who was the last roman emperor in the west

Archbishop Aribo presided over the assembly. Conrad II Ottonian adopted many aspects of his Ottonian predecessor Henry II regarding the role and organisation of the Church as well as general rulership practices, which in turn had been associated with Charlemagne. His absence raised the ire of the Emperor; Conrad, busy with securing his succession to the Burgundian throne, charged his son Duke Henry of Bavaria with punishing the recalcitrant Bohemian. Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the TuileriesJacques-Louis David (Public Domain). The Ottomans were themselves crushingly defeated by Timur at the Battle of Ankara in 1402. Sexual allegations may well have formed a part of the campaign against him. Ferdinand was also a patron of the arts. In June 1026, Conrad led his army to Ravenna, but quartering his soldiers among the Ravennese population caused tensions in the city. By adopting the German language and culture later in his life, he also grew close to the German territorial princes. A final meeting between Otto II and Adelaide was arranged shortly before Pentecost in 978, but a peaceful outcome was not achieved, forcing Adelaide to retire to Burgundy and to the protection of her brother King Conrad of Burgundy. Needing to put his affairs in order prior to his descent into Italy, Otto I summoned a Diet at Worms and had Otto II elected, at the age of six, co-regent in May 961. Roman law is the legal system of ancient Rome, including the legal developments spanning over a thousand years of jurisprudence, from the Twelve Tables (c. 449 BC), to the Corpus Juris Civilis (AD 529) ordered by Eastern Roman emperor Justinian I.Roman law forms the basic framework for civil law, the most widely used legal system today, and the terms are sometimes used Augsburg was located on the western side of the Swabian-Bavarian border, the territory of Henry II's brother-in-law Burchard III, Duke of Swabia. [3] Otto II's money and possessions were divided among the Catholic Church, the poor of the Empire, his mother Adelaide and sister Matilda, and those nobles loyal to him. A biography of Conrad II in chronicle form, Gesta Chuonradi II imperatoris, was written by his chaplain Wipo of Burgundy, and presented to Henry III in 1046, not long after he was crowned.[10][82]. Prince Sigismund Augustus married Elisabeth of Austria, Ferdinand's daughter. This title, however, was not used by Otto IIs predecessors, from Charlemagne (or Charles I) to Otto 17761789: Media type: Print: LC Class: DG311: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is a six-volume work by the English historian Edward Gibbon.It traces Western civilization (as well as the Islamic and Mongolian conquests) from the height of the Roman Empire to the fall of Byzantium in the fifteenth century. These were often the moments when the imperial dynasty was replaced with a new one, only to start the cycle anew. Shortly after, Mieszko expelled Detric and reunited the whole country. The wedding ceremony, held in Linz, was notably splendid. Map of the Holy Roman Empire, 972-1032 CE, Fredrick I Barbarossa Flanked by His Sons, Medieval Army Approaching a City Under Siege. The growing imperial power in the 11th century raised the question of who reigned supreme in Latin Christianity: the pope or the emperor? Otto II was confined primarily to northern Italy during his father's time south of the Alps. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. With his authority reestablished over the Lombard princes, Otto II turned his attention towards the threat from Muslim Sicily. With no clear successor, Henry II demanded that Otto II name him as the new Duke of Swabia. Finally, in 1561 Ferdinand revived the Archdiocese of Prague, which had been previously liquidated due to the success of the Protestants. [citation needed] He met with little resistance on French territory,[9] devastating the land around Rheims, Soissons, and Laon. Otto II had been king of Germany for twelve years and Emperor for five at the time of Otto the Great's death. A significant number of Utraquists favoured an alliance with the Protestants. From the rise of Augustus, the first Roman emperor, in 27 BC to the sack of Rome in AD 455, there were over a hundred Rudolf's collections were the most impressive in the Europe of his day, and the greatest collection of Northern Mannerist art ever assembled. The empire came to Poland's support during the Second Northern War. [3] He spared no expense in acquiring great past masterworks, such as those of Drer and Brueghel. Eight years later in 1038, Herman died and Conrad installed his own son Henry as duke, securing imperial control over the duchy.[17]. Archduke Leopold Wilhelm managed to drive off the opponents. They were first cousins, as Maria Anna's mother was a sister of Ferdinand's father. Charles fled to Otto II's court and paid homage to Otto II. He was the last King of Germany crowned in Aachen.[57]. Construction began in 1030. Conrad restored order with skillful diplomacy and luck. [3] Charles and Lothair were also feuding, with Charles being exiled from France over an infidelity allegation concerning Lothair's wife. Though Otto I preferred Byzantine Princess Anna Porphyrogenita, daughter of former Byzantine Emperor Romanos II, as she was born in the purple, her age (then only five years old) prevented serious consideration by the East. A year later in 1039 Conrad fell ill and died of gout in Utrecht. The rebellion was crushed and Conrad was stripped of his ducal title. By 957, Otto II's older brothers Henry (born 952) and Bruno (born 953) had died, as well as Otto I's son from his first wife Eadgyth, the Crown Prince Liudolf, Duke of Swabia. Without the support of the Swabian counts, Ernest, Conrad of Carinthia and Count Welf surrendered to Conrad at Worms on 9 September 1027, ending the rebellion. ), Conrad upheld the rights of the valvassores (knights and burghers of the cities) of Italy against Archbishop Aribert of Milan and the local nobles. With Henry II deposed, in July 976 Otto II issued far-reaching edicts on the reorganization of the southern German duchies. It was housed at Prague Castle, where between 1587 and 1605 he built the northern wing to house his growing collections. Generations are numbered by male-line descent from the first archdukes. It was one of Europes largest medieval and early modern states, but its power base was unstable and continually shifting. etc. The death of Bishop Ulrich of Augsburg on 4 July, brought the conflict between the cousins to a head. In 974 Benedict was imprisoned in the Castel Sant'Angelo, the stronghold of the Crescentii family. On the other hand, when he engaged in more audacious endeavours, like his offensives against Buda and Pest, it often ended in failure. Charles abdicated in 1556 and Ferdinand adopted the title "Emperor elect", with the ratification of the Imperial diet taking place in 1558,[1][14] while Spain, the Spanish Empire, Naples, Sicily, Milan, the Netherlands, and Franche-Comt went to Philip, son of Charles. In September 978, Otto II retaliated against Lothair by invading France with the aid of Charles. He was a son of Empress