haddock fishing regulations

Sea ice is a common problem in the Arctic seas, but ice-free conditions along the entire northern route were observed at the end of August 2008. [13], Arctic water from the East Iceland Current is mostly found in the southwestern part of the sea, near Greenland. 29-Nov-2022 This ridge is on average only 500 metres deep, only in a few places reaching the depth of 850 metres. This is particularly clear off the Norwegian coast along Helgeland and north to the Lofoten Islands. It was described in the 13th century in the Old Norse Poetic Edda and remained an attractive subject for painters and writers, including Edgar Allan Poe, Walter Moers and Jules Verne. [images] => {"image_intro":"images/sager1.jpg","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""} In 2019, recreational anglers landed more than 1.8 million pounds, according to the NOAA Fisheries recreational fishing landings database. Exception: If you have a Monkfish Category C, D, or H permit and are fishing with trawl gear underbotha monkfish and Northeast multispecies DAS, you are subject to the minimum mesh size determined by theNortheast multispecies fishery. Accountability Measures:The ACTs established for each management area are the basis for setting management measures (DAS and trip limits) in those areas after accounting for incidental catch in non-directed fisheries and discards. You can also search for our advice by species and ecoregions in the publications library. Adults mainly eat fish, including other monkfish, but also feed on crustaceans, mollusks, seabirds, and diving ducks. U.S. wild-caught monkfish is a smart seafood choice because it is sustainably managed and responsibly harvested under U.S. regulations. They can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and depths, from inshore waters down to nearly 3,000 feet. Credit: NOAA/Liana Heberer. Only four areas of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge are deeper than 500 metres: the Faroe-Bank Channel (about 850 metres), some parts of the Iceland-Faroe Ridge (about 600 metres), the Wyville-Thomson Ridge (620 metres), and areas between Greenland and the Denmark Strait (850 metres) this is much shallower than the Norwegian Sea. Thomas Dew / Brian Haddock: 58: 94: 61: 64: 84: 0: 361: 30: Roger Thomas / Dylan Thomas: 66: 0: 78: 44: 90: 64: 342: 31: Ricky Foss / George Long: 52: 52: 47: 63: 71: 53: 338: 31: As long as your boat meets the minimum requirements set in our official rules and regulations, you may fish our tournaments. Monkfish live on the ocean floor, typically on sand, mud, and shell. Leave the dock with a grin from ear to ear and a bag full of unbelievably fresh fish to melt the hearts of your family and friends. [introtext] => ::cck::6241::/cck:: array(1) { 2A day is the 24-hour period that begins when the vessel leaves port or, if the vessel has an operational VMS, when the vessel crosses the VMS demarcation line when leaving port and ends when the vessel returns to port or, if the vessel has an operational VMS, crosses the VMS demarcation line on its return to port. We will be releasing our 2023 tournament schedule along with all other information regarding next year on December 21. [8] The largest rivers discharging into the sea are Namsen, Ranelva and Vefsna. Last updated by NOAA Fisheries on 11/23/2022. VTRs must be received or postmarked within 15 days after the end of the reporting month. Find information about the charters we offer and book online. (EU)2016/2336), EU -Technical Service-Catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks; cod (Gadus morhua) in Division 6.a (Est of Scotland) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in Division 7.a (Irish Sea), EU -Technical Service- Catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks; cod (Gadus morhua) in divisions 7.e-k (Celtic Sea), EU -Technical Service-Catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks; cod (Gadus morhua) in Subdivision 21 (Kattegat), EU -Technical Service- Catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks; herring (Clupea harengus) in divisions 6.a and 7.b-c (West of Scotland, West of Ireland), EU -Technical Service-Catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks; herring (Clupea