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Yes, jobs are important. Baffinland made a big mistake negotiating with PJ instead of North Baffin communities. He tries to escape with stimpy to avoid his supposed fate. Those, for me, were the most salient reasons.. In this example, the correlation (simultaneity) between windmill activity and wind velocity does not imply that wind is caused by windmills. It should not all be funneled to Iqaluit or to be held in southern investments. Use this form to request a PDF of Nunatsiaq News to be sent to you every week on Friday. Unlike the jolly dim-witted Stimpy, Ren is rather smart. North Baffin did not agree to Inuit Certainty Agreement but QIA made an agreement with Baffinland and that money was going to be given to QIA, not to Baffin communities. I want to encourage [Baffinland] to continue working with Inuit rights holders, to work with CanNor and to try to continue the good momentum they have, he said. Interesting days ahead. Baffinland while aggressive, operated within the legal framework presented to them. Up to date and before the mining started in Pond income support stayed the same. The Minister, is, in fact, the appellate decision maker. No municipality in Nunavut (or in Canada for that matter) has the independent authority to negotiate beyond its legal mandate under the Acts and Nunavut Land Claims agreement. Regulatory hearings are precisely for hearing from the partial! WebHeres how new water cannons could help fight wildfires year-round The mine is still in operation and will have less impact on the long term well-being of the community. It is not ministers responsibility to cover BIMs big mistake. QIA needs to ensure that funds are proportionally being spent in the communities most directly impacted by the mine activities. After Stimpy accidentally destroys each of them playing golf, Ren snaps mentally and attempts to kill himself by sticking himself into their sink's garbage disposal. On some occasions, Ren is actually somewhat understanding when Stimpy accidentally does something that impresses him. This will almost certainly have a chilling effect on future territorial investments by the mining sector. Trudeau really understands us!! Mantenha-se ao corrente das ltimas notcias da poltica europeia, da economia e do desporto na euronews As alcoholics become diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, many quit drinking. Hope the minister is ready to start paying the income for all the workers who will lose their jobs because of this decision.. A small increase of body temperature, such as in a fever, makes the lice look for another host. [25] The combination of limited available methodologies with the dismissing correlation fallacy has on occasion been used to counter a scientific finding. Despite "Ren Seeks Help" being written in 1991 (and almost being turned into an episode of the original series), it aired on Adult Party Cartoon and, as a result, is counted as non-canon. Edgerly voiced him in the "Nicktoons MLB" game. They rather choose to march behind liars and money-hungry parties who do not care for the people they are to represent. No conclusion can thus be made regarding the existence or the direction of a cause-and-effect relationship only from the fact that A and B are correlated. This fallacy is also known by the Latin phrase cum hoc ergo propter hoc ('with this, therefore because of this'). Brian Cummings, Joe Alaskey, Frank Welker, Carlos Alazraqui, Jack Angel, Hal Rayle, Patrick Pinney, Townsend Coleman, and Enrique Renaldo auditioned for the voice of Ren. reside down south and commute to BIM. Harming small animals for fun or pleasure is oftentimes noted as a main symptom of sociopathy, and Ren noted that he enjoyed inflicting the pain on others. Yes I will get my popcorn ready. Baffinland is trying to work like anyone on a path of least resistance. Because results from prospective studies on people who increase their bicycle use show a smaller effect on BMI than cross-sectional studies, there may be some reverse causality as well (i.e. There is no case upon which a tort or similar can be undertaken. In nunavut its an unregulated free-for-all. West, who already voiced Stimpy, provided Ren's laugh throughout the series (even when John K. was still the voice of Ren). The phrase "correlation does not imply causation" refers to the inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two events or variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them. BIM has not been open/honest about their wishes. He is extremely selfish and childish, and at tense times mentally unstable. See causality in statistics and economics. Spiteful, hyperactive, childish, mean, psychotic, violent, selfish, greedy, angry, crazy, sometimes evil, indifferent, sometimes understanding, nice (rarely), comical, cruel, bitter, malicious, smart, bossy, and sometimes good. Zero chance of a court action. He oftentimes calls Stimpy 'old pal', 'old friend', or some sort of variant. I have seen it. BIM has a speculative business on IOL. His lifelong ambitious personality is to have huge pectoral muscles. The assumption that A causes B simply because A correlates with B is often not accepted as a legitimate form of argument. WebHearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. [16] However, a later study at Ohio State University did not find that infants sleeping with the light on caused the development of myopia. Vandal said he agreed with the boards conclusion earlier this year that Baffinland could not properly mitigate or manage potential effects on the environment, wildlife and fish habitats if the mine were to expand. To under play the importance of caribou habitat and sea life is a mistake that would destroy these resources and the uniqueness of the culture Ren eating a bar of soap (also called an ice cream bar) in "Space Madness". Im sure there will be a parade in Pond Inlet tonight. Like Stimpy, Ren has had many jobs throughout the series, which often last for a single episode. In other cases it may simply be unclear which is the cause and which is the effect. There are three other mines in operation in Nunavut, so I am amiss with your usual blackmail nostalgia. It did find a strong link between parental myopia and the development of child myopia, also noting that myopic parents were more likely to leave a light on in their children's bedroom. Originally conceived to honor artists and track sound recording sales, Gold & Platinum Awards have come to stand as a benchmark of success for any artistwhether theyve just released their first song or Greatest Hits album. In "Ren Needs Help" he calmly states in group therapy that he smacks Stimpy when he makes him mad, which caused most of the patients and even the doctor to be fearful. Municipalities have no Constitutional standing in Canada. John K. voices Ren in Adult Party Cartoon, although Ren's voice sounds different in an attempt to make him sound older. Martin "Dr. Toon" Goodman of Animation World Magazine described Ren as "scrawny," "dyspeptic," and "violently