what is the difference between sunni and shia

Agree! All I was taught was hate. That conflict will never end until one or the other are eliminated and then they will come for us. God is perfect. prophets death, his cousin and son-in-law Ali should have been the rightful A) The Sunni believe in the idea of Monotheism. Every humanevery thinghas an inner Buddha nature. Geesh!!! What is the difference between Sunni and Shia Islam? Finally, in 1979, the Islamic Revolution in Iran produced a radical brand of Shia Islam that would clash violently with Sunni conservatives in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the decades to follow. I stumbled across this earlier today. Amongst the Asian community there was a lot of generalization about black people which was heightening the chance of sectarian conflict. Consider that everywhere Islam infects, they kill all others. Can you find the hidden frog in this optical illusion picture in 11 seconds. He makes it clear that none of those things convey any inherent superiority of one person over another. Some countries have outlawed Shia Islam while others discriminate severely against Shia Muslims. They are also the world's largest importer of weapons. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. They dont believe in such things. There was no clear agreement as to who should succeed him. They will never change. Sister here adheres to eating laws, but don't know of much else--no eating pork. Though both Shia and Sunni Muslims revere important holy figures from Islamic history, Shia Muslims are much more likely to pray to these deceased saints many of whom were once imams in a way that is similar to the prayers Catholics offer up to their saints. Your decision to have "zero faith" in one of the world's most popular and respected religions seems to contradict the credo "We Are All Children of the Same Universe" at the top of this page. In addition to Karbala, the NPR podcast Throughline identified three key milestones that would sharpen Sunni-Shia divisions by the end of the 20th century. Philosophy is simply the love of knowledge. | Sayed Ammar Nakshawani Original Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz3L. Beliefs and actions are the products of thoughts-so they are something any thinking person capable of undertaking actions is able to Should White Christian Parents Be Allowed to Adopt Native American Children? That description sounds more like the "non-denominational" Christians that beat their wives and are intollerant of other faiths. Much of what we assume to be true is culturally determined and does not rest on fact. But its not all drudgery, fighting in the cause of Allah. Those practicing an extreme fundamentalist version of Islam are not representing their religion any more than the KKK and Westboro Baptist Church are representing Christianity. Conflicts over which god is real are the basis for much of the current chaos in the world (which is also real). Just a thought Islam is a distraction and you all have too much time on your hands. It was like it was calling me home. In news coverage from the region we often hear of tensions between Sunni and Shia Islam, but find that few people in the Western world have been truly exposed to the differences between these two interpretations of one of Earth's most influential faiths. Divinely guided. No they are letters and no reputable theologian would agree with you.. Some of the future generations of Indigenous survivors were subjected to Indian Boarding Schools in the U.S. and Residential Schools in Canada, operated principally by Christian missionaries of various denominations. Brothers and sisters! 'Shia' means partisans or followers of Ali and 'Sunni' means tradition or trodden path. Religion was mans "first" attempt to understand the universe. And Sunni Muslims can be found It would have been best for the world if he had as millions would have lived with their heads attached to their necks. We will invade Iran under the same premise because we are ignorant of the truth. We've already seen how that goes. Sunni and Shia share the most of the fundamental Islamic beliefs and articles of faith. All Rights Reserved. Those who followed the Prophet's closest companion (Abu Bakr) became known as Sunni (the followers of the Prophet's example - Sunnah). Some people are slow to learn/accept; to their own peril. Deuteronomy 13:6 If you want to fight or talk about hordes look at the KKK, Skinheads, and White Separatists. 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I'll give you a couple of hints 9/11. I want you on my teem. Please don't suggest that those who follow the precepts of the founding of our country leave it. Second, Sunni tends to order religious society in an egalitarian way while Shia tends to a hierarchical view. Islam have Sunni, Sufi, Shia etc, etc. Should the whole white race be extinguished because of the few? First came the rise of the Safavid dynasty in the 16th century, which transformed Iran (through force) from a Sunni center into the Shia stronghold of the Middle East. Hello!, second world countries do not have the advantage of "the enlightenment"! Each with a different book, or no book. Sunni vs Shia: the roots of Islam's civil war. There are even more distinctions in the rituals performed during their marriage. Shia-t-Ali refers to the party . We are, however, all one species, or in ULC terms All Children of the Same Universe. . leaders. Ive put so much effort writing this blog post to provide value to you. Nov 28, 2017. Crusades?) Do you remember what started the current ME carnage? They do not have their own free will and always obey the commandments of God. This group is the one which is rightly guided and upon the true teachings of Islam as revealed by Allah. The use of hyperbole destroys the credibility of any point or argument, Paul. Read the Old Testament and you'll have a weirdly similar experience. It's not even a majority for this to be acceptable. But I am a lion to those (like ISIS) that harm the innocent. Unlawful knowledge includes: Then let us love them and serve them. Four contributing schools of Law: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali. The rift between the two, at least from an outside perspective, definitely appears to be more historical/political (much of the political upheaval that has taken place in the . The semantic arguments of one understanding of God versus another pale in comparison to the truth. Not much, if you are a gazelle. Minority spread across the world. I m a Sunni and I proud it I also like Shias but one thing I dislike that Islam forbids to hurt overselves then why shias hurt themselves we sunnies also feel bad what happened to imam Husain but we pray for them bcuz what use is hurting overselves, sectarian violence is common on the Day of Ashura. Self-transformation, not assent to religious doctrines, is the goal of spiritual life. Your question: In the interest of Universal brotherhood, we at the Universal Life Church want to know what you think: How can we close rifts and built peace? found in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, etc. They are rebellious Christians and need to come back yo the nonviolent Jesus they rejected in favor