teachers community involvement

display: none; position: relative; } -webkit-align-items: stretch; content: "desktop"; .gb-header { box-sizing: border-box; transition: all .3s ease 0s; } -ms-transition: all .3s ease 0s; .hp-content-outer.two[data-background-opacity="100"]:before { } -webkit-transition: all .3s ease 0s; color: #ffcd00; .cs-high-contrast div.ui-widget.app.siteshortcuts a, .site-shortcuts-column { When students become active doers of mathematics, the greatest gains of their mathematical thinking can be realized. CoP membership changes and members may take on new roles within the community as interests and needs arise. font-weight: normal; .cs-high-contrast #hp-slideshow .mmg-control.back:before, } Volunteer shifts, class activities, or family-teacher committees are all great engagement opportunities. [data-dropdown-text-color="Black"] .cs-mystart-dropdown.open .cs-selector, max-width: 85px; #hp-slideshow .mmg-control.back:before, } -moz-transition: all .3s ease 0s; color: #FFF; The information included in this site is subject to change without notice. justify-content: space-between; .hp-column.one[data-region] .region > div:last-child div.ui-widget.app { -webkit-justify-content: center; [data-region="b"][data-body-text-color="Black"] div.ui-widget.app.siteshortcuts a, margin: 0px; -webkit-transition: all .3s ease 0s; It is essential in family engagement to empower families and caregivers by providing them with ways to actively participate. A comparative review of four seminal works", "Fostering a Community of Practice Among the Parliamentary Budget Offices of the Commonwealth", "Mobility at work: A typology of mobile communities of practice and contextual ambidexterity", "Communities of Practice and organizational performance", "Harnessing Your Staff's Informal Networks", "Got a Question? A community of practice is often organically created, with as many objectives as members of that community. padding: 29px 0px 11px; justify-content: center; transition: all .5s ease 0s; font: 400 13px/1 'Open Sans', sans-serif; display: -ms-flexbox; /* GroupEnd */ #gb-page [data-region="b"] .ui-widget.app .cs-article-slider-control.next:before { font-family: 'academy' !important; border-radius: 0px; transform: none; -ms-flex-align: center; You assume sole responsibility for use of third-party links and pointers. display: -webkit-flex; -webkit-transition: bottom 2s ease 0s; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; display: -webkit-flex; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="sp"] div.ui-widget.app:not(.calendar) a.ui-btn-toolbar.rss:after, height: 100%; [data-region="b"] .ui-article .sw-ratings-count, } width: auto; No one other than you can know exactly how that rock feels. 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Thus, for knowledge management, a community of practice is one source of content and context that if codified, documented and archived can be accessed for later use. } } /* GroupEnd */ .cs-high-contrast .Secondary_Color_Box, .gb-header.right { background: none; #gb-sitename p { Get involved in planning processes like creating goals or defining the problem, Donate money or help out with a fundraising effort, Volunteer to staff the office, answer phones, put together mass mailings, or make phone calls, Doing research, writing grant proposals, or handling correspondence, Attend public events like rallies, community hearings, or fundraising events, Serve on committees that focus on specific problems or activities, Take leadership roles in a community partnership. Some of the reasons for these barriers are egos and personal attacks, large overwhelming CoPs, and time constraints (Wasko & Faraj 2000). text-decoration: underline; padding-bottom: 0px; Volunteer? -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap; The Tool Box needs your help content: ""; top: 11px; /* GroupBegin Mystart */ display: flex; .gb-social-media-icon.instagram span:before { bottom: auto !important; .gb-schoolwires-footer.logo { padding-right: 50px; display: -ms-flexbox; -ms-transition: all .5s ease 0s; display: none; [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines .ui-article-title a, color: #000; Get Answers on Twitter #musochat", "The knowledge management puzzle: Human and social factors in knowledge management", "The measurement of social presence in an online learning environment", "Book Review: Cultivating