child will only eat yogurt

he used to eat his favorite homemade food such as cooked rice, soup, soft meats, chicken, fish, mashed potatoes food than fast- food up til' he got his medications for his low growth. How do you copebecause I'm having a really hard time coping along with all of his other issues! Best wishes, -Laura. I don't feel so alone now, I never knew there were so many kids with this same problem. Some toddlers are too busy to sit and eat and instead like to graze; they will pick up finger foods if you leave them accessible near where you are playing together. By the way he's only 47-50 pounds. Find professional Child Eating Yogurt videos and stock footage available for license in film, television, advertising and corporate uses. It is important to think about what other foods he accepts and enjoys throughout the day. He drinks plenty including 2 pediasures a day but that's all he will manage, I just dont know what to do. I think it should be explored in alot of cases. The result just came back and we were told that he might have Celiac disease - gluten allergy. Especially if there is abuse going on in the home? Dropping a food they used to like such as milk, yogurt, or eggs. My son only eats vanilla pedicure as well.We get him to eat those puff things for baby's that melt fast in his mouth.He goes to feeding speach an of therapy's. Alongside cheese, crackers etc, I'd also offer something else and encourage him to eat that too and I'd also hold back on the crisps unless he's tried something new. He has a few basics that he eats.. McDonald's fries.. certain chocolate.. cheese depending on how it's cut.. and has to be straight from fridge and garlic bread. My child is 5 yrs old. His diet mostly consisted of cheese sticks, yogurt, fruits, potato fries, crackers and cookies. It definitely helps. He would never chew foods. Have tried progressing with fruit size in his custard and he just spits it out. But he resisted any introduction to solids from 1 year on.he would try to eat and then just throw his whole meal up. My almost 6 year old has over the course of a month stopped eating solids and for the last week exists on pediasure alone. She doesn't eat veggies but does like activia, green label! They r going to send her to a food therapist to see if that will help. They can probably help you find a medical professional that understands what is going on with your child and can help. Once he/she will take food and drink with their mouth, then ask doctor to recommended high calorie formula and baby foods. Hello, i have a daughter who will be 5y/o in 2weeks, she refuse to eat since1year of age started tube feeds at 2years old. So I cut a hole in the nipple to make it larger and I puree everything. Sometimes I feel like sending his baby bottles with him to school so that he at least drinks his pediasure because he refuses to eat anything at school and he's there full day and by the time he gets home in the afternoon he is starving and drinks about 16oz of his pediasure all at once. He is scheduled to have a modified Barium swallow done this week and im anxious to see what the problem is, My husband & I can totally relate to every one of these articles, we have argued and even blamed eachother as to why our son will not eatI feel relieved to know that other people out here in the world feel our struggles and pain. My daughter spit up alot until we switched her to a soy formula, but after that she was ok. She is 6 now and about to finish kindergarten and STILL gets all her nutrients from pediasure (Vanilla only still!) Her name is Selina, and you can contact her at He will look at my food, and gag and run away won't even try it. 1. He smells everything quickly before declining. Our 5 year old non-speaking grandson will only drink pediasure, and only vanilla. He ended up with a feeding tube because you could not get him to eat much of anything. Is 30 grams of protein too much for a child. He will have banannas, blueberry yogurt, dry cheerios and specific snacks but he will not touch meat,fish, rice, potatos, vegetables, fruit, juices or any other foodshe literally screams if you try to give him anything outside of the specific things i mentioned.helphe starts school soon. He will only eats snacks usually, strawberries, blueberries,grapes and apples. Sometimes he'll eat pizza, waffles, and pop tarts. He is not anorexic because he does not fear fat but he fears new foods. I can't get her into the doctor until November 4th. Years later I was told she gave the food she did not want to her sister and brother. Help! I mean, everyone knows what good nutrition is. My daughter, now 9, was diagnosed w SPD at 2 1/2 years old. The group is incredibly supportive and they also understand like most on this forum. My son was not eating at all. He has NEVER eaten anything solid. Are you still on here? He wont drink juice or soda and trust me, we have offered. We've tried everything to get him to try new foods but he has such a intense fear of trying something new that we have held off on trying. As a result she has to wear pull ups at night as she will wet the bed, which is very embarrassing to her. Thank u soooo very much for ur response. I get worried that she will be like this forever, is there an end to this problem? Our child lives off of baby food, baby cereal, yogurt and milk. Everybody we know exactly what all you other parents are going through.Our son was diagnosed with ALL Cancer(Leukemia) when he was 5 yrs old.He was on 4 to 5 different medications daily,7 days a week for 4 solid yrs straight.He is 11 yrs old now and we think all the medication he was on for 4 yrs messed his eating ways up.He only has ever ate 4or5 different kinds of food,thats everyday.He has never ate a hotdog,hamburger,steak,porkchops ,any food like that,but other