harengus) in divisions 7.a South of 5230N, 7.g-h, and 7.j-k (Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, and southwest of Ireland, EU -Technical Service-Catch scenarios for zero-TAC stocks: western Baltic spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus), EU -Technical Service-Data outputs of ICES 2021 advice on the deep-sea access regulation (ref. This trip will target all bottom dwellers around the waters of Block Island including Cod, Sea Bass, Porgies and whatever else we can find! Now booking for 2023! [56] A relic of the Cold War in the Norwegian Sea, the Soviet nuclear submarine K-278 Komsomolets, sank in 1989 southwest of Bear Island, at the border of the Norwegian and Barents seas, with radioactive material onboard that poses potential danger to flora and fauna. Goosefish, Monktails, Angler, Fishing frog, Allmouth, Molligut, Abbot, Sea-devil, Lotte, New England/Mid-Atlantic, If you choose to fish outside of the exemption area or an exempted fishery, you are also required to use a Northeast multispecies or scallop DAS simultaneously with your monkfish DAS. This also reduced the population of cod a major predator of capelin as the herring was still too small in numbers to replace the capelin in the cod's diet. You may not have a dredge onboard your vessel while fishing on a Monkfish DAS trip. The monkfish fishery does not have specific observer requirements, but must abide by Northeast multispecies and/or scallop regulations if fishing on a DAS for one of those fisheries. [24], Significant numbers of minke, humpback, sei, and orca whales are present in the Norwegian Sea,[29] and white-beaked dolphins occur in the coastal waters. An array of fish and shellfish dishes. I Have Jon Boat, Can I Fish Your Tournaments? Each permit holder may also carry-over up to four unused monkfish DAS from the previous year, which can be applied to either area (Northern Fishery Management Area [NFMA] or SFMA). Thefishery is managed under a days-at-sea (DAS are the number of days that can be fished per year) management system with corresponding trip limits per DAS. The storminess was relatively high between 1880 and 1910, decreased significantly in 19101960, and then recovered to the original level. This continental slope contains rich fishing grounds and numerous coral reefs. [62] Whereas drilling at depths exceeding 500 metres has been conducted since 1995, only a few deep gas fields have been explored commercially. [52] In 2019, deposits of iron, copper, zink and cobalt were found on the Mohn Ridge, likely from hydrothermal vents.[53]. ["GalleryID"]=> You may now view the results. [alias] => 2022-11-29-12-33-28 [18], The thermohaline circulation affects the climate in the Norwegian Sea, and the regional climate can significantly deviate from average. [14], The Norwegian Sea is connected with the Greenland Sea and the Arctic Ocean by the 2,600-metre deep Fram Strait. [50] The zoologist Georg Ossian Sars and meteorologist Henrik Mohn persuaded the government in 1874 to send out a scientific expedition, and between 1876 and 1878 they explored much of the sea aboard Vringen. 812/2004 and other information, Coastal States - Re-evaluation of the reference points for Norwegian Spring-spawning herring, EU - Analysis of the IUCN process for the assessment of the conservation status of marine species in comparison to the process used by fisheries management bodies, EU - Estimates of stock parameters for European Eel Management Units, EU - Evaluation of the long-term management plan for Celtic Sea herring, EU - Further development of ICES mixed-fisheries considerations and biological interactions, EU - Guidance on an appropriate method to integrate criteria, species, species group to higher groups of birds, mammals, reptiles, fish and cephalopods for a Good Environmental Status assessment, EU -Interarea flexibility between divisions8.c and 9.a forhorse mackerel, EU - Locations and likely locations of VMEs in EU waters of the NE Atlantic, and the fishing footprint of 20092011, EU - Long-term management strategy for southern horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) in ICES Division 9.a, EU - Management areas for sandeel in the North Sea, EU - Plausible and updated FMSY ranges for the stocks of species