Maria Theresa and her husband, Emperor Francis I, and the brother of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Under the Peace of Bautzen in 1018, all three parties remained in uneasy peace, with Poland allowed to retain the Margraviate of Meissen. The Spanish Empire, which included Spain, the Netherlands, Naples, Milan and Spain's possessions in the Americas, went to his son, Philip. A Habsburg counter-offensive was not altogether unsuccessful, but in the end the emperor had to cede this province to Prussian control. Upon his return, Henry openly rebelled against Otto II, claiming rulership over the Empire for himself. Contrary to the aggressiveness which was - by now - characteristic for armies of the crusades, the emperor negotiated with the sultan, al-Kamil (r. 1218-1238), and regained control of Jerusalem. During the following civil war, Mieszko was forced to flee Poland for Bohemia, where Oldich had him imprisoned and castrated in revenge for the torture Mieszko's father, Bolesaw I of Poland, inflicted upon Duke Boleslaus III, Oldich's brother, thirty years before. Rudolf II (18 July 1552 20 January 1612) was Holy Roman Emperor (15761612), King of Hungary and Croatia (as Rudolf I, 15721608), King of Bohemia (15751608/1611) and Archduke of Austria (15761608). When Bruno was defeated by the rebels, Conrad sent Ernest back to Germany in September 1026 to end the revolt. Duke Bernard I of Saxony was heading south for the assembly when Danish Viking raids forced him to return to face the threat. The Ottonians had a particular religious interest in Memleben as both Otto II's father Otto I and grandfather Henry I had died there. Gisela had first been married to Count Bruno I of Brunswick the same year. In 1605, Rudolf was forced by his other family members to cede control of Hungarian affairs to his younger brother Archduke Matthias. A large number of letters have come to us from all over bearing excellent and wonderful promises, but most important is the ruler with whom we are now staying, the king of Britain the Great, of a second civilized world, you might say, who abounds in so many good qualities and is adorned with all sorts of virtues. Maria Anna Josepha, Electoral Princess of the Palatinate, Eleonora Magdalena Gonzaga of Mantua-Nevers, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Archduchess Maria Anna "Mariana" of Austria, Archduchess Maria Anna Josepha of Austria, "Kurfrst Maximilian I. von Bayern, die Habsburger und die Reichsstadt Regensburg im Ringen um ihre Hoheit", "Die Bauttigkeit der Habsburger im 17. Large uncut gemstones were held in strong boxes. Rudolf was born in Vienna on 18 July 1552. An ardent Catholic and rigidly autocratic prince, Philip pursued an aggressive political, economic and religious policy toward the Dutch, resulting in a Dutch rebellion shortly after he became king. The emissaries justified the actions of their fellow citizens by claiming that Pavia had always been loyal to the Italian king, as long as the king was alive and present, and that the revolt had taken place when the Italian throne was vacant. [38] In return, the various bishoprics and abbeys of the Empire were granted extensive landholdings and secular authority, providing immunity from the jurisdiction of the secular nobles. Budapest, Hungra: Udvari Knyvkereskeds Kiad. His Drama musicum was praised by Athanasius Kircher, and the extant works, although clearly influenced by Valentini, show a composer with an individual style and a solid technique.[33]. Only then did he continue on to Thessalonica, where he was warmly met by his son Andronicus, who then governed the city. It is possible that the conditions in southern Italy following the defeat required Otto II to act quickly in designating an Imperial heir to ensure the Empire's future. Most historians refer to the Nicene church associated with emperors in a variety of ways: as the Upon hearing of Pandulf's death, Otto II, ruling from Rome, traveled south to install Thrasimund IV as Duke of Spoleto. The Saxon nobility continued to resist the Archdiocese of Magdeburg located along the Empire's eastern border. This title, however, was not used by Otto IIs predecessors, from Charlemagne (or Charles I) to Otto The burgher class put more and more feudal lords on the defensive. He commissioned decorative objects of all kinds and in particular mechanical moving devices. Due to lengthy debate and bureaucratic procedure, the Imperial Diet did not accept the Imperial succession until 3 May 1558. This ruler, then, is most illustrious because of his position, most illustrious too, because of his intelligence; his might amazes everyone, and his understanding wins him friends; he extends his hand to all and in every way he places himself at the service of those who need help. In May 1618 with the event known as the Defenestration of Prague, the Protestant Bohemians, in defence of the rights granted them in the Letter of Majesty, threw imperial officials out of the window and thus the Thirty Years' War (16181648) started. 1393/8, died before 1405 in. "This had profound implications for state formation in south-eastern Europe. [39] As the Emperor's vassals, the Church officials were subject to the provision of two services: the servitium regis (royal service) and servitium militum (military service). In the 1540s, the situation changed. The Codex Gigas was also in his possessions. Books As the numerous battles had not resulted in sufficient military containment of the Protestant enemies, and confronted with decaying Imperial power, Ferdinand was compelled to abandon the political stances of his Habsburg predecessors in many respects in order to open the long road towards the much delayed peace treaty. Furthermore, the most prosperous cities allied in leagues and could extract even more concessions and privileges from the feudal aristocracy. Under a new Duke, Bavaria would remain a remote area of the Empire. Only a third synod in 1030 solved the conflict when Bishop Gotthard of Hildesheim renounced his claims in favor of Aribo. In 966, The Doge of Venice Pietro IV married a relative of Otto I. No razor ever touched the heads or beards of his priests. Ultimately, he made so many enemies that several cities allied against him with the pope, Sicily, and even the Byzantine Empire. Like Elizabeth I of England (who was born 19 years before he was), Rudolf dangled himself as a prize in a string of diplomatic negotiations for marriages, but never in fact married. Otto the Great also forced the king and his heir apparent Harald Bluetooth to convert to Christianity. Ferdinand returned in command of his brother's fleet but en route was blown off-course and spent four days in Kinsale in Ireland before reaching his destination. Upper Austria, formerly pledged to Bavaria, stayed under Habsburg house rule without paying a refund. For the rest of his life, Rudolf would remain reserved, secretive, and largely a recluse who did not like to travel or even partake in the daily affairs of state.