Communities of Practice", "Communities of Practice and virtual learning communities: benefits, barriers and success factors", "Inter-Organizational Communities of Practice", List of virtual communities with more than 1 million users, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Community_of_practice&oldid=1126379849, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. display: flex; .cs-high-contrast [data-channel-text-color="Grey"] li.sw-channel-item > a, } 100% { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; } .cs-high-contrast [data-region="b"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines .ui-article a.sub-link, .cs-high-contrast [data-channel-text-color="Black"] li.sw-channel-item > a, height: 21px; /* Homepage Region B */ left: auto; -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); } } padding: 73px 20px 19px; #gb-logo-outer[data-show-desktop-logo="false"] { width: 100%; left: 0px; [data-region="e"] .ui-article a.sub-link, content: ""; } /* GroupBegin Responsive Menu */ bottom: 0px; padding: 19px 9px 0px; } text-decoration: none; display: flex; /* GroupEnd */ width: 21px; #gb-breadcrumbs { #hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-button:hover:before, position: relative; left: 0px; .cs-high-contrast .gb-social-media-icon.peachjar:focus, display: block; padding: 0px 14px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; top: -210px; .cs-high-contrast #hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer, } } position: relative; } } } [data-region="b"] .ui-article .ui-article-title a, Know how to run effective and efficient meetings, and keep them as short as possible. [data-region="b"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines li.has-thumb .ui-article a, /* GroupBegin Global Icons */ } It is through the process of sharing information and experiences with the group that members learn from each other, and have an opportunity to develop personally and professionally (Lave & Wenger 1991). div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .sw-calendar-block-title a { When people interact on a personal level, especially between friends or neighbors, involvement appears less intimidating and distant. div.ui-widget.app.navigation div.ui-widget-detail > ul > li ul > li:last-child { text-align: center; padding: 0px; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="b"][data-text-color="Grey"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines li.has-thumb .ui-article a.sub-link, div#sw-channel-list-container, .cs-high-contrast [data-channel-text-color="Grey"] a#ui-btn-mypasskey:before, position: relative; bottom: 0px !important; Faculty. align-items: center; left: 2px; background-position: -33px 0px; color: #993333; } border: none; .cs-high-contrast li.sw-channel-item.hover > a, position: absolute; #gb-social-media-header[data-text-color="Black"] { With a lack of medical professionals, Mitchell Besser enlisted the help of his patients to create mothers2mothers -- an extraordinary network of HIV-positive women whose support for each other is changing and saving lives. .cs-high-contrast .Primary_Color_Box, box-sizing: border-box; .hp-content.two h2 + #gb-global-icons > ul, } } .hp-content-outer.two[data-background-opacity="70 - Default"]:before { text-decoration: underline; -ms-flex: 1 1 auto; font: 400 16px 'Noto Serif', serif; font-size: 8px; padding: 7px 13.33333px; Hill, N. E., & Tyson, D. F. Parental involvement in middle school: a meta-analytic assessment of the strategies that promote achievement. Developmental psychology, 2009, 45(3), 740-63. [data-region="b"] .ui-widget-header { [data-dropdown-text-color="Black"] a#ui-btn-mypasskey:focus, top: 100%; " /> .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"][data-body-text-color="Grey"] .ui-article a, padding: 0px; } text-decoration: underline; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="sp"] div.ui-widget.app.navigation li div.bullet:before, display: none; .cs-high-contrast #hp-slideshow[data-slideshow-text-color="Grey"] .mmg-description-caption, font-size: 21px; } These communities take on knowledge stewarding tasks that were formerly covered by more formal organizational structures. border-color: #FFF; "Well," said the former volunteer, "I just couldn't go to the meetings anymore; I never knew when the meeting would be over and I just couldn't afford to have a babysitter for more than a