who are the 7 kings in the bible

The one who is would be Vespasian. 5 have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come, and when he comes, he must remain a little while. This church is a tool of Satan to deceive the masses. Ahab son of Omri did more evil in the eyes of the LORD than any of those before him (1 Kings 16:30). The Babylonian Kings served as both king and priest of the pagan Babylonian Mystery religion. We're kicking off a brand-new series today called Cooking in the Bible, Stories that Will Stir Your Soul focusing on cooking because it's the time of year that we are especially drawn to the kitchen; to the warmth. Revelation 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition. What a horrible way to be remembered! sound interesting. 13 Now King Solomon sent and brought Huram from Tyre. Thus, the number seven is symbolic and stands for the power of the Roman Empire as a historic whole.[5] However, its odd that commentators would understand the seven mountains to Rome being built on literal hills, but they would take this use of the number seven as symbolic. King David is the favorite of all kings for the Jews and in his lineage of course is Jesus Christ (Matt 1:6-17). Now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have. revived Roman Empire as many Bible scholars teach. All Rights Reserved. But Omri did evil in the eyes of the LORD and sinned more than all those before him (1 Kings 16:25). Greece was the thighs of brass. The question is, who are these seven kings of Revelation 17? My sister and I want to encourage believers . Ive been longing to read a piece that sheds some light on this topic. You will see that the Roman Catholic Church is the eighth head, which came out of the seven, so this reinforces that theRoman Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon. I know it's a shock to many people, but as we move on, you will see how all scriptures point to this. See how 2 Kings 7:7 ranks against other Bible verses and view it in context with surrounding scriptures in several versions. As we study the scriptures, we can gain wisdom from truly understanding the people and personalities who were leaders of Israel. Steven Wright (1955-present) is an standup comedian, actor, writer and film producer. When the Roman Empire collapsed, it was split into 10 civil kingdoms. The 7th kingdom is the New Who are the Seven Princes of Hell? I believe this is the rise of global Communism. Hezekiah was thirteenth king of Judah, had a strong relationship with the prophet Isaiah, and trusted in God to fight the battles of Israel instead of trusting in his own strength. And after the continuous miraculous supply of the flour and the oil by which they were all sustained and . 7. if they are from pagan Babylon golden head would they have been part of the beast that was and is not. Every good king reigned more than 20 years - only one evil king did. We read about these "kings" in Revelation 17:9-11, "And here is the mind which hath wisdom. Suruel, one of the holy angelsfor (he is) of eternity and of trembling. Who Were the Two Priests Name Phinehas, and Why Did One Get Drunk with Power? He could be described as an eighth, in the sense that he will be the eighth emperor. After the papacy returned from Avignon, France, in the 1370s, Vatican Hill became the headquarters for the papacy. The 7th king will be World Government, aka, the Are there any scriptural references to what you have stated? Keep learning and growing in the faith! a Jew. Third, John says that these kings will be short lived. Who could be this False Prophet? Revelation is from the Apostle Johns perspective, so the five fell before John was given the Revelation, were the five previous forms of Roman government; the one that is, was the Roman Emperors who were removed from power in 476 A.D. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. But when they said, Give us a king to lead us, this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD. Kings Of Revelation 17:9-11? Both destroyed idols and called Judah back to the worship of the Lord. John tells us that the Antichrist (or beast) comes out of the seventh king (or kingdom). There is no reason, then, to suppose that John meant anything other than Rome by the use of this description.[iii]. Who is the liar? Date of Revelation). The bible tells us to try the Spirit and see whether its of God or not. The seven heads of the beast are seven kings. The book was written to his contemporaries, and the 7 kings refer to Roman Emperors. And the kingdom of the Antichrist will occur in the still future (the other has not yet come). Rev.13:18 Here is wisdom. It was the site of the Roman temple to the Great Mother Goddess Cybele, which had, and probably still does, house secret tunnels under where the Vatican is located, where the secret worship ceremonies of Cybele, including child sacrifice, occur. 6. 911). Tacitus, on the other hand, appears to have considered Augustus the first Roman emperor. Whoever denies the Son, the same doesn't have the Father. CLICK ON Bible Prophecy Fulfillment Books, The 70th week of Daniel 9 is very important because it validates the Bible, it proves Messiahs deity, and because knowing the fulfillment helps us understand Messiahs apocalyptic vision in the book of Revelation. These verses record the conference which these four lepers had with one another after they had succeeded in working out their resolution to go unto the "host of the Syrians;" and in this conference we discover. 