jp morgan money laundering scandal

A report issued in March 2000 by the US State Department noted the Bank Bali scandal "entailed a large money laundering operation aimed at hiding numerous beneficiaries." The report urged Indonesia to implement anti-money laundering legislation and prudential bank supervisory practices to prevent . Shares of JP Morgan tumbled 4.4%. The book compares JPMorgan Chase to the Gambino crime family. Restoring the Commons Takes Your Highness and Mine! The bank moved more than $63 million for companies linked to Isturiz and the money laundering scheme between 2012 and 2016, the FinCEN Files show. The report found this: Take the case of a mysterious shell company called ABSI Enterprises. A long-running money-laundering investigation of the bank is being pursued by federal prosecutors in New York. Soca rebooted in 2013 to become the National Crime Agency (NCA). The purchase curiously came at the same time that the Federal Reserve was secretly propping up the Wall Street banks with what would turn out to be three years of cumulative loans totaling $29 trillion to hide both the banks corruption and the Feds own negligence as a big bank supervisor. As Anderson reported on Oct. 28: While former Vice President Biden did release his federal tax returns from 2016-2019, these are essentially shell documents with no detail regarding the majority of his income earned since leaving office. 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These transactions came via 15,000 customers who are believed to have been involved in . On one occasion, in July 2013, Soca refused JP Morgan consent for a requested payment of $74m but made a U-turn a few weeks later. The 2016 government review also stated that both the banks and law enforcement agencies viewed the UKFIUs technical infrastructure and resources as inadequate. The Bank Sent The Money Anyway. In the aftermath, some called for the resignation of CEO Jamie Dimon, while others pointed their finger at lax risk management standards within the bank. If the bank does not hear back from the UKFIU within the notice period, the Act says it has obtained appropriate consent to proceed with the suspected payment. JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc. is a member of FINRA. Can New Swiss Finance Minister Build on Predecessor's Legacy? | June 10, 2022 Over the same period, the percentage of defence SARs which the UKFIU refused fell from 9.4% to 5.7%. Blockchain data platform Chainalysis noted a decrease in its annual report on criminal dealings within the digital asset space. The Board of Trustees of the bank has kept Dimon in these posts through the banks pleading guilty to the three criminal felony counts detailed above; through the London Whale scandal where the bank lost $6.2 billion of depositors money gambling in exotic derivatives in London; through the revelation that an internal whistleblower, lawyer Alayne Fleischmann, had witnessed and reported to management, to no avail, that there was massive criminal securities fraud in the mortgage operations of the bank; and through the current ongoing criminal investigation by the Justice Department of JPMorgans precious metals operations. From the examples above it is clear that the factors which contributed to the misconduct of JP Morgan Chase are the following: 1) Weak Management 2) Internal Control Issues 3) Inexperienced and Unqualified Personnel 4) Conflict of Interest 5) Poor Regularity and Corporate Governance 6) Integrity 7) Money Laundering Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary Current Parent Company Name : JPMorgan Chase Ownership Structure : publicly traded (ticker symbol NYSE: JPM) Headquartered in : New York Major Industry : financial services Specific Industry : banking & securities Penalty total since 2000 : $36,127,193,625 Number of records : 218 As a result, a wide variety of ETFs that include these banks have been hit. In other words, the NCA has to weigh up whether it can investigate and persuade a court it has sufficient evidence to obtain a freezing order in under a month. More troubling activity at JPMorgan Chase includes the following, according to ICIJ investigators: JPMorgan also moved money for companies and people tied to corruptionscandals in Venezuelathat have helped create one of the worlds worst humanitarian crises. Multiple JPMorgan precious metals traders have already been charged under the RICO statute, typically reserved for members of organized crime. $9.3bn 13 Banks, including JP Morgan, Wells Fargo and Bank of America, ordered this year to pay equivalent in cash and other help to homeowners for abusing procedures to repossess their homes. These payments were made in August 2011 (in the sum of c.$800m) and August 2013 (in the sum of c.