psychotic." WebHearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. In episodes, he's shown to cry more often than Stimpy, and cries over things most people wouldn't cry about. This differs from the fallacy known as post hoc ergo propter hoc ("after this, therefore because of this"), in which an event following another is seen as a necessary consequence of the former event, and from conflation, the errant merging of two events, ideas, databases, etc., into one. The working class everywhere, are carrying the cost of this, and if the majority of people in Nunavut want this, it should be. Check out our interactive timeline to learn But their town has been ran down by BIG investors. Hope the ministry is ready for the reprocussions of this decision. Inuit have the right to get as much as they can for the ore they own. He also is shown to have several mood swings. In "Stimpy's Big Day", he cried after Stimpy left and in "The Big Shot" he went utterly insane without him, leaving the house a mess and being unable to care for himself, believing that Stimpy was 'haunting him' in the form of his television shows and a pillow, and hugged a bag of Gritty Kitty litter with Stimpy's picture on it and began to sing the theme to the Muddy Muddskipper theme song. In "Fire Dogs", he and Stimpy posed as Dalmatians and worked as firemen, while in the Commander Hoek and Cadet Stimpy episodes, Ren is the senior officer and captain of the ship he and Stimpy use. Ottawa better pony up for more social assistance, forget private home ownership for at least 2 generations. It asserts that X causes Y when in reality, both X and Y are caused by Z. Ren hacking up his bed during "In The Army". One twin is sent to study for six hours while the other is sent to the amusement park. Bowie was acclaimed by critics and musicians, particularly for his innovative work during The company has said it needs to expand its Mary River mine to make it financially viable. So the conclusion is false. Therefore, the simple conclusion above may be false. Indeed, in the social sciences where controlled experiments often cannot be used to discern the direction of causation, this fallacy can fuel long-standing scientific arguments. According to the episode "Ren Seeks Help", the reason for Ren's behavior is because at his birth, a doctor made him feel his first sensation - pain - which was so immense that he vowed that he would never feel it again by inflicting it on others, which eventually he found fun in. Seems like some folk want that to happen. In "Mad Dog Hoek", the pair worked as wrestlers. "Mad Dog Hek" ) Should they have bothered with Milne, in my opinion no, however I understand why they did based on what they presented during the NIRB hearings. Noticeable symptoms came later, which gave the impression that the lice had left before the person became sick.[13]. The reason for Ren's tail disappearing altogether was that creator John Kricfalusi hated animating it, so most of the time, he just left it out. After Stimpy returned, he put him next to the fire, patted him on the head, and kissed his forehead. We win! That is referred to as the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference it is impossible to directly observe causal effects.[9]. Baffinland was exploiting the resources and damaging the environment and did not do a good job with the community who is also against them. workers from Nunavut. This can also be seen in alcoholics. That is achieved by selecting subjects from a single population and randomly assigning them to two or more groups. Milne was easier to build a road and haul by truck. Mines are the reason people started purchasing caribou since they stopped going to our area because of the mine. Outside the field of philosophy, theories of causation can be identified in classical mechanics, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, spacetime theories, biology, social sciences, and law. Guess them big wig likes us to collect welfare cheques in the near future. The cause has always been known. False inferences of causation due to reverse causation (or wrong estimates of the magnitude of causation because of the presence of bidirectional causation) can be avoided by using explanators (regressors) that are necessarily exogenous, such as physical explanators like rainfall amount (as a determinant of, say, futures prices), lagged variables whose values were determined before the dependent variable's value was determined, instrumental variables for the explanators (chosen based on their known exogeneity), etc. Nunavut doesnt get it, but all too soon I believe they will. Richer populations tend to eat more food and produce more CO2. [26], Causality construed from counterfactual states, Causality predicted by an extrapolation of trends, Examples of illogically inferring causation from correlation, B causes A (reverse causation or reverse causality), Third factor C (the common-causal variable) causes both A and B, Bidirectional causation: A causes B, and B causes A, The relationship between A and B is coincidental, Use of correlation as scientific evidence, Ornish, Dean. The proponents are purely money driven, and that goes to show in these comments. Never have I ever been to post as much alongside mining. If in fact a negative correlation exists between abuse and academic performance, researchers could potentially use this knowledge of a statistical correlation to make predictions about children outside the study who experience abuse even though the study failed to provide causal evidence that abuse decreases academic performance. There was no reasonable way, as per the science, to mitigate it.. It is also implied in the episode that some of his psychotic behavior is because his parents were implied to be crazy, as well, and Ren inherited their madness to some degree. After each were vandalized by Sven and Stimpy, Ren became so fed up that he calmly stated in detail how'd he mutilate each of them, which included tearing their lips out, gouging out their eyes, tearing their arms out of the sockets, punching them onto the floor, and laughing at them. In "Fake Dad" after Kowalski came to live with them over the weekend, he attempted to spank him for destroying his couch due to the boy's immense weight, and ripping pages out of his book. But some of those costs are the main thing that Inuit get for the iron they own in the ground. This territory is a joke. That could be a transformational benefit to thousands of Inuit who have never set foot at the mine. I completely agree. In casual use, the word "implies" loosely means suggests, rather than requires. Are they ready to support all the people who will need income if the mine closes and the money disappears. WebThe phrase "correlation does not imply causation" refers to the inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two events or variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them. In academia, there are a significant number of theories on causality; The Oxford Handbook of Causation (Beebee, Hitchcock & Menzies 2009) encompasses 770 pages. Please be careful when using the word