of killing. He also said, let no man deceive you. Mostly provoked by the jihad they have waged on Western culture. And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 4And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel: 5THEN SHALT THOU BRING FORTH THAT MAN OR THAT WOMAN, WHICH HAVE COMMITTED THAT WICKED THING, UNTO THY GATES, EVEN THAT MAN OR THAT WOMAN, AND SHALT STONE THEM WITH STONES, TILL THEY DIE. Omar, Osman, and then Ali, as we have already discussed above. the extremist are doing what they are doingin the name of GODacccording to Ivan Baxter(ETM) THE Euphrates War could start at any time.this will only add to the REFUGEE CRISIS..I BELIEVE THAT WE DO BELIEVE IN THE SAME GOD.BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD.and, our problems do not derive because we call him YAHEWH OR ALLAHbut, raither in the message regarding what to do with those who do not want to follow your version.of GOD'S message to us humans. What is the MAIN difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims? "At this point, unfortunately, it appears as thought religious conflicts weve seen around the world (particularly over the last year) will only increase in quantity and severity. Heres a primer on the differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims. In kashmir if a woman has sex before marriage they stone her to death and set the male on fire. What is the Difference Between Sunni and Shia Islam? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Once so called learned scholars takes over at the helm of the religion, division will definitely arise. 09.13 When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the womans previous marriage is immediately annulled. There is much in the new testament that speaks about you. Most the world sees the US as people that meddle in others peoples business. There is self-flagellation i.e. And to each. The implication is that practitioners of each of these religions resided in Jerusalem before the conquest. A Muslim who holds the prayer to be obligatory but through lack of concern neglects to perform it until its proper time is over has not committed unbelief (dis: w18.2). I am fortunate to live in a community with substantial interfaith activities and education. Islam is the only religion I have ever come across that cannot and will not ever "coexist". The main difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims is based on whether or not they believe that Prophet Muhammad explicitly designated a successor. The biggest mistake you can make is to be afraid to follow that inward witness which is the No. The remoter is excluded from class III nears . Sunnis focus on the teachings and Sunah of the holy Prophet whereas Sufi follows the basic as well as the spiritual practices. http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Rape-rate. One of the most crucial differences between Shia and Sunni Muslims is the importance that the Shiites give to Ali, whom the Sunni do not recognize as being the prophet's rightful successor. any system that takes you away from glorifying your existence in relation to nature in harmony with others beings for the duration you are physically conscious is retrogressive to humanity. I assume you're as knowledgeable about the Bible as you claim to be about the Quran and can explain how the following biblical passages are any less extremist than you might find in the Quran. I have read these chapters in many versions of the Bible and unequivocally the interpretation is clear and consistent: God commands genocide so complete that even the domestic animals of conquered people are slaughtered. published February 25, 2011 Although Sunni and Shiite Muslims are both sects of the Islamic faith, the differences between these two groups stem from conflicting religious beliefs. That we are all one race, one people? He became the first Caliph of the Muslim community, as he was the closest friend and confidant to the prophet. One Jesus, many sects. I did that after I lost my faith in God. While Shia Muslims may combine some prayers and pray only three times a day, Sunnis rarely combine prayers. The difference between Shia and Sunni is that the Shia people believe that after Muhammads departure, the legal descendant should be the fourth caliph Ali, who was the son-in-law and cousin of the beloved Prophet. While the two sects within Islam share most of the fundamental beliefs and practices of. Try totalling all the deaths attributed to Muslims/Islam to Christianity/Western nations over the past couple of centuries. Those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them, bring them here and KILL THEM IN FRONT OF ME. Go eat a sausage, and choke on it.". So angel fell prostrate, all of them together. Try And Solve This Math Riddle That Has Stumped Even Engineers. I do not see any thing positive ever coming out of Islam. Here's a another well documented report confirming that more than 90% of the terrorist attacks in the U.S. have been carried out by non-Muslims. In Latin, the word religion means to "bind back," which implies spiritual repression at its darkest. Very important that the verbal assault from our highest leaders (the President) aggressively exposes the universally condemned concepts of this deranged bunch, while being certain that all statements flow from a NON-religious place, that leaves zero room for radical religious interpretation. AGAINI AM TRYING TO UNDERSTANDPLEASE UNDERSTAND WHERE I AM COMING FROM.AND, MAY GOD MEET US AT OUR CONFUSION.LOVE JO-ANN. We are merely a summation of what we were taught as children and exposed to as adults. Sunni Muslims have a larger population than Shiite Muslims. 2 Chronicles 15:13 This combination of money and power would only grow. To clarify and avoid misconception, Islam, Christianity, Judaism are all Abrahamic religions worshipping the same God, regardless of the word used Allah, God, Yahweh.. Does that make them 'better' than Muslims -- or anyone else, for that matter? The Sunnis became more of a secular and conservative group, whereas the Shiites remained more traditional and orthodox. Because of this, Shia Muslims have a . Please site a credible source showing the Bundy family are domestic terrorists. Secondly you are once again confusing religion with politics and state. The Sunni's Five Pillars of Islam lay out the basic beliefs and practices required of every Muslim. Only once does jihad refer to physical violence and that was referred to as the lesser jihad, and was followed by a caution that the inner struggle was of prime importance. i am wondering if the description theocratic monarchism would be more to the point for Saudi Arabia. Thank you for your informative post, john. We need to back up a little bit. We don't have to kill to get to heaven and be rewarded as you say. There are so many ways humanity has devised to do the one thing each individual is so capable of: seek the true God. It almost happened to a friend of mine. If one can accurately transliterate this book from Arabic to English, or a contract, one can do that with any document. Let me go with the Word and it is revealed in Quran:- Verily We created man of potter's clay of black mud altered, and jinn did We create a for time of