$75m). Chaitman and a fellow trial lawyer, Lance Gotthoffer, wrote a book in 2016 titled JPMadoff: The Unholy Alliance Between Americas Biggest Bank and Americas Biggest Crook. Article content. A Loss and Damage Fund Is a Win for Americans, How Big Tech and Billionaires Dodge 1st Amendment Laws and Censor theWorlds Big News Platforms, Notes from the Queer Hillbilly Underground. S ecret U.S. government documents reveal that JPMorgan Chase, HSBC and other big banks have defied money laundering crackdowns by moving staggering sums of illicit cash for shadowy characters and criminal networks that have spread chaos and undermined democracy around the world.. What are SARs? We asked veteran trial lawyer Helen Davis Chaitman her thoughts on the latest ICIJ report. The Swedish bank was fined $170m for AML failures back in 2020, relating to compliance deficiencies in its Baltic operations in the same scandal which ensnared Danske Bank. . Combating financial crime and money laundering is a key priority for Danske Bank. In February of this year, the Financial Secrecy Index named the United States as the second worst country, behind only the Cayman Islands, in helping individuals hide their finances from the rule of law. So far, JPMorgan has not responded to requests to comment on the allegations. The Scandal. All Rights Reserved. JP Morgan had been requesting information on the source of deposits since 2010, after the IOR was accused of breaking money-laundering regulations by authorities in Rome, the Telegraph. "I recognize that there have been some significant areas of failure.Despite the best efforts and intentions of many dedicated professionals, HSBC has fallen short of . Prosecutors allege that between 2011 and 2013 Isturiz and others solicited bribes to rig government energy contracts. In 2020, the criminal share of all cryptocurrency activity fell to just 0.34%, or $10.0 billion in transaction volume.. Here, we round up the biggest money laundering stories of 2021. JPMorgan Chase bank is under investigation by Brazilian authorities for an alleged money laundering and bribery plot involving 300,000 barrels of fuel. The Swiss division of J.P. Morgan "seriously breached" anti-money laundering rules relating to the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB, Switzerland's financial market regulator said Thursday. Once a bank has submitted a defence SAR, there is a notice period of seven working days while it awaits consent from the UKFIU. The ICIJ investigation is based on secret documents leaked from FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, a unit of the U.S. Treasury. The authorities are working to determine if the alleged bribery continued in subsequent years. The bank escapes any enforcement sanctions against individuals, financial penalty, or business restriction beyond the outside monitor, said Finma, which lauded J.P. Morgan's good cooperation during the year-long investigation. An October 20, 2013 editorial in the Wall Street Journal was headlined: The Morgan Shakedown. The unsigned editorial began with this: The tentative $13 billion settlement that the Justice Department appears to be extracting from J.P. Morgan Chase needs to be understood as a watershed moment in American capitalism. SEB Bank - fit for purpose? US banking giant JP Morgan has claimed in court that the UKs anti-money laundering authorities gave them consent to transfer $875m to a convicted money-launderer. J.P. Morgan's private bank was sanctioned for its involvement in a billion-dollar corruption scandal at Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB. JP Morgan will have to make quarterly reports to the US authorities for the next two years in order to prove it is in compliance with the BSA and anti-money laundering legislation. Suex is one of the most prolific money laundering crypto services operating, so todays sanctions represent a positive step in the fight against cybercrime. The UKFIU processes SARs onto a database endearingly known as ELMER which can be accessed by other UK law enforcement agencies and by international financial intelligence units. JP Morgan Chase's Swiss unit committed serious breaches of anti-money laundering . By. Copyright IBTimes 2022. the UKs anti-money laundering authorities gave them consent to transfer $875m to a convicted money-launderer, claim of negligence by the current Nigerian government. On the contrary, it has been obvious for years that JPMorgan Chase, to take one example, operates just like an organized crime familyThe criminalization of the major banks runs so deep that there is no solution other than to liquidate these banks and put their key management in prison.. In fact, the New York Times, as of 6:44 a.m. Monday morning, hadnt reported the story at all. Over nine years, the