at them. WebPros of Being a History Teacher. ), Its a great game because I always win. I have only been a teacher for 3 years, but I find my BIGGEST frustration to be the administration. The students are younger, so grading assignments will be easier and less time-consuming than at higher grade levels. Classroom ideas, free printables, and great teacher ideas right here. But having to let go of the children after spending a year with them, would it be a con? My teachers have always been such a wonderful inspiration to me. And can you move Sebastians seat so he doesnt have to look at Victoria? Myrika from Phillippines on August 04, 2011: Hi! Although you will find that there can be a lot of competition for individual positions, if you can remain flexible with what you want to do, it is fairly easy to find teaching jobs almost anywhere in the world today. Instead of getting caught up on all of the homework that you need to grade, youre going through a learning lesson that is not relevant to what you teach. Junior high and high school teachers also typically teach far more students per day, as they teach multiple periods a day as opposed to having one class of 20 to 30 students per year. Teaching jobs are highly interactive; you socialize with colleagues and parents. Schools are increasingly becoming a place of deadly violence. :). Thank you for this wonderful list! 3. This issue isnt always a disadvantage because some of these training days are useful, but it is usually a drag on your time and resources. At the same time, they face unique challenges because their students are changing so rapidly," explains Robert Roeser, Bennett Pierce Professor of Caring and compassion and lead author of a new paper on the study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology. Medical research advances and health news, The latest engineering, electronics and technology advances, The most comprehensive sci-tech news coverage on the web. Pay is decent (estimated annual mean salary of $59,330 for high The vast majority of private schools are religion-based schools, and that impacts what youll be allowed to teach. Teachers will meet many challenges and learn plenty of lessons during their first year in the classroom, but they can also make a powerful impact in their schools. Do you have any experience with that or know of somebody who does? Fact is, particularly these days, not all vocations offer such perks. 3 You can make a difference You, as a teacher, are given the opportunity to make a difference in society. Recommended: Advantages and Disadvantages of being a doctor. There are some books that I've taught for the past 10 years and I'm still amazed at the different views my students have about some of the characters and situationsit's like reading the book again in a different light. If you believe you can handle all of that without spending a lot of money, teaching can be a good alternative for you. 8. Although salary is not a motivating factor in a teaching career, it is essential to know you will comfortably take care of your bills and save. Youll save their love of stories or die trying. The same thing happened to me last year. Working as a teacher can be emotionally and mentally taxing: Your profession as a teacher can be mentally hard, depending on the circumstances you want to teach. Many kids come from difficult family situations. Did a teacher just complain about the schedule? Thank you for taking time to provide your feedback to the editors. And thats in my good class. You can improve your people skills:You will be able to effectively strengthen your people skills as a teacher. jwhitman (author) from Albany, New York on January 30, 2012: It is definitely a hard time for teachers across the nation right now. During the study, middle-school teachers from across the Portland Public School district participated in a three-month training program held in a local school called "Mindfulness-Based Emotional Balance for Teachers," where they practiced mindfulness and compassion meditation practices and learned skills related to focused attention, emotion regulation, and compassion and forgiveness for self and others. It can be both rewarding and frustrating. Id describe it as a base of BO and nachos, with bright, nostril-burning top notes of AXE body spray, finished with a haze of sixteen different Bath and Body Works scents. You can open class with some basic conflict resolution and a corny joke when its just the kids, but when you get emails from parents about who was invited to whose birthday party (or who wasnt), a job handing out salmon samples at the local Costco starts to look appealing. part may be reproduced without the written permission. Hahaha. Resume Enhancement Most schools require teachers to have some experience before being hired. I was in the higher-level English courses, and my teachers inspired me not only to think critically about literature but also to write with feeling and purpose. Teachers act as co-parents to a child under their care and, thus, significantly impact students lives. I began my teaching career in the fall of 1998, and now, after many years of experience and a Master of Science degree in Education, I offer you everything I've learned about being a teacher: the pros and the cons. Working in underfunded public schools isnt all bad, however. Advantages & Disadvantages of Becoming a Teacher. A teachers day can be physically exhausting. With all the differences and quirkiness among your students, each They are full of curiosity, interest and always fun to be around. In addition, they are honest and speak their mind even on inappropriate things. Required fields are marked *. "It's critical for those who care for others to have the experience of being cared for," Roeser concludes. Many school districts offer a paycheck schedule that provides your salary when school is in session. That means you can embrace your love of traveling while also getting to pursue a career that you love. Coursework expectations vary by state. 16 Pros and Cons of Accountable Care Organizations, 18 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Payback Period, 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing a Car, 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Financing, 24 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of a C Corporation, 16 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation, 18 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gated Community, 17 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Groups, 17 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Bonds, 19 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Annuities, 17 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising. It is rewarding to make a massive difference in someone else life. Interested in teaching Latin or International Baccalaureate classes? A masters degree or at minimum a bachelors degree is frequently required to become a teacher, and other qualifications may be required in some states. This is a popular option for recent college graduates in America. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. Not much at all. Grading homework, tests and assignments. Which means you have anywhere between 90 and 7,000 papers in need of grading all crashing down on you in the same week. 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