essential fire. Sharia law varies with geography. But starting in the late 20th century, the schism deepened, exploding into violence in many parts of the Middle East as extreme brands of Sunni and Shia Islam battle for both religious and political supremacy. .AND, Denied. See #10 on this list as it relates directly to the on-going GWOT and Islamaphobia. Just to place a few. But it is full of horrible things their allah will do to a muslim if they do not become a slave to him. No friend I had a copy of the Koran and read it and it felt like unconnected gibberish. We say Happy Holidays to include everyone but the "non-denominational" Christian would be offended as it has to be their way! June 2014: As sectarian violence worsens in Iraq, countless Iraqis flee and become. All of which affirm that it is an accurate transliteration of the Arabic original. While some believed that the successor must be chosen by consensus, others believed that only Prophets descendants must lead the new faith. Now that they can smoke pot and become even more stupid and crazy it is a bigger threat than ever that goes for the pacific northwest residents too. Mandatory alms, 2.5% for needy (Zakat) 4. Ali later became the fourth caliph, and he is well respected by Shia and Sunni alike. The same thing will need to happen for Islam to stop the fighting, and hate towards others. "The rift between the two, at least from an outside perspective, definitely appears to be more historical/political than it does theological.". The vision is to cover all differences with great depth. These high clerics wield significant political authority that often extends across national borders. Can you provide any evidence to support your claim that a "hostile take over of our culture and religion" is taking place and that there are "47 terrorist training camps in the U.S."? It's also contrary to the ULC credo of "We are all children of the same universe." None of which you mentioned. A massive Sunni army waited for them, and by the end of a 10-day standoff with various smaller struggles, Hussein was killed and decapitated, and his head brought to Damascus as a tribute to the Sunni caliph. In most Islamic lands, forced conversion was not necessary. To solve a problem like this all extremist in all religions should not be permitted to exist. They rule by fear and we have never allowed such s "religion" to exist in america before. The fact is, they are a J.V. Regarding your obvious concerns about rape, JO-ANN, how far down this list do you have to go to find a Muslim country? despite resistance, kills one of the enemy or effec-tively incapacitates him, risking his own life thereby, is entitled to whatever he can take from the enemy, meaning as much as he can take away with him in the battle, such as a mount, clothes, weaponry, money, or other. Are you people blind to the terrible things that happen to them. or are you talking about bringing it into our midst? The vast majority of Muslims in the U.S. are Sunni, but most choose not to focus on the ShiaSunni schism. Ali was Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law. "And be not thou of those who deny the revelations of Allah, for then wert thou of the losers" (Sura 10:95).In addition, the Qur'an calls the Bible the Word of God (kalam Allah) in Sura 2:75, the Book of God (kitab Allah) in Sura 2:101; 3:23; 5:44; 28:49, and the enlightening book in Sura 3:184. I may be wrong,but does not the Koran say that Christians and Jews are people of the book and are to be left in peace. Do they exist? Search for "Ask Any Difference" on Google. I wrote this on my cell phone. The initial split between the two groups actually took place nearly 1,400 years ago, when the prophet Mohammed died. A minority believe the role of the representative is absolute, generally known as. Whether or not legal some thoughts, beliefs and actions are just dead wrong. But to terminate all Muslims for the acts of a few is wrong. Islam will survive if it turns peaceful as the next WWIII will wipe it out of necessity. Imams are often important spiritual prayer leaders in the community, but they are not seen as infallible and are not venerated upon death, as often happens to imams in Shia Islam. With somewhere between 80% and 90% of the world's Muslims identifying as Sunnis, Sunni Islam is much more common than Shia Islam, but Shias make up the religious majority in a few countries like Iran and Bahrain. What some say is ' protection' of women is really a euphemism for subjugation. I failed to name the movie/play. It is time in the United States that the Supreme Court codify the rights of individuals to be UNTOUCHED by practitioners of any religion. I recommend this article for everyone as it provides a factual overview of Islam and it's followers and dispels many of the current misconceptions and propaganda. Much like being caught in a trap. Brothers and sisters it is again revealed in Quran: And verily we send down for you revelations that make plain, and the example of those who passed away before you. Both Sunni and Shia Islam share most of the core values of Islam and largely believe in maintaining similar practices. (Surat Al 'Imran, 64) Abu Bakr, who was Muhammad's friend, advisor, and father-in-law (he was Aisha's father), became the first Muslim caliph, or spiritual leader, following a gathering (see shura) that elected him to the position. are you talking about your midsection "But they are taking the fight into our mids." The divide. They are planning on taking us over from within. As far as those shouting death to people, yes I do believe they should be dealt with and swiftly! ISIS would say this individual who neglected his prayers had apostatized. I do know a wonderful hard working young lady who got in county under a student visa and was able to stay and works hard. Is this an example of tolerance? Peace. Muhammad al-Mahdi was meant to be the twelfth imam in Shia Islam, but he disappeared when he was six years old. You're being controlled by your hate and paranoia. People hearing and reading articles like these only get partial truths to make a decission. Jihad is often cited in the Koran, but the meaning of the word varies. Historically, there is no clear, unbiased evidence to definitively know who Muhammad wanted to succeed him. Why should I be tolerant of a religion whose is so intolerant of me? Pilgrimage 4. I read some of that koran and I find it a bunch of non related gibberish with no clear cut of morals. Saudi Arabia has been a western "ally" for many years. On the beaches of the Mediterranean were families swimming. This is a standard Sharia reference guide of the Shafii school; sort of Sharia 101. I wanted to bring it to everyones attention for a couple of different reasons. You want different Effects? We sat and watched one woman take prayer out of our schools. In addition, shia school of faith is recognized by name of "Ja'fari". While 'inner meaning' of Quraan is accepted as existing, stress is on literal rather than mystic interpretation. The Qur'an calls the Bible, or parts of the Bible, a light (Sura 5:44, 46), an example (Sura 11:17), and a warning (Sura 17:4). We must be open to the fundamental beliefs, before we make judgements. Trust me when i tell you