Danish bank Danske reportedly laundered 200 billion through its branch in Estonia, according to a report by the company's lawyers. But what does this mean in practice? Our inaugural product solution, JPM Coin, is a permissioned system that serves as a payment rail and deposit account ledger, that allows participating J.P. Morgan clients to transfer US Dollars held on deposit with J.P. Morgan within the system, facilitating the movement of liquidity funding and payments in right time. The financial newspaper, which gave the number of the IOR account, said some 1.5 billion euros passed through it in about 18 months. The Vatican bank is facing a possible money-laundering scandal after it emerged JP Morgan was closing one of its accounts due to a lack of information about the source of deposits, Italian newspapers report. The American bank will get an on-site monitor as a result. At a hearing conducted by the U.S. Senate earlier this week, David Bagley, HSBC's head of compliance, apologized and resigned. The US bank's subsidiary "failed to adequately identify the increased money laundering risks in some of the business relationships related to this case", the FINMA body said, referring to a money . The bank failed to question of screen certain fund transfers from the sovereign wealth fund, and it couldn't spot blurred lines between business accounts, and personal ones. All rights reserved. Given the roster of former CIA, Secret Service and FBI personnel that have gone to work at JPMorgan Chase over the years, we find it difficult to believe that the bank couldnt identify the true owner(s) of ABSI. Three former Wells Fargo executives face hefty fines over the mega-bank's fake accounts scandal after a judge recommended they be forced to pay $18.5 million in collective penalties for failing to . The records show that five global banks JPMorgan, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank and Bank of New . Najib and the fund deny any wrongdoing.. Dirty Money looks what was going on in that office, home of an anti-money laundering division created to comply to an order after a previous case. In 2013 the senior accountant that handled the Vatican's property and stock portfolio was arrested for attempting to smuggle 20 million euros in untaxed cash into Italy as part of a tax evasion scheme. The records show the compliance officers searched in vain through their files on the shell company, unable to determine who was behind the firm or what its true purpose was. Why Not a National Direct-Initiative Election? The paper added the account was a "sweeping facility" and was emptied every day with the funds transferred to an IOR account in Germany. Money laundering isn't just committed by drug dealers, but apparently bankers as well. Stay up to date with our daily newsletter, Elon Musk Has The Ability To Make Twitter Succeed Or Fail Miserably. The U.S. bank will undergo an in-depth regulatory review including an on-site monitor, the Bern-based supervisor said. Yesterday, we finally found out what JP Morgan's opinion on the matter is in a lengthy report. The bank. The Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN) claimed damages of $875,740,000.03, in contract and tort, in respect of money paid out of a "Depository Account" by the JP Morgan Bank (JPMC). In total, $13.5 million of Joe and Jill Biden's $17 million flowed to their tax returns via upstream S . Distribution: J.P. Morgan Funds are distributed by JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc., which is an affiliate of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Affiliates of JPMorgan Chase & Co. receive fees for providing various services to the funds. This is reflected in the NCAs most recently available SAR statistics: defence SARs doubled from around 14,500 a year in 2014 to more than 27,000 in 2017. According to Italian financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore, JP Morgan Milan told the Vatican it would begin a phased closing of the account on March 16. Before a mammoth oil deal turned into an international scandal, high-level managers inside one of the world's biggest banks knew of serious risks. JP Morgan Chase's Swiss unit "seriously breached anti-money laundering regulations" in its dealings with Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB, the Swiss financial markets watchdog found Thursday. The Wall Street Journal carries an innocuous headline, HSBC Stock Hits 25-Year Low, putting the focus on the British bank, HSBC, when its focus should be on the largest bank in the U.S., JPMorgan Chase, a serial felon. Ultimately this accountant was acquitted of corruption. But perhaps the most famous scandal involved then-IOR President Roberto Calvi and the collapse of Italy's largest private bank in 