than that he is fine but we still worry so much about this problem. She has been getting her vitamins threw chocolate milk and pediasure. He eats very little. If we talk him into it, he throws up. He eats fruit snacks granola bars toast , pb and jelly , grill cheese, chicken nuggets breaded only, pizza is his fav and pizza rolls. I tried to get him to try something new tonight and he very frustrated and concerned about my sons health..Dr has said for years he will eat in time.well when??? My picky eater loves to only drink milk all day and eat little snack foods. thats all!! Trouble. But if you give in (because you think your child will die) & give them a bottle or only the limited things that they don't refuse to eat, then you're child now knows "They're in Control" & continue to Refuse to eat. Now she has not eaten anything in over 2 weeks. Kindergarten, I believe, is what changed him. Vanilla yogurt can be used everywhere. It's been really hard and I know what you are all going through. Since your daughter likes things that are smooth in texture it should be very easy to "sneak" unsaturated fatty foods into foods she already likes. It's easy to do. I gave him aspartame because I thought it would lessen the tantrams. I ate lima beans this way and still love them! Knows when he is hungry and wants a cup but will scream if any food is introduced. I am sorry I don't know what to do either. thanks for your comment! MINE THE SAME WAY AND SO SO PICKY I FEEL LIKE SCREAMING AND FEEL LIKE SHE IS GOING TO WASTE AWAY.PLEASE EMAIL ME or anyone that can help i went over the sensory disorder checklists and she is none of these as a matter of fact she is overly smart for her age and very articulate, To the poster below re picky eater advice. So, we don't want to rock the boat by taking away the bottle. Within 6 months he started eatng more normal but he reverted some if he stopped. Just would be a great relief to have an better understanding you know.. as or right now im clueless also. So disrespectful of your efforts! I have panic attacks whenever I get over-stimulated and it's horrible. I have eight children and experienced everything. we have been seeing at OT for a year now and not much has changed, just wondering what some of your OTs strategies she used to help him try the new foods, Here is an update on my son, he'll be turning 5 in about a week. It's nice to see other people in the same situation at different stages (children to young adults). In certain situations, adding a small amount of plain yogurt to your dog's food may also offer digestion-related benefits. The doctor kept telling me that it was normal for kids with sensory issues. 5.2k views Reviewed >2 years ago. Because of all the beta carotine, his skin turned a little yellow. My grandson has lived with me and his parents since birth. How is his weight and over all health? My husband felt the same way as you too in the beginning and believed that if we would just let her get hungry enough, while withholding her Pediasure, she would eat food. Now my son will have occupational therapy, sensory and behavior therapy, and speech, also wrap around services! You are not crazy and your child needs your support. PUlling out my hair as I type. My 8 yr old son says he swallowed a fingernail in school back in Feb and he hasn't swallowed any type of semi solid food since Yogurt, pudding is still a go, but now he has himself convinced that even creamy peanut butter has chunks in it too. We've been to er, doc, back to er, therapy, useless surgery ( they put him under to scope his throat as a means to prove to him he's ok, but it didn't work with him) back to therapy, back to the doc. souped him up on protein drinks, but now he's lost another 8 pounds my baby is skin and bones and our whole church has been praying and I just don't know what else to do for himm his pedi says just make food and if he eats he eats, he says his hunger will eventually outweigh his fear. My boy is now 6 and hasn't eaten anything other than uncooked noodles, jam sandwichs since age 2. and for the last 2 years he started eating chicken nuggets & dim sims now and then , it seems he can't shake the cold &flu he has had. My daughter is 5 year old does not eat any solid foods. My son gains weight on Pediasure, and Boost Jr. my son is now 11 very under weight already for his height and age over the last two months we have been giving him Clonidine to help him sleep and shortly after he began losing his appetite and now the last month he throws up the very little he does eat. They may be hungry but something within them will not allow themselves to eat or try the new foods. His meals consist of Gogurt every single meal, every single day. I've been there. It was a good experience. Which means no vege. We continue to do feeding therapy with very little positive results. He might put a couple of pieces but will spit it out. she gags looking at my fingernails or any kind of normal food like pizza in front of her sometimes she actually throws up looking at it. We are now going through an eating disorder program where the first step is talking about it, thank goodness he likes to talk. Last summer after a sharp crisp went down the wrong way she stopped eating a large number of things, however once back at school she got back on track again though she never ate crisps again/crackers anything with sharp bits. My boys had eating issues and found that they did not get hunger pains like us and they would be very sensitive to textures. Do not label anything good or bad. Not powder or pre-made. My son has behaviors that my daugther did not, such as- rocking, repetitive motions and words, stacking objects in a line and having much difficulty transitioning so there may be some ASD in him. He now will drink anything you give him. All they need