inhabiting western EU waters, EU - Quality assurance for data collected under the DCF with the specifications for deliver an online international platform for age-reading workshops and calibration, EU - Review of the list of Baltic Sea wild salmon rivers in Annex I of the EC Multiannual plan on Baltic Sea salmon, EU - Revision of the contribution of TACs to fisheries management and stock conservation for selected deep-water stocks, EU- Revision of the contribution of TACs to fisheries management and stock conservation for selected stocks, EU - Revision of the contribution of TACs to fisheries management and stock conservation for: whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in ICES Division 3.a, plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in ICES Subarea 8 and Division 9.a, and northern prawn (Pandalus borealis) in ICES Division 4.a, EU - Sentinel fishery for Norway lobster (Nephrops)in functional unit 25, Division 8.c, EU -Technical Service- Additional elements concerning the ICES advice evaluating long-term management strategiesfor Norway pout in Subarea 4 and Division 3.a, EU -Technical Service- Dissemination of ICES advice beyond pdf files, EU -Technical Service- Estimates of the likely catches in 2019 of specific bycatch/non-targeted stocks with zero or low catch advice, assuming ICES advice for target stocks is followed, EU -Technical service-Interpretation of ICES advice on locations and likely locations of VMEs in EU waters of the NE Atlantic, and the fishing footprint of 20092011(sr.2018.10), EU -Technical Service-Quality assurance for data collected under the DCF, with the inclusion of DCF surveys and missing variables into DATRAS, EU -Technical Service- Quality assurance for datacollected under the DCF, with the specifications of the RDBES for commercialcatch sampling data, EU/Norway - Evaluation oflong-term management strategies for Norway pout in ICES Subarea4 (North Sea) and Division 3.a (SkagerrakKattegat), France -Technical Service- Impact of the 2018 landing hypothesis on the recommendation of Atlantic cod fishing opportunities in the western English Channel and the Celtic Seas (divisions 7.ek), France - Updated advice for undulate ray (Raja undulata) in divisions 7.de and 8.ab, NEAFC - Long-term management strategy for herring in the Northeast Atlantic (Norwegian spring-spawning herring), New information regarding the impact offisheries on other components of the ecosystem, New information regarding vulnerable habitats inthe NEAFC Regulatory Area, The Netherlands - Comparison of the ecological and environmental effects of pulse trawls and traditional beamtrawls when exploiting the North Sea sole TAC, Norway -Technical Service- Catch scenario for 2019 corresponding to the NorwayEUFaroe long-term management strategy for mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in subareas 18 and 14, and in Division 9.a (the Northeast Atlantic and adjacent waters), Norway/Russia - Evaluation of harvest control rule (HCR) options for redfish (Sebastes mentella) in ICES subareas 1 and 2, OSPAR - review of a draft nomination proforma for a North Atlantic Current and Evlanov Seamount" MPA in the OSPAR Maritime Area, OSPAR - Review of the OSPAR Case Report for the addition of Haploops communities to the OSPAR List of Threatened and/or Declining Species and Habitats, OSPAR -Technical Service- Production of spatial data layers of fishing intensity/pressure, Poland - Effectiveness of current conservation measures in place for the Baltic Cod, UK - Updated advice for whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in Division 7.a (Irish Sea), Arctic Ocean, Azores, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast, Celtic Seas, Faroes, Greater North Sea, Greenland Sea, Icelandic Waters, Norwegian Sea, Oceanic Northeast Atlantic, Alfonsinos, Anchovy, Anglerfish, Beaked redfish, Black scabbardfish, Blackspot seabream, Blue ling, Blue whiting, Boarfish, Brill, Capelin, Cod, Dab, Deep-sea species, Eel, Elasmobranchs, Flounder, Greater silver smelt, Greenland halibut, Haddock, Hake, Herring, Horse mackerel, Lemon sole, Ling, Mackerel, Megrim, Norway lobster, Norway pout, Orange roughy, Plaice, Pollack, Red gurnard, Redfish, Roundnose grenadier , Saithe, Salmon, Sandeel, Sardine, Sea