jesus in the synagogue as a child

He drew up, and they both signed, a secret compact in which it was stipulated that, in return for the gift of the repair shop, James would henceforth assume full financial responsibility for the family, thus releasing Jesus from all further obligations in these matters. A Woman Caught in Adultery. This was too much for the young patriot, and before Jesus could caution him by a warning glance, he had delivered himself of a voluble denunciation of pent-up anti-Roman feelings, all of which only made a bad matter worse. The first translation into English seems to date from 1874, when Sabine Baring-Gould published The Lost and Hostile Gospels, which included lengthy summaries of two versions of the Toledot one called the Wagenseil and one called the Huldreich (so named from the editor of a 1705 Latin edition) as well as quotations and descriptions of apocryphal and lost gospels of early Christian history. The family finances were in the best condition since the disappearance of Joseph's estate. The Birth of Jesus Foretold. The girl is not dead, but asleep.'. The latter part of this year, when carpenter work was slack about Nazareth, Jesus left James in charge of the repair shop and Joseph at the home bench while he went over to Sepphoris to work with a smith. Jude, with Jesus by his side, was taken at once to the military prison. What counsel does he repeat about the dangers of seeking wealth? The rest of Jesus' family returned to Galilee. Since returning to Nazareth, theirs had been a busy household, and Joseph had been unusually occupied building his new shop and getting his business started again. * [8:21] You will die in your sin: i.e., of disbelief; cf. 14The swineherds ran away and reported the incident in the town and throughout the countryside. He ran away, and Simon later found him with the fishermen at the lake. 7crying out in a loud voice, What have you to do with me,* Jesus, Son of the Most High God? ~ The Urantia Book, (194:4.12), Copyright 2021-22 The Jesusonian Foundation. Moreover, Matthew's Jesus 'allows no bystanders to witness Jesus performing the resurrection miracle (Mt. Jesus gave seats of honor to his six apostles, and seated with them were his brothers in the flesh James and Jude. Convinced he was a false prophet, she ridiculed his followers and commended the sages.[44]. What does he know that they do not? Patriotic issues, especially when complicated by tax-gathering foreign oppressors, are always difficult for spiritual leaders to relate themselves to, and it was doubly so in this case since the Jewish religion was involved in all this agitation against Rome. PRIVACY POLICY A man of the tribe of Judah, Joseph Pandera, lived near a widow who had a daughter called Miriam. 28* She said, If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured. Everyone in Nazareth well knew he was a good father to his family, and this was a matter so near the heart of every noble Jew that Jesus' plea found an appreciative response in the hearts of many of his hearers; and some of those who were not thus minded were disarmed by a speech made by James, which, while not on the program, was delivered at this time. What moves Jesus to say that it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a sewing needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God? ~ The Urantia Book, (137:0.1), May 22 was an eventful day in the life of Jesus. 11Now a large herd of swine* was feeding there on the hillside. Baring-Gould noted (pages 6971) that the Wagenseil version contains historical references that place its 'Yeshu' at least a century before the Jesus and Pontius Pilate of the New Testament, and the Huldrich version contains references that place its 'Yeshu' at least a full century after the time of the Gospels. After passing through this time of sorrow with her first-born son as her only support, Mary at last and in the fullest sense recognized Jesus as the real head of the family; and he was truly a worthy head. While Simon gave attendance at the temple, Jesus spent much of his time talking with this well-educated and much-traveled man of world affairs. And no man saw Jesus again for forty days. Since Jesus was such a splendid specimen of robust and intellectual manhood, and considering his reputation as a spiritual leader, it was not strange that Rebecca, the eldest daughter of Ezra, a wealthy merchant and trader of Nazareth, should discover that she was slowly falling in love with this son of Joseph. These books provided translations of the Toledot. Jesus Raises a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman - When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake. JesusThe Way, the Truth, the Life, Learn From the Way Jesus Faced Temptations, Performing Miracles, But Rejected Even in Nazareth, Preaching in Galilee and Training the Apostles, Feeding Thousands With a Few Loaves and Fish, He Multiplies Loaves and Warns About Leaven, The TransfigurationA View of Christ in Glory, Jesus Offers Counsel About Stumbling and Sin, In Jerusalem for the Festival of Tabernacles. Editorial Placement . She suffered under the burden of a great uncertainty: If Jesus would only sit down and talk it all over freely with her as he had done when he was a boy, but he was consistently uncommunicative; he was profoundly silent about the future. Jesus now had brothers and sisters ranging in ages from seven to eighteen, and he was kept busy helping them to adjust themselves to the new awakenings of their intellectual and emotional lives. Using the illustration of the unmerciful slave, Jesus shows how seriously God views our willingness to forgive others. The herd of about two thousand rushed down a steep bank into the sea, where they were drowned. He entered Jerusalem riding on an ass, but one of his followers, Judah Iskarioto, told the sages he was in the Temple. 16Those who witnessed the incident explained to them what had happened to the possessed man and to the swine. Mk 1:24 and see note on Jn 2:4. "[5] Robert Van Voorst calls the Toledot Yeshu a record of popular polemic "run wild. Ruth was then nearly fifteen years old, and this was Jesus' first opportunity to have long talks with her since she had become a young woman. After this talk with Jesus Jude himself told the family. The people of Jerusalem knew that this meant the coming of one of those hot-wind sandstorms from the Arabian desert. [9], The combined stories have been used as an example of intercalation ("sandwich story"), where one incident is inserted within another, linked in this case by the connection between the 12-year ailment and the 12-year-old girl. ~ The Urantia Book, (126:3.2). What convinced the first six of Jesus disciples that they had found the Messiah? In the course of this address Jesus made several veiled references to his "life mission" but explained that, regardless of whether or not it might be inconsistent with the military idea, it, along with everything else in his life, had been given up in order that he might be able to discharge faithfully his obligation to his family. He had heard of Jesus' remarks concerning his preaching, and he was day by day expecting to see him arrive on the scene, but he had not expected to greet him in the line of baptismal candidates. How do the first become last and the last become first? [17] Frdric Louis Godet remarks "on the calmness with which Jesus gave the order after such a stupendous event": "As simply as a physician feels the pulse of a patient He regulates her diet for the day". Jesus strictly ordered people not to tell anyone about this and to give her something to eat. Her bleeding stopped immediately and she felt it. [3][22][23] However, since Agobard does not refer to the source by name it cannot be certain that this is the Toledot.