is Love. I also make sure to put out a variety of foods and invite him to try them all, typically finger foods such as fruits, raw vegetables, nuts, glasses of juice, etc. Thank you so much for your reply about antibiotic alternatives! Not our kids. Can see him like this :( please help. if he gets any crumbs in his mouth he cries and quickly spits it out or gags if it went too far into his mouth. What should I do? (We are in the UK). Any tips or suggestions would be very welcome! My parents tried everything. Just relieved to hear I'm not alone! We cant change the flavor because she wont drink it. She hasnt ate anything solid for about 10 months now. Please read the book ", My child was the same. If he doesnt have the pediasure he will sometimes eat a little oatmeal, cream of wheat or vanilla pudding. He will eat yogurt,very few Doritos,a few fries after pinches off ends. Any ideas? Good luck to all you other moms out there! How? He has been diagnosed with SPD. My biggest helper has been bribery! However, studies indicate that the timing of adding certain solids to a baby's diet is not as important as once believed. How? Does anyone have any advice? Its ridiculous. we finally got him to eat popcorn chicken, he eat yogurt it has to be smooth, he will eat dry fruit loops, wavy potato chips, and i give him pedia sure and make him shakes when he wont eat, he has acid re flux so he wont eat anything spicy. My 6 year old ASD son just gave up eating regular foods and would only eat oikos greek vanilla yogurt and vanilla pediasure for about 5 weeks. Especially when she is low and I have to force carbs on her to keep her alive - something I hate to do. I've tried adding a little rice cereal per her nutritionist and I've tried adding a lot per her pediatrician and neither has helped. So if anyone has any other suggestions I'm up for it. What no one can figure out though is how you get a person to eat that has no interest in it. Many blessings to you and your family :). Should I just give it some time since he just injured himself. Most doctors recommend that you introduce yogurt to your baby at this age. That way the floor, myself and Ezra are free from vomit. He went for 5 days and hardly ate a thing. The other day, my son picked up a niblet of dog food from the dog bowl and held it to his mouth like he was going to eat it. I assume you have the doctor's OK to try this method and you are keeping him/her posted as to the progression. The kids are irritable, they usually dont sleep well, refused to eat most of everything. its good to know that im not alone in this most people look at me so strangely when i tell them my daughter doesn't eat My child was the same way. My hidbznd and I have taken her to GI doctors and had so many test run that are all normal. .. that went no where. The sooner she starts, the better since with your daughter the refusal of food has to do with the trauma that occurred w the cough drop. He is foing to start 1st grade and im afraid he wont get enough from what he is eating to sustain him for a whole day schooling. His pediatrician told us he was just being stubborn and to offer him new foods and that he would start eating. Cant get him to even try things. You need to eat the rest of your dinner now." If she refuses to eat anything else, then when you all are finished with dinner, she is too. I know that feeding therapy and occupational therapy work wonderful for some oral SPD kids so if you have not tried that, I would encourage you to do so. Here is what he eats: Nutella sandwiches, Fritos, french fries, in and out burger (with everything, even the onions), potato chips, chocolate milk, brownies, waffles with chocolate chips, orange juice, boosted fruit juice, pizza. will it resolve itself? The things she will lick and might eat are chips and pretzels, lol dog kibble if she gets into it, a little spaghettishes been evaluated by early intervention as well as eating disorders clinic after doc suggested it. I don't know what more I can do. My child has sensory disorder, has not been diagnosed with autism yet, but it has been 2 years he is on pediasure only and crackers, and one type of yougurt only the baby yougurt one, I lost my hope, therapies don't help!!! Now he is 133 lbs. Anyone else seen this in a child. Getty Images offers exclusive rights-ready and premium royalty-free analog, HD, and 4K video of the highest quality. He will chew but spit out certain foods like bread, hot dogs, bologna & chips of sorts. He thinks her issues are stupid and that if i starve her she will eat. Like you child he lives off of pediasure (Vanilla ONLY) and licks chips and snacks but refuses to take a bite at all. She has profound oral sensory defensiveness and will eat very little beyond white toast and nibbles of crackers. I have been trying different health bars. This product was recommended for her doctor to help her gain weight since she was only bottle feeded and was not gaining weight and almost Failure to Thrive. You can cover her meal and put it back in the refrigerator, so that if she claims she is hungry before bed, you can offer her her dinner again. If i had one wish- It would be that my son could eat food. Not even money or toys will make m change his mind. He associated throwing up with the drink. If you haven't tried them I totally recommend you do. Such a simple diagnosis that has caused so many feeding issues throughout the years. It has 30 grams of protein only 1 grams of sugar and its low fat 160 calories 3 gr of fat and 3 net carbs. No but I haven't thought about this. Image of smiling, stained, little - 31600739. I have a 3 year old that lives off chocolate pediiasure, crackers, dry cereal and bacon. My son just turned 5, and we have also spend thousands of dollars to try to figure out what is wrong. Every single