racist. How does a company stay up north and still operating when their finance is never viable? I think ineptitude runs deep in both institutions, so perhaps not? Southern worker as well? So have they been honest? The stated conclusion is false. The NIRB license is to mine a set amount. The blunt fact is neither their scientific data nor anyones is predictive as to what more industrial activity will mean to wildlife and the environment. Only a couple hundred are Inuit. How many of the Inuit employed at BIM are truck drivers? This is a highly discretionary regulatory environment with the decision vested in NIRB and the Federal Minister. Ren is vain, spiteful, hyperactive, abusive, and he has a short fuse (especially with Stimpy). The creator of the series itself. Colour me surprised. It is now all but certain that Baffinland will shut down, putting hundreds of Nunavummiut out of work, and stripping millions of dollars in annual resource revenues from the territory. In "Big House Blues", he whimpers like one and is kept in the pound, even wags his tail, along with drinking out of a toilet bowl in order to wash himself after he kisses Stimpy in his sleep. Northern Affairs minister released his long-awaited decision Wednesday evening, Northern Affairs Minister Daniel Vandal, seen here in a file photo, has rejected Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.s Phase 2 Mary River mine expansion proposal. For those who do not like this yes you can go away please as we plan to be here forever. In his letter, Vandal said the Qikiqtani Inuit Association and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. wrote to him on Oct. 25, months after NIRBs public hearing had ended, to say that they and north Baffin hunters agree the potential impacts to wildlife would be too severe if Baffinlands plan went ahead. Read todays compliance bulletin. First Appearance In "Sven Hoek" these possessions included his collections of dinosaur droppings, opera records, and jars of rare, incurable diseases. This is exactly what people dont see. Its called supporting your community and the countrys economy. The cause is said to be the effect and vice versa. A more plausible explanation is that both are caused by a third factor, in this case going to bed drunk, which thereby gives rise to a correlation. Industry. Cue the Court injunction from Baffinlabd citing a lack of procedural fairness in the NIRB hearing process. Relatives However, in logic, the technical use of the word "implies" means "is a sufficient condition for. If the groups are essentially equivalent except for the treatment they receive, and a difference in the outcome for the groups is observed, then this constitutes evidence that the treatment is responsible for the outcome, or in other words the treatment causes the observed effect. There is no common sense up here. WebStrange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a 1886 Gothic novella by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson.It follows Gabriel John Utterson, a London-based legal practitioner who investigates a series of strange occurrences between his old friend Dr. Henry Jekyll and a murderous criminal named Edward Hyde.. He has stated once in "Stimpy's Invention" that he "loves" being angry. Ice cream is sold during the hot summer months at a much greater rate than during colder times, and it is during these hot summer months that people are more likely to engage in activities involving water, such as swimming. WebMcDonald's maintains an extensive advertising campaign. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. In philosophical terminology. The likelihood of the groups behaving similarly to one another (on average) rises with the number of subjects in each group. You cannot discount this aspect no matter who works there. It is a very serious word which gets thrown around far too often, especially out of context. In "Ren Needs Help", he is shown to have a favorite chair he calls 'Danny' who 'watches over his friends' ie his collection of glass coffee tables he named Danny, Raymond, and Desi. On this issue where are the planners in this territory going to create a bit of wealth, they have no idea.thats why there is over 20 thousand Inuit living in the south .and more leaving,at least they have a chance to earn a living and have a place to live and are treated better in the south. So I believe honesty and confusion are two different things. If one reads all committments made by BIM, youd realize the company bent over backwards for all parties. Stimpy only puts up with Ren because he felt sorry for him and Ren has no friends. He is a scrawny "asthma-hound" Chihuahua with cream fur, a floppy body, donkey-like ears, neon-pink eyes with dark red pupils, red (or sometimes light brown) eyelids, and a fairly long, rat-like, pink tail who often calls Stimpy an idiot ("eediot"), to quote the character) and slaps him around, They shouldve planned for their employees how to compensate them rather blaming HTOs , hunters, and even fed ministers. So no grounds there, certainly none that a judge can point to as explicitly undermining the evidence. Causal analysis is the field of experimental design and statistics pertaining to establishing cause and effect. Ren's personality is best explained in the episode "Ren's Bitter Half", where Stimpy used his genetic chemistry set to create a substance called xB-49. Between the two, Ren provides primarily for them via working, which is more apparent in the post-Spumco episodes. In the interview Wednesday, Vandal pointed to two reasons for his decision to turn down Phase 2. The mine will be used to make more cars or buildings or tanks the wildlife will sustain a people for ever. In conclusion, he asserted that causality is not based on actual reasoning: only correlation can actually be perceived. I believe they have. However, he's stopped when his brain was overheating and stinging him. In other cases, two phenomena can each be a partial cause of the other; consider poverty and lack of education, or procrastination and poor self-esteem. We can have progress without destroying the land. Its unfortunate how people fail to read and formulate opinion based on fact. All on FoxSports.com. With the Nunavut Agreement they must work with QIA and NTI on IIBA not the local communities. The only time Rens tail appeared in the Adult Party Cartoon was "Ren Seeks Help" (not counting "Man's Best Friend" or "Big House Blues"). Wow. However it is not a sufficient condition. If you are a janitor you might keep your job. WebGet MLB news, scores, stats, standings & more for your favorite teams and players -- plus watch highlights and live games! Ren Hek He is shown to enjoy reading both the newspaper and various books, and is shown doing it in a variety of episodes. This provides no certainty of investment. WebGet breaking NFL Football News, our in-depth expert analysis, latest rumors and follow your favorite sports, leagues and teams with our live updates. As for drivers of big trucks at the mine, their days are numbered, too. This message is urgent and needs immediate