couple of hours. .cs-high-contrast #hp-slideshow[data-slideshow-button-text-color="Black"] #gb-scroll-btn:after, div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .sw-calendar-block-title a:focus { flex-wrap: wrap; right: 0px; line-height: 1; } #hp-slideshow .ui-widget-detail { You may find yourself getting so discouraged that you start to think that parents don't care about their family's health, or that teenagers don't want to stop the violence in school and on the streets. li.sw-channel-item > a { #hp-slideshow[data-description-opacity="70 - Default"] .mmg-control.back:before, color: #FFF; .cs-high-contrast #gb-footer[data-text-color="Grey"] .gb-footer-contact a, padding: 19px 0 0px; #hp-slideshow[data-slideshow-button-text-color="White"] .mmg-control.next:after { font-style: normal; -webkit-transition: height 2s ease 0s, background .3s ease 0s; /* GroupEnd */ [data-region="b"][data-button-text-color="Black"] .more-link, -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg); color: #333; max-height: none !important; Major events in 2022. -ms-flex-pack: center; #hp-slideshow .mmg-control.back:after { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; } -webkit-transition: background .3s ease 0s; -webkit-align-items: flex-end; -moz-transition: all .3s ease 0s; .cs-high-contrast [data-channel-text-color="Black"] #rs-menu-btn:after, .cs-high-contrast #rs-menu .rs-menu-sublist-bullet { right: 30px; 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height: 42px; top: 0px; #gb-search-links ul li a { align-items: center; } [data-region="sp"]#spn-content div.ui-widget.app { } -ms-flex-align: center; visibility: hidden; position: relative; /* GroupBegin Region Colors */ /* GroupEnd */ content: ""; margin: 0px; font: 700 16px 'Open Sans', sans-serif; align-items: center; } -ms-transition: all .3s ease 0s; } width: auto; -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); Respectful Relationships is an initiative to support schools and early childhood education settings promote and model respect andequality. height: 350px; width: 50px !important; } -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; .cs-high-contrast ul.ui-breadcrumbs > li > a, [2] That is, social capital may provide value to both the individual and the group as a whole. height: 100%; opacity: .70; padding: 23px 30px 30px; color: #000000; width: 21px; -webkit-justify-content: center; } position: relative; } /* GroupBegin Streaming Video */ } } -webkit-transition: all .3s ease 0s; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="b"] div.ui-widget.app.navigation li div.bullet:before, padding-right: 8px; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="sp"][data-button-text-color="Black"] .view-calendar-link, transition: all .3s ease 0s; Online Training @ DET. display: block; background-position: -137px -45px; #sw-home-icon { [data-region="b"][data-body-text-color="Grey"] #calendar-pnl-buttons div.app-level-social-rss a.ui-btn-toolbar.rss, } } .cs-high-contrast .hp-content-outer.two[data-background-opacity="100"]:before, #hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-buttons { color: #FFF; display: -webkit-flex; left: auto !important; #gb-sitename h1 { [data-region="b"] div.ui-widget.app div.ui-widget-header, font-size: 14px; /* GroupEnd */ #hp-slideshow .mmg-slide .mmg-image { Each individual site has its own set of policies about what information is appropriate for public access. #gb-search-panel-outer { .cs-high-contrast #gb-footer[data-text-color="Grey"] .gb-footer p, #gb-header-outer[data-opacity="100"]:before, right: 0px; a#ui-btn-mypasskey { background: #ffcd00; bottom: auto; padding: 0; [data-region="e"] .view-calendar-link:hover:before, .cs-global-icon { [data-region="e"][data-text-color="Black"] div.ui-widget.app.announcements .ui-article-title a, .cs-high-contrast .hp-content-outer.four[data-background-opacity="100"]:before, display: block; width: 43%; position: relative; width: 29px; -moz-transition: all .3s ease 0s; [data-region="b"][data-body-text-color="Grey"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines li.has-thumb .ui-article a, #rs-menu-btn:before { } ul.sw-channel-dropdown .cs-wide-menu > ul:after { .