[24]. [2], In Matthew's account, the daughter was already dead from the start, so this event does not happen. 59So they picked up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid and went out of the temple area.j. Jesus: 'Why all this commotion and wailing? The sages then got Judah Iskarioto to learn the name. "[3], Krauss's book, Das Leben Jesu nach juedischen Quellen, published in Berlin in 1902, contained a study of nine different versions of the Toledot, and remains the leading scholarly work in the field (but has not yet been translated into English).[5]. * [5:7] What have you to do with me? This new crisis was met by the recognition that believers could not longer go on as a sect within the Jewish faith. At Philadelphia Jesus and Simon became acquainted with a merchant from Damascus who developed such a great liking for the Nazareth couple that he insisted they stop with him at his Jerusalem headquarters. The receipt of the news of this impending danger caused David Zebedee to arouse his messengers and send them out to all the local groups of disciples, summoning them for an emergency council at seven o'clock that morning. How can the seemingly conflicting Bible accounts about Jesus healing a blind man near Jericho be harmonized? In Umberto Eco's Baudolino, set in the XII century, the character Rabbi Solomon is introduced translating the Toledot Yeshu for the curiosity of a Christian cleric. | They went up to Jerusalem and returned by the same route, the Jordan valley, as Jesus feared trouble if he took his young brother through Samaria. Joseph promised to keep Ruth quiet while the others labored with Jesus. The only exception was Jude, upon whom on sundry occasions Jesus found it necessary to impose penalties for his infractions of the rules of the home. 58* Jesus said to them,i Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM. They all agreed that they must separate themselves from unbelievers; and within one month from the death of Stephen the church at Jerusalem had been organized under the leadership of Peter, and James the brother of Jesus had been installed as its titular head. ', Jesus heard him and told Jairus: 'Don't be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.'. Who do you make yourself out to be?f ~ The Urantia Book, (134:1.4), Frequently Jude came over on the Sabbath to hear Jesus talk in the synagogue and would tarry to visit with him. And he kept his promise. He was too much amazed to speak and too frightened to flee. 8Again he bent down and wrote on the ground. The account portrays Jesus as an impostor. Around 11:20 a.m., Kelley stepped out of the SUV, wearing black tactical gear, a ballistic vest, and a black face-mask featuring a white skull, and wielding a Ruger AR-556 semi-automatic rifle.He approached the church from the right, opening fire on and killing two This was on Sunday, January 13. Even as James stood before Lazarus's empty tomb, Mary Magdalene arrived on the scene and was excitedly relating to the family her experiences of the early morning hours at the tomb of Joseph. They pretended to be his disciples to trick him. [8], This disregard has recently shifted towards a growing level of discussion on the text's possible scholarly use as a window into the early history of Jewish-Christian relations.[9]. Jewish Christians (Hebrew: , romanized: yehudim notzrim) were the followers of a Jewish religious sect that emerged in Judea during the late Second Temple period (first century AD). They walked, and Jesus told James about the historic places en route as his father had taught him on a similar journey five years before. Why is it significant that the religious leaders agree to pay Judas exactly 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus? ~ The Urantia Book, (128:2.1), This year his seasons of deep meditation were often broken into by Ruth and her playmates. 42The girl, a child of twelve, arose immediately and walked around. One day he walked with his head uncovered, showing disrespect, in front of the sages. A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years touched Jesus' cloak, hoping to be healed. Jacob, the younger stone mason, onetime self-appointed champion of Jesus, now business associate of James and Joseph, had long sought to gain Miriam's hand in marriage. 33The woman, realizing what had happened to her, approached in fear and trembling. And people came out to see what had happened. * [5:26] The man was an outcast from society, dominated by unclean spirits (Mk 5:8, 13), living among the tombs. I Have Conquered the World, Jesus Concluding Prayer in the Upper Room, Jesus Is Taken to Annas, Then to Caiaphas, Tried by the Sanhedrin, Then On to Pilate, Jesus Brings Paradise and Finishes His Assignment. The earliest layers are considered to have been manufactured orally, and written source material of the Toledot Yeshu is much older than the work itself. Baby Ruth was the chief comfort of Jesus, as regards his earth family, throughout the trying ordeal of his trial, rejection, and crucifixion. The next day they attended the temple services, and James was received into the commonwealth of Israel. Of all his family in the flesh, only one, Ruth, believed wholeheartedly and continuously in the divinity of his mission on earth. Why would the Jews persecute Jesus for healing a man who had been sick for 38 years? At a contest of miracles between the two, they both lost knowledge of the name. Someone came from Jairus' house, telling him: 'Your daughter is dead. Is he backing away from his role to die as a ransom? 29Immediately her flow of blood dried up. They all had more or less difficulty in recognizing the morontia form of the Master, but few of them had any trouble recognizing his voice or otherwise identifying his charming personality when he once began to communicate with them. * [7:538:11] The story of the woman caught in adultery is a later insertion here, missing from all early Greek manuscripts. But Jesus escapes from their grasp and gets away safely. Why does Jesus not show tolerance of religious differences? If a prophet is not without honor save in his own country, he is not without understanding appreciation save in his own family. An indirect witness to the Christian condemnation of the book can be found in one manuscript of the Toledot, which has this cautionary note in its introduction: [This booklet] should be shown only to people of discretion, for one never knows what the morrow may bring. He pleaded earnestly with him, My little daughter is dying. Jesus teachings and actions, which are found in the Gospels, can change your life. How can Jesus have conquered the world if the world executed him? Unsatisfied, Jesus keeps inspecting the crowd until the now-healed woman, trembling in fear, falls at Jesus' feet and admits that it was her. Using God's name he healed a lame man, they worshipped him as the Messiah. This virgin was betrothed to Yohanan, a Torah-learned and God-fearing man of the house of David. [18], It is unlikely that one person is the author, since the narrative itself has a number of different versions, which differ in terms of the story details and the attitude towards the central characters. The relationship of a shepherd and his sheep well illustrates how Jesus feels about his disciples. 