action. Ren is often prone to fits of psychosis, which would often. This suggests a possible "third variable" problem, however, when three such closely related measures are found, it further suggests that each may have bidirectional tendencies (see "bidirectional variable", above), being a cluster of correlated values each influencing one another to some extent. Monitoring of Baffin caribou shows a steep decline in all herds starting 20 years before the mine. WebRen Hek is the titular main protagonist of the Ren & Stimpy TV series. In "It's a Dog's Life", he couldn't bring himself to hit Stimpy before their supposed execution, attempted to give Stimpy the Heimlich maneuver after he began to choke on the hard food their owner gave them, and later gave Stimpy an extra pillow for his bottom to sleep on after their owner had them neutered. Spiteful, hyperactive, childish, mean, psychotic, violent, selfish, greedy, angry, crazy, sometimes evil, indifferent, sometimes understanding, nice (rarely), comical, cruel, bitter, malicious, smart, bossy, and sometimes good. Oftentimes, he is shown to slap Stimpy if he fails or annoys him, which became more apparent in the later seasons. He is a scrawny "asthma-hound" Chihuahua with cream fur, a floppy body, donkey-like ears, neon-pink eyes with dark red pupils, red (or sometimes light brown) eyelids, and a fairly long, rat-like, pink tail who often calls Stimpy an idiot ("eediot"), to quote the character) and slaps him around, Ren was originally voiced by series creator John Kricfalusi for the first two seasons and was later voiced by Billy West in Season 3-5 after John K got fired in 1992. Lets be honest Baffinland has not been a great example of a mine being a good operator or land user. Have they been good at communicating? Motorized vehicles reaching further and further into caribou habitat. WebWatch the latest news videos and the top news video clips online at ABC News. WebOpportunity Zones are economically distressed communities, defined by individual census tract, nominated by Americas governors, and certified by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury via his delegation of that authority to the Internal Revenue Service. Not really hostile, its just Baffinland and the tactics they use. That being said this decision is concern as it will impact future and potential good operators. WebRen Hek is the titular main protagonist of the Ren & Stimpy TV series. And once southern Canada realizes where their money is going they wont be laughing. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is one They have communicated them, just not well, and only via the mechanisms they need to do that thru, which is NIRB and their QIA/NTI landlords. Give your heads a shake. This is also seen with ex-smokers. WebStay up to date on the latest NBA news, scores, stats, standings & more. Thats right, you have no plans for Nunavut! Baffinland investors will demand that they go somewhere where they are appreciated for all that they do. In "Dog Show", Mr. However, as encountered in many psychological studies, another variable, a "self-consciousness score", is discovered that has a sharper correlation (+.73) with shyness. Ren is quick to put all blame on Stimpy rather than acknowledge his own actions in the deeds. The Steensby Inlet was approved I to allow for up to 18 million tons being shipped and for the construction of the Rail line to Steensby. Ren & Stimpy Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. We wish you all the best on your future culinary endeavors. It is rather the other way around, as suggested by the fact that wind does not need windmills to exist, while windmills need wind to rotate. The court can review the process, but so far BIM and NIRB and the Federal Minister say the process was followed. Appellate review is very, very restricted in part because the courts cannot substitute for the actual hearing; they cannot have every submission appear before them and then substitute court opinion for either NIRB or Minister. The only thing we can say here is that the communities chose not to take advantage of the opportunity. A difficulty often also arises where the third factor, though fundamentally different from A and B, is so closely related to A and/or B as to be confused with them or very difficult to scientifically disentangle from them (see Example 4). When experimental studies are impossible, and only pre-existing data are available, as is usually the case for example in economics, regression analysis can be used. Wonder why herd populations in greenland are so healthy? If you are online to post a comment, its because of mining industry. But, instead lets blame the mines instead of accepting that maybe greenland is just doing things better than Canada and we can learn from greenland inuit. They used bully tactics, threats of layoffs and op eds to try to push their agenda. Indeed, p implies q has the technical meaning of the material conditional: if p then q symbolized as pq. The real reason however is that lice are extremely sensitive to body temperature. Absolutely pathetic and out of touch with reality. For example, it is possible that both A can cause effect B and B can cause effect A (bidirectional or cyclic causation). Intuitively, causation seems to require not just a correlation, but a counterfactual dependence. The review board assessed that proposal for approximately four years, with several in-person meetings held in Iqaluit and Pond Inlet. Gateway drug theory may argue that marijuana usage leads to usage of harder drugs, but hard drug usage may lead to marijuana usage (see also confusion of the inverse). Everyone is so greedy about country food, phase two should just have happened. No shame in embracing our culture, no matter how far we feel we are from it. Everyone can dress up like 200 years ago and roll play traditional life. Nothing has to change, ever.. it will be paradise. The reasoning was that the people got sick because the lice left. However, sometimes people commit the opposite fallacy of dismissing correlation entirely. We have a lot of minerals in Nunavut the mines should be competing with each other over which few get the pleasure of mining our land. No I dont. Everyone else is just a consultative stakeholder. Well said, thank you for bringing in some facts. The other responsible ministers and I have carefully considered the boards report and input from the designated Inuit organizations, and have decided to accept the boards recommendation that Phase 2 should not proceed at this time, he said in the letter. The more things are examined, the more likely it is that two unrelated variables will appear to be related. In these instances, it is the diseases that cause an increased risk of mortality, but the increased mortality is attributed to the beneficial effects that follow the diagnosis, making healthy changes look unhealthy. Whenever Stimpy gives him something special, he thanks Stimpy and celebrates. Dang. In "Stimpy's Fan Club", Ren reads a letter from a female fan of Stimpy, in which she asks Stimpy as to why he always