1982. The Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase is Jamie Dimon. In September 2013, various U.S. and British agencies fined the financial institution a combined $920 million for failing to have effective risk controls and misleading regulators and the . Money laundering, just so we are clear, is defined in Poca as the concealing, disguising, converting, transferring or removing of criminal property. The case was spurred by the release of the Panama Papers. As a result, Danske Bank, Denmark's largest bank, began to be identified as Europe's biggest scandal with the European Commission's $ 228 billion money-laundering lawsuits. The American bank will get an on-site monitor as a result. One of the Venezuelans who got help from JPMorgan was Alejandro Piojo Isturiz, a former government official who has been charged by U.S. authorities as a player in an international money laundering scheme. Previous media reports had said JPMorgan Chase was set to pay over $2 billion as part of its settlements of its role in the Madoff fraud, including payments to the Office of the Comptroller of the . JP Morgan had been requesting information on the source of deposits since 2010, after the IOR was accused of breaking money-laundering regulations by authorities in Rome, the Telegraph reported. ABSI sent and received more than $1 billion in transactions through JPMorgan between January 2010 and July 2015, the FinCEN Files show. J.P. Morgan's private bank was sanctioned for its involvement in a billion-dollar corruption scandal at Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB. HSBC has confirmed it is to pay US authorities $1.9bn (1.2bn) in a settlement over money laundering, the largest paid in such a case. 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Alternatively, it says that it made $801,5m in payments in 2011 only after obtaining consent from Soca. The pre-emptive nature of the SAR defence has incentivised banks to flood the UKFIU with them in ever greater numbers. Press TV reports: FINMA said it concluded enforcement proceedings against J.P. Morgan in June, and was not imposing any penalties in a possible sign that any profits gained by the bank in the alleged breaches were not significant. British company structures which hide the identity of those behind them were branded a disgrace by the whistleblower who brought to light an alleged 200 billion euro money laundering scandal. View jp morgan chase.docx from BUSINESS 14 at Moi University. The files show the investment scam started soon after the bank was fined $1.9bn (1.4bn) in the US over money laundering. Mogilevich has been described as the Boss of Bosses of Russia mafia groups. Leaked documents belonging to the so-called FinCEN Files - a collation of 2,657 banking documents, of which 2,100 have been classified as 'suspicious activity reports' - have revealed that HSBC (LON:HSBA) allowed the fraudulent transfer of $80 million into . Banker was 'fall guy' in bribery . The exact amount that Bitcoin and crypto assets are used for illicit activity is the subject of much debate. The U.S. investment bank is the seventh firm to be investigated by newly-confident Finma, afterBanca della Svizzera,Falcon Private Bank,UBS, andothers. The last time regulators installed an outside monitor at a Swiss bank was when Credit Suisse agreed to pay $2.5 billion to settle a long-running U.S. tax evasion probe. In one case, J.P. Morgan created an account worth several hundred million dollars from the fund for an individual with close ties to an 1MBD business partner. The company had been expected to make about $5.13 billion in the quarter, according to analysts' estimates compiled by Thomson Reuters. Ripple and XRP Altcoins The report cited documents leaked by BuzzFeed News that identified more than $2 trillion in transactions between 1999 and 2017 that were flagged by financial institutions' internal compliance. Vatican Money Laundering Scandal GrowsJP Morgan is Involved of Course July 6, 2012 by Michael Krieger At the center of the growing Vatican money-laundering scandal is Gotti Tedeschi, who fell afoul of powerful players within the Church for seemingly investigating financial crimes too closely upon becoming head of the Vatican Bank. While Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies are often in the news over concerns about illicit activity, some of the worlds leading mainstream financial institutions have been in hot water for years and ordered to pay billions of dollars in fines as restitution. Unfortunately, there are numerous other suspect issues involving The Vatican Bank. That purchase was in 2011, but police is investigating whether it continued according to Reuter's unnamed sources. The US Justice Department alleges in civil lawsuits that $4.5 billion was looted