[3]. On 26 May 1521 in Linz, Austria, Ferdinand married Anna of Bohemia and Hungary (15031547), daughter of Vladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary and his wife Anne of Foix-Candale. Mieszko was allowed to retain the title of Duke and nominal authority over all of Poland. [22], Conrad inherited a kingdom troubled by problems. In 1618, the Bohemian nobility revolted and deposed Ferdinand II as king of Bohemia (though not as emperor). Sigismund of Luxembourg (15 February 1368 9 December 1437) was a monarch who as King of Hungary and Croatia (jure uxoris) from 1387, King of Germany from 1410, King of Bohemia from 1419, and Holy Roman Emperor from 1433 until his death in 1437, as well as prince-elector of Brandenburg (13781388 and 14111415). In the meantime, he sent delegations with relics including pieces of the tunic of Christ and a piece of the Holy Sponge to Pope Boniface IX and Antipope Benedict XIII, Queen Margaret I of Denmark, king Martin of Aragon and king Charles III of Navarre to seek further assistance. "[23] In the Obotrite territories along the Elbe River, the Luticians initiated a revolt aimed at the abolition of feudal rule and Christianity,[22] drawing upon considerable support by the Obodrite populace and their leader Mstivoj. But Matthias rallied support from the disaffected Hungarians and forced Rudolf to cede the crowns of Hungary, Austria, and Moravia to him. Manuel II stood on friendly terms with the victor in the Ottoman civil war, Mehmed I (14021421), but his attempts to meddle in the next contested succession led to a new assault on Constantinople by Murad II (14211451) in 1422. [9] Needing allies in his campaign against the Muslims and the Byzantine Empire, Otto II reconciled with Amalfian Duke Manso I, granting Imperial recognition of his rule over Salerno. When they managed to speak with one voice, the Holy Roman Emperor was one of Europes mightiest sovereigns. The Three Bishoprics, effectively under French control since 1552, were officially ceded to France. Julius lived at esk Krumlov when in 1608 he reportedly abused and murdered the daughter of a local barber, who had been living in the castle, and then disfigured her body. Under his reign, there was a policy of toleration towards Judaism. Under royal service, the bishops and abbots were required to provide hospitality and accommodations to the Emperor and his court when he arrived. Around the year 982, Imperial authority in Slavic territory extended as far east as the Lusatian Neisse River and as far south as the Ore Mountains. He was succeeded as Emperor by his three-year-old son Otto III, plunging the Empire into a political crisis. Whereas the Ottonians followed a policy of informal public submission and subsequent reconciliation, Conrad used treason trials to declare rebels as "public enemies" to legitimize his subsequent harsh treatment, as he had done with Ernest II of Swabia and Adalbero. A daughter. On 20 February 1631, Ferdinand III married his first wife, Maria Anna of Spain (16061646). Charles abdicated as Emperor in August 1556 in favor of his brother Ferdinand. [42] In return, Henry II generously invested Bolesaw with territories on the Empire's eastern border. There, Otto II declared war against France and prepared his army to march west. As was typical of the time, Rudolf II had a portrait painted in the studio of the renowned Alonso Snchez Coello. Barbarossa joined the Third Crusade, intending to reconquer the Holy City. The Duchy of Saxony adopted a neutral strategy while the Duchy of Lorraine favored the younger Conrad. On May 8, the nobles of the Empire assembled before Otto II and, according to the Saxon Chronicler Widukind of Corvey, "elected" Otto II as his father's successor. Conrad presented himself as a candidate for election, as did his younger cousin Conrad. Pandulf's death in 981 deprived Otto II of one of his primary lieutenants. To prevent this, the ruling dynasty usually had to offer concessions to members of the college to woo their votes. The relationship between the Empire and the Republic of Venice was readdressed during Otto II's reign. Conrad and Gisela would remain in Saxony until March 1025, when they moved on to the Duchy of Swabia, celebrating Easter at Augsburg and then proceeded on to the Duchy of Bavaria, spending the feast of Pentecost at Regensburg. Conrad then celebrated Christmas at Ivrea. News, fixtures, scores and video. Having progressed quite far on the way to his target, he took a fateful bath in a river in current-day Turkey and drowned. In summer 974, Harald rebelled against Otto II. This page was last edited on 25 November 2022, at 15:46. Conrad the Younger was taken care of by his cousin Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor the Elder. His son, Conrad the Red, succeeded him as Count in 941. Conrad and the other members of the Salian dynasty had little interest in the founding of new monasteries. Otto II's marriage to the Byzantine Princess Theophanu proved to be to his disadvantage because the Saxon nobles felt it distanced the Emperor from their interests. Ferdinand remarried to another first cousin, Maria Leopoldine of Austria (1632-1649) on 2 July 1648. The effects were disastrous enough to cause the ruling Venetian families to surrender to Otto II, but Otto II's untimely death that year prevented him from capitalizing on his victory. As Gisela's new husband, Conrad hoped to serve as regent for his minor stepson in the administration of the duchy, seeing it as an opportunity to increase his own rank and subsequently make a claim for his own duchy. He spoke six languages and promoted poetry, philosophy, and medieval literature, also welcoming Muslim and Jewish scholars at his court in Palermo, Sicily. All German states, including Prussia and Austria, joined the new German Confederation. The king with an imposing retinue, met him at Blackheath on the feast of St Thomas [21 December], gave so great a hero an appropriate welcome and escorted him to London. In 1028 at Aachen, he had his son Henry elected and anointed king of Germany. According to Wipo of Burgundy, the counts refused, stating that while they had sworn loyalty to Ernest, they would not rebel against their Emperor. Before his accession as Emperor, he ruled the Austrian hereditary lands of the Habsburgs in the name of his elder brother, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. Suleiman marched into Hungary (see Siege of Buda (1541)) and not only drove Ferdinand out of central Hungary, he forced Ferdinand to agree to pay tribute for his lands in western Hungary.[22]. Since Martinuzzi was by this time an archbishop and Cardinal, this was a shocking act, and Pope Julius III excommunicated Castaldo and Ferdinand. Holy Roman Empire. Eugenius made some modest attempts to win pagan support, and with Arbogast led a large army to fight another destructive civil war. [13] Following the New Year, Otto II led his Imperial court to Rome, reaching the city on February 9, 981, where the Emperor restored Pope Benedict VII to his papal throne without difficulty. Reviews revealed, that Ferdinand surrendered numerous previous claims and was ready for greater concessions than were ultimately necessary.