tolerates Ren, and inquires his species, specifically if he's a mosquito. He never learns from his mistakes and is quite frankly, despite Stimpy's stupidity, the true idiot. | DDI", "Evidence in Medicine: Correlation and Causation Science-Based Medicine", Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise, Negative conclusion from affirmative premises, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Correlation_does_not_imply_causation&oldid=1126656197, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with disputed statements from November 2017, Articles needing additional references from February 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with disputed statements from November 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. If there is causation, there is correlation but also a sequence in time from cause to effect, a plausible mechanism, and sometimes common and intermediate causes. [7] Immanuel Kant, according to Beebee, Hitchcock & Menzies (2009), held that "a causal principle according to which every event has a cause, or follows according to a causal law, cannot be established through induction as a purely empirical claim, since it would then lack strict universality, or necessity". So you must be one of the few who would keep your job if the tracks were built. The two variables are not related at all, but correlate by chance. Isnt that right MP Idlout and NTI Kotierk. Baffinland spokesperson Peter Akman did not respond to Nunatsiaq News questions regarding the future of the mine Wednesday evening, but said the company will release a statement Thursday. Its cause they have strict rules for hunting. He doesnt exactly admit that he gets very lonely since everybody does not like Ren. Kricfalusi received inspiration, used when drawing the first drawings of Ren, from a Elliott Erwitt black and white photograph of a growling chihuahua in a sweater next to a woman's feet, which he found very amusing. Correlations must first be confirmed as real, and every possible causative relationship must then be systematically explored. For the first two seasons of the Ren & Stimpy Show (with the only exceptions being "Monkey See, Monkey Don't", "The Great Outdoors", a segment from "Stimpy's Fan Club", and "Cat Who Laid the Golden Hairball") and the Adult Party Cartoon, creator John Kricfalusi provided Ren's voice. Ren's fiery temper is shown in many episodes, where he would often go off on violent, psychotic rages which would often result in the harming of Stimpy, other characters, and even himself. Wow! Baffinland tried to work at a community level within their IIBA, but they are limited on what they are allowed to do by it. There would have been fewer Inuit employed if the expansion had gone ahead. If so then your job is safe for now. Its time to learn geology and engineering (or food service) if you want to work at a mine. I hope there is a judicial review. Baffinland first turned its attention toward Milne Inlet in January 2013 when, one month after then-northern affairs minister John Duncan approved plans for a 149-kilometre railway to Steensby Inlet, the company announced it needed to raise money to fund that route. Ex-smokers are more likely to die of lung cancer than current smokers. We are focusing on creating jobs, protecting jobs and ensuring the Nunavut Agreement and Inuit rights are respected.. I dont get how tight the blinders are on this one? Small scrawny peachy brown-orange Chihuahua, floppy body, long ears, neon-pink eyes with dark red pupils, red (or sometimes light brown) eyelids, long pink tail(some scenes), brown small triangular nose, small nails in fingers and toes, small strands of hair on the head, sometimes a few spots on top of his head. QIA are elected by Baffin communities and have to listen to their constituents, otherwise they will turn on QIA. This is a disaster for Nunavut. Ren's ambitions vary from episode to episode. A tripling of the hunting population. [1][2] The idea that "correlation implies causation" is an example of a questionable-cause logical fallacy, in which two events occurring together are taken to have established a cause-and-effect relationship. For example, social workers might be interested in knowing how child abuse relates to academic performance. In examining correlation, "cause" is most often used to mean "one contributing cause" (but not necessarily the only contributing cause). And no free rides. That makes it sound like a competition or a conflict where there is a winner and a loser. WebWatch CNN streaming channels featuring Anderson Cooper, classic Larry King interviews, and feature shows covering travel, culture and global news. In "My Shiny Friend", he attempted to curb Stimpy's addiction to television, eventually destroying his television and forcing him to live in the basement for a year. Youll have to continue relying on Mommy Ottawa. If this operation can keep going and expand, for example, Inuit orgs if they so choose, could end Inuit homelessness in Qiqiqtani by using these funds to build houses or support individual families become homeowners. They have not even completed the Phase 1 that they asked for. Vandal said their lack of support played into his decision. West provided Ren's voice using a combination of Kirk Douglas, Burl Ives, and a slight "south of the border" accent. Read todays Consumer Financial Protection Circular, Surprise Overdraft Fee assessment practices. (official series) Enjoy the latest tourism news from Miami.com including updates on local restaurants, popular bars and clubs, hotels, and things to do in Miami and South Florida. In other words, the Federal Court cannot re-hear the evidence. Reverse causation or reverse causality or wrong direction is an informal fallacy of questionable cause where cause and effect are reversed. Baffinland does indeed have a license this was given it by the NIRB, the Federal Minister and the holder of the IOL so thats one argument shot. Poverty is a cause of lack of education, but it is not the sole cause, and vice versa. Ren has occasionally accepted or even enjoyed spending time with Stimpy, and will be distraught to see something bad happen to him. Stimpy isolates himself from Ren, with Ren on many occasions trying to make him happy. In some episodes, Ren has a malevolent, evil laugh when he has psychotic episodes, which are voiced by Billy West. Another well-known example is that cyclists have a lower Body Mass Index than people who do not cycle. In "Son of Stimpy", he's seen on all fours on top of Stimpy's litterbox, he's seen walking on all fours in "Dog Show", yet again, wags his tail. . Published in the May 13, 1999, issue of Nature,[15] the study received much coverage at the time in the popular press. Horse does manage to get Ren's species correct, although he mentions that he is a perfect representation of his sickly species. Vandal said he wants Baffinland to continue working with the Inuit organizations and levels of government to improve its proposal. The above example commits the correlation-implies-causation fallacy, as it prematurely concludes that sleeping with