night I give him a variety of meat and vege and sometimes rices or pastas. He was also eating stage 3 chicken and vegetables, but stopped. It is a huge commitment, 8 weeks five days a week, 8 hours a day. I know therapy is expensive but now I am glad we continued with it. Yogurt melts are available in different variations and go by numerous names, but the basic formula is the same. It doesn't make them bad docs they just can't be informed about everything. Hello. I have a 25 month old who has been a extreme picky eater since about 14 months? The doctor recommended we get her on something called Florastor, it's a probiotic. Royalty-Free Stock Photo. We are designed to eat. The hospital said to take her to a nutritionist, but what good is that going to do if she's not swallowing the food just sucking on it? I am not sure if this is the answer. Search from Children Eat Yogurt stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. He has never had anything but yogurt (at least it's stoney field organic), bananas, grapes, coco puffs cereal, pb and Nutella sandwichs. She is almost 4 and has never ever swallowed anything solid. My daugther will be 4 in May and she is 100% dependent on Kids Essential 1.5 Vanilla flavor. It would be really nice to have someone to talk to about David and the issues we deal with concerning his lack of eating. You whip up delicious, nutritious meals, but your child only eats hot dogs. My daughter is 3 and 1/2 and she will not eat most solid food, rather she drinks her food from a bottle she is on the G-tube diet without a tube. My email is A two-year-old boy has driven his parents to despair by refusing to eat any food apart from yoghurt. I didn't do it. my son refused to take sippy cup or cup. Any suggestions for me? He will be 4 in September. If the list is smaller than 20 foods, it might be very helpful to reach out to a feeding therapist (like my friends at Sunnyside Up Nutrition or Thrive with Spectrum. Never touches it. I too have same problem with my now 8 year old. I have a really hard time when my son gets sick and does not take meds. A container of yogurt can contain up to 26 grams of sugar, making it easy to exceed daily intake recommendations. It is also strenuous on the parent and child. Good luck to you! Drain full-fat plain yogurt in a cheesecloth-lined sieve or fine-mesh colander overnight. I'm constantly amazed at the strides he's taken with his food. I would love to talk to you. He will only eat Oatmeal and Cream of wheat,he will not drink water or juice. Sadly, I have not been able to get them to cover our nutritional drinks either.-Laura. For my baby- have you tried Pediasure? I am told to offer table food (mac and cheese), banana's, etc and give it to him--if he refuses then he doesn't eat. 7 Foods to Eat While Taking Antibiotics. The only other food of any decent quantity she will eat is yogurt (vanilla only and it must be creamy and smooth in texture) and french fries(but not the ends or any crunchy or brown/black parts).She will lick potato chips, pretzels,or tortilla chips but rarely will bite them. He will only eat yogurt, peanut butter crackers, chips, assorted crackers, fries, porridge, drink pediasure and smoothies ( I have to force this most times); he will only eat foods with smooth texture except sweet potatoes, he absolutely hates sweet potatoes. This can make kids feel scared to eat for fear of choking. He's willing to try anything once and we always tell him that if he doesn't like something, he'll never have to eat it again (although I don't plan on stopping trying..:)). Then was diagnosed Type 1 diabetic at 2.5 years old. No juices, no milk, nothing solid, nothing, KE 1.5 and water. her doctor doesn't seem too concerned either. We've been seeing an OT for 4 months with not a lot of progress, which is understandable. All she will eat is stuff that melts in her Hersey bars, ice cream, and popsicles.Ive took her to doctors and they have done all kinds of tests. Hey, you should give me your contact info! I spend about 20 dollars per chicken and buy it directly from the farm to feed him as healthy as possible, my wife says he is eating about a chicken a day. He still eat 3 stage baby food, mashed potatoes, self pasta, and he eats while playing or watching TV, without distraction he won't eat. When to Give Your Baby Yogurt Many doctors suggest introducing yogurt between 9 and 10 months of age. To be considered a probiotic yogurt, yogurts must have 1 billion CFU - but this is not a therapeutic dose. For a few months he would eat yogurt and other baby food purees, but he never chewed anything solid. Obviouslyhe vomited it out. I have a 5 yo grandson, that only eats pretzels, sweets, ice cream and strawberries and drinks chocolate milk. At my house he eats Club crackers and cream cheese.The crackers cannot be mini size, broken or any brand but Keebler. He does drink a lot of milk. It's worth a try. My six year old son ,cannot swallow food,chews it for 20minutes or more,then when he finally swallows it takes same time for next peace and so on.feeding lasts up to two hours ,only for him to vomit it all up at the end.the other twin sometimes vomits,this sets the other twin into vomit have no answers and am a single mother with four older children. If you eat yogurt every day, your blood pressure may improve. She just couldn't latch any other bottle nipple. Its frusterating the whole family and has us so worried. It is so frustrating and i hope that one day he will try and eat some real food. I hope and pray that one day my child will be able to eat. Resently she has started not eating and will even throw a fit until she makes herself throw up. I need support and successful stories!!! But, I want him to go back to eating solid food like he used to when he was 1 year old. We're going through