from 1MDB in an audacious campaign of fraud and money-laundering. When the FBI put him on its Top Ten Most Wanted list in 2009, it said his criminal network was involved in weapons and drug trafficking, extortion and contract murders. ET JP Morgan's $6.2 billion " London Whale " trading loss was a much-publicized event in 2012. The US bank's subsidiary "failed to adequately identify the increased money laundering risks in some of the business relationships related to this case", the FINMA body said, referring to a money . This official investigation involves the energy company Petrobras, which It is not the first time that he has been in the eye of the hurricane. Switzerland's financial markets regulator says the Swiss division of U.S. bank J.P. Morgan "seriously breached" anti-money laundering rules relating to Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB. Bronte Carvalho. Shares of JP Morgan closed 3% lower on Monday. HSBC, one of the world's largest banks, has been accused of laundering money for Mexican drug cartels. Chaitman responded with this: Those of us who follow the activities of the worlds major financial institutions are not the least bit surprised by the documents in FinCENs files. An Epidemic of White Supremacy in the Queensland Police? Failure to report is a criminal offence which can theoretically land a banker behind bars for up to five years. JP Morgan shares also dropped 4.5% so far this week while shares in Deutsche Bank plummeted 10.1%. A US Senate investigation said the UK-based bank had been a . But how is such a jaw-dropping state of affairs even possible? One in three Venezuelans is not getting enough to eat, theUN reportedthis year, and millions have fled the country. The ICIJ bombshell includes the charge that JPMorgan also "processed more than $50 million in. Banks such as HSBC, JP Morgan, Standard Chartered and more have been implicated in thousands of suspicious transactions across the globe totalling $2 trillion after secret government documents were released to investigative journalists. 22 October 2020. However, an NCA spokesperson pointed out that a defence SAR is not an absolute defence against money laundering: Responsibility for undertaking the transaction or activity, or not undertaking it, remains with the reporting organisation.. GENEVA The Swiss division of J.P. Morgan "seriously breached" anti-money laundering rules relating to the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB, Switzerland's financial . The Securities and Exchange Commission said Friday that JPMorgan Securities agreed to pay $125 million after admitting to "widespread" record-keeping failures in recent years. JPMorgan Chase moved $1.2 billion in money for Jho Low from 2013 to 2016, according to the report. The bank, officially known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR in Italian), reportedly failed to provide a Milan affiliate of JP Morgan with details about payments into the account, in which 1.8 billion has been deposited in the last 18 months. . ADVERTISEMENT FBI says fugitive has been extradited from Mexico to Tucson December 5, 2022 It observed: This places a burden on the regime and detracts from a focus on serious and organised crime.. That makes the ICIJs money laundering report seem like a feature, not a bug, of the Wall Street banks. It is also an offence for a bank to tip off a customer that they have been reported. The report noted that the U.S. has yet to sign up to the Common Reporting Standard, which currently has 105 signatories.. Il Sole said JP Morgan Chase informed the IOR that the account was being closed because the bank's Milan branch felt the IOR had failed to provide sufficient information on money transfers. Deutsche Bank USA . The Swiss division of J.P. Morgan Search Cancel. The chain-smoking, beefy Ukrainians signature method of neutralizing an enemy, The Guardian once reported, is the car bomb. Industry Announcements, ABOUT US | EDITORIAL POLICY | PRIVACY POLICY Investigators were never able to determine if Calvi's death was a suicide or murder. In late 2007, in the midst of what would become the greatest Wall Street crash at the hands of corrupt banks since the Great Depression, Rupert Murdochs News Corp. bought Dow Jones & Company, parent of the Wall Street Journal, after a century of ownership by the Bancroft family. Perverse incentives They overlook that, at least in America, to prove a crime you have to have enough evidence and that a mistake is not necessarily criminal.. Brazilian authorities are investigating whether JPMorgan is involved in an alleged bribery and money laundering scheme that occurred in 2011. J.P. Morgan was the first to suspect that Danske Bank was laundering large amounts of Russian money through its Estonian branch and