one's shoes on causes headache. Because one cannot rewind history and replay events after making small controlled changes, causation can only be inferred, never exactly known. In the end, correlation alone cannot be used as evidence for a cause-and-effect relationship between a treatment and benefit, a risk factor and a disease, or a social or economic factor and various outcomes. Ren is also similar to Oliver Hardy who has to put up Stan Laurel who is also similar to Stimpy. "cause" can refer to necessary, sufficient, or contributing causes. Mr Hek was voiced by Mike Kricfalusi, John Kricfalusi's dad. WebSimple crafts, healthy recipes, active living ideas, easy ways to learn through play and details on your kids' favourite CBC Kids shows. John K returned to voice Ren in the short-lived Adult Party Cartoon. The Liberal cabinet minister released his decision on the expansion proposal, known as Phase 2, on Wednesday evening in a letter to Marjorie Kaviq Kaluraq, chairperson of the Nunavut Impact Review Board, the organization responsible for advising the federal government about the social and economic impacts of development in the territory. As northern affairs minister, Vandal gets the final say on NIRBs recommendation, though he consulted with four other federal cabinet ministers. In "Ren's Pecs", he was called a 'mosquito man' by a bully as an insult. I wonder what the QIA is going to say when the mine use the permit it already has just goes south to Steensby triples production and also doesnt have to give the communities any of the things they promised for phase 2. WebGet breaking Finance news and the latest business articles from AOL. The era of Ottawa overriding Indigenous nations, Indigenous governments for resource development projects in the North, is over, Vandal said Wednesday in an interview with Nunatsiaq News. The word is now out that Nunavut is hostile to mining development, we will have to wait and see what the final impacts will be. Suppose that a student performed poorly on a test and guesses that the cause was his not studying. Despite his violent temper, Ren doesn't seem to be very physically strong or athletic and has been overpowered by Stimpy on a number of occasions. Will be hurting as well. (From "Son of Stimpy"). I dont think so. One of the most known ones is "Son of Stimpy" When Stimpy's flatulence is seen as a "son" and then Stimpy cannot find him while searching around the house. It is one of the most abused types of evidence because it is easy and even tempting to come to premature conclusions based upon the preliminary appearance of a correlation. [11] Second procedural fairness has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the NIRB and Ministers decisions were evidence-based, they likely were. Take away the land in which we come from, and we lose more than just the land. Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren_and_Stimpy_(characters)#Ren_H.C3.B6ek, https://www.nickanimation.com/the-ren-stimpy-show, https://twitter.com/lotusfishicoot/status/1450994529365118979/, https://twitter.com/renstimpyfacts/status/955112882307411970. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is one Except a legal filing any day now. BIM pays royalties based on the amount mined. While Ren's job is never mentioned, according to "Double Header" Ren works at a top-secret factory, making warheads by pulling a lever and dropping a canister of into them. Although it would be unethical to perform an experiment in which children are randomly assigned to receive or not receive abuse, researchers can look at existing groups using a non-experimental correlational design. What a low blow to us B.I.M. Those plans evolved: Since that time, company executives have said that Baffinland wants to have a mine that is allowed to ship 30 million tonnes of iron ore each year: 12 million tonnes out of Milne Inlet and 18 million tonnes from Steensby Inlet. Even though Ren is seen as insane most of the time, Ren has also helped Stimpy on many occasions. Ren Hek is the titular main protagonist of the Ren & Stimpy TV series. Agreege. Win is an interesting choice of words. Want to try again? WebHearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. [12] When lifelong smokers are told they have lung cancer, many quit smoking. The CFPB estimates that these changes mean $3 billion in savings for consumers. Awsome! So how does this project move forward if ever? Money from natural resources is a temporary benefit that will only last until the resource is gone. for instance the concept of impact) or a nonlocal mechanism (cf. For example, the tobacco industry has historically relied on a dismissal of correlational evidence to reject a link between tobacco and lung cancer,[26] as did biologist and statistician Ronald Fisher,[list 1] frequently in its behalf. Andy Meisler of The New York Times described Ren as "adventurous," "intelligent," and "emotionally brittle.". I lived in Nunavut for 2 or 3 years and was influenced by the Inuit ways of life. Which is one of the scenes that shows the character's homosexuality the most. Who collects my hard earned dollars to boot. In "Ren's Brain", his brain was shown leaving a building similar to the Daily Planet, a fictional newspaper company, and driving home, mentioning that he'd be happy to tell Stimpy about his promotion at work, indicating that Ren works at a newspaper company. Family Services publishes Income Assistance stats and they can be accessed by ATIPP requests or through your MLA. At the beginning they gave the communities 3 options to choose from (the south route Steensby Inlet route was chosen and approved) then they go north to Milne, their caribou surveys (height of land surveys and looking for tracks along the side of the road) are a joke. If their test scores suddenly diverged by a large degree, that would be strong evidence that studying (or going to the amusement park) had a causal effect on test scores. Baffinland has spent Billions of dollars and will most likely walk away, and while I dont disagree that they are not a great operator, the message it sends to others looking to invest in the territory is detrimental to Inuit, Inuit Orgs, and the GN. Wind can be observed in places where there are no windmills or non-rotating windmillsand there are good reasons to believe that wind existed before the invention of windmills. One making an argument based on these two phenomena must however be careful to avoid the fallacy of circular cause and consequence. In that sense, it is always correct to say "Correlation does not imply causation.". His department had to balance the economic impacts while ensuring Inuit rights were upheld, he said. Male Good luck finding investors. After he was fired, Games Animation's episodes rarely had his tail showing as well, giving it a rare form of continuity, where there'd be whole episodes not featuring his tail, or his tail only being featured in short cameos. Ren is smart in his own mind, but deep down he is a lot dumber than Stimpy. Marland Hoek, Commander Hoek, Three-Fingered Hoek, Mad Dog Hoek, Robin Hoek, Renwaldo, the