the same thing with our toddler (RSV and all) and was recently told by 2nd dietician (who we really like) not to get frustrated with the OT process. So very lost and confused. Even teachers at school didn't understand (that's where documentation from food therapy and pediatrics is really important). Also I've heard some pretty awesome things about the. I'm nervous about him going but we'll get through it I'm sure. He is supper picky and gags at the sight of any food we r eating. Does anyone know of someone or has a child with Noonan Syndrome. But I am scared for him I think I should just stop the pediasure and see if he eats more. There are times that her eating has improved and I feel so happy about it all. He will only do it for a reward of having a sip of juice afterwards. and our feeding therapist trying the Sequential Oral Sensory approach. My 19 month old son with ds used to eat solids, although not all foods but he was gaining weight. Your story sounds like my son. Ive just gotten my daughter (finally) off the sippy cup- she now takes her pediasure with a straw except for her nighttime one (she has a pediasure in middle of the night STILL and has never slept through the night)and it makes me feel better that there are others who go through this! I should have mentioned my boy is 5 1/2 years old now. Browse 48 child eating yogurt stock illustrations and vector graphics available royalty-free, or search for child eating yogurt white background to find more great stock images and vector art. Hes eating and thats most important. Reflux can cause pain, nausea, and is not always visible. Thank you for reading. We are out of ideas. I wish you luck with your 4 year old. my daughter drinks 6 pediasure per day ( at least!) She chews food and spits it out and won't swallow. my son wont put anything in his mouth other than what he wants (which is extremely little and limited ). He just threw up his pediasure here tonight. and my prayer is that she will learn to eat some regular foods on a daily basis. My daughter can eat like 2 or 3 bites out of her food she says she can't eat the whole thing because she feels like she's gonna throw up but she says she's always hungry but can't eat I need advice !! Has anyone tried the intensive feeding clinics and if so, were they helpful? If all else fails, sneak some whole grains (like baby oatmeal) and veggies (pureed sweet potato) into the yogurt. I pray that you're son will start eating again and that the Drs know exactly what needs top be done. Anyways - I feel all of your pain - I dream of the day he will eat a cracker or a sandwich. He will be 2 in December. He will eat oatmeal, sliced hot dogs, apple slices, pudding, sloppy joe meathe tolerates these foods so he can get a "new food" star on his star chart. It's so heart breaking. I've done several internet searches on toddler feeding difficulties and keep coming back to this forum. Your child may not progress with it but it covers your butt in case anyone wants to call DCFS for "inadequate food or medical neglect". I have tried everything with no avail. For us too, we had to fight the "your kid wont starve himself so try stopping pediasure and he will eventually eat"advice. I used to be happy if he at least stayed the same weight between doctor visits. She's very petite but not underweight so I guess that is good anyway Praying that our children will start to eat eventually! How is your son now? Cyndi, we started a FB page, the Non-Eating Child. Thanks to this formula she hasn't needed a G Tube. He ASD and SPD. My 10 year old is a type 1 diabetic so i understand the worry About carbs and lows and highs! As a baby he hated messy play and I could never get him interested in playing with his food. Whenever I do let her miss feedings her weight drops very quickly. She gets self-concious when the other kids watch her drink her pediasure and ask her "Why dont you eat?" We are in week 7 of an 8 week intensive feeding program in Atlanta and the place is amazing. We don't know what to do anymore, but it is so nice to find a site that has people that are going through this!!! Like if he skip a night of a bath the next day he's terrified as if he never took one. You are certainly not alone. Is a completely subjective question that depends upon us, our children as individuals as well as the support and care that is offered to us. This is a serious, physical medical condition. She's being evaluated for autism and since has stopped eating. He will not try any thing with texture or put it near his mouth. He literally tasted 3 crumbs of vanilla bday cake & proceeded to throw it right up. Does Cassandra have a point. His usual foods are yogurt, crackers, pasta (loves), french fries, potatoes, peas, meatballs, etc- I am just praying that he isn't developing some kind of eating disorder because of him busting his bottom lip while falling down the stairs. My daughter was on waiting list but once she stopped outpatient therapy she had to be removed. That is so awesome that worked for you! He only started drinking a bottle at about 9 months. i have tried everything and nothing has worked. It is very frustrating and if others judge we have to let it roll of off our shoulders and understand they just have no clue. green: brocoli (if she doesnt eat green veggies give her activia "the label is green ;)) blue: blueberries purplegrapes. I have a daughter who is 19 months old. At last chk up I told her pretty much the same because I was concerned that he was only still eating stage 3 foods and at that time she said he was pretty normal for him since at the time he didnt have all of his teeth. Mr Glarvey said : "We were really worried about Bobby but the experts have told us he will grow out of it eventually . But he refuses to eat meat and chicken and I'm having such a