[23]. After visiting Cologne Conrad stopped at Aachen, where he, as a successor of the empire's founder Charlemagne, announced that he would continue the tradition of claiming East Francia. The second and eldest surviving child of Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI and Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbttel, Archduchess Maria Theresa was born on 13 May 1717 in Vienna, a year after the death of her elder brother, Archduke Leopold Johann, and was baptised on that same evening. With matters in southern Germany settled, Otto II turned his attention to defeating and capturing Henry II. of Aragon", "Rhtorique de la perte. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. [29] The threat of war from Willigis and Conrad I, Duke of Swabia forced Henry II to relinquish Otto III on June 29, 984 and to respect the regency of Theophanu.[30]. The outcome of these political confrontations was written down in documents called "privileges", usually highly favorable to the city in question. Manuel II had sent 10 ships to help in that Crusade. His interior organs were separately buried in the Ducal Crypt. [6], Many artworks commissioned by Rudolf are unusually erotic. Some of Ferdinand's own compositions survive in manuscripts: masses, motets, hymns and other sacred music, as well as a few secular pieces. After some hesitation, Croatia and the Hungarian rump joined the Habsburgs. As a result, Middle Francia descended into chaos, breaking apart into the Kingdom of Burgundy and the Kingdom of Italy. With Conrad's assistance, Aribert rose to the highest ranking religious office in Italy and oversaw the expansion of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan. Otto II's support of Charles, however, infuriated the French king, who claimed the Duchy as his own territory. Find all the latest real-time sports coverage, live reports, analysis and comment on Telegraph Sport. His influence increased further after the fall of the powerful Imperial minister Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg, who had domineered the politics of Ferdinand II. The Lutici sent ambassadors to seek Conrad's protection against Mieszko, which Conrad granted and renewed the German-Lutician alliance. He embellished Vienna and Prague. [8], As a consequence, the Swedes lost control over Southern Germany and retreated to the North. [58][59], The regulation was short-lived as in 1033 Otto was killed by one of his own men, and Mieszko II took over his domains. Romulus was placed on the imperial throne by his father, the magister militum Orestes, and, at that time, still a minor, was little more than a figurehead for his father.After Romulus ruled for just ten months, the barbarian general The implementation of the Counter-Reformation in the core countries of Ferdinand was sanctioned. [5] The Emperor, aided by the Duke of Swabia and Bavaria, met the rebels at Passau and, after a long siege, forced them into submission. Evidently, the Holy Roman Empire did not need a strong emperor to flourish. Of the eastern marches, the Empire only kept the March of Lusatia. Boleslaus II was treated with honors and swore loyalty to Otto II. In the Habsburg monarchy the prerequisites for the development of a uniform absolutist state remained intact. [17], In 1028, after Conrad's son Henry was crowned in Aachen as King of Germany, Gisela again intervened on Ernest's behalf. Claiming "divine right" to rule the Empire, the Ottonians increasingly viewed themselves as protectors of the church and thus demanded loyalty from the Church officials. Otto II attempted on several occasions to reunify the Lombard principalities politically and ecclesiastically into his Empire after Pandulf's death. Even his mother Gisela did not come to his rescue. Otto II returned to Rome in September to name a new Pope, selecting the Bishop of Pavia Pietro Canepanova (who reigned as Pope John XIV) in November or early December. 123248). Although his authority among the princes was weakened after the war, in Bohemia, Hungary and the Austria, however, Ferdinand's position as sovereign was uncontested. Otto II then had Charles crowned as King of the Franks by Theodoric I, Bishop of Metz. He also recognized Aversa as a county of Salerno under Rainulf Drengot, the Norman adventurer. The success was only partial, as the Diet refused to recognise Ferdinand as hereditary lord of the Kingdom. Pietro I's conciliating policy towards the Empire was ineffective. First, Ferdinand had rushed the article on reservatum ecclesiasticum through the debate; it had not undergone the scrutiny and discussion that attended the widespread acceptance and support of cuius regio, eius religio. The princes of the Duchy of Lorraine rejected his claim, though. Rudolf II (18 July 1552 20 January 1612) was Holy Roman Emperor (15761612), King of Hungary and Croatia (as Rudolf I, 15721608), King of Bohemia (15751608/1611) and Archduke of Austria (15761608). [3] Otto II spent his reign continuing his father's policy of strengthening Imperial rule in Germany and extending it deeper into Italy. However, Bolesaw then seized the opportunity presented by Henry's death in 1024 and the subsequent interregnum to consolidate his own power, crowning himself King on Easter, 25 April 1025. Ferdinand was able to form a standing army from the remains of the imperial army, that was soon to show great effectiveness under Ferdinand's successor Leopold I. Byzantium: The Decline and Fall, John Julius Norwich 1995, p351-54. Danubia. Under Emperor Henry II, who was the brother-in-law to Stephen, relations between the Empire and Hungary had been friendly. This Ottonian defeat, the worst in the history of the Empire at the time, greatly weakened Imperial power in southern Italy. In 996, Otto III invested Otto of Worms' son Bruno as Pope Gregory V. When Emperor Otto III died in 1002, both Otto of Worms, Conrad's grandfather, and Henry IV became eligible for Kingship of Germany. [40], Unlike Maximilian I and Charles V, Ferdinand I was not a nomadic ruler. In June 1025, bishops from Northern Italy, led by Archbishop Aribert of Milan, crossed the Alps in order to pay homage to Conrad. MacMillan Press: 1981, pg 156, "from Ancona to the fringes of Calabria", Matilda, Countess Palatine of Lotharingia, Faceted Application of Subject Terminology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Otto_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor&oldid=1123768588, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Otto was a man of small stature, by nature brave and impulsive, and by training an accomplished knight. Bretislaus was then confirmed as the new Duke of Bohemia by Conrad II. 17761789: Media type: Print: LC Class: DG311: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is a six-volume work by the English historian Edward Gibbon.It traces Western civilization (as well as the Islamic and Mongolian conquests) from the height of the Roman Empire to the fall of Byzantium in the fifteenth century. As threatening as the French might have seemed, the next great challenge to Habsburg authority did not come from Paris, but was - once again - growing inside the Holy Roman Empire. They had direct contact with the court astronomers and, through the financial support of the court, they were economically independent to develop scientific instruments and manufacturing techniques.