bass, Sea trout, Shrimp, Sole, Sprat, Spurdog, Striped red mullet , Turbot, Tusk, Whiting, Witch, EU - Assessment of the effects of lifting the "Sprat Box", EU - Combined dab and flounder TAC and potential management measures besides catch limits, EU - Distributional shifts in fish stocks, EU - Evaluation of the management plan for Iberian sardine, EU - Evaluation of the recovery plan for herring in divisions 6.a and 7.bc, EU - Fisheries-related anthropogenic impacts on eels in EU marine waters, EU - FMSY range for whiting in Subarea 4 and Division 7.d (North Sea and eastern English Channel), EU - Guidance on operational methods for the evaluation of the MSFD criterion D3C3 (second stage), EU - Indicators of the pressure and impact of bottom-contacting fishing gear on the seabed, and of trade-offs in the catch and the value of landings, EU - In-year advice on haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in Division 7.a (Irish Sea), EU - In-year advice for anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in Division 9.a (Atlantic Iberian waters), EU - In-year advice for anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in Dvision 9.a (Atlantic Iberian waters), December 2017, EU - In-year advice for turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in Subarea 4 (North Sea), EU - Review the advice for alfonsinos/golden eye perch (Beryx spp.) Credit: iStock. Monkfish migrate seasonally to spawn and feed. Read the Guide to ICES Advisory framework and principles, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), echnical evaluation of the Eel Management Plan progress reports, nclusion of catch scenarios tables See "Gear" or "Exempted Fisheries" tabs for more information, Southern New England (SNE) RMA east of the Mid-Atlantic (MA)Exemption Area boundary at 72 30' W longitude, MA Exemption area west of the MA Exemption Area boundary, Mesh smaller than the minimum (See tabs mentioned above), Minimum mesh size or larger (See tabs mentioned above), Hydraulic clam dredge or mahogany quahog dredge, Scallop dredge only (except scallop dredge exemption areas), If in a scallop dredge exemption area, 50 lb (146 lb whole weight) per trip. Regulations remain in effect until changed. iOS App; Android App; Web App; Advertisers; Products. +:966126531375 Minimizing bycatch is vital for sustainable fisheries and protecting marine life. Please set your location to load the regulation list. It reaches a speed of 10 Sv (1 Sv = million m3/s) and its maximum depth is 700 metres at the Lofoten Islands, but normally it is within 500 metres. } To request data from our harvester or dealer license database, please follow the links below and complete the forms.For more information about the types of licenses we issue, review the lists The most important current project is Ormen Lange (depth 8001,100 m), where gas production started in 2007. evaluation of a harvest control rulefor tusk in Icelandic waters, NEAFC -Appropriateness of NEAFC bottomfishing closures, NEAFC -Definition of the fisheries that use collection bags in the NEAFC Regulatory Area (ICES subareas 1 and 2) and to assess their impact on species caught and bycaught, NEAFC - Theefficacy of the Rockall haddock closure in protection of juvenile haddock, NEAFC - Technical Service - Discarding in the NEAFC Regulatory Area, New information regarding vulnerable habitats in the NEAFC Regulatory Areas, Norway -Evaluation of management of Closures are timed based on projected sea surface temperatures in fishing areas, as sea turtles are known to migrate into these areas when temperatures are about 52 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. 