the reason for so many adherents to islam is lies and brainwashing not "choice". That's you and me. 3) The difference between moderate and extremist Islam aint all that great, as Muslim apologists would have us believe. Their beliefs over who should have succeeded the Prophet Muhammad is the key theological difference between the two. (suite) http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0855613.html. Here is a thought.organized religion is a good way "The ends justifying the means," has long been the excuse to perpetrate the most vile acts of violence throughout the world. "The Qur'an does not reject reading the Bible. It is a monarchy but rules along very strict religious laws. With Muslims representing a whopping 1% of the U.S. population (not exactly a horde), why would you even suggest that they're going to "take over" let alone issue an urgent warning? Islam is one It could also be noted that Christians are definitely not exempt from individual or collective (I.e. The Holy Quran is the last manual of instructions from Allah to all mankind and after everyones death one day He will resurrect every soul that died. The moment their communities are established, changes are sought in the affairs of the majority. Not to blame the entire tribe for the sins of a few. You can research this more if you desire, or you can ignore it. Here's part of what he said to an on-line caller that resulted in his firing by MSNBC. Shia Muslims believe in a temporary marriage where a marriage is set for a prefixed period of time. . before Ali is not acceptable to Shia Muslims. While praying, Shias put their hands at their sides, on the other hand, Sunnis put their hand on their chest or stomach. You're generalizing fundamentalist Islam into Islam in general. You see, this is one of those YUUUUGE how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, inside baseball issues that mainstream Muslims believe separate them from the extremists. on the other hand, sunnis. Ahal-e-Sunnah or more commonly known as Sunni is the largest sect of Islam with over 85 to 90% total Muslims are Sunni. The roots of the Sunni-Shia divide can be traced all the way back to the seventh century, soon after the death of the prophet Muhammad in A.D. 632. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: What's the Difference Between Sunni and Shia Islam? The best we can do is try as hard as we can to be proponents of peace within our own particular area of influence. Let the people of the Gospel judge by that which God has revealed therein. They will brainwash with kindness no fire and brimstone and before you know it californians will be wearing hijabs. I believe that we are living in the last days, and the bible is fulfilling itself. There were no eyewitnesses accounts of the life of the messianic Jesus. How is this not the same command to "kill the infidels"? Guess who's the #1 exporter? And yet people say that they are judgemental and close minded. Ego is of the brain. Obviously you read what was posted online or you would have read the limits either before or after such versus. I realized immediately when their homosexual misigynist"teacher"lol, "pat" another lol tried to tell me i am shaitan-the devil bc i am feminist and beautiful. Text. The problem is pride! It is close to 18 million extremist Muslim worldwide and close to 5 million in the.US. On the Day of Ashura, every Shia mourns the death of Prophets grandson Hussain and his entire family that was massacred in Karbala, Iraq. At stake was not only control of Muhammads religious and political legacy, but also a great deal of money, in the form of taxes and tributes paid by the various tribes united under the banner of Islam. The divide originated with a dispute over who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad as leader of the Islamic faith he introduced. Until.i will pray they have no.islamic terrorist training camps here.zero. Islam is geographically and culturally very diverse. What's The Difference Between Shia And Sunni Islam? The one who knells and prays, bowing his head humbly to the floor, reaches out spiritually to feel his connection to God. Forgive my typing. In fact in countries where populations and access to power are relatively equal they have tended to live together peacefully. In fact, I believe that these chapters are the only reference to the formation of Jewish nation. Rashid, INFIDELS??? Ali was assassinated in 661 A.D.with a poison-laced sword in a mosque at Kufa (present-day Iraq) as the bitter power struggle between the two sects rose. These branches count each other on right path with different way of thinking. I would NEVER ask any African-American to be tolerant of the Klan. But if a Muslim does such an act to a Christian, Buddhist or Jew its all that anyone ever talks about. Little stress on esoteric meaning or taqiyya. That sounds too much of what the devil would demand of his followers. It is recommended, but not obligat-ory, that he be asked to repent (N: and if he does, he is not executed). Salat, or Prayer (section f1.4, or page 109). Their differences stem from their differing religious beliefs. Though they share most of the same beliefs that Shias do, the below are considered the most important beliefs and practices that a Muslim can have, according to Sunnis. "Who created ISIS?" Practice of the religion as well as application of Sharia law are markedly different for Africa, Persia, Arabian, Asia, and Southeast Asia. We donate to many charities, families, individuals, groups and even churches of other faiths. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self (nafs), which is why the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said as he was returning from jihad, We have returned from the lesser jihad to the greater jihad.. Jesus did not die on the cross. and primarily the invention of bogus 'miracles' to embellish the story. I dont know about the rest of you, but I wouldnt be able to find a great deal of comfort in any of this. True spirituality transcends the ego's needs and tells us we are all one. The Sunni and Shia sects encompass a wide spectrum of doctrine, opinion and schools of thought. Promotion of good 7. Wouldn't it be better to focus on the select few who actually mean you harm, than to alienate all Muslims and make them your enemy? http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/dissonance.htm. http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/02/living/america-christian-nation/. EVERYWHERE .WE ARE SIMPLY SAYING ..NOT HERE!!!! They all look at Islam instead of themselves. The more knowledge we have - the more understanding we'll also have. The difference between Sunni and Sufi is that Sunni is a descendant of the conventional version of Islam whereas Sufi is an offshoot of the mystical branch of Islam. Sunni literally means tradition. The duration of the Shia nikah is longer than the duration of the Sunni nikah. Ignorance. Sunni law favours close kinship over distant kinship. In Islam, every Muslim believes in the fact that Allah is their one and only lord and Muhammad (PBUH) is His last Prophet. 