[13]. After Henry's death, Adelaide married a Frankish nobleman and the relationship with Conrad declined. Since, in theory, you can only have one emperor at the same time, Charlemagnes grandsons decided that the ruler of Middle Francia was to carry the imperial title. German, Czech, Slovenian, Slovak, Serbian, Croatian: Ferdinand I.; Hungarian: I. Ferdinnd; Spanish: Fernando I; Turkish: 1. [15], On 4 September 1024, the German princes gathered at Kamba, a historical name for an area on the east banks of the Rhine opposite the modern German town of Oppenheim. The marriage produced two sons: Ernest II and Herman. The Declaratio Ferdinandei was not debated in plenary session at all; using his authority to "act and settle,"[28] Ferdinand had added it at the last minute, responding to lobbying by princely families and knights. His conquests brought him into conflict with the Byzantine Empire and with the Muslims of the Fatimid Caliphate, who both held territories in southern Italy. This agreement broke down quickly because that family line of the Carolingian Dynasty went extinct. The University of Vienna was reorganized. The war ended in 1031 when Polish king Mieszko II surrendered to Conrad. The Emperor sensed the far-reaching ambitions of his cousin and denied his request. Conrad also resented the growing influence of Otto's brother Henry I of Bavaria, whom he regarded a threat to his position. [6], Rudolf succeeded his father Maximilian II on 12 October 1576. Over time, this hollowed out the imperial familys power so that - sooner or later - they would enter an election with not much left to offer. Henry married Gunhilda of Denmark, daughter of King Cnut the Great of England, Denmark and Norway by Emma of Normandy. Conrad had to enforce his royal prerogatives in the Duchy of Carinthia and the Duchy of Swabia. Conrad rejected the argument, that just as a ship remains devoted to its captain after his death, the Empire remains imperial property after the death of an emperor. Rudolf II (18 July 1552 20 January 1612) was Holy Roman Emperor (15761612), King of Hungary and Croatia (as Rudolf I, 15721608), King of Bohemia (15751608/1611) and Archduke of Austria (15761608). Ferdinand was familiar with, and to, the other princes of the Holy Roman Empire. In August 1634, the city of Donauwrth was recaptured, which had been occupied by Sweden since April 1632. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. At his father's court he received religious and scholarly training from Jesuits. In 476, the Germanic barbarian king Odoacer deposed the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire in Italy, Romulus Augustulus, Eugenius (r. 392394), as emperor in the West. [61] Oldich deposed and blinded Jaromr, reclaimed the Bohemian throne, and exiled his son Bretislaus. The same year, he also defeated a Protestant revolt in Bohemia, where the estates and a large part of the nobility had denied him support in the German campaign. According to Michel Pintoin who chronicled the visit to Paris: Then, the king raised his hat, and the emperor raised his imperial cap he had no As Herman was still an infant, the Bishop of Constance was assigned his regent. [14] At the same time, Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, a German protestant in French service, took the Habsburg possessions in Alsace and the stronghold of Breisach after a long siege. Otto the Great also failed to clarify affairs in Italy prior to his death. [44][45], Conrad considered the assumption of the title "king" by Mieszko an act of war and a disregard of his imperial authority, but had to address domestic issues before dealing with Mieszko. She was a daughter of Charles IV Gonzaga, Duke of Rethel. Recordings of Ferdinand's compositions include: Editing Ferdinand III, by the grace of God elected Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania, Bulgaria, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Margrave of Moravia, Duke of Luxemburg, of the Higher and Lower Silesia, of Wrttemberg and Teck, Prince of Swabia, Count of Habsburg, Tyrol, Kyburg and Goritia, Marquess of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgovia, the Higher and Lower Lusace, Lord of the Marquisate of Slavonia, of Port Naon and Salines, etc. The precise term Sacrum Romanum Imperium dates only from 1254, though the term Holy Empire reaches back to 1157, and the term Roman Empire was used from 1034 to denote the lands under Conrad IIs rule. [9], After the early death of his uncle Conrad I, Duke of Carinthia, Conrad's infant son, Conrad II, Duke of Carinthia the Younger, was named Count of Worms by Emperor Henry II while the Duchy of Carinthia passed to Adalbero of Eppenstein due to Conrad the Younger's infancy. In 476, the Germanic barbarian king Odoacer deposed the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire in Italy, Romulus Augustulus, Eugenius (r. 392394), as emperor in the West. Cnut accompanied Conrad at his imperial coronation in 1027, and Conrad granted Cnut authority over the March of Schleswig, the land-bridge between Denmark and Germany. Luther at the Diet of WormsAnton Werner (Public Domain). This text is part of an article series on the Delian League Coy, Jason Philip & Marschke, Benjamin & Sabean, David Warren. The negotiations in Westphalia turned out to be difficult, beginning with a dispute over the rules of procedure. Without foreign military funds, the imperial troops were incapable of offensive operations, which weakened Ferdinand's position in negotiations. Romulus Augustus (c. 465 after 511), nicknamed Augustulus, was Roman emperor of the West from 31 October 475 until 4 September 476. The failed attempt at usurpation by his older brother Andronikos IV Palaiologos in After the death of his brother-in-law Louis II, Ferdinand ruled as King of Bohemia and Hungary (15261564). As central imperial authority over Italy faded, they accelerated this process - eventually setting them on a trajectory towards the Renaissance, when Florence and Milan followed their example. The relationship, however, deteriorated, when Otto refused to honor a peace treaty Conrad, as Otto's representative, had negotiated with Berengar II of Italy. After having ruled Venice for four years, Pietro I voluntarily abdicated to become a monk, allowing the pro-Ottonian Vitale to return to Venice as Doge in 977, restoring the city's friendly relationship with the Empire. For other uses, see, Cultural depictions of Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor, "Boniface of Canossa and the Emperor Conrad III", "The 'Imperial Church System' of the Ottonian and Salian Rulers: a Reconsideration", "Gesta Chuonradi imperatoris - (Taten Kaiser Konrads)", Faceted Application of Subject Terminology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Conrad_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor&oldid=1125748035, Burials at St. Martin's Cathedral, Utrecht, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 16:56. In 1012, Jaromr was deposed by his brother Oldich, who assumed the Bohemian throne for himself. This shift in power did not mean that the empire became democratic in any way. In Hungary, the monarchy remained elective until 1627 (with Habsburgs' female inheritance rights being acknowledged in 1723), although the kings that followed Ferdinand would almost always be Habsburgs. Ferdinand is said to have spoken several languages, although how many and to what degree is unclear. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. One of the most important such monks was John Philagathus (the future Antipope John XVI). To help calm the situation in the west, Otto II appointed Charles, his cousin and brother of Lothar, as Duke of Lower Lorraine. Count Odo II of Blois, who had strong family ties with Rudolph, also claimed the succession. The poet Elizabeth Jane Weston, a writer of Renaissance Latin poetry, was also part of his court and wrote numerous odes to him. [1], By the time Ferdinand became Emperor, vast sections of the imperial territories had been absolutely devastated by two decades of war. [2] Granted the title of despots by his father, the future Manuel II traveled west to seek support for the Byzantine Empire in 1365 and in 1370, serving as governor in Thessalonica from 1369. They were followed by the Princes of the Blood who, once the banquet in the royal palace finished, escorted [the emperor] to the lodgings which had been prepared for him in the Louvre castle]. Negotiations for a peace agreement began in 1644 in Mnster and Osnabrck and lasted until 1648 while warfare continued. This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 16:33. While the imperial government of the Roman Empire was rarely called into question during its five centuries in the west and fifteen centuries in the east, individual emperors often faced unending challenges in the form of usurpation and perpetual civil wars. So the expropriations in Bohemia and the Verneuerte Landesordnung (Renewed Regional Order) of 1627 remained untouched. The term Roman emperor is older, dating from Otto II (died 983). [1][2] Before his accession as Emperor, he ruled the Austrian hereditary lands of the Habsburgs in the name of his elder brother, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. The Marshal encouraged the latter to go personally to seek assistance against the Ottoman Empire from the courts of western Europe. While not a supremely gifted commander, he was interested in military matters and participated in several campaigns during his reign. The son of [23], Conrad needed to address the longstanding "Gandersheim Conflict", as he had assumed the German throne. Conrad's wife, Empress Gisela of Swabia, interceded on Mieszko's behalf and requested he be freed from imprisonment in Bohemia and allowed to regain the Polish throne. He succeeded the rebellious Duke Henry I of Carinthia, who had been deposed after the War of the Three Henries. L'exemple de la mort d'Isabelle de Bourbon (1465)", Works by and about Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian Franz, Archbishop-Elector of Cologne, Frederick I, Duke of Athens and Neopatria, Faceted Application of Subject Terminology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ferdinand_I,_Holy_Roman_Emperor&oldid=1124147197, Articles with dead external links from January 2017, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles containing Croatian-language text, Articles containing Hungarian-language text, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Married to Philippine Welser and then to his niece (, Coat of arms as Infante of Spain, Archduke of Austria, Coat of arms as King of Hungary & Bohemia, This page was last edited on 27 November 2022, at 15:50. Volume I was published in 1776 and Submitted by Simon Duits, published on 09 June 2021. In 1805, Napoleon inflicted such a crushing defeat on the Holy Roman Emperor that his authority outside his own Habsburg lands ceased to exist. [38][39] In his time, the influence of the Estates in these institutions were limited. [3] Years earlier in 958, Otto the Great banished their father Reginar III, Count of Hainaut, to Bohemia after he attempted a failed revolt. Ferdinand I (Spanish: Fernando I; 10 March 1503 25 July 1564) was Holy Roman Emperor from 1556, King of Bohemia, Hungary, and Croatia from 1526, and Archduke of Austria from 1521 until his death in 1564. Pope Benedict VI, who had been appointed by Otto I, had been imprisoned by the Romans in Castel Sant'Angelo. Archbishop Aribo, as archbishop of Mainz, was already the chancellor of Germany. [27] This marriage however lasted little more than a year, ending with Maria Leopoldine's own premature death in childbirth. Retrieved from https://www.worldhistory.org/Holy_Roman_Empire/. Accepting the Pope's call for aid, Otto II and Theophanu, along with their infant son Otto III, prepared for a march south across the Alps. [74] On 2 February 1033, Conrad arrived at Vaud, where he held an assembly at the Abbey of Payerne and was crowned King of Burgundy. Formal theory. [31] The event lasted seven days and was attended by Conrad's son and heir Henry; Cnut the Great, King of England, Denmark and Norway; Rudolph III of Burgundy and around 70 senior clerics, including the Archbishops of Cologne, Mainz, Trier, Magdeburg, Salzburg, Milan and Ravenna. He was born, raised, and educated in Spain, and did not learn German until he was a young adult. The Holy Roman Empire was not a unitary state, but a confederation of small and medium-sized political entities.. After his return to Vienna, his father was concerned about Rudolf's aloof and stiff manner, typical of the more conservative Spanish court, rather than the more relaxed and open Austrian court; but his Spanish mother saw in him courtliness and refinement. Lambert I and Reginar IV returned to Lorraine in 973 to reclaim their land by force. Ferdinand was able to introduce more uniform governments for his realms and also strengthen his control over finance in Bohemia, which provided him with half of his revenue. However, because of the agreement that Charles V had signed in 1555, the emperor was supposed to concentrate on his own hereditary lands and leave other territories unmolested. This was the exclusive method for claiming the office of Holy Roman Emperor. Though the nominal co-ruler of the Empire, he was denied any role in its administration. [citation needed], Rudolf died in 1612, nine months after he had been stripped of all effective power by his younger brother, except the empty title of Holy Roman Emperor, to which Matthias was elected five months later. In 1635 Ferdinand worked as Imperial commissioner in the negotiations for the Peace of Prague, as he tried to persuade the prince electors to adopt the idea of concerted warfare. He called another synod in September 1028, which also failed. He was a member of the House of Habsburg.. Rudolf's legacy has traditionally been viewed in three ways: an ineffectual ruler whose mistakes led directly to the And now, in accord with his nature, he has made himself a virtual haven for us in the midst of a twofold tempest, that of the season and that of fortune, and we have found refuge in the man himself and his character. Consisting of two distinct elements, or "themes", these names allowed for hundreds Find Cheap Flights with easyJet Over the last 25 years