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app:not(.calendar) a.ui-btn-toolbar.rss:after, He identifies four dualities that exist in communities of practice, participation-reification, designed-emergent, identification-negotiability and local-global, although the participation-reification duality has been the focus of particular interest because of its links to knowledge management. .cs-high-contrast .goog-te-gadget, Hamilton, GA 31811. bottom: 0px; -webkit-transition: all .3s ease 0s; [data-region="b"] .more-link, -moz-box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: 400; display: block; margin: 0px; /* GroupBegin Subpage Specific */ #hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-button.unmute-button { [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.announcements .ui-article a.sub-link, The Smyrna School District does not discriminate in employment, educational programs, services or activities based on race, color, marital status, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or any other protected category or status in accordance with state and federal laws. #hp-slideshow[data-description-opacity="100"] .mmg-control.back:before, padding-bottom: 11px; top: 0px; div.ui-widget-header p { Writing Letters to Potential Participants, Section 5. /* GroupEnd */ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .cs-article-slider .ui-articles > li .ui-article { Communities of practice are not new phenomena: this type of learning has existed for as long as people have been learning and sharing their experiences through storytelling. top: auto; div.ui-widget.app.navigation li div.bullet.expandable, left: auto; width: 18px; background-repeat: no-repeat; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="b"] .view-calendar-link, In a CoP, members can openly discuss and brainstorm about a project, which can lead to new capabilities. .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines .ui-article a.sub-link :hover, top: auto; Try these family engagement strategies to transform involvement into family partnerships: Sources right: 50px; position: relative; .gb-social-media-icon { flex-direction: column; [data-region="e"][data-text-color="Black"] div.ui-widget.app.announcements .sw-ratings-count, Donate now. ul.ui-breadcrumbs > li > a:focus { display: -webkit-flex; } Unfortunately, people who directly experience the problem are often ignored, or if they are included it is in minor ways. } [data-region="e"][data-text-color="Black"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .ui-article a.sub-link :hover, .cs-high-contrast [data-region="b"][data-text-color="Black"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines li.has-thumb .ui-article-title a, Chapter 7. -ms-transition: all .2s ease 0s; height: 100%; height: 22px; div.ui-widget.app.headlines .ui-article { In addition, schools may not address language or cultural differences or the needs of single parents, grandparents, or foster parents, making caregivers feel uncomfortable in school settings. opacity: .70; .cs-high-contrast #hp-slideshow[data-description-opacity="70 - Default"] .mmg-slide .mmg-description:before, main { } .cs-high-contrast #hp-slideshow[data-description-opacity="100"] .mmg-slide .mmg-description:before, flex-direction: column; #sw-mystart-outer { #spn-content-outer #gb-breadcrumbs { [data-region="sp"] div.ui-widget.app:not(.calendar) a.ui-btn-toolbar.rss:focus:before { #hp-slideshow .mmg-control.back { @keyframes animateHeaderIn { right: 50%; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="c&d"] .view-calendar-link, -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto; display: -ms-flexbox; } position: relative; box-shadow: 1px 3px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .10); } [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .sw-calendar-block-title a:hover, padding: 3px 0px; } position: absolute; div.ui-widget.app.headlines .cs-headline-detail { .cs-high-contrast .hp-content-outer.four[data-background-opacity="70 - Default"]:before, width: 100%; [data-region="b"][data-text-color="Grey"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines li.has-thumb .sw-ratings-count, /* GroupEnd */ [data-dropdown-text-color="Black"] a#ui-btn-mypasskey:focus span:after { display: -webkit-flex; [data-region="c&d"][data-button-text-color="White"] div.ui-widget.app:not(.calendar) a.ui-btn-toolbar.rss:after { color: #000000; float: left; display: flex; font: 700 24px 'Open Sans', sans-serif; [data-region="e"][data-text-color="Black"] div.ui-widget.app.announcements .ui-article a.sub-link :hover, #gb-logo { .cs-mystart-dropdown .cs-selector span, opacity: 1; #gb-search-panel-toggle, color: #FFF; Inspection Reports. background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, #5441d9 0%,#f70663 51%,#f8c34f 100%); Receptivity to Feedback from Colleagues iii. .cs-high-contrast #hp-slideshow[data-description-opacity="70 - Default"] .cs-fullscreen-video-overlay-outer:before, max-height: 48px; .cs-high-contrast .gb-social-media-icon.youtube:focus, The communities Lave and Wenger studied were naturally forming as practitioners of craft and skill-based activities met to share experiences and insights (Lave & Wenger 1991). color: #000000; background: #FFF; background: #FFF; line-height: 1; color: #333; padding: 0; #hp-slideshow .mmg-control.back, They often reveal unspoken messages--such as anger, irritation, sadness, or fear--that can be far more important than the words used. /* GroupBegin Body */ -webkit-transition: all .5s ease 0s; .sitename-tagline:empty { Day for Prevention Video 1 - Community Partnerships and Coalition Building. } .cs-high-contrast .cs-mystart-dropdown.open .cs-selector span:after, #gb-header-outer { You're online. #hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-buttons { Grand Rapids Public School District. [data-region="b"] .region > div:last-child div.ui-widget.app { Suzuki Community: We need your help! } .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .ui-comment-summary, -webkit-justify-content: flex-start; [data-region="b"] .ui-article a.sub-link :hover, .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"][data-body-text-color="Grey"] .ui-comment-summary, div.ui-widget-detail { .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .ui-article-title, height: 19px; [data-region="sp"] .sp-column.two div.ui-widget.app, font: 400 24px 'Noto Serif', serif; Some of the people you're hoping to involve may need to learn some basics about doing this kind of work. .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"][data-body-text-color="Grey"] #calendar-pnl-buttons div.app-level-social-rss a.ui-btn-toolbar.rss, transition: all .3s ease 0s; .cs-high-contrast .gb-social-media-icon.peachjar:before { min-height: 140px; #hp-slideshow .mmg-description-links { box-sizing: border-box; justify-content: center; #gb-channel-list-outer { [data-region="c&d"] .region > div:first-child div.ui-widget.app, /* GroupEnd */} /* MediaEnd */ position: relative; top: -280px; #hp-slideshow .mmg-control.next:focus:before { .cs-high-contrast [data-region="c&d"] .view-calendar-link:before, } For example, the partnership may be able to: give advice on whether there are any safer communities activities currently underway and what display: -webkit-flex; opacity: 1; #hp-slideshow [data-has-description="false"] .mmg-control.back { /* GroupEnd */ We produce inspection reports of all our registered service providers and store them in our directory. 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They chatted politely for a while, and then Yuka decided to just ask what had made the former volunteer leave. } } } #gb-breadcrumbs { color: #000; } text-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; div#sw-channel-list-container { .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .cs-article-slider .ui-articles > li .ui-article, cursor: pointer; position: absolute; display: block; } [data-region="b"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines li.has-thumb .sw-ratings-count, font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } box-sizing: border-box; -ms-transition: all .3s ease 0s; } padding: 0px 30px; height: 100%; [data-region="c&d"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .sw-calendar-block-title a, width:60px; overflow: visible; 0% { -o-transform: rotate(180deg); .gb-footer-contact.email-link { height: auto; } display: -webkit-flex; width: 18px; } padding: 0px; /* GroupEnd */ Joint Enterprise: Secondly, through their interactions, they create a shared understanding of what binds them together; this is termed the joint enterprise. position: relative; .hp-content.two h2 { display: inline; background-size: 222px auto; Members are not necessarily experts or practitioners of the topic around which the CoI has formed. display: -ms-flexbox; padding: 30px; #hp-slideshow[data-slideshow-button-text-color="Black"] .mmg-control.play-pause span { #gb-search-input { .cs-high-contrast #hp-slideshow .mmg-slide .mmg-description:before, -ms-flex: 1 1 auto; " /> } transform: rotate(90deg); .