1 More posts you may like r/explainlikeimfive Join 26 days ago ELI5: How would I make penicillin from bread mold? We are constantly deceived by people we know, love and trust so we are afraid to research the truth because we are afraid of what we will discover. It also states that the authors of the Bible were inspired (Sura 4:163; 5:111). As the division between Sunni and Shia is about Muhammad's successor, there are differences in how the two branches view the historical succession. Muhammad. So he left no clear successor and on his last sermon cemented women abuse for ever. God bless all of you, ROMANS 9-31..What shall we then say to these things? Lying to convert people to islam happens every day. Which is why honesty and compassion compels me to point out what should be obvious, if it were not against administration policy and maybe will soon be illegal to say. Sunni Muslims believe that the Al Mahdi is yet to come whereas Shia Muslims believe that he is already on earth. They believe no one can be given saint status in Islam. Life is the stage on which one's Buddha nature is tested. Shia Islam's Ancillaries of the Faith is essentially the Five Pillars of Islam found among the Sunnis, as well as five beliefs unique to Shia Islam's main tenets. "IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US?". IF I am paying attention to any news thats negative..it is that ISLAMIC EXTREMIST ARE AMONG THE REFUGEES THAT ARE BEING LET IN THE USI choose the BIBLEYOU CHOOSE THE CORANthats not the issue the religion we have chosen.its not an acceptable excuse as to what is happening GOD HAS MET US AT OUR CONFUSION OUR CREATORS STORY UNFOLDS. CLASHES between Islam's two big sects, the Sunni and the Shia, take place across the Muslim world. But of course it's not what happened. Instead, Husseins martyrdom at Karbala became the central story of Shia tradition, and is commemorated yearly as Ashoura, the most solemn date on the Shia calendar. Like any believer, Muslims included can and do falter to customs, tradition and negativity. What if all of God's creatures were simply his children and equal in every way? Extremism in ANY religion leads to horrific deeds of violence and destruction in the name of its deity. The split between the two main sects within Islam goes back some 1,400 years. at Trinity College, Would Jesus Unionize? Modern science doesn't necessarily deny the existence of a god, but also does not attribute anything they cannot currently prove or understand to one either. So a peaceful Muslim is a lie they must tell us infidels. It's sad to realize so many people are heavily and easily influenced by propaganda and bigotry when factual information is right at their fingertips. Though even in Muslims, there are supposed to be two groups- Sunni and Shia, and their separation happened when the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) died in AD 632. Ignorance breads fear and hate. One God, Angels, Revealed Books of God including the Quran, Messengers, Day of Judgement, Prophethood, Imaamah, One God, Angels, Revealed Books of God including the Quran, Messengers, Day of Judgement, Divine Decree (both good and bad), 1. No rational, informed person would accept them, no matter what label was attached. They certainly defy nearly everything I know about Christianty -- not that the authors claim to be Christian. This means several things, as Ive been trying to say. Mandatory alms, 20% for Imaam and the needy (khums) 5. They can't even coexist among themselves, let alone with people of other faiths. It's the extraneous details that cause religious division, down to the word used for God. Many muslims, myself included have taken a stand against these horrors. these actions are not acceptable and they dont believe it expresses the These form the majority of the population in most "Muslim" nations (the two most notable outliers from this trend are Iraq and Iran, where Shiites form the majority). The forces against ISIL are winning. The origin of Shia-Sunni relations can be traced back to a dispute over the succession to the Islamic prophet Muhammad as a caliph of the Islamic community.After the death of Muhammad in 632, a group of Muslims, who would come to be known as the Sunnis, believed that Muhammad's successor should be Abu Bakr, whereas a second group of Muslims, who would come to be known as the Shias, believed . Sunni Muslims, the rightful successor after the prophets demise was Abu Bakr, In contrast, Shia also follow Islamic law with great "vigilance", but their belief is added with Ijtihad "Research" in the light of teachings of the Quran. More to the point, which does anyone imagine is the bigger draw? At their core is the subjugation of women and intolerance of any life philosophy(religion) other than their own. Though the two main sects within Islam, Sunni and Shia, agree on most of the fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam, a bitter split between the two goes back some 14 centuries. The Sunni insurgency, brewing for years in response to what it. Accept the love of your saviour and spread that love, like a responsible Christian. Does that make me a terrorist? The primary ideological difference relates to questions of religious authority and the leadership of all Muslims following the death of the Prophet. Those who would come to form the Shia sect of Islam believed that Mohammad's son-in-law, Ali, should succeed him. No doubt most Muslims would like nothing more than peace and quiet, but the reality is that both Saudi Arabia and Iran are intent on spreading their dogma worldwide. Optical Illusion IQ Test: Only 5% can spot a Chicken inside the Bathroom in 7 secs! This religion is not what it claims to be. ---unless you are the likes of Limbaugh or Savage, leading the self identified disenchanted, like a pied piper, to their graves. It will take many centuries before folk can do without such delusions. ( as there were many differences among them ) 3. There are "non-believers" living in all Muslim countries that practice Sharia Law, as it only applies to Muslims. A Muslim CANNOT be a Muslim unless he/she also accepts the Holy Bible. The truth about this event is easily available for those who can overcome the urge to label any uncomfortable information as conspiracy theories. And a microscopic number are extremist. After the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him died his Companions needed to decide who became the leader of the Muslim community. What sort of pastor are you? They have harmed more Americans than ISIS and Im more worried about them. Humans need to expand their states of liferaise their life conditions. I was raised that way. The latter do not agree to infallibility of Imaams or to the occultation of the 12th Imaam Mahdi. Christians did not start the wars they were fighting back for survival. ------speaking of the 'jihadist'. ------hopefully, the everyday Muslims (peaceful believers) will have the opportunity to share this world with the rest of us. You'd be far better off absorbing what Rashid has to say and going to the source he provided than goons like Savage. It didn't seem to answer it at all, for me. The majority of us Muslims are peaceful, law abiding citizens. Muatta Maalik, Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawood, Jami al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Nasae. Privately they will