2 He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars. Rome fell to ruin in 486 A.D.; today Iain Provan (PhD, Cambridge University) is Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies at Regent College in Vancouver, Canada. Besides that, Popes have proclaimed to be king of heaven, earth and the underworld since the 12th century. . So what kingdom, rose from the sea, to combine these seven nations into a single empire. As priests, they bore the title Pontifex Maximus or Supreme Pontiff, meaning supreme pathfinder or bridge maker, representing the path or connection between this life and the next. They ruled upon the throne of Satan, which is the throne of Nimrod as the hidden god., So far I have enjoyed and learned a lot by your teachings. The most famous of these Biblical kings was David, with his son Solomon following right behind him. Solomon is extremely famous for having built the first temple of Jerusalem, simply known as 'The Temple'. The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama. Ahab did more evil than the guy who was the greatest sinner? Includes sharing tools for Facebook, Twitter and Google+. One example is when he was told to wait for Samuel before presenting an offering to God. To your tents, Israel! Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. The He who confesses the Son has the Father also. [3] Leon Morris, Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 17:11). View our current career opportunities. 2:36-49 (see chart to left). Ahab built a temple to the false god Baal, married an evil woman and did more to anger the Lord than even Omri before him. We learn that not only was Omri an idol worshipper, but he raised a son who was no better than him. After Solomons death, he led the ten northern tribes to rebel and separate from the tribe of Judah, leaving the two groups separated and enemies. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. (I understand that John was writing from his perspective, but I also believe he was seeing the future What if his vision was of 21st Century humanity?). The 7th was the 10 civil kingdoms of the fallen Roman Empire. Perhaps the best-known king in Scripture is King David. from which the Antichrist will arise, We see The Pale Horse and his rider is Death. 2 Kings 7. The sixth form of the Roman government was the Imperial head, commencing with Octavian, better known as Augustus Caesar. Other commentators (like Walvoord) argue that John is referring to world empireswith the kings representing world empires. John writes, They are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come (Rev. A final suggestion that must be considered understands the seven kings as seven emperors, but it omits the brief reigns of Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. Death is called the "king of terrors" . . New World Order, Bible. This fulfillment matches that of the Little Horn of Daniel 7. Williamson. 2KINGS 7:15 And they went after them unto Jordan: and, lo, all the way was full of garments and vessels, which the Syrians had cast away in their haste. Man have always chosen who they want as their King or leader. When the White Horse appears from the First Seal, I believe the rider is the counterfeit version of Jesus A fraud, the Anti-Christ. By David J. Stewart There have been 6 world powers throughout history; namely, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. 7 Elisha said, "Listen to the message from the Lord!The Lord says, 'About this time tomorrow, there will be plenty of food, and it will be cheap again. very likely As long as the Roman Emperors were in power, they restrained the Popes of Rome from having control. He will be hailed as a great personage. 2 he built the palace of the forest of lebanon a hundred cubits long, fifty wide and thirty high,[ a] with four rows of cedar columns supporting trimmed cedar beams. I am simply a follower of Messiah. Rome was the great power of Johns day, which is known for its seven hills (mountains) named Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal and Viminal. she killed many Christians at a certain time and was well after the Babylon Erra can you explain how it goes back so far and not stay in the time of WAS. This is a fascinating teaching in the Word of God, and an important key to understanding Biblical prophecy. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him (2 Kings 18:5). Yet we know that the people rebelled against this idea, and there were many human kings over the Jewish people. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Huram was filled with wisdom, with understanding and with knowledge to do all kinds of bronze work. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece. is, the Antichrist) is of the 7th. Thank you for your comment Luis When researching this study I saw a meme that shows the 8th was John Paul II resurrected, but didnt know that it was from WLC. With Julius Caesar? In the Bible, monarchies were the common system of governance for nations. Even though he committed adultery and conspired to have Bathsheba's husband. I speak about who I am on the About page. At the time that John wrote Revelation, five forms of the Roman kingdom had come and gone; 1) Kings, 2) Consuls, 3) Dictators, 4) Decemvirs, and 5) Military Tribunes. But the text does not say that John was transported into the future; it simply says that he was taken in the spirit into the wilderness. As for The Whore who rode upon the Great Dragon, I see the Catholic Church and the corruption of the Popes. GOD DESCRIBES A KING AS SOMEONE WHO IS CHOSEN TO LEAD, GUIDE, AND PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF HIS KINGDOM. Eight were considered righteous, notably Hezekiah (16:20; 18:1 - 20:21) and Josiah (21:26 - 23:30). Heavenly Father, I pray that you bind Satan, his demons and his spirits, and cast them away from this website, and from the visitors of this website. Seems the prophetic fulfillment of the 7 kings of Revelation 17 still points to the last Popes of Rome. Please note that the 7th king will NOT BE the Robert Mounce notes uses of the description in Virgil, Martial, and Cicero (See his The Book of Revelation, Rev. We also owe a good section of the book of Proverbs to Hezekiah! 10-7-1952 President Putin birth date and is the beast of Rev.13:18 The sixth king, the one who is, would then be Nero. 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. I knew it was bogus because they claimed about three years ago that the 8th was John Paul II resurrected. [i] J. Christian Wilson, The Problem of the Domitianic Date of Revelation, NTS 39 (1993), 599. The translation came from the Textus Receptus, and previous English translations, which were diligently compared and revised with the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. We can learn from David that we will fall, we will make mistakes. Sermon Bible Commentary. After the faith and response of the woman. The following is the correct explanation of the seven kings. From Josiah we learn that God is willing to forgive us when we faithfully choose to follow him, and that his word is eternal and life-giving. you mention the 8th is the roman catholic church but you never mention who the 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd 2nd and first are. But I just want to be careful. are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. In fear for his own power, he wanted his people to stay separated from the tribe of Judah, and this separation remained in place even through the time of Jesus (John 4:20). Keep learning and growing in The Way! These teachings by Bro. have been 6 world powers throughout history; namely, Egypt, Assyria, [v] If we begin with Julius and count consecutively, then the five kings who have fallen would be Julius, Augustus, Tiberius, Gaius Caligula, and Claudius. The Babylonians came and captured Jerusalem in 597 BC. I pray this in the name of your Son, our Messiah. So a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel, and two measures of . Unfortunately, the same problem arises in connection with the eighth king because it is very difficult to see how Vitellius (April to December 69) would fit the description of the eighth king. GOD CHOOSES HIS KINGS TO LEAD HIS PEOPLE, AND MEN CHOOSE THEIR KINGS TO LEAD THEIR PEOPLE. Thank you for your comment Yeah, I too had read the concept of the 7 heads being the previous kingdoms. I believe that with his history of having to wait in the wings all these years, he will need a World-Wide stage to exhibit his wrath and demand we all pay homage. So lets look at the text and see what John is really telling us. And there are seven kings: However, this theory is central to this interpretation. These seven kings are seven mountains, but they are also seven kings. I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. In the verse below, God referred to Babylon as a destroying "mountain". He started its construction in the fourth year of his reign using the wealth his father had accumulated. Recently, Ive noticed on Facebook that quite a few people are promoting a false view about the prophetic fulfillment of the 7 kings of Revelation 17, saying that it points to the last Popes of Rome. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH PUTIN = 22+12+1+4+9+13+9+18 + 22+12+1+4+9+13+9+18+15+22+9+3+8 + 16+21+20+9+14 = 313 (English Ordinal) It is clear that having a king was not the ideal situation for Israel, but God allowed them to have what it was that they cried out for. The king told him that there was no point in waiting on Yahweh anymore. He would have his Bow, but without any ordinance. A kingdom is a political or religious system or both, with dominion over people or nations. Is there any justification for such a move? Books about the fulfillment of the 70th Week Of Daniel 9, Messiahs Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, and Messiahs apocalyptic vision in Revelation; are now available. Some kings honored God, bringing their people peace and security. He trusted God at times, and at other time took matters into his own hands, which never ended well. Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Titus, Nerva). Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE2lHveeCWo. Now that really puts things into perspective. Supposing John wrote during Vespasians reign in the summer of A.D. 70, just after Domitians temporary time on the throne ended and several months before the destruction of Jerusalem, then the five kings who have fallen would be Augustus, Tiberius, Gaius Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. The main kings in the bible are King Saul, King David and King Solomon. The Empire of the Antichrist will be an Atheist Empire. Where should we begin this list of emperors? The beast that was = Satan had a government before he was cast into the bottomless pit. Interested in joining the Ligonier team? 7 1 It took Solomon thirteen years, however, to complete the construction of his palace. In Christ, Dennis, Thanks Dennis! vision in God desires our obedience more than anything else we can offer him. In Johns day, Babylon WAS NOT, for it had been overtaken by the Medo-Persian Empire, then Greece, then the Roman Empire. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/revelation-fulfillment-timeline-summary/, http://www.gematrinator.com/calculator/index.php, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE2lHveeCWo, http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/revelation-17-the-harlot-roman-catholic-church/, http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-beast-kingdoms-of-daniel-2-and-daniel-7/, The False Doctrine of the Flat Earth book by David Nikao, Protestant Reformer Martin Luthers Perspective On The Jews, Tony Ognibenes Testimony Against Paul Sides And Ed Moore, A List Of People Who Oppose The False Teachings Of Paul Sides, Unbiblical Secret Rapture And 7 Year Tribulation By Doug Batchelor, Rome and Jerusalem at War The destruction of the Jewish Temple. I understand about being careful. Well, thats an interesting explanation Len. Morris[3] and Mounce[4] understand the number seven to refer to the number of perfection. Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. I was in Baptist Churches for the first 30 years of my life. 3 it was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columnsforty-five beams, fifteen He is referred to as a man after Gods own heart, and responsible for bringing the nation back to God, for slaying the giant Goliath, and for writing most of the book of Psalms. Most pre-millennial Bible expositors agree that the 4 beasts of Daniel chapter 7, which are said in the passage to represent 4 kingdoms, represent the successive kingdoms of Babylon, then Persia, then Greece, and finally Rome (the same kingdoms represented by the 4-part statue in Daniel 2). cometh, he must continue a short space. Ive been heard and taught that the kings were literal kings ruling a coutry. Look after your own house, David! So the Israelites went home(1 Kings 12:16). Taking John to the reign of the 6th merely confirmed that the 7 kings were indeed 7 popes, and the 6 th was chosen because his reign was the longest, the most distinguished of the 7 popes, and most importantly because he is the most highly regarded, remembered, and loved pope in our day. Revelation 17:9 Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman (harlot church of Rome) sits.. Thats why we must be like Bereans and study to show ourselves approved unto God. Quran 10.68 The Great Deceiver? 2 He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars. The final three kings of Judah were all wicked and saw Babylon carry captives away from Judah in three waves. Revelation 17:10 There are also seven kings. Keep the scripture studies going! And your background? The position of antichrist has been fulfilled by all of the Popes of Rome, who proclaim to be the Vicar of Christ. John was being told that the Harlot described in verses 1-6, the Roman Catholic Church, would rise to power after the seven forms of government of the Roman Empire. And that is how it is and how it always has been. I started with REV 6 with the opening of the 7 Seals and the 4 Horsemen. In 1 Enoch 20, the Greek text has seven angels: Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Michael, Sariel, Gabriel, and Remeiel (missing in the Ethiopic text, see OTP 1:23-24). Who Are The Seven Kings Of Revelation 17:9-11? There were 31 wicked kings subdued by Joshua in Canaan at God's command (Joshua 12:9, 24). Second, Revelation should not be dated to the reign of Emperor Nero. 2 Kings 1. Twenty rulers (Zimri, 1 Kings 16:15-20, who only ruled 7 days, was not considered a king as seen by the lack of accession formula and death notice) Assassination of seven kings: Nadab, Elah, Joram, Zechariah, Shallum, Pekahiah, Pekah No positive evaluation from the Deuteronomistic editors Kingship in Judah Adultery and conspired to have Bathsheba & # x27 ; s husband destroyed and! Proclaim to be king of heaven, earth and the underworld since 12th... Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Titus, Nerva ) adultery and conspired to considered... Yeah, i too had read the concept of the Antichrist ( or beast ) comes of. His son Solomon following right behind him be described as an eighth in. Aka, the number seven to refer to Roman Emperors Babylonian Mystery religion 16:30 ) that is it. Revelation 17 still points to the last Popes of Rome, who proclaim to the! Is king David is the favorite of all kings for the power of beast. 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