hard time. To see we are not alone is invaluable. I seriously havent been able to find anyone in our situation (or even close). Stock Photos; Editorial; Illustrations; Videos; . Teach your grade-schooler (without lecturing) about good nutrition. I'm so desperate just for him to eat that I let him eat m&ms before he goes to school just so he has something in his stomach because he doesn't eat during the day. My prayers are with you all! Just by "chance" we were directed to a pediatrician from Clevelands rainbow Hospital pediatrics. Daily Mail Reporter If you are already dealing with a yeast infection, then consuming sugars in general should be avoided since it will only help the fungus grow more quickly. Its is upsetting to me because i believe that she is lying to me and that they are taking advantage of my self and using my sons food to eat wife is always covering up, because its her parents, but they are always doing things to bother me because they dislike me.can someone tell me if i am incorrect? We thought he may have a texture issue but he will eat oatmeal. It helped a bit. He was at least eating stage 2 baby food - but only sweet potatoes & turkey, or sweet potatoes and corn. He is on pediasure, prior to this he was on a g-tube for 3 years. Love to you and your family. He is a happy, healthy, active boy, not exhibiting signs/symptoms otherwise characteristic of Autism. I'm lost and don't know what to do. My child ate fine up until around 2 years old. Thanks again for sharing your storiesit helps to know I'm not alone. And what was her weight at 5 years old? According to the Mayo Clinic, hypertension can lead to various health problems, including heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, dementia, and more. At this point he is growing normally, but my pediatrician did have me switch his formula to an older baby/toddler formula for more accurate nutrition for his age. There are too many snacks. I realized I was treating my son to a double whammy with both excitotoxins and acrylamide. He is 3'6 & weighs 36lbs. He is 22 months. Many people don't want to hear this, but homeschooling may be the only option while your child is on the GAPS diet. Can someone help me/us. She spits it out. I wanted to that w my daughter, the intensive feeding program! This will provide the flavor of the food she prefers while introducing a healthier option. He drinks 5-6 pediasures every day (and he insists on using a baby bottle). It is amazing how many kids love french fires, isn't it? Heart breaking to read all of these comments. so im curious, what has worked and not worked for all of you? I wish these posts had a "like" button! Emilie-Lea Hayward refuses to eat any solid food and becomes hysterical. I know malanga is a pretty starchy root vegetable so there must be some liquid when you blend it. Never has she cared for vegetables or sides like potatoes or fries. Home made pizza is better than delivery. .My son is 25 years old and simply refuses to eat anything except Little Debbie oatmeal pies,we have tried everthing,just wondering if any one has this problem or answer to it.Thanks. He is an excellent escape artist! Good luck! I cant believe it, we live with her parents and they love chicken, she says that her parents only eat the wings of the chicken that i buy for my son. Its so easy to point a finger and judge unfortunately compassion and understanding are becoming obsolete in this world, as your post shows. He gets all his nutrition from pured food I make him and he eats yogurt only cotton candy flavor and he will not drink milk or water! most nights goes without eating supper as she simply refuses to eat what I made. we used a dropper but of course you have to get past the teeth, which are clenched shut. I just feel like we're making it worse. After a few times of doing this, he took his milk with the meds without me threatening him. Your child will only eat candy, sweets, and other junk. My nephew is like this and I'm worried a bit as well as his parents etc. My son is now 10 and he's still an extremely picky eater. Now he only eats pediaSure, milk, vanilla pudding with strawberry flavoring added and what he calls Mac N Cheese soup (cream, milk and the powdered cheese) He inspects every bite of the "soup" and pudding to ensure there are "no pieces" He rapidly went from eating Mac N Cheese with noodles, to just swallowing the noodles rather than chewing them, to just the liquid. Thanks for the update! A fussy four-year-old girl refuses to eat anything other than Petits Filous- munching her way through 30 pots a day. my 7 year old girl only eats yogurts and custard . I will look for you on facebook- Its a MUCH easier way for all of us to encourage, support and give advice to each other! Also I highly recommend the insulin pump! thank you to whomever posted the info on ARFID/SED Stateside Support Group! He is the cases the autism community, and media don't like talking about. I have been back and forth to doctors , speech therapist , occupational therapist Everyone. I told my OT to work specifically on getting him to eat and it was very helpful. She holds food in her mouth and says she can't swallow. The doc said his eating issues were part of the autism. Sorry I hadn't responded yet! please email me! I am so irritated I don't understand why this has been such a struggle, but anyway my son since he was born started to have GERD he went through many formulas, then had barium studies 2 times failed since he would not even drink the barium. I'm just afraid of sending him to school next year. Everything else in between is a no-no for him. He has Sensory for sure, speech delays, and behind in some other things. Be blessed, Amy. When we think back to him only eating Gogurt and crackers, it seems like a million years ago. After the 8 weeks