easyJet has become Europes leading short-haul airline, revolutionising European air travel by allowing passengers to book cheap flights across Europes top flight routes, connecting more than 30 countries and over 100 cities.Were not only committed to providing low-cost flight tickets, but also providing a great service to and When he had welcomed [the emperor], the king accompanied him into Paris, riding side by side. Conrad broke with Ottonian tradition, however, in favoring a more strict means of controlling rebellious vassals. Ferdinand's legacy ultimately proved enduring. In May 1027 Conrad returned to Germany in order to attend the funeral of Duke Henry V of Bavaria at Regensburg. A further Ottoman invasion was repelled in 1532 (see Siege of Gns). Within a few months, both Ernest and Werner, who had retreated to Falkenstein Castle, south of modern Schramberg in the Black Forest, were killed in a battle against a contingent of the Bishop of Constance. Overview. They offered the Italian crown to the Capetian king Robert II of France and his son Hugh Magnus. Volume I was published in 1776 and [14] Without a clear successor to the German throne, Henry's widow Cunigunde of Luxembourg ruled as regent while the German dukes gathered to elect a new king. It was one of Europes largest medieval and early modern states, but its power base was unstable and continually shifting. [6], On 10 December 1399, Manuel II sailed to the Morea, where he left his wife and children with his brother Theodore I Palaiologos to be protected from his nephew's intentions. In 1556 the Diet returned John II Sigismund to the eastern Hungarian throne, where he remained until 1570. Administration of Royal Hungary, Bohemia and Croatia, Milan Kruhek: Cetin, grad izbornog sabora Kraljevine Hrvatske 1527, Karlovaka upanija, 1997, Karslovac. Conrad stripped Ernest of his ducal title and imprisoned him at Giebichenstein Castle in Saxony. It also required the Church officials to act as quasi-bureaucracy for the Empire. [3] However, this policy necessarily meant war not only with the Byzantine Empire but with the Muslim Fatimid Caliphate, which claimed southern Italy as within its sphere of influence. Instead, Otto II hoped to subordinate the Bavarian line of Ottonians to his Imperial authority. The son of Franconian count Henry of Speyer (also Henry of Worms) and Adelaide of Metz of the Matfriding dynasty, that had ruled the Duchy of Lorraine from 959 until 972, Conrad inherited the titles of count of Speyer and Worms during childhood after his father had died around the year 990. With his newly obtained power, the young ruler was no longer willing to accept German supremacy over his kingdom. As a matter of fact the consequences for the Austrian hereditary countries were comparatively favorable. John W. Bernhardt, in Gerd Althoff, Johannes Fried, Patrick J. Geary, eds. John II Sigismund was also supported by King Sigismund I of Poland, his mother's father, but in 1543 Sigismund made a treaty with the Habsburgs and Poland became neutral. [a], However, the two nobles returned home with the Marshal of France Jean II Le Maingre who was sent from Aigues-Mortes with six ships carrying 1,200 men to assist Manuel II. Charles's choices were appropriate. Henry refused to depose Adalbero, citing an earlier agreement with Adelbero to be his ally in negotiating a settlement between him and his father. Some historians regard the crowning of Charlemagne, in 800, as the beginning but his empire is now generally referred to as the Frankish or Carolingian Empire. After attacking Conrad's allies in Carinthia, Adalbero fled to his mother's estates in Ebersberg in the Duchy of Bavaria, where he remained until his death in 1039. Following Bruno's death around 1010, Gisela had married Ernest I of the House of Babenberg. Manuel II Palaiologos was the second son of Emperor John V Palaiologos and his wife Helena Kantakouzene. These documents were kept strictly secret and were only published in 1962. Soon after, the Ottonians were replaced by the Salian Dynasty. Both were descendants of Emperor Otto I by their common grandfather Otto of Worms, son of Liutgarde, one of Otto's daughters. Ferdinand and his son Maximilian participated in the victorious campaign of Charles V against the German Protestants in 1547. This Kingdom of Burgundy, later known as the Kingdom of Arles from the 12th century, corresponded to most of the southeastern quarter of modern France and included western Switzerland, the Franche-Comt and Dauphin. Though Jaromr was offered the throne, he declined in favor of his nephew. [1][13] Ferdinand also served as his brother's deputy in the Holy Roman Empire during his brother's many absences, and in 1531 was elected King of the Romans, making him Charles's designated heir in the empire. A prerequisite for the marriage alliance was the coronation of Otto II as Co-Emperor. He was the last male member of the House of Informed of the Muslim retreat, Otto II left his wife Theophanu and young son Otto III (along with the Imperial treasury) in the city and marched his army to pursue the Muslim force. Together with the formation of the Schmalkaldic League in 1531, this struggle with the Ottomans caused Ferdinand to grant the Nuremberg Religious Peace. It took Manuel three months to reassert imperial authority on the island. Amidst occasional riots many Italian aristocrats demanded the secession of the Kingdom of Italy from the Holy Roman Empire. However, Otto was allowed to style himself "Duke of Worms" and his original territory was expanded according to his rank. In relation to the other members of his dynasty, Otto II was the grandson of Henry I, son of Otto I, father of Otto III, and a first-cousin once removed to Henry II. Now that the Empire had a strong central leader, the treaty significantly increased the Empire's influence over Poland. The first Staufer emperor, Frederick I (r. 1155-1190), was called Barbarossa, on account of his red beard. The Holy Roman Empire officially lasted from 962 to 1806. A daughter, a twin to Otto, who died before October 8, 980. Sigismund of Luxembourg (15 February 1368 9 December 1437) was a monarch who as King of Hungary and Croatia (jure uxoris) from 1387, King of Germany from 1410, King of Bohemia from 1419, and Holy Roman Emperor from 1433 until his death in 1437, as well as prince-elector of Brandenburg (13781388 and 14111415). But as Hungary, unlike Bohemia, was not part of the Reich, the imperial aid for Hungary depended on political factors. [30] Henry II's claims were supported by Archbishop Egbert of Trier, Archbishop Gisilher of Magdeburg, and Bishop Dietrich I of Metz. Embarrassed as well as offended, Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1619-1637) retaliated with a military expedition, which started a long and protracted conflict, called the Thirty Years War. [3] Following Manuel's coronation the Ottoman Sultan was initially content to leave Byzantium in comparative peace. After his death, Maximilian ascended unchallenged.