Unlucky Beast, Champy and Abraham However, he often seems to be a hot-tempered, scrawny, mean, dyspeptic, very hyperactive, emotionally unstable, greedy, spoiled, and violently psychotic chihuahua. John Kricfalusi (Seasons 1-2; Adult Party Cartoon; commercials)Billy West (Some of season 2 and seasons 3-5, commercials, Nickelodeon 3D Movie Maker, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway,Bob Camp (Singing voice in "In The Army" and "The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen")[1]Isao Yamagishi (Japanese)Chris Edgerly (Nicktoons MLB)Alfonso Obregn (Latin Spanish)Igor Cruz (Spanish, Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon)Salvador Aldeguer (European Spanish)Santiago Ziesmer (German)Kai Taschner (German, Sabrina the Teenage Witch)Saverio Garbanino (italian; The Ren & Stimpy Show)Corrado Conforti (italian; Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon)Alexander Lenkov (Russian; Nickelodeon dub)Evgeniy Rybin (Russian; Paramount Comedy voiceover)Marco Ribeiro (Brazilian Portuguese)Andre Maia (European Portuguese)Alain Choquet (Canadian French)Gerard Surugue (European French)Imre Harmath (Hungarian)Peter Sjqvist (Swedish)Shai Zornizer (Hebrew)Dan Castellaneta (The Simpsons "Brother from the Same Planet") John Kassir (Ep. WebNew York news, weather, traffic and sports from FOX 5 NY serving New York City, Long Island, New York, New Jersey and Westchester County. Nunavut just took about 20 steps backwards. Appearance He is a scrawny "asthma-hound" Chihuahua with cream fur, a floppy body, donkey-like ears, neon-pink eyes with dark red pupils, red (or sometimes light brown) eyelids, and a fairly long, rat-like, pink tail who often calls Stimpy an idiot ("eediot", to quote the character) and slaps him around, quite literally. In "School Mates", he is seen barking, chasing cats, playing with garbage and chasing cars. This change can make it seem as if ex-smokers are more likely to die of lung cancer than current smokers. WebHearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. In "Jimminy Lummox", he was shown to play pranks on both people and animals, which included hurting insects and ripping the wings off of a fly. I received the same layoff notice as everyone else. Site by Manoverboard. [10] For example, one could run an experiment on identical twins who were known to consistently get the same grades on their tests. Youre throwing away a huge chunk of your economy if Baffinland ever ups and leaves. Maybe check out the mining industry in Labrador. WebThank you for making Chowhound a vibrant and passionate community of food trailblazers for 25 years. Correlation is a valuable type of scientific evidence in fields such as medicine, psychology, and sociology. Baffinland said during the NIRB hearings that it could not finance the project without the increase to 12 million tons via Milne Inlet. The objective is to construct two groups that are similar except for the treatment that the groups receive. You may want to include that in your comments as well, Actually alot of us dont because if you are in Nunavut a certain number of days you can legally file there even if not resident and it has a lower tax rate then most provinces. Copyright 1995-2022 Nortext Publishing Corporation (Iqaluit) and may not be reprinted for commercial publication in print, or any other media, without the permission of the publisher. That is, "if circumstance p is true, then q follows." He was born on Tuesday the 17th, which makes him especially unlucky. But realistically there isnt much for Inuit to gain here because the rail would mean less need for workers. Scientists are careful to point out that correlation does not necessarily mean causation. In "Stimpy's Pet", Sid told Stimpy that he understood that the 'pink mosquito' (meaning Ren) 'wore the pants.' Plus, watch live games, clips and highlights for your favorite teams! "Big House Blues" (pilot)"Stimpy's Big Day!" Statistical tests exist to quantify the likelihood of erroneously concluding that an observed difference exists when in fact it does not exist (for example, see P-value). After John K. and Spumco were fired by Nickelodeon, Billy West took over as the voice of Ren for the third to fifth season episodes. Are you a truck driver by chance? It looks like BioWare is jumping on the bandwagon and using the once-unofficial Dragon Age Day to drop news about the narrative-driven RPG franchise. There are also many times in episodes where he would whimper whenever he would get hurt. What are you really complaining about? Where do I start? Baffinland is the territorys largest private sector employer with more than 2,600 workers and accounted for 23 per cent of Nunavuts economic activity in 2019. The non-residents contribute their Income Tax to their province of residence. Therefore there are no facts to appeal based on a certainty of alternative outcome. They rightly want to minimize their costs. He and Stimpy were going to be the pets of Donny Chicken Child, the son of George Liquor, but Donny was cut from the show. For example: This could easily be the other way round; that is, violent children like watching more TV than less violent ones. He claims that he went to thirteen years of night school for the job and obtained a degree in 'leverage.' I agree with you but soon as you are like I lived in Nunavut for 2 or 3 years and was influenced by the Inuit ways of life. you lose credibility would be better to say what you want and let people like or dislike your comment, living here 2 or 3 years gives you NO insight into how life truly is. Baffinland. The company wants to build a 110-kilometre railroad between its Mary River mine and Milne Inlet, double its shipping limit of iron ore to 12 million tonnes per year from six million and build an additional dock at the Milne Inlet port. Im glad they lost! The non-residents contribute 2% of earnings to the GN in Payroll Tax. All established well in advance of the NIRB-Vandal decision. As a refresher, here is the Mirriam-Websters definition of racism: prejudice against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.. He is shown at times in Adult Party Cartoon to have a small stout of a tail similar to a real-life Chihuahua's. . If you dont like that, it is necessary to change Canadas Constitution. Your email address will not be published. It is a variation on the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy and a member of the questionable cause group of fallacies. Monka. In that case, correlation between studying and test scores would almost certainly imply causation. It's also implied that he weighs little, as in "Out West" he was unable to be hanged because of his weight, fluttering in the breeze. No conspiracy here, every elected organisation in Nunavut and Denmark opposed this expansion thats the way democracys should function.Trudeau and the MPs green plan is in full force, look around Canada, its happenning in every province and territory, and the elected elite in this country everywhere, are supporting it. Remotely driven trucks and driver-less operation are coming. There