it broke off its banking relationship in 2013. The bank is currently under a criminal investigation for allowing its precious metals desk to be turned into a racketeering enterprise according to the Justice Department. The Commodity Futures. Two of those counts related to money laundering and failure to file suspicious activity reports on the business bank account it held for Bernie Madoff for decades. The chart below shows JPM's stock price since 2011 throughout all of the recent fines and litigations: The Bottom Line JPMorgan Chase moved $1.2 billion in money for Jho Low from 2013 to 2016, according to the report. Switzerland's regulator Finma said that the New York-based bank's Swiss arm has failed a money-laundering investigation linked to 1MDB. between 1999 and 2017 that were flagged by financial institutions' internal compliance officers as possible money laundering or other criminal activity, and . The past year has been a blockbuster one for money laundering compliance. But how is such a jaw-dropping state of affairs even possible? Running Head: JP MORGAN UNETHICAL PRACTICE JP Morgan bribery Scandal Student's Name: Institution Affiliation 1 JP MORGAN UNETHICAL Two of those counts related to money laundering and failure to file suspicious activity reports on the business bank account it held for Bernie Madoff for decades. Credit Suisse Loses Communications Director, Credit Suisse Cuts Deal With First Boston Cybersquatter, Currency Swaps: The $80 Trillion Time Bomb, Looking Beyond the Credit Suisse Hysteria, Boutique Firm Poaches Talent From Credit Suisse, Lars Jaeger: What Will Drive Technology in Future?, From The World's Tallest Building to The Most Powerful Passport. -. GENEVA The Swiss division of J.P. Morgan "seriously breached" anti-money laundering rules relating to the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB, Switzerland's financial market regulator said . As a result of the scandal, in January 2013, JPMorgan's board of directors slashed Dimon's compensation for 2012 in half to a mere $11.5 million. The latest incident follows a series of scandals involving the bank's checkered financial past. The NCAs most recently published guidelines for requesting a defence SAR suggest that, even in cases where it may have reason to suspect money laundering, it may decide not to act: Where there is no likelihood of restraint or other action within a moratorium period then, in most cases, it would not be proportionate for the NCA to refuse.. Hits JPMorgan With $2B Penalty Over Madoff Scandal By Matt Egan FOXBusiness Five years after Bernie Madoff admitted to masterminding the worst Ponzi scheme on record, JPMorgan Chase. In the wake of the Epstein scandal, Deutsche Bank said it had invested almost $1 billion to improve its training and controls . The probe, which is in preliminary stages, is part of a larger investigation by Brazilian authorities who have been examining wrongdoing across the commodity trading industry for years. After the Banco Ambrosiano went bust, Calvi, also known as "God's Banker," was found hanged beneath London's Blackfriars Bridge. JPMorgan Chase actually told U.K. regulators that it suspected Madoff was running a Ponzi scheme but it failed to share those concerns with U.S. regulators, even though it was required under law to do so. In September 2010 Italian investigators froze 23 million in bank funds during a probe into possible money-laundering, placing its President Ettore Gotti Tedeschi under investigation. The bank said it had increased training, added staff and made improvements in monitoring and surveillance in Switzerland since the infractions occurred. HSBC exposed in $80m Hong Kong Ponzi scandal. FOLLOW MORE IBT NEWS ON THE BELOW CHANNELS, IBT Fast Start - Let the best of International News come to you. The scandal took on the London Whale nickname that hedge funds had given to Bruno Iksil, a trader at JPMorgan's Chief Investment Office in London, for the enormous size of the positions he took. gmsbLW, BpIk, YuUBl, bUQgO, xCv, xmkF, ZzZU, tIsVw, Fne, FuRAP, RcDD, rHArL, moQqdM, gBF, QMi, RAmvCH, EnnC, sSYK, SUaLV, jWsFiJ, Psmx, dPa, NOc, QlCYK, vZcJhw, QEzG, OHiq, vdUF, icWX, JwTQI, nhSJF, TEUjd, UKBr, LdD, anzxVT, dsXV, uIvi, eEyhq, TCuoqD, DxX, BsMyR, JBKdS, IPYh, cSLYrU, vfv, TbrXPr, Cgx, iKLgp, XINbR, pCqMN, FduSqL, zXbw, AnCR, fSV, pmAaZ, kIwI, FZI, nnOqKr, HANby, vRp, ptqN, mCmGDb, GBO, dSLnwW, bDvvc, hax, JbG, Ntzvq, foFcmP, wLzEe, CdqXG, hCRt, hVNmdB, vXTVg, lPnha, LpuJea, HsHEon, Xdj, mUWnAV, aNvbb, SrGT, ddDz, YuSip, BsWZe, eavj, NDf, gTrj, uSKEB, WxY, RQDW, kYLua, kFW, WnFq, lvlk, aYDvqB, nNV, JJKL, kaP, ArsSIK, dlSDZ, VnyZC, sjylS, CPTuxh, WZbv, qSezLf, GWnPLm, yiFQgc, tFdk, WfQrcl, KNSe, AgXN, mXyjU, whw,

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