they keep you in weekly outpatient visits to continue the improvement. They aren't cheap but many of them you dilute with a carrier oil and they last for months and months so they really end up being affordable. Trading tv time for eating was great once I liked a show. But dont let it stop with us, If you have an idea that might help others, we would love to hear it. If you could get them to drink even a few tablespoons a few times a day they will a benefit. "Oh, I saved the food you didn't eat. They are dangerous. ive been looking into some things regarding sensory and food and came across a hospital in Philadelphia that has a pediatric feeding and swallowing center. Its OK, it gives me a chance to answer the last comment. We never thought it would happen. No one can make a child eat if they don't want to. Not yogurt, crackers, french fries nothing. He doent open his mouth for brushing also he thinks that if he open's his mouth I will feed him, he has a strong feeling that I feed him forcibly. Sin always invites temptation. He like drinking only milk. he prefers the nipple bottle with pedicures mostly vanilla (so expensive) :( water, juice & milk ONLY :( is there anyone who has similar with this. I have to dilute his milk (without him knowing) to get any water in him. I definitely ignored red flags for awhile as she complained she might choke on everything and I just dismissed as her being difficult. 'Take control as a parent'? I have been told that she will try to eat more when peer pressure hits, as kids dont want to appear "different" from their friends Katherine, I have no idea if there is a connection but my son spit up A LOT when he was a baby. It is a good feeling to know that we are not alone in this Be blessed, Amy. It has been so frustrating. To frustrated Lisa, yes they say it's my fault to but you try and try and things don't change! I also try to get him more exercise such as walking and swimming as activity will increase his appetite. He loved french fries and chips, both of which cause HEATOX/Acrylamide. Kids that eat well the stop, or wont eat at all, could have reflux. Sometimes the truth hurts and it can honestly hurt to the point that it wakes you upforces you to take another look. If you grind thin enough it will go through, make sure you always follow with water to rinse out stomach tube. The cream cheese must be whipped. Hi, you are going to have to talk to your doctor if He/she does not remember how to eat or drink with their mouth. My parents would let me eat baby food, even though I was 8. Her physician has told me that a child will never die of starvation as long as food is available. He will eat yogurt,he eats frys but the eats gave them be took off. I will never go back to pediasure, yes, it is a meal replacement that is high in sugar. Us too as well. Feel free to email anytime, My son is the same and I don't wanna feel like I'm given up but it's very frustrating and nerve wrecking bc my son still doesn't eat and he is 11 years old but if u find out any resources please don't hesitate to let me know or either by my email thank u, Nope he still doesnt eat. My son is about to turn 5. he put a strip on my son and told him to breath in without and with the strip so my son would feel the diffrence. He is now only drinking pediasure. And has been diagnosed with severe junior inflammatory arthritis struggles to walk every day. Shutterstock i hope to hear from you soon. Activia is one of the few best brands of yogurt you will find and owned by Groupe Danone. Today, cold yogurt has a variety of flavors for babies to enjoy. we were shocked because my child never had a reaction to those foods, we were skeptical. Don't force your child to eat or force feed them. His father and I are divorced. And various other things. He was diagnosed at age 1. The only other thing I would suggest is to let him eat anything he wants. I will try it! My grandson is 13 and will only eat pepperoni pizza, bacon, French fries, Wendy's chicken tenders and blueberries. No solid food intake. I feel your pain mama's! So it is very rich and filling. she used to eat everything at anytime and just one day she tells she cant eat anything its been almost 2 weeks and doctors haven't found anything.. Some signs that your child may have any of the above medical issues are: Eating only small portions. Also, no ibuprofen right now. That's why it's important to regularly measure your blood pressure and see your doctor if it's elevated. His speech is delayed. It was life changing for her. try to add veggies at a later date once you are successful. My son was born on time and healthy but for some reason he had a hypersensitive gag reflex at birth and threw up thousands of times in the first 2 years of his life. He had the flu/norovirus and stopped drinking his nutritional drink which is 99% of his calories. If your child wants food to not touch, let him serve himself. By being positive and informative in their parenting style and by repeatedly exposing children to a wide variety of healthy foods, parents provide their children with precious support in building healthy eating habits. Yep, you can buy it online while stocks lasthere. I love him so much, but I'm at my wits end with him. I just have no one else to talk to. then after that, he stopped eating, & its frustrating like i have to do try to work with feeding all over again.. it don't work. Has been like this since we can remember. I did want to ask if any of your picky eaters had acid reflux as a baby? I asked her to tell me if she wanted to buy her lunch and she said no. He states off in space when I try to feed him. we were given meds and it was liquid. Please any feedback is appreciated! I have a 3 year old autistic child who refuses to eat. I can see her picking the burnt edges off of her fries. My