is racist remarks directed and much hatred messages please monitor and remove those remarks. WebWNBA star Brittney Griner was released from Russian detention in a prisoner swap for convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. Unlike Stimpy, Ren is shown to dislike cartoons, in general, calling characters from cartoons 'puppets' and believing them to be for children, although he does enjoy television itself. We can open a cultural museum in its place. His voice recordings are heard in a few episodes of seasons 3-5 after being fired from Nickelodeon. The royalties alone will be in the hundreds of millions just for this one mine, so this is entirely possible. Baffinland decision sets the stage for why no mining company will consider Nunavut in the future. Several episodes, most noticeably "Ren Seeks Help", show his tail. A major goal of scientific experiments and statistical methods is to approximate as best possible the counterfactual state of the world. Nunavut is choke full of valuable mineral resources. Selling carvings and throat singing wont be enough to keep Nunavut going on its own. More cultural museums are a good thing, not sure why youd use that as a bad example. In the pilot, Pierre Decelles provided Ren's signature diabolical laughter, while West performed Ren's laugh in the series. So there goes your second point. They see jobs lost because it wasnt approved. The origin of the gag of Ren being referred to as a 'mosquito' could've been inspired by how many of the cast and crew members had, at first, believed him to be a fly or a mosquito after seeing his concept art. Marland Hoek, Commander Hoek, Three-Fingered Hoek, Mad Dog Hoek, Robin Hoek, Renwaldo, the Unlucky Beast, Champy and Abraham. PJ, one man show from QIA negotiated without consulting North Baffin communities. Liberal all the way!!! I dont get how anybody thinks that the expansion would increase employment? CNN's Kylie Atwood reports on video of her flight returning to the US. In "Stimpy's Big Day", he attempts to impress the producers of Gritty Kitty and convince them that he's a cat in order to win the money, doing such behaviors like playing with a catnip mouse and eating the litter. The only public parties authorized are the Inuit organizations, NIRB, NOC, and the GN, as well as the Feds. While Ren is shown to be annoyed by Stimpy, he is shown to value their friendship and will oftentimes go insane or sad from missing him. Only operating at 4 or 6 million tons does not show to investors they can do it. During the duration of the series Ren has had a total of two voice actors. The mine is ruining the futures of many on a large scale. The issue at hand is the majority of the Economic Benefit that is weighed by NIRB against the environmental impacts was flowing to Iqaluit via QIA and NTI, and not the directly impacted communities. They have zero legal capacity to negotiate anything. View articles, photos and videos covering criminal justice and exposing corruption, scandal and more on NBCNews.com. It is seen frequently in "Big House Blues", "Stimpy's Big Day", and "The Big Shot". Although anthropomorphic, Ren is seen acting like a real dog sometimes. To focus on one without the others is too simplistic. the concept of field), in accordance with known laws of nature. He voiced Ren in a manner he described as a "Bad imitation of Peter Lorre". Human population boom + people willing to pay big bucks for country food + basically no rules = caribou population decline/potential extinction. The mine was approved for construction in 2012. Read the CFPBs recent enforcement action against Regions Bank for charging surprise overdraft fees. Invitation to Submit Expression of Interest. In "Dog Tags" he says that he is a mosquito in self-loathing. Is it frustrating for the communities, definitely, however situations, finances, and other things change. in a predator-prey relationship, predator numbers affect prey numbers, but prey numbers, i.e. A leading figure in the music industry, he is regarded as one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. Ren making a face gesturing towards the mistletoe above him and Stimpy. In "School Mates", he reunites with an old friend and the two are seen running on all fours and barking whilst chasing after Stimpy. It concluded in May that the project should not go ahead because possible negative impacts on wildlife and fish habitats could not be adequately prevented, mitigated, or adaptively managed.. Ren's name is the real name of Kricfalusi's building manager. Correlation is often used to infer causation because it is a necessary condition: that is, if A causes B, then A and B must necessarily be correlated. A running gag throughout the show is that Ren's species is oftentimes mistakenly assumed by other characters to be a mosquito or a rat. Incompetency, deceit, and greed are at the forefront. The company wanted to raise the money by trucking 3.5 million tonnes of iron ore per year to Milne Inlet and shipping it through what is now the Tallurutiup Imanga National Marine Conservation Area. result in him becoming violent or breaking down into tears. Now things are just the same as they always were. In this case I think preservation of wildlife and culture is the real important factor for the future of the Inuit, their environment and culture. WebKeeping you informed on how to handle buying, selling, renting or just nesting at home as we adapt to life during COVID-19. From stock market news to jobs and real estate, it can all be found here. This is a great learning experience for the industry. On some occasions Ren "lost his mind" in a "cumulative process," resulting in Ren becoming, in Goodman's words, a "screaming klaxon, neon-pink eyes dilating into twin novae inches above his jagged, monolithic teeth." Ren is shown throughout the series to have several important possessions and keepsakes. Improving things is a win. Looks like PJs ICA has gone south. Its participation is entirely voluntary business case. people with a lower BMI are more likely to cycle).[23]. Ren is similar to Moe Howard from the three stooges who always smacks Larry and Curly when they do something stupid, like what Ren does to Stimpy. In "Ol' Blue Nose", he can be seen kicking in his sleep while making dog sounds. A correlation between recreational drug use and psychiatric disorders might be either way around: perhaps the drugs cause the disorders, or perhaps people use drugs to self medicate for preexisting conditions. Click here to view the gallery for Ren Hek. That would dismiss a large swath of important scientific evidence. food supply, also affect predator numbers. but also since they have that option it is even more important that Phase 2 is rejected. In his letter, Vandal said the Qikiqtani Inuit Association and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. wrote to him on Oct. 25, months after NIRBs public hearing had ended, to say that they and north Baffin hunters agree the potential impacts to wildlife would be too severe if Baffinlands plan went ahead. 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