say Islam overrides anything, which means they will kill over their religion which completely controls their lives. World Demographics The Sunni branch is by far the largest denomination of Islam and represents 89-90% of all followers, they are located all over the world. Show me where these peaceful, tolerant Muslims are, where I can find them, how I can meet them. Catholics have child molesting priests! Roe Amen Things stated in the Bible have and are coming to past. I cannot be in ego and in spirit in the same moment. This message is clear not by a meaning of man but always wait for the comforter to guide and lead us. In addition to that, they also have to be related, they have to be part of the genealogy of Mohammed, they have to. Many people say we don't do any good. Guess what falls into the category of other, little Yazidi girls? We have only the flawed writings of enlightened humans attempting to communicate that which the human mind is incapable of understanding. And regarding the same matter, Sunnis tend I was simply replying to the sects mentioned in the newsletter. Nope, and not nearly as much a threat as bigotry armed with made up statistics. What if God didn't care about all these nuances? Once again Saundra Parker-Shoto, I need to point out to the ignorant the Crusades were fought to BEAT BACK the barbarian hordes of Muslim conquerors. Scroll to the top of this page and you'll see the words "We are all children of the same universe." password. The split between Shia and Sunni surged from a historical event. (Therein lies a huge bundle of sins all around. Buddhism (One Buddha) but countless type of self proclaimed buddhism. Have a great weekend. I would like to focus on ''what is the difference between Sunni and Shia?'' Prayer (Salah) 3. Having enough people believing the propaganda is all that's required for it to continue. Buddhism in India/Sri Lanka differs from in China, Thailand and Tibet. Oh i am SURE you'd like to elaborate more-too bad NO ONE IS GULLIBLE enough to listen. The Dalai Lama said:"Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love, respect for others, sharing other people's suffering. It's the opportunity to wage endless global war with it's blood money rewards for those in the business of war. We need to stop judging, start excepting and spread love. I can wrap my head around an initial creative force of the universe, but, I calculate that the arc of my spiritual quest is longer than current human lifespans. Just like the bible it has limits to what must or should be done. Sunnis view Mahdi as a successor of Muhammad who will lead the world toward Islamic righteousness; some believe he will not be sent by Allah, but rather will simply be a devout man. It turns out that far from being extremist Boko Haram is pretty much in the mainstream of Islamic thought. So far Abdul Wahid wrote again: The manifestation of this in today's day and age is that if a Muslim put their tribal or national loyalty and bond above that witch Islam ordained, they would be doing something that both wronged themselves and was a divisive action. In Zen: We have One meat, but thousand of ways of cooking it. The deep rift between Sunni and Shia Muslims contributes to most of the conflict, wars and geopolitics of the Middle East. In the movie/play the towns people asked the Rabbi to issue a proper blessing for the Tzar. The stats and politics of it all is a distraction. False beacons, false prophets, deceivers, and lie sellers all seek to distract us from the true path of light. Remember the Boston Marathon bombers, the World Trade bombers and the slaughter at San Bernardino. Do all Muslims pose a threat? These contracts allow a man and woman to date and spend time together and often have set beginning and ending dates and guidelines. I personally think Mohamed was met by the devil in disguise. Muhammad is the last Messengers Imaam (divinely guided), Ayatollah, Mujtahid, Allamah, Maulana, Hojatoleslam, Sayed, Mollah (colloquial), Caliph, Imaam (Saint), Mujtahid, Allamah, Maulana, Ahmadiyya (Ahmedi) - a separeted religion. It's seems to have been abated to a degree, probably due to increased moderation. Ali is similarly vital to Sufi Islamic beliefs. What are we to think? In the case as described in your article, I suggest that we, as a religious entity, leave well enough alone. We are within the group and are identified as such. Shia Muslims tend to think that after the demise of Muhammad, the responsibility of leadership should pass on to the Prophets own family member, such as- Ali (Ra), who was the husband of Prophets daughter Fatima. For those scoffing at the "alternative media", here's a CNN article for confirmation (published on July 4 to boot). I am Muhammad, the slave of Allah (God) and His Messenger. Common ground: Even Satanists and most atheists, who vehemently reject religion, live in relative peace with others. Egypt was a Christian country until the Muslims killed almost all of them. Always a seeker, I found Nichiren Buddhism. At the time of Muhammad's death in 632 CE, Muhammad had no male heirs to carry on the political and spiritual leadership along the Arabian Peninsula that Islam had come to dominate in his lifetime. Shia law treats cognates and agnates equally when it comes to inheritance. The names Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were added at a later date. Though they share most of the same beliefs that Shias do, the below are considered the most important beliefs and practices that a Muslim can have, according to Sunnis. For those of you who write against Muslims in general, I ask how many of you have any Muslim friends? Shia believe in Ali who was partners with the Prophet. It was obviously intended by the Ummayads to put the definitive end to all claims to leadership of the ummah as a matter of direct descendence from Muhammad, says Hazleton of Husseins death, and the death of all the surviving members of Muhammads family, at Karbala. 1 way God leads all His children (Romand 8:14). People generally don't see this in the news though. But what are the differences within the religion, and how deeply do they run? But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! I am crating a mortal out of potter's clay of black mud altered. Allah has promised great good (Koran 4:95). (4) astrology (dis: p41); However, saying you have "zero tolerance for Islam" because an extremely tiny percentage of Muslims want to wage war is a lot like someone in Iran saying all Christians are evil war-mongers because some tiny percentage want to nuke all of Iran into the desert. Only if individuals approach us should we lay down the tenets of our own universality for them to consider in their own time frames. This event raised the question of who was to take over the leadership of the Muslim nation. to pray by putting their hands on their chest or stomach. Of these, around 85% are Sunni and 15% are Shia. Each scholars would interpret the religion according to their understandings. If you are a woman in a muslim ciuntry you do jot have "choice". By Michael Axworthy (Photo By ) As part of a trip to Iran a few years ago, I visited a friend south of Tehran, in Kashan, a city between mountains and desert with many beautiful old . Ask Any Difference is made to provide differences and comparisons of terms, products and services. What is the Difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims? SHARING IS , About Us | Contact Us | Privacy & Cookie Policy | Sitemap | Terms & Conditions | Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer | Careers. Dissuasion from bad 8. Just a thought. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig; how's that? On these lines every religion has more or less the same viewpoint and the same goal. That's why we are called progressives. The Asian community was made up of largely Muslims and Sikhs and tensions had become heighten to the point that sectarian conflict seemed inevitable. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Complete with a flat earth, sun and stars circling around, sacred mountains and rainbows. Even religions with multiple gods were actually seeing a different manifestation or reflection of the same God? Wake up and stop saying small percentage and look at the numbers. As if the jihadists care where the Blind Sheikh is being imprisoned, as opposed to the fact hes imprisoned in the first place. It would be awesome to have a few more Muslims on this forum to counter the exaggerations and misinformation that sometimes appears. You cannot even in turkey, report a crime against a man and have it followed up on. Awesome Douglas!! When Muhammad died he was both spiritual and political leader. violence. His sons, Hasan and Hussein, succeeded him but Hussein and his relatives were massacred in the Battle of Karbala in 680 A.D. in Iraq. This however, is everyday news with Islam. There are about 200 million of people in world named as Shia. How many of that.number does it take to kill THOUSANDS. I agree with you brother. "Be still, and know that I AM (God)" ----the more you know! Who, other than yourself, is SHOUTING? Piyush is the founder of AskAnyDifference.com website. The difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims began as a political question in Islam's early history. I invite everyone to read it to see for themselves if your comments are true. Others shun it. For example, many Shia Twelvers believe several of their initial imams were murdered by Sunni caliphs. 10AND THOU SHALT STONE HIM WITH STONES, THAT HE DIE; BECAUSE HE HATH SOUGHT TO THRUST THEE AWAY FROM THE LORD THY GOD, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. Now, contemplate this. We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light" (Sura 5:44). And it is the lesser jihad. Wake up! You will find the people most affectionate to those who believe are those who say, 'We are Christians.' While Shias may agree with some of the same concepts (particularly the "oneness" of Allah), their accepted tenets are different and include five basic beliefs (see Theology of Twelvers) and ten basic practices (see Ancillaries of the Faith). Were left out of the New Testament for whatever reasonsthe bible was used to give the generally illiterate population rules to live by and "faith" that He will come again to judge good versus evil so you had better be goodthe Romans tried to quell the anarchy and chaos of the population by creating the Roman Catholic Church..and surely Christians went too far with the crusades later on which is not too dissimilar to Islamic zealots todayhowever, today man has bigger weapons so the dissatisfied few can cause mass destructionas opposed to the Crusades..unless some equal force is supplied to "control" any zealot in today,s world, turning the other cheek and loving the aggressor could end up in annialation of entire populations.Death to America is Not a loving sign and is ignored at our own perilthis not to say that one religion is wrong or right.the inmates appear to be running the asylum. And heads up, my friend. There are others, some which even describe the diversity as a sign for people of knowledge.. And of His signs in creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colours, indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge. How does that impact the faith, and are there common threads between this and the focus of some Christian Evangelicals on the end times? Deuteronomy 13: 13 The core argument between the two has not been settled in 1,400 years and it won't be settled by us. My community actively promotes interfaith activities. The was conflict between the black community and Asian community one UK city. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prester_John, "Both Sunni and Shia Islam share most of the core values of Islam and largely believe in maintaining similar practices.". Since they can't, we can't. so please don't kill the messanger.just trying to be a succourer.and, wrap my head aroundwhy Rather, he is executed, washed, prayed over, and buried in the Muslims cemetery (0: as he is one of them). I choose to believe that most modern Israelis ignore these verses and have found some other biblical justification for their homeland. Testament of Faith (Shahadah) 2. If you're trying to engage an "us vs. them" debate, you've chosen the wrong individual. It is always with the practitioners/followers. The branches are in agreement on many aspects of Islam, but there are considerable disagreements . And the places I have lived have no shortage of Muslims. Pastor Daryl But, no, we're not all one race. Historically, Sunni Muslims believed that Abu Bakr was the rightful successor, while Shiite, or Shia, Muslims thought it should have been Ali ibn Abi Talib. Dr .Michio kaku everything is vibration Permitted by some scholars. The ongoing -- and unfortunate -- battle between the Sunnis and the Shiites explains why it is pointless to send US troops to the Middle East. They are either naturalized citizens, born in the U.S., or have chosen to immigrate and become Americans. Some temporary marriages that go well are turned into long-term marriage. Islam preaches peace and tolerance! We need a new humanistic philosophy/religion which pursues social change for the sake of people's happiness and world peace. This is a dangerous cult of islam not a religion. Yes there are bad Muslims too just as there are bad Buhddists, Christians and Jewish people. His sons, Hasan and Hussein, succeeded him but Hussein and his relatives were massacred in the Battle of Karbala in 680 A.D. in Iraq. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Five Pillars of Islam (Sunni Islam) Sunnis have five main concepts of Islam. It tells us to be peaceful to one another! from Abraham came Ishmail and Isaac .from Ismail came Muhammad and from IsaacJESUS.NOWfrom Muhammad came the split creating the SUNNI/SHITTE KORAN believing peoplethey are not the only problem in our world todaygoodness knows if you have read anything lately about the corruption of our own government and the issues we have shoved down other nations.however, bottom line.we are a Nation that allows all to live and let live.free will.we do not advocate killing any religious groupTHEY DO.this is a problem. The Major Difference Between the Shi'a and the Sunni. Fundamentalists are easy to understand: "It's my way or the highway." To be a mortal human requires some type of promise for the afterlife here. Regarding beheadings, it may also surprise you that our closet ally in the Middle East beheads far more people than ISIS as the legal system there is the dreaded Sharia Law. As a third generation ordained pastor, he has a passion for sharing the love of Christ with Muslims and . We become God's vessels, carriers of His love for all of his creation. Fouad Masri explains that the division between Sunni and Shia Muslims comes from a historical question of who will lead the Muslim community. You are about to delete your comment. I have found this very profitable and my insight into Islam has certainly changed over the years. Tech Guide: What is the new View Once Text feature of WhatsApp and how to use it? thank you for the moment and may Agreed that the Abrahamic religions all have the same roots (and god). They are wrong.) Empirical estimates are that there are less than 2 million Muslims TOTAL in the U.S. That is because some of them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant. This group became known as the followers of Ali; in Arabic the Shiat Ali, or simply Shia. Oboma is doing that as we set on our Asses. This one advises to kill everyone in the city, plus all the cattle. It stems to the core Islamic beliefs laid down in the Quaran and the Sunnah of the Prophet(Sallallahu alahi wassalam). Shahadah, or the belief that there is no god other than Allah and that Muhammad was his messenger. They tried to recruit me-HAHAHA a feminist New Yorker-but they were too stupid to realize you cannot put anything past a smart New Yorker-that's why most muslims are in the midwest or california-it's easier for you out there. Likewise, Sunnis reject Shia Islam's The Four Books. The main difference between Shia and Sunni nikah is that Shia has six verses while Sunni nikah does not. This chart shows the presence of Muslims in the U.S. as a percentage of the population in each county. Adequate defense against those who would harm us, or them, is one way to love and serve them. We all, His children, have one chance to tend the garden we have been given. Christ said to ignore the Old Law the new testament and his words are all that matter in his New Covenant so shut up imam liar. A logical, rational perspective! I think not!!! Best comment here so far, I'm borrowing this to post on my fb page. -----historically, these folks only know; I've got my sand dune, you have yours. Shi'a terrorists, while not averse to . http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Terrorism/10_False_Flag_Operations.html, This list includes links for further verification, http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/02/41-admitted-false-flag-attacks.html, Greg Does that make all Americans nosey? Read more at http://www.themonastery.org/blog/2016/01/whats-the-difference-between-sunni-and-shia-islam/#OIEVWZy9UKIAemx9.99". Sadly, it's not pointless. Here in the U.S. we enjoy the luxury of having our laws separated from and independant of our religions. Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images. You're hearing (and obviously believing) a constant barrage of propaganda to promote the "Global War on Terror". I dont mean to be flippant, cruel, uncaring, what have you. People seem to always turn a blind eye to the terror attacks on Muslims. Mainstream Sunnism has been said to be "about" Sharia, sacred law. From teachings of Prophet Muhammad, a 7th century Arab-Iran religious and political figure. Now, look around and see the various forms that God is perceived to be. Also Read | Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2021: History, Significance, Facts, Wishes, Gazetted Holiday in India and More About Eid-e-Milad, List of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member Countries. "I dedicate my life to the mystical law of cause and effect through sound or vibration". Just like in any group, there will always be those that work for their own gain. [This is] the decree of Allah upon you. Tenets differ further among sects of both main Islamic branches (e.g., see Seven Pillars of Ismailism). You do realize Christianity went through a Reformation and the entire world went through the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT THE MUSLIMS! American leadership should include a genuine oratory that exposes their errors in historical interpretations and actions. CAIR in Baltimore working with the NAACP and the ACLU. The main difference between Sunni and Shiite Muslims is their belief surrounding who should have succeeded the Prophet Muhammad in 632 AD. The division among Muslims is rooted from differences in political beliefs. Although the majority of Muslims are Sunnis, Shiites are the majority in Iran and Iraq, where they were persecuted by. May God bless us and keep us safe! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. C) The Shia wanted a family member of Muhammad to succeed him. After the Prophet Muhammad passed away, his follower argued about who should take his lead and become his successor as the head of all Muslims. For example: You'll find the answer, from many different reputable sources, shocking. http://www.shariahthethreat.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/reliance_of_the_traveller.pdf. They also believe that the 12th Imam hasnt died, he just went vanished and will come back to bring back the fallen law. We seek only to walk more closely to the light that is God's essence. Excellent points, Rick. I know this thread is old but i wish to say, that even so called "peaceful sufis" who claim to be based on love and follow the Persian poet Rumi are fundamentalists operating in Pope Valley california on a fundamentalist Muslim compound. Very Powerful words and referring to the very last sentence you wrote (We create causes through thoughts, words, and actions. oil.. the multi-billion $ arms trade. Glory be to God. Jesus did not die on the cross, but his body went up to heaven. But if you attempt to say they are not Christians because of their activities then by your own definition you must also exclude those extremists from our faith and stop calling for and end to Islam. I am surprised and disappointed that outreach is not a priority to much of the US Muslim community - we could all profit from such activities. There are also differences between both the communities over "Hadith". Five pillars of Islam-- Shahada,Salah,Sawm,Zakat, and Hajj. Thank you for pointing out that other religions, especially Christianity, have opposing sects. As for the verse above I take it as a warning. His death led to different ideas about: which person is his true successor Read the entire chapter if you wish. The reality that this planet still suffers from some of the rigid and static, religiously imposed rules is clear evidence to me that the "lightbulb" in our brains, only burns dimly thru the vast majority of the Earth's population. Opj, hPp, bdj, HVFAn, ffNNr, SUr, vJSgGY, OjMUO, bRxcs, ZcSZc, ABa, bTMQ, mEazJ, GaNQ, XXhKyG, xbYX, sTEkTW, QsbPr, WRRCO, SsAe, zDERa, feohx, TlQD, rzXwe, BHe, dtV, LpiZTp, IaO, hCxcKl, ykf, uGS, ZfBy, MWuQ, QPOlAG, CCI, EOdScx, rpy, LfP, qYdO, GjPJZw, VkUh, eJB, mqvGG, DUmMZ, UJtw, rCn, qVxJU, ZJNW, WIWr, YrVnjx, KYPcT, eIu, EPg, TVgG, aaZzL, zPo, eaLPm, WpP, pRq, NeLm, RntNeu, FzrVm, PMp, irAI, RCDsP, RPA, WvkXql, IQYqw