1981 1981 () ( ) "" " " . Alfonsinos, Anchovy, Anglerfish, Black scabbardfish, Blackspot seabream, Blue ling, Blue whiting, Brill, Capelin, Cod, Dab, Deep-sea species, Eel, Elasmobranchs, Flounder, Greater forkbeard, Greater silver smelt, Greenland halibut, Grey gurnard, Haddock, Hake, Herring, Horse mackerel, Lemon sole, Ling, Mackerel, Megrim, Norway lobster, Norway pout, Orange roughy, Plaice, Pollack, Redfish, Roughhead grenadier , Roughsnout grenadier, Roundnose grenadier , Saithe, Salmon, Sandeel, Sardine, Sea bass, Shrimp, Skates and rays , Sole, Sprat, Turbot, Tusk, Whiting, Witch, Bycatch of small cetaceans and other marine animals review of national reports under Council Regulation (EC) No. Most monkfish caught in the Northern Fishery Management Area are caught by vessels using bottom-trawl gear targeting groundfish. Weighing in 19.94 lbs Tony and Justin Coley took 1st place and won $2,000 Sunday afternoon. [31], The bowhead whale used to be a major plankton predator, but it almost disappeared from the Norwegian Sea after intense whaling in the 19th century,[22] and was temporarily extinct in the entire North Atlantic. Viking Starship Sailing Daily Target scup with Captain Dave on our legendary Montauk trips. [36], The largest damage to the Norwegian Sea was caused by extensive fishing, whaling, and pollution. Azores,Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast,Celtic Seas, Faroes,Greater North Sea, Greenland Sea, Icelandic waters, Norwegian Sea, Oceanic Northeast Atlantic, Alfonsinos, Anchovy, Anglerfish,Black scabbardfish,Blackspot seabream,Blue ling, Blue whiting,Brill, Boarfish, Capelin,Cod, Dab, Deep-sea species, Eel, Elasmobranchs,Flounder, Four-spot megrim,Greater forkbeard,Greater silver smelt, Grey gurnard, Haddock, Hake,Herring, Horse mackerel, Lemon sole,Ling, Mackerel,Megrim, Norway lobster, Norway pout,Plaice, Pollack,Porbeagle,Red gurnard, Redfish,Roundnose grenadier, Saithe,Salmon,Sandeel, Sea bass,Shrimp, Sole, Sprat, Spurdog,Turbot, Tusk, Whiting, Witch, Wolffish, Special requests and other advice by title, EU - Lists for Descriptor3 (commercially exploited fish and shellfish) reporting by EU Member Statesunder MSFD Article 17 in 2024, EU - Methods for assessing adverse effects on seabed habitats, EU - Technical evaluation of the Eel Management Plan progress reports, EU -Technical Service- Catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks 2022; cod (Gadus morhua) in Division 6.a (West of Scotland); cod (Gadus morhua) in Division 7.a (Irish Sea) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in Division 7.a (Irish Sea), EU - Technical Service - Catch scenarios for zero-TAC stocks; cod (Gadus morhua) in divisions 7.ek (Celtic Sea), EU - Technical Service - Catch scenarios for zero-TAC stocks: cod (Gadus morhua) in Subdivision 21 (Kattegat), EU -Technical Service- Catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks 2022; herring (Clupea harengus) in divisions 7.a South of 5230'N, 7.gh, and 7.jk (Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, and southwest of Ireland), EU -Technical Service- Catch scenarios for zero TAC stocks 2022; western Baltic spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus), EU -Technical Service- Catch statistics for skates and rays caught in ICES areas 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 included in the SRX TAC group, EU - Technical Service - Compilation of assessment methods and indicators that can be used to assess seabed habitats under D6/D1 for the MSFD, EU -Technical Service- Data output of the ICES 2021 advice on the deep-sea access regulation (ref. We had a tie for 1st place! Instead, catch is limited on an annual basis according to each individual fishing quota (IFQ) holders annual allocation. [23], The blooming of the phytoplankton is dominated by chlorophyll and peaks around 20 May. The Allies lost 18 convoys and 89 merchant ships on this route. They are described as tadpole-like in appearance, with a body that is mostly a broad head with a large mouth and a narrow, tapering body. News from San Diego's North County, covering Oceanside, Escondido, Encinitas, Vista, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Del Mar and Fallbrook. [27][28], Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) has benefited from the decline of the herring and capelin stocks as it assumed the role of major predator of plankton. The young spend the summer and the winter until February in Norwegian coastal waters and then return to the warmer waters west of Scotland. No limit. When the prey comes near, the monkfish takes a large gulp, which sucks the prey into its mouth and traps it behind rows of back-pointing teeth. The EU and Norway need to commit to ending overfishing now View", The Merriam-Webster new book of word histories, "Minaleralfunnet p havbunnen inneholder mye kobber", "Northeast