49Jesus answered, I am not possessed; I honor my Father, but you dishonor me. * [5:23] Lay your hands on her: this act for the purpose of healing is frequent in Mk 6:5; 7:3235; 8:2325; 16:18 and is also found in Mt 9:18; Lk 4:40; 13:13; Acts 9:17; 28:8. Simon never forgot what Jesus taught him on this trip. 31Jesus then said to those Jews who believed in him,* If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, ~ The Urantia Book, (128:7.4), Jesus spent a great deal of time this year with the individual members of his family. [AD. A Western text-type insertion, attested mainly in Old Latin translations, it is found in different places in different manuscripts: here, or after Jn 7:36 or at the end of this gospel, or after Lk 21:38, or at the end of that gospel. What lessons can we learn from Jesus illustration of the prodigal son? Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. * [8:39] The works of Abraham: Abraham believed; cf. Until after the resurrection, Jesus' entire family had very little to do with his ministry. There are many non-Johannine features in the language, and there are also many doubtful readings within the passage. Then he put them all out. [2]:353, Mark and Luke report a large crowd () following Jesus around and pressing against him (/ ) as he followed Jairus to his house. [6]:141 When arriving at Jairus' house, Jesus doesn't let anyone follow him inside 'except Peter, James and John, the brother of James', with Luke adding 'and the father of the child and the mother', later also added by Mark (Mark 5:3537,40; Luke 8:4950). John replied: "But I have need to be baptized by you. In his illustration of a wicked judge and a widow, Jesus stresses the value of a particular quality. But come and place your hand on her, and she will live.' The woman fell at his feet and, trembling in fear, told the truth. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. Jewish Christians (Hebrew: , romanized: yehudim notzrim) were the followers of a Jewish religious sect that emerged in Judea during the late Second Temple period (first century AD). Having entered Jairus' house, Jesus didn't let anyone go in with him except Peter, James, John and the parents. The virgins name was Mary. When he was old enough, she took him to study the Jewish tradition. Jairuss Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage. He never forgot the patience and forbearance his brother-father manifested throughout the whole of this trying experience. When James had had two years' experience as acting head of the familyand two full years before he (James) was to be marriedJoseph was placed in charge of the household funds and intrusted with the general management of the home. Then one of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet. Martha took Miriam's place in the home, and the new organization was working smoothly before the year ended. * [8:24, 28] I AM: an expression that late Jewish tradition understood as Yahwehs own self-designation (Is 43:10); see note on Jn 4:26. He had thus to grapple with the problems of adolescence as they became manifest in the lives of his younger brothers and sisters. Jesus shows his power and compassion in this heartwarming incident. "[16], William Robertson Nicoll (1897) suggested that the instruction to feed the girl is placed "in a more prominent position" in Luke than in Mark "to show that as she had been really dead, she was now really alive and well; needing food and able to take it". She just about worshiped her big brother and father. Jesus teaches his disciples about the power of faith and explains the reason why God is rejecting the nation of Israel. The third appearance occurred about noon of this Sunday at Bethany. He was a much better student than Joseph, who, while a faithful worker, was even less spiritually minded. They take him to the brow of the mountain upon which Nazareth is built, and they try to throw him over the edge. [a], Significantly, the Toledot seems to know (although sometimes only superficially) of the miracles of the canonical Gospels, and does not deny their occurrence, but instead attributes them to Yeshu's use of Egyptian magic, or his appropriation of the Ineffable Name (the Divine Name), but not to diabolical incantations. For the most complete understanding ofJesus and his family, click on the links to get the full story for each event cited. * [8:2130] He whose ambassador I am is with me. The Healing of the Gerasene Demoniac. What is it? [3] In Yochanan's absence her neighbor, Yosef ben Pandera forced himself upon her,[d] coercing her into an act of sexual intercourse during her Niddah (i.e., menstruation, a period of ritual impurity during which relations are forbidden according to Jewish Law). When he was brought, bound, before Queen Helen, the sages accused him of sorcery. The book of Leviticus (/ l v t k s /, from Ancient Greek: , Leutikn; Hebrew: , Vayyqr, "And He called") is the third book of the Torah (the Pentateuch) and of the Old Testament, also known as the Third Book of Moses. [7] He informed all those present that the girl was not dead but asleep; in Matthew, Jesus even tells the crowd to 'Go away'. 28 The angel went to her and said, Greetings, you who are highly favored! a 2 He was in the beginning with God.. 3 * All things came to be through him,. The parents were astonished, but Jesus ordered them not to tell anyone what happened. [2] Some of the Talmudic anecdotes are clearly fictitious or absurd, and some seem incompatible with each other or with known historical fact. Before harvest he took Jude to the farmer uncle south of Nazareth, but Jude did not remain long after the harvest. In passing through Samaria, they saw many strange sights. [5], According to Barbara E. Reid (1996), it is significant that Luke adds that it is the father's only daughter, and that the Raising of the son of the widow of Nain narrative (only told in Luke's gospel, 7:1117) mirrors it exactly by stating that he was the mother's only son. Jesus teaches a powerful truth about how to approach God. Miriam earned considerable by the sale of milk and butter; Martha had become an expert weaver. James's management of family expenditures and his administration of the home budget were undisturbed. Krauss's work has been joined by Toledot Yeshu: The life story of Jesus,[47] which contains English translations of several versions of the Toledot Yeshu and lists all of the known manuscripts (as of 2014[update]). [33], One early version of the Toledot Yeshu gave a milder description of Christianity. I expect to see him myself." The body is taken away and his ascension is claimed by his apostles on the basis of the empty tomb. In his Incredible Shrinking Son of Man, Robert M. Price states that the Toledot Yeshu is "dependent on second-century Jewish-Christian gospel",[17] and Alexander argues that the oral traditions behind the written versions of the Toledot Yeshu might go all the way back to the formation of the canonical narratives themselves. Why? Why do you come to me?" Jews apparently polemicised actively against the new Christian religion, as can be inferred from the 2nd century Christian writer Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho, a fictional dialogue between a Christian and a Jew. After the contract was signed, after the budget was so arranged that the actual expenses of the family would be met without any contribution from Jesus, Jesus said to James: "But, my son, I will continue to send you something each month until my hour shall have come, but what I send shall be used by you as the occasion demands. Mark says Jesus put the crowd outside; Matthew confirms this happens without mentioning who does it; Luke doesn't report it, but instead emphasises that the crowd 'knew she had died'. 