[53]. Otto I entrusted his illegitimate son, Archbishop William of Mainz, with Otto II's literary and cultural education. Otto II was a member of the Ottonian dynasty, which ruled Germany (and later the Holy Roman Empire) from 919 to 1024. The Empress Maria Anna of Spain had died giving birth to her last child on 13 May, 1646. But in 1540, just before his death, Zpolya had a son, John II Sigismund, who was promptly elected King by the Diet. The Pavian embassy returned to Italy in opposition to Salian rule. Adalbero accompanied the Emperor and acted as his sword-bearer during the proceeding, indicating Conrad's trust in him. In Germany, while most Protestant princes had hitherto favored negotiation with the Emperor and while many had supported him in his wars, they became increasingly confrontational during this decade. The Ottonians established at least eight in their hundred-year reign. This was an arrangement that Conrad had made many years prior, when he gave Canute parts of northern Germany to administer. When his father died after a 37-year reign, the eighteen-year-old Otto II became absolute ruler of the Holy Roman Empire in a peaceful succession. After decades of religious and political unrest in the German states, Charles V ordered a general Diet in Augsburg at which the various states would discuss the religious problem and its solution. A Magyar Nemzet Trtnete. The royal couple finally visited Zrich, where after ten months they ended their tour. Gisela supported Conrad against her son, but did not want Ernest to be entirely humiliated. [2][10], In 1016 Conrad married the twice widowed duchess Gisela of Swabia, daughter of Duke Herman II of Swabia who, in 1002, had unsuccessfully claimed the German throne upon Emperor Otto III's death, and had lost the election to Emperor Henry II. Some of them even went to war against the Empire, and many Bohemian (German or Czech) Protestants or Utraquists sympathized with them.[26]. However, the fire soon spread to Saint Mark's Basilica, resulting in the greater part of the city being burnt. When they managed to speak with one voice, the Holy Roman Otto I's military protection of Pietro IV ensured his hold over power in Venice despite his autocratic tendencies over the republican city. Every new election carried with it the risk of losing the imperial crown to another ambitious family. Unlike his earlier son Liudolf, whom Otto I named Duke of Swabia in 950, Otto II was granted no area of responsibility. Pandulf's lands were partitioned among his sons, though further quarrels between the local Lombard princes soon followed. The Byzantines still claimed sovereignty over the Lombard principalities, and the lack of a single leader to prevent their advances into Lombard territory allowed the Byzantines to make inroads further north. Otto was now King of Germany and, through Adelaides family line, King of Italy. In 1641, a preliminary peace was signed in Hamburg between Ferdinand, Spain, France and Sweden and a final peace congress was to convene in Osnabrck and Mnster. In the spring of 1415, he and his soldiers left for the Peloponnese, arriving at the little port of Kenchreai on Good Friday, 29 March. Ernest's refusal, especially against his friend Count Werner of Kyburg, resulted in his final downfall. [10], He largely withdrew from Catholic observances, even in death refusing the last sacramental rites. Otto II died suddenly in 983 at the age of 28 after a ten-year reign. In spite of the huge Austrian sacrifices, he was not able to collect enough money to pay for the expenses of the defence costs of Austrian lands. In 1030, Poland secured an alliance with Hungary, with Stephen I invading Bavaria while Mieszko invaded Saxony. With both Otto the Great and Count Reginar III dead, it appears Otto II desired a fresh start with the two sons. Manuel II was paralyzed by a stroke on 1 October 1422, and lived his last months as a monk, taking the name of Matthew. It remained in effect until 1806. The marriage produced six children, including his successors, Ferdinand IV of Hungary and Emperor Leopold I. Otto II proceeded to hold court in Rome, making the city his Imperial capital, where he received princes and nobles from all parts of western Europe.[9]. The Reichshofrat was revived to deal with affairs concerning imperial prerogatives. Because money was reinjected into the economic system, the possession of land was gradually overshadowed by having a big, fat purse. Their eldest son, Don Julius Caesar d'Austria, was likely born between 1584 and 1586 and received an education and opportunities for political and social prominence from his father. ; German: Karl IV. Otto II appointed Willigis, the Archbishop of Mainz, to serve as his regent over Germany. [14] A lion and a tiger were allowed to roam the castle, documented by the account books which record compensation paid to survivors of attacks, or to family members of victims.[15]. The distinguishing feature of Roman nomenclature was the use of both personal names and regular surnames.Throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, other ancient civilizations distinguished individuals through the use of single personal names, usually dithematic in nature. Philip was culturally Spanish: he was born in Valladolid and raised in the Spanish court, his native tongue was Spanish, and he preferred to live in Spain. Like his father, he was a devout Catholic, yet he had a certain aversion to the influence of the Jesuits who had ruled his father's court. In October 1397, Theodore Kantakouzenos, Manuel's uncle, alongside John of Natala arrived at the court of Charles VI of France, bearing the Emperor's letters (dated 1 July 1397) requesting the French king's military aid. It was under Habsburg rule that the Holy Roman Empire experienced an era of great religious strife, making it one of its darker periods. Rather, the Rudolfine Kunstkammer was systematically arranged in an encyclopaedic fashion. More often than not, though, the member states of the Holy Roman Empire had divergent interests and came into conflict with one another. Conrad fought alongside Otto and fell in the decisive Battle of Lechfeld in 955 that put an end to the Hungarian invasions into Europe. This led to the most dangerous moment of Ferdinand's career, in 1529, when Suleiman took advantage of this Hungarian support for a massive but ultimately unsuccessful assault on Ferdinand's capital: the Siege of Vienna, which sent Ferdinand to refuge in Bohemia. The early death of Otto II and the ensuing events proved to be a serious test for the Empire. His other advisers lacked support from the Empire's various dukes. A Chair from the 'Kunstkammer' of the Emperor Rudolf II. The Swedish king warred against the emperor for many years and scored great victories but was slain in battle in 1632. [55][58][59], The Duchy of Bohemia was incorporated into the Holy Roman Empire in 1004 during the GermanPolish Wars, that lasted from 1002 to 1018. But as the army of Suleiman drew nearer he yielded and on 23 July 1532 the peace was concluded at Nuremberg where the final deliberations took place. [56] The humanists he invited had a major influence on his son Maximilian. They thus turned the empire into a composite monarchy with the major building blocks being Germany, Italy, Bohemia, and Burgundy. 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