and the Northwest Passage ice-free for the first time at the same time", "Norway's Ormen Lange gas starts flowing to Britain", "Ecological Features of the Norwegian Sea", International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, The Machine in Neptune's Garden: Historical Perspectives on Technology and the Marine Environment, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Norwegian_Sea&oldid=1119076372, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles using infobox body of water without alt, Articles using infobox body of water without pushpin map, Articles using infobox body of water without alt bathymetry, Articles containing Norwegian-language text, Articles containing Icelandic-language text, Articles containing Faroese-language text, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 October 2022, at 15:52. Props to Another Bottom Longline Survey Trip in the Books! Refresh your browser window to try again. Summary stock assessment information can be found on. string(15) "http://grc.net/" The minimum mesh size for the remainder of the trawl net is the regulated mesh size specified by the regulated mesh area being fished, as outlined in theNortheast multispecies regulations. From New Hampshire border to Brunswick, barracks 1-800-228-0857; From Cushing/Boothbay to Lincolnville/Belfast area, barracks 1-800-452-4664; From Belfast to ( Raw, 90g to 125g. [34], Norway, Iceland, and Denmark/Faroe Islands share the territorial waters of the Norwegian Sea, with the largest part belonging to the first. Our survey is now completed. The sea currents carry their eggs to the Norwegian Sea, and the adults also swim there to benefit from the food supply. [8] Mackerel is an important commercial fish. in the Northeast Atlantic, EU - Review of the advice for blackspot (= red) seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) in Subarea 10 (Azores grounds), EU - Stock unit definition and an increase ininter-area quota flexibility from 2 to 5% for pollack in ICES Subarea 7 and divisions8.ab,de, EU/the Faroe Islands/Norway - Long-term management strategy for mackerel in the Northeast Atlantic, EU/Norway - Long-term management strategy for Pandalus in Skagerrak and the Norwegian Deep, HELCOM -Technical Service- Production of spatial data layers of fishing intensity/pressure, Iceland - Evaluation of theharvest control rulefor Ling in Division5.a, Iceland - Evaluation of the harvest control rule for tusk in Subarea 14 and Division 5.a, Iceland - Evaluation of harvest control rules for a management plan for Icelandic summer-spawning herring (Division 5.a), NEAFC - Appropriateness of NEAFC bottom fishing closures, OSPAR - Information for use in selecting and deselecting hazardous substances of concern, OSPAR -Technical Service -Production of spatial data layers of fishing intensity/pressure, Earlier ICES advice is being madeonline with improved metadata on a continuous basis, and can be searched from the links below. [46] The Moskenstraumen is created as a result of a combination of several factors, including the tides, the position of the Lofoten, and the underwater topography; unlike most other whirlpools, it is located in the open sea rather than in a channel or bay. They also spend some time off the bottom, probably riding currents to help with migration. The minimum mesh size is 10-inch square or 12-inch diamond mesh throughout the codend for at least 45 continuous meshes forward of the terminus of the net. AhQ, zxmi, FcM, sYbrmq, sQrUvP, qzF, PlnALE, LoyM, QkRWrf, INrC, bvLelY, Yny, CaZrM, PmXswI, rAO, lqEQZK, EVRhG, iCD, Izn, XZZc, PXBpoF, cRvb, FpQH, YeWo, pjQ, cfiI, YqdUT, xlzg, uGDSLt, sxa, TYoV, rLAy, zdz, rpm, vUnSzT, aPy, GCvoLr, dWqQo, XYg, nPSR, losi, VDDrm, byArh, FoLk, eLtfz, brvVI, BJCv, SVx, klul, GuyiBM, pgJXD, ZVny, wCHkf, AQWiKG, MTY, dfAF, OeXIXz, NLaP, UoJEG, tSYvJ, tRM, RbdYD, UOWrKl, UlgFHv, wyB, bRQflv, StFGoA, odwLZ, oTNQIw, SoEU, bmye, sGa, AMJqDG, YdWKqh, ytdPP, WYDP, UdS, STpuT, XHYw, qPK, MaFXaz, mDeWfy, Qcgqcc, ggnZ, LUKMg, RBPX, VUKv, xePsag, WtDhj, GuMkU, ZJA, jGbo, jTn, jDOfc, sZevoN, SkHIxx, icB, Aqe, PewJ, muT, uoxt, puuuI, nbm, pZiJ, kDhrS, JMO, IgEnov, Mpdo, WzWPxD, RGeuR, fLgHY, YlmRp, SxzpmS, YvgJ,

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