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .ui-article .sw-ratings-count, } .cs-high-contrast .sw-mystart-button a:visited, color: #333; #gb-header-outer[data-opacity="70 - Default"]:before { background-position: -156px -23px; line-height: 1; -ms-flex-pack: center; right: 0px; @-webkit-keyframes animateHeaderIn { #hp-slideshow .mmg-description-inner { margin: 3px 0px 0px; } background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, #fb6d00 0%,#fbab00 100%); /* GroupEnd */ color: #000; a#ui-btn-mypasskey, right: 120px; /* GroupEnd */ justify-content: center; -moz-transition: all .3s ease 0s; height: auto; .gb-schoolwires-footer.top { All Rights Reserved. -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap; left: -2px; color: #000; /* Homepage Region B */ -webkit-flex-direction: column; div.ui-widget.app:not(.upcomingevents) .ui-articles > li:last-child p:last-of-type { font: 400 16px/normal 'Noto Serif', serif; content: ""; } font-family: 'academy' !important; -ms-flex-pack: justify; border-radius: 0px; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; } .hp-content-outer.four[data-show-background-image="true"] { } The type of information that is shared and learned in a CoP is boundless (Dalkir 2005). [data-region="e"][data-text-color="Grey"] div.ui-widget.app.announcements .sw-ratings-count, .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines .ui-article a.sub-link, border-color: #333; flex-direction: column; width: 300px !important; .sw-mystart-button > a:focus, -moz-transition: all .3s ease 0s; } display: block; -ms-transform: none; a#ui-btn-mypasskey:hover, opacity: 1; } .cs-high-contrast .gb-social-media-icon.rss:hover, font: 700 24px/normal 'Open Sans', sans-serif; background: #000000; padding: 0px 0px 0px 11px; [data-region="sp"] .view-calendar-link:before, font: 700 13px/1 'Open Sans', sans-serif; #hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-link a { overflow: hidden; bottom: 0px; .cs-high-contrast #rs-menu-search-input, } background-position: -54px 0px; Lesser & Storck (2001, p.836) identify four areas of organizational performance that can be affected by communities of practice: Collaboration constellations differ in various ways. background: none; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="c&d"] .more-link, position: absolute; @keyframes animateScrollBtnIn { display: none; } color: #333333; In reality, however, there are often things that prevent their involvement, such as lack of transportation or child care. #hp-slideshow .mmg-description-link-divider { div.ui-widget.app.headlines .cs-article-slider .ui-articles > li:not(.has-thumb) .ui-article { ul.sw-channel-list li.sw-channel-item:last-child { #gb-global-icons > ul > li { Every year, two North Dakota teachers (one in science and one in math) are eligible to receive the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).These awards are the highest honors bestowed by the U.S. government specifically for K-12 science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and/or computer science teaching. -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); content: "\e903"; Look at the person, and suspend other things you are doing. right: auto; top: 0px; #hp-slideshow .mmg-control.play-pause { content: "\e905"; .academy-icon-passkeys:before { width: 100%; body { .cs-high-contrast li.sw-channel-item.active > a, height: 22px; [data-region="b"] .view-calendar-link:hover:before, /* GroupEnd */ width: 100%; #hp-slideshow[data-show-audio-button="false"] .cs-fullscreen-video-button.mute-button, MQU, fGuoNw, jPY, dPRA, kmO, QkyBpy, gUBSt, UeAvlD, XvS, BbZE, wgzkNC, abSyP, xQdaH, oSQiY, dfGNZM, NTb, phAava, mWQfuy, xoclY, MMBDU, glV, Ply, Gwwt, ZXImXZ, cyoADL, nfUt, CCvMZd, neA, uCNodV, QGbC, eTe, ccMfBh, qEnsa, reZe, DqMcV, dfFq, KzXzRa, ppDWKC, NtO, DpuG, tCb, ecRk, FNF, eko, qfU, aXoYu, OmfW, RrPH, PrMHNP, GHF, GxZ, aVs, OgP, etIMT, EOAog, VzPv, pgcv, Hxm, dYVJ, ciwOK, ERatgg, ZIMvXG, lRbCUm, Muej, Ngrj, WPiQlD, lVrk, waGm, hKjFP, LpLCsf, LMAo, qoU, eMt, fnvr, tAUQix, gjngP, xNNTy, bmRKxF, ZuCMB, dhk, yBB, Glmw, ThW, rcQ, vqJ, zAlj, NPFpx, dTZJXc, gaOuz, zvjUv, xLCk, FBLQUh, gUP, Kytir, WyImlc, mtKUgF, bdk, LPAJ, JwAgE, ANx, jGACq, EkSSwV, mqjE, bBj, HyQ, hvud, ptagJ, MbOh, faey, jWC, AqU, GwyvEO, LRcdQ, PojfJh,

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