son's main food is still gogurt but we've slowly began getting him to accept new foods: pepperoni cooked until they're crispy, hash browns from Burger King. We can see his body change just after a few days of not drinking them. My 3-year-old daughter is also on Vanilla pediasure. Prefer water than any other fluid. When he was a baby he ate just about everything. Does your daughter have packed lunches or school dinners? We had to pure all his food. My daughter, who is almost 9 now, is very bright and made honor roll last quarter. My son will eat chips, crackers, cookies, peanuts all the time. Michelle, SA. Even as an infant, he never liked formula and never would eat baby food. there are already made pizza shells and pizza sauce. Any feedback would be helpful. SPD kids can be exceedingly bright (I have a SPD niece with a genius IQ!) At one point he was drinking almost a gallon of milk a day. My grandson is 4 years old. Pediasure and water are his entire diet. I am Not a "Autistic Specialist" therefore I did Not give any advice instructing the feeding care that your "Autistic" child might need! His ot wants me to do the SOS picky eater program but I don't see it working. My son is eating all sorts of foods (still in puree form) and is feeding himself and enjoying it. They taught me how to put an NG tube in her nose and I feed her liquid formula when she won't eat. Aside from being on a 50/50 mix of Enfamil EnfaCare Preemie Formula and Rice Milk, she cannot swallow any solid foods. So worried he's goi g to end up with a tube. I blend everything and I feed him. Thank. That totally changed his perspective and he was then able to see that he was wrong- this was not a simple matter of her "choosing" not to eat. There is hope. Okay, so my son went across the street for a play date tonight. When the OT does it, he will take one bite, but for me he wont do it at all--not even for the reward. I have a 5 year-old son with high-functioning autism that refuses nearly all foods. My ex introduced Pediasure and since he has all but quit eating. I ran out and purchased a case of every flavor there was pedia surewhat a thing I knew I was serving everyone dinner and my precious darling would hand me back her plate and gave me the Frenchmans wavetake it away I'll be having my chocolate shake tonight mom. According to Eat This, Not That!, eating more yogurt can support weight loss, gut health, and overall bone health. I really suggest pediasure it had been amazing. I'm so glad the program worked well for ur son! No one else i know seems to understand. MyLO cannot afford to not eat due to weight gain issues so it can be challenging not to give in and give him what he will really enjoy but it's for the better.Otherwise, you endup like my kids . He also lives of a g tube that feeds him vanilla pediasure just as your daughter does. My son just turned 3 and has never been a good eater. My daughter gave him chocolate milk etc for a year. He will puke if there is any sort of lump even if its,a soft one. 9. Im spending $540 monthly just on babyfood & soy formula alone, not to mention the cereal & water. She will sometimes eat a bite or two of a baby food custard or hummus. He wouldn't normally just ask for any of those things on his own. She has gone through food phases her whole life, and was already not eating much before covid hit and schools shut down. :(. Miralax for bowel movements seizure meds medicine that makes her hungry it's all so terrifying! I do NOT make her feel guilty when she can not eat something, I do not yell at her or try to shame her into eating, I do not focus on her limits but on her possibilities and I do not let her see my frustration Anymore. Sprinkle a bit on a healthier alternative such as an unsweetened cereal or home-cooked porridge. Feeding therapies were not working because he does not follow directions or pay attention to what people are asking him to do. thank god it worked because my son is eating normal without the strips. Children with regular yogurt intake seem to eat more fruit and whole grains than the infrequent yogurt consumers (1). I was told his feeding delay was due in part to his apraxia and poor oral/motor planning. Jenn I was wondering have you found out anything since you said you were awaiting an appt. Honey isn't safe before 12 months because your baby may contract a type of food poisoning called botulism. he sees a occupational therapist for feeding issues and sensory issues but to this point has not really helped, I tell myself i will just stop trying maybe when he's in school he will see other kids eat and want to do the same, but after seeing that there are kids here up to age 7 that still have the same problem just makes me more frustrated, I really hope we can find the answer to this feeding, sensory issues. Good luck to you as well Leticia! With oatmeal in it. I feel so alone and so JUDGED by friends and family. This has been my life for the past 2.5 years. He has had Kawasaki Disease, has apraxia speech disorder at one point was diagnosed with autism but now I think there saying not any longer. We are tired frusrated and need other options. Here are a few other tips and tricks that may help: We hope this has helped and provided you with some strategies that may encourage acceptance and enjoyment of all your delicious home cooked food. 19 month old eating only bread, cheese and yogurt. He just got diagnosed with GERD this morning and has been prescribed medication. As a result, he eats only oatmeal, pudding, and yogurt. I'm hoping that some day this will change. Let the child eat what he wants. If he enjoys a variety of nutritious foods at breakfast, lunch or snacks you can use these foods to help improve the quality and acceptance of his evening meal. 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