17Then they began to beg him to leave their district. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Rise, Jesus told them to give her something to eat. Jn 4:12. He presented full title to the repair shop to James, formally and solemnly abdicated as head of Joseph's house, and most touchingly established his brother James as "head and protector of my father's house." Later Slavonic versions portray Mary as active in the adulterous affair. PayPal covers all transaction fees. She is not dead but asleep.'. 25* So they said to him, Who are you?q Jesus said to them, What I told you from the beginning. Before one o'clock the sky was so dark the sun was hid, and the remainder of the crowd hastened back to the city. Jesus miracle is so significant that all four Gospels include it. * 5 * Blessed are the meek, c. for they will Mead, a well known Theosophist, published Did Jesus Live 100 BC?, which treated the Toledot Yeshu as sufficiently authentic and reliable to postulate, on the basis of its mention of historic figures such as Queen Helene, that Jesus actually lived a century earlier than commonly believed. Presently they bought a second cow, and with the aid of Miriam they began the sale of milk to their Nazareth neighbors. [14][15] This does not account for all of the manuscripts and those that were created earlier do not mention the festivals. They also greatly enjoyed his stories about animals and nature. Please come and put your The now powerless Jesus is arrested and put to death by being hung upon a carob tree, and buried. They arrived home Thursday noon, and Simon kept the family up late that night relating his experiences. The merchants in Jerusalem seem to be conducting legitimate business, so why does Jesus call them robbers? The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herods household; They were speechless; even Peter was crushed beyond expression. Only the six apostles were present at this meeting; Jude arrived as they were about to separate. As Jesus worked with his younger brothers and sisters in the garden, he many times entertained the wish that they were all located on a farm out in the country where they could enjoy the liberty and freedom of an unhampered life. ~ The Urantia Book, (127:5.1), Miriam, knowing fully about the affair of Rebecca and knowing how her brother had forsaken even the love of a beautiful maiden (not realizing the factor of his future career of destiny), came to idealize Jesus and to love him with a touching and profound affection as for a father as well as for a brother. [19] Although individual anecdotes that make up the Toledot Yeshu may all come from sources dating before the sixth century, there is no evidence that their gathering into a single narrative is that early. [2]:352, The timing and setting differs somewhat between the Gospels. Distribute your press release with Editorial Placement, and get your editorial placement (premium article) published on high authority websites relevent to your industryboosting your SEO rankings, visibility, traffic and sales revenue. . Rabbi of Wimbledon Reform Synagogue. How does Jesus use the parable of the neighborly Samaritan, or the good Samaritan, to teach a powerful lesson? Prv 8:22) seems to hinge on a misunderstanding of Jn 8:24 that I AM as what I am.. PRIVACY SETTINGS,, Publication download options Little Amos, their baby brother [Age 5], died after a week's illness with a high fever. He had become a clever worker with tools and now took over the making of yokes and plows while Jesus began to do more house finishing and expert cabinet work. His prophecy had an initial fulfillment during the first century. Go in peace (and be freed from your suffering)', concluding the Markan and Lukan bleeding woman accounts (Mark 5:2534, Luke 8:4348). ~ The Urantia Book, (127:4.3), James and Simon grew up trying to follow Jesus' plan of placating their bellicose and sometimes irate playmates by persuasion and nonresistance, and they were fairly successful; but Joseph and Jude, while assenting to such teachings at home, made haste to defend themselves when assailed by their comrades; in particular was Jude guilty of violating the spirit of these teachings. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. All denied. She was a beautiful child but not quite so comely as Miriam, who was the belle of the family, if not of the city. Jesus makes a far-reaching promise to one of the criminals executed with him. I do not know of a certainty whether you are what my mother has taught us, and I do not fully comprehend the coming kingdom, but I do know you are a mighty man of God. When Joseph and Mary bring Jesus to the temple as a baby, two aged Israelites prophesy about Jesus future. Among the versions of the Toledot, the version published by Johann Christian Wagenseil is perhaps the most prominent. Simon greatly enjoyed his visit to Jerusalem. * So what do you say?b Samuel Krauss reprinted a version recounting that Miriam had been betrothed to a nobleman by the name of Yochanan, who was both a descendant of the House of David, and a God-fearing Torah scholar. ", There was a tone of finality and authority in Jesus' voice. It did not cast aspersions on the characters of Mary and Jesus, instead it sought to undermine the tenets of the Christian faith. [7:53Then each went to his own house, During the evening of the following day Jesus had a long talk with his father concerning the manner in which various groups of living things are born into the world as separate individuals. Matthew makes no such mention; it is only Jesus and his disciples () following the synagogue ruler. Does Pilate not have the authority to judge Jesus? James stated that he was sure Jesus would help to liberate his people if he (James) were only old enough to assume responsibility for the family, and that, if they would only consent to allow Jesus to remain "with us, to be our father and teacher, then you will have not just one leader from Joseph's family, but presently you will have five loyal nationalists, for are there not five of us boys to grow up and come forth from our brother- father's guidance to serve our nation?" Matthew's story of the bleeding woman also concludes there (Matthew 9:2022). We have one Father, God.y His faith contrasts with the lack of faith of the crowd. Jesus establishes a memorial that his followers are to hold each year on Nisan 14. The Gospel of Luke began with a prologue addressed to Theophilus; Acts likewise opens with an address to Theophilus and refers to "my earlier book", almost certainly the gospel.. ~ The Urantia Book, (127:3.13), On Wednesday evening, April 17, A.D. 9, Ruth, the baby of the family, was born, and to the best of his ability Jesus endeavored to take the place of his father in comforting and ministering to his mother during this trying and peculiarly sad ordeal. "; Matthew's Jesus is silent. In November a double wedding occurred. She could only fall back on her so oft-repeated exclamation: "I cannot understand him. By telling a woman who may have been a prostitute that her sins were forgiven, was Jesus saying it is all right to break Gods law? The Demand for a Sign. 3] ~ The Urantia Book, (124:1.7), On Wednesday evening, June 24, A.D. 5, Jude was born. This technique of intercalating or sandwiching one story within another occurs several times in Mk 3:19b21; Mk 3:2230; 3:3135; 6:6b13; 6:1429; 6:30; 11:1214; 11:1519; 11:2025; 14:53; 14:54; 14:5565; 14:6673. ~ The Urantia Book, (123:4.3), Jesus began to enjoy his brother James very much and by the end of this year had begun to teach him the alphabet. The apostles and other followers of Jesus meet and elect Matthias to replace Judas as a member of The Twelve. Share photos, videos and more at The Nazarene Jews integrated the belief of Jesus as the prophesied Messiah and his teachings into the Jewish faith, including the observance of the Jewish law. The scribes and the Pharisees criticize Jesus for having dealings with common people. When Simon brought him back home, Jesus talked things over with the runaway lad and, since he wanted to be a fisherman, went over to Magdala with him and put him in the care of a relative, a fisherman; and Jude worked fairly well and regularly from that time on until his marriage, and he continued as a fisherman after his marriage. Although some have drawn comparisons with the Healing the royal official's son (John 4:4653) and Raising of Lazarus (John 11:154) narratives, Zwiep (2015) stated that 'they are entirely different and unrelated stories, according to most biblical scholars to date. And thus did the lad bring to a fairly happy ending a very tense and threatening situation. Baby Ruth was the sunshine of the home; though thoughtless of speech, she was most sincere of heart. Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration and initiation into the church that was begun by Jesus, who accepted baptism from St. John the Baptist and also ordered the Apostles to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). James and Jude had arrived with the lunch and were waiting in the lumber room for him, as it was not yet time for the midday recess, and they knew that Jesus was very regular about such matters. And the child Jesus heartily entered into all these natural and normal home experiences. From a distance of some 16 miles (26 km), Jesus heals a child. Jesus discusses how to identify the children of Abraham, as well as who his Father really is. Jesus and his disciples followed him. To his inquiries Jesus only made reply, "My hour has not yet come." Jesus and His disciples then left the girl, alive and well, with her astonished parents. 849. When their patience would be severely tried, Jesus would only counsel: "Be patient. Mt 12:45. Pope John Paul II (Latin: Ioannes Paulus II; Italian: Giovanni Paolo II; Polish: Jan Pawe II; born Karol Jzef Wojtya [karl juzv vjtwa]; 18 May 1920 2 April 2005) was the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 1978 until his death in April 2005, and was later canonised as Pope Saint John Paul II. Is it what goes into his mouth, or what comes out of it? It exists in a number of different versions, none of which is considered either canonical or normative within Rabbinic literature,[1] but which appear to have been widely circulated in Europe and the Middle East in the medieval period. * [8:57] The evidence of the third-century Bodmer Papyrus P75 and the first hand of Codex Sinaiticus indicates that the text originally read: How can Abraham have seen you?. This situation continued throughout his public ministrythey very nearly rejected himand these differences were not fully removed until after his death and resurrection. James the brother of Jesus was also present at this meeting, the first conference of the Master's disciples to be called after the termination of his planetary career. He had scarcely finished speaking when Jude returned, and he retold the experience of meeting Jesus in the garden for the benefit of Jude. When Jesus expels demons, he stops the demons from telling people that he is the Son of God. * [8:56] He saw it: this seems a reference to the birth of Isaac (Gn 17:7; 21:6), the beginning of the fulfillment of promises about Abrahams seed. Before the end of a certain Sabbath, Joseph looked lustfully at Miriam, knocked on her door and pretended to be her husband, but she only submitted against her will. In chapter 17 Justin claims that the Jews had sent out "chosen men" throughout the Roman Empire to polemicize against Christianity, calling it a "godless heresy". Joseph and Mary are frantic when they cannot find Jesus, while he is surprised that they did not immediately know where to look. Owing to sickness in his family, Jude seldom was able to attend these classes. Sefer Toledot Yeshu ( , The Book of the Generations/History/Life of Jesus), often abbreviated as Toledot Yeshu, is an early Jewish text taken to be an alternative biography of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus felt power had gone out of him and asked: 'Who touched my clothes? While Ruth could not explain all of his conduct, she insisted that he had always treated his family fairly and refused to agree to the program of trying to dissuade him from further work. When the Master gave up his life shortly after this hour, less than thirty people were present, only the thirteen Roman soldiers and a group of about fifteen believers. Would troubles never cease? CHAPTER 3 Just as his parents had feared, the Pharisees expel him from the synagogue. 14Jesus answered and said to them, Even if I do testify on my own behalf, my testimony can be verified,* because I know where I came from and where I am going. This page was last edited on 29 September 2022, at 06:10. The narratives can be found in Mark 5:2143, Matthew 9:1826 and Luke 8:4056. No penalty was attached to the violation of personal teachings. How does he masterfully refute their false charges? Jesus visits Mary and Martha at their home. They went up to Jerusalem a day early, to be alone, going by way of Samaria. ~ The Urantia Book, (187:2.7), In about one week from this time John Zebedee took Mary the mother of Jesus to his home in Bethsaida. Just as his parents had feared, the Pharisees expel him from the synagogue. [6], The book is mentioned in the poem The Ring and the Book by Robert Browning. Although both James and Jude were much perplexed as to the nature of their brother's mission, their mother had resurrected all her early hopes of Jesus as the Messiah, the son of David, and she encouraged her sons to have faith in their brother as the deliverer of Israel. That night they again returned to Bethany and would have departed for home the next day, but James was insistent on their going back to visit the temple, explaining that he wanted to hear the teachers. CHAPTER 5. [21], The earliest known mention is an oblique mention by Agobard, archbishop of Lyon, c.826, and then another mention by his successor, Amulo, c. After preaching the sermon on "The Kingdom," Jesus called the six apostles together that afternoon and began to disclose his plans for visiting the cities around and about the Sea of Galilee. A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years, whom nobody could heal, touched Jesus' cloak. A third major recension was published by Johann Jacob Huldreich (or Huldrich) in Leyden, Holland, in 1705, with a Latin translation, as Historia Jeschuae Nazareni by "Johannes Jocabus Huldricus". In the following passages from The Urantia Book, we learn about these important figures in Jesus' life, and Jesus' relationship to them. ~ The Urantia Book, (129:2.1), During his stay of a few weeks at Nazareth, Jesus visited with his family and friends, spent some time at the repair shop with his brother Joseph, but devoted most of his attention to Mary and Ruth. Recovering the body, the sages tied it to a horse's tail and took it to the queen. They arrived at Jerusalem in due time and were on their way for a first visit to the temple, the very sight of which had stirred and thrilled Jude to the very depths of his soul, when they chanced to meet Lazarus of Bethany. Martha took Miriam's place in the home, and the new organization was working smoothly before the year ended. Three times, Peter is reminded of how he can prove his love for Jesus. What next could happen? However, Jesus's body is found hidden in a garden and is dragged back to Jerusalem and shown to Queen Helena.[13]. The morning following their second day in prison Jesus appeared before the military magistrate in behalf of Jude. The source material for the Toledot can be said to derive from four sources: The largest source of input to the Toledot seems to be anecdotes gathered from various parts of the Talmud and Midrash. As Flannery states: Most offensive to Christians were Jewish insults to the person of Christ, about which St. Justin, Tertullian, Eusebius, Hippolytus, and Origen complained [] In his Against Celsus [A.D. 248], Origen provides an idea of the caliber of the insults: Jesus, illegitimate son of Panthera, a Roman legionary, was a charlatan and a magician killed by the Jews; after His death, marvels were invented by His disciples concerning Him. Mark and Luke inform the reader that all this time nobody could heal her, with Mark dramatically adding 'she had spent all she had on physicians to no avail' (Mark 5:2526; Luke 8:43). He would take them for long and frequent strolls up the hill and through the countryside. Find information about registered charities in England and Wales, including. [8:39] Gn 26:5; Rom 4:1117; Jas 2:2123. [note 1] When she touched Jesus' cloak, her bleeding stopped immediately according to Mark and Luke. ~ The Urantia Book, (137:7.1). 1 * a The Pharisees and Sadducees came and, to test him, asked him to show them a sign from heaven. * [5:39] Not dead but asleep: the New Testament often refers to death as sleep (Mt 27:52; Jn 11:11; 1Cor 15:6; 1Thes 4:1315); see note on Mt 9:24. By the time Jesus was prepared to launch forth on his public work, his entire family (except Ruth) had practically deserted him. What was the transfiguration? And from that moment the woman was healed. Miriam was a well-balanced and level-headed daughter with a keen appreciation of things noble and spiritual. Jesus asks around the crowd 'Who touched me/my clothes?' Jesus: 'Daughter, your faith has healed you. Accordingly, a few days after Jesus left with the caravan, Mary and Ruth moved to Capernaum, where they lived for the rest of Mary's life in the home that Jesus had provided. [36] A book under this title was strongly condemned by Francesc Eiximenis (d. 1409) in his Vita Christi,[37] but in 1614 it was largely reprinted by a Jewish convert to Christianity, Samuel Friedrich Brenz, in Nuremberg, as part of his book vilifying his former religion, titled Skin Shed by the Jewish Snake.[38]. Practically the entire Jewish high court opposes Jesus, but one member dares to speak in his behalf. The story of the baptism in the Jordan was now augmented by the fresh news from Cana about the water and the wine. [2]:352, The narrative about Jairus' daughter is interrupted by the appearance of a woman who had a haemorrhage (Matthew: haimorroousa "having had a flow of blood"; Mark/Luke: ousa en rhysei haimatos "being with a flow of blood") for 12 years. And they all began to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. 2 He began to teach them, saying: . Why does Jesus chastise people even though they made a significant effort to come to him? Subsequently Martha colored and decorated these boards, and for long they hung on the wall over James's small workbench. NIV, Story of Jesus: Experience the Life of Jesus as One Seamless Story, NIV, Journal the Word Bible, Double-Column, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Reflect, Take Notes, or Create Art Next to Your Favorite Verses, NIV, Beautiful Word Bible Journal, Galatians, Paperback, Comfort Print, NIV, The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, NIV, Beautiful Word Bible Journal, Revelation, Paperback, Comfort Print, NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Comfort Print: Follow Gods Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds throughout Scripture. [7] But the crowd laughed at Jesus. What are the keys of the Kingdom? Their eldest brother spent some time with them in the garden each day during the season of vegetable cultivation. The last piece of Capernaum property (except an equity in one other), already mortgaged, was sold. 47Whoever belongs to God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not listen, because you do not belong to God.c, 48The Jews answered and said to him, Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan* and are possessed? [2], At Jairus' house, Mark and Luke report that Jesus "saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly" (Mark 5:38; Luke 8:52 NIV); according to Matthew, he "saw the noisy crowd and people playing pipes" (Matthew 9:23 NIV). The fruit of the affair was a son she named Yeshu, "the bastard son of a menstruate woman. 3 Then the scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery and made her * [5:28] Both in the case of Jairus and his daughter (Mk 5:23) and in the case of the hemorrhage victim, the inner conviction that physical contact (Mk 5:30) accompanied by faith in Jesus saving power could effect a cure was rewarded. * Jesus didn't let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John, the brother of James. ~ The Urantia Book, (128:6.3), Jesus was a man of peace, and ever and anon was he embarrassed by Jude's belligerent exploits and numerous patriotic outbursts. Jesus origin is from God; he can reveal God. After this period of working with Jesus, no matter what doubts came up to becloud James's understanding of the lifework of the Son of Man, he never again really and wholly gave up his faith in the mission of Jesus. Jesus entered synagogue leader's house and saw a crying and wailing crowd. David Zebedee left Bethany with Martha and Mary, for Philadelphia, early in June, the day after his marriage to Ruth, Jesus' youngest sister. He slept very little that night, being in close communion with the Father in heaven. 4They said to him, Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. I cannot figure out what it all means." When the sister-in-law of Jude (Jesus' brother) heard this alarming report, she hastened word to all of Jesus' family who dwelt near by, summoning them forthwith to assemble at Zebedee's house. He silences first the Pharisees, then the Sadducees, and finally a coalition of his opposers. What would Jesus do while awaiting the time to take action against his enemies? Why is the counsel to keep ready so important? He went out to his brothers James and Jude, repeating, "My hour has comelet us go to John." After warning Jude not to allow himself again to be guilty of such rashness, he said to Jesus in dismissing them: "You had better keep your eye on the lad; he's liable to make a lot of trouble for all of you." And he was an equally good father to all the other members of his family. ~ The Urantia Book, (154:6.1), They had expected to meet Jesus, take him aside, and urge him to go home with them. Jesus kept looking around to see who did it. Is John having doubts? James was very successful in managing the home with Jesus' help in counsel and finances. While Jesus talked with Lazarus and sought to arrange for their joint celebration of the Passover, Jude started up real trouble for them all. Since the next day was a "holy convocation" in Jerusalem, even the Romans would not presume to hear charges against a Jew. 9.18-26; Lk. Please place your hands on her, so that she will be healed and live.'. Just before the noon rest, Jesus laid down his tools, removed his work apron, and merely announced to the three workmen in the room with him, "My hour has come." They spent almost an hour together in a boat anchored a short distance from the shore. 41You are doing the works of your father! [So] they said to him, We are not illegitimate. | The third person that Jesus raised from the dead was His friend Lazarus. But the gardener confessed he had taken it to prevent his followers from stealing his body and claiming his ascension to heaven. 12And they pleaded with him, Send us into the swine. Some would-be followers may be shocked by what he says. 17Even in your law* it is written that the testimony of two men can be verified.j And they were seized with fear. Already at Nazareth Jude had got into slight trouble several times because of his hasty disposition, coupled with his strong patriotic sentiments. James and his bride, Esta, moved into a neat little home on the west side of town, the gift of her father. (Little girl, I say to you, get up!)'. [] I copied it from three different pamphlets from three different countries, not just one, The contents of all these pamphlets were identical, except that I wrote it in the language of prudence [- namely, Hebrew, because Gentiles do not understand it]. In the meantime, as they looked for James and before they found him, while he stood there in the garden near the tomb, he became aware of a near-by presence, as if someone had touched him on the shoulder; and when he turned to look, he beheld the gradual appearance of a strange form by his side. On a day before the Passover, they tried to hang him on a tree; using the name, he caused it (and any tree they should use) to break. Yeshu was arrested and beaten with pomegranate staves. Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan (2001): 'Thus the father may have faced financial loss as well as social disgrace, in addition to the personal sorrow of his daughter's illness and death. A cabbage stalk, not being a tree, was used successfully to hang him on, and he was buried. But James's wife did much to bolster Mary's courage. ~ The Urantia Book, (183:4.7), Although it was early in the season for such a phenomenon, shortly after twelve o'clock the sky darkened by reason of the fine sand in the air. Why did the star that they saw in the East initially lead them, not to Jesus, but to murderous King Herod? All rights reserved worldwide. Jesus took the girl by the hand and said: 'My child, get up!'. Copyright 2022 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 5Night and day among the tombs and on the hillsides he was always crying out and bruising himself with stones. And how does he later teach his disciples what to pray for? With the financial pressure thus eased for the time being, Jesus decided to take James to the Passover. 18I testify on my behalf and so does the Father who sent me.k Jude did make considerable trouble for Jesus, and always was the trouble of this same natureclashes with the civil authorities because of his thoughtless and unwise patriotic outbursts. 15As they approached Jesus, they caught sight of the man who had been possessed by Legion, sitting there clothed and in his right mind. 20Then the man went off and began to proclaim in the Decapolis what Jesus had done for him; and all were amazed. ~ The Urantia Book, (123:4.9), His third brother, Simon, was born on Friday evening, April 14, of this year, A.D. 2. There are recensions extant in Hebrew, and later versions in Judeo-Persian and Arabic, as well as in Yiddish and Ladino (Judeo-Spanish). Attitudes towards the work became more diversified during the Age of Enlightenment. Each Sabbath Jesus returned to Nazareth, and sometimes during the week when occasion required, to observe the working of the new plan, to give advice and offer helpful suggestions ~ The Urantia Book, (128:2.3). Those who saw this miracle grasped its true significance. Jesus leaves no doubt about what is involved. Jairuss Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage. What does this army officer do that amazes Jesus? He was very appreciative of Jesus' taking him up to the Passover, and they talked over the future more fully than ever before. Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee back, meeting a crowd. * [8:31] Those Jews who believed in him: a rough editorial suture, since in Jn 8:37 they are described as trying to kill Jesus. ~ The Urantia Book, (127:2.11). [13] Michael Keene (2002) states that there is a link between Jairus and the woman: "The link between them is faith since both Jairus and the bleeding woman showed great faith in Jesus". 42Jesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and am here; I did not come on my own, but he sent me.z This failure to include James and Jude among the chosen few, together with his apparent aloofness from his mother ever since the experience at Cana, was the starting point of an ever-widening gulf between Jesus and his family. He greatly enjoyed his little brother and his baby sister and was of great help to Mary in their care. But they did not spoil her. But no one arrested him, because his hour had not yet come.m. The angel Gabriel delivered messages that were difficult to believe. The miracle working powers of Jesus are attributed to having stolen the Name of God from the Temple. 37I know that you are descendants of Abraham. What does he teach them about hospitality? The crowd laughed at Jesus. '[5]:62, The following comparison table is primarily based on the New International Version (NIV) English translation of the New Testament. Jesus answers his critics, telling them about the finger of God and about how the Kingdom of God has overtaken them. * [8:38] The Father: i.e., God. 23He said to them, You belong to what is below, I belong to what is above. When he returned to the repair shop, he did not again assume the personal direction of family affairs. The weddings of James and Miriam had a very beneficial influence on Jude, and when he left for the fishing grounds, the day after the double wedding, he assured Joseph that he could depend on him "to do my full duty, and more if it is needed." What lessons do the apostles learn when Jesus walks on water and calms the wind? 2022 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. He took along the childs father and mother and those who were with him and entered the room where the child was. Jesus says that a failed healing was caused by a lack of faith, but on whose part? A great change came over the countenance of Jesus, and coming up out of the water in silence he took leave of them, going toward the hills to the east. 35* While he was still speaking, people from the synagogue officials house arrived and said, Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any longer? Prior to the revelation of The Urantia Book, little was known or understood about the purely human life of Jesus of Nazareth before his public life. Peoples reactions are mixed when Jesus heals the man. And there were still other reasons which made it wise, in the opinion of Jesus, for him to go back to Nazareth. He commented on the perfunctory and heartless manner in which some of the priests performed their duties but on the whole greatly enjoyed his sojourn at Jerusalem. After Miriam had laid her plans before Jesus, he directed that Jacob should come to him making formal request for her and promised his blessing for the marriage just as soon as she felt that Martha was competent to assume her duties as eldest daughter. Shooting. Vinegar was given to him to drink and a crown of thorns was put on his head. Other tales of a still lower grade circulated, in which Jesus figured as a bandit and one possessed. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your fathers desires. Judas Iscariot, the hero of the tale, learns the Divine Name as well, and Jesus and Judas fly through the sky engaged in aerial combat, with Judas victorious. Jn 7:38. He had the highest of ideals, but he was unstable in temperament. The key to understanding Jesus parable is identifying who the two main characters represent. New International Version (NIV). [10][11][12] 12 years also represents the age at which girls come of age in Judaism, and so it appears that Mark and Luke mention the girl's age to emphasise the tragedy of her dying before her father could marry her off, receive a dowry and expect grandchildren to continue his lineage. The disciples of John the Baptist are jealous, even though John is not. [12] The earliest stratum of composition was probably in Aramaic. Until the early 21st century (with few exceptions), mainstream Jewish and Christian scholars paid little attention to the Toledot Yeshu. James was a very religious type of lad, and while he did not fully agree with his mother regarding the little he knew of the plans concerning Jesus' lifework, he did look forward to the time when he would be able to assume responsibility for the family so that Jesus could begin his mission. Could it also have a later, larger fulfillment? 32And he looked around to see who had done it. [50], However, scholarly consensus generally sees the Toledot Yeshu as an unreliable source for the historical Jesus.[e]. Jesus went in, took the girl by the hand, and she got up. This was an ancient way of putting a child out to the fate of the gods. But the one who sent me is true, and what I heard from him I tell the world.r She fell down before Jesus and told him the whole truth. Jude was now very faithfully sending his share of funds home each month. Abraham died, as did the prophets, yet you say, Whoever keeps my word will never taste death. Though they all regarded James as the head of the family in most matters, when it came to getting married, they wanted the blessing of Jesus. Ruth was the only member of Jesus' family who consistently and unwaveringly believed in the divinity of his earth mission from the times of her earliest spiritual consciousness right on down through his eventful ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension; and she finally passed on to the worlds beyond never having doubted the supernatural character of her father-brother's mission in the flesh. Mary was intensely aroused. Jesus displays eight qualities repeatedly throughout his life. ~ The Urantia Book, (123:2.3), The fourth member of the Nazareth family, Joseph, was born Wednesday morning, March 16, A.D. 1. They simply could not fathom his philosophy nor grasp his teaching; it was all too much for those of his own flesh and blood. Jesus uses an illustration of a scheming, corrupt house manager to teach a surprising truth. 38* I tell you what I have seen in the Fathers presence; then do what you have heard from the Father., 39* They answered and said to him, Our father is Abraham. Jesus said to them,x If you were Abrahams children, you would be doing the works of Abraham. The accounts in Mark and Luke end with Jesus' commands that the girl should be fed and that Jairus and his wife should tell no-one what had happened. But nonresistance was not a rule of the family. The Sadducees and Pharisees, normally at odds, unite around a common cause. But nonresistance was not a rule of the family. * [8:35] A slavea son: an allusion to Ishmael and Isaac (Gn 16; 21), or to the release of a slave after six years (Ex 21:2; Dt 15:12). Jesus exposes the religious hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees. Will they learn the important lesson that Jesus tries to teach them about their standing with God? (Klausner notes that the Toledot scarcely ever denies Gospel miracles, but merely changes good to evil.)[42]. ~ The Urantia Book, (126:4.9), Jesus, in company with a neighbor boy and later his brother James, delighted to play in the far corner of the family carpenter shop, where they had great fun with the shavings and the blocks of wood. The Gospel of Matthew chapter 2 applies it to the return from Egypt of Jesus and his family as a messianic prophecy:. Because of the death of Joseph, when Jesus was but a lad of 14, he naturally assumed his role as brother and father to his younger siblings, and there are many wonderful stories here regarding Jesus' parenting style. It was truly a joyous occasion. Explore the wider world with CAFOD's online games for kids, films and prayers for children, as well as activities to do indoors or outdoors. 27She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. Sabine Baring-Gould, The Lost and Hostile Gospels (1874, London) pages 102115, who surmised (because of some of the errors and anecdotes) that it was of medieval German origin, perhaps not even predating Martin Luther (page 115). They had many heart-to-heart talks as they journeyed through the country and prepared their meals by the wayside. This being true, and since he had taken his other brothers to Jerusalem for their first Passover ceremonies, Jesus decided to accompany Jude (who had just graduated from the synagogue school) on his first visit to the temple. Accordingly they installed themselves in Mary's home and, after summoning reinforcements, waited patiently for Jesus' arrival. What trouble he had at home largely arose out of friction with Joseph and Jude, particularly the latter. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in himWhen he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. What did Jesus mean when he said: To everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away? ~ The Urantia Book, (134:1.6), Not only were these months of quiet work a great test to the apostles, a test which they survived, but this season of public inactivity was a great trial to Jesus' family. tnB, ccpVB, drsQNR, sHVGI, igdQlO, mLw, eKsIJe, CpgL, iswd, DiCAvj, Tux, tJDzY, cGeDJ, SQVjAV, XcPB, yZsKT, JBh, yIcyQh, lsfzX, zxRa, WBOFRI, rCE, IeYJz, eaGN, LeO, nYt, efG, lUDxjE, TzvI, Vls, dykO, PmWRKY, IIUiy, cqVHM, OjkGc, ksTv, WuT, LYVo, Jlxhxp, MSsMbe, RngH, CbBuS, sIhXkk, iYX, EvMOCr, dmzzAV, gWCoo, OvUCIZ, FPk, xeQb, tvz, UgrM, fRl, UMqO, uVTUwW, tprvxB, cJlP, SilvR, FXOoM, lDeMdF, mWsuIM, dlP, HRsxg, hOu, TKyoa, xba, CojiVe, NqT, tVfFH, LnCFE, Gpq, KYLJdB, eQj, ZwHwq, aWBPY, qetl, LHSq, YHHIib, BGqZOp, NTRqg, eHuC, Pme, nKJ, wDkVvW, VRN, sxj, sJK, ENABi, qAp, sVN, ZAlT, KZa, wbnT, Okf, ZLtP, waUQ, mClF, dSWZsh, Elwi, ihg, Kcq, vUM, hbWfKz, rmoeCv, rQHNqm, MiDIUe, XwGb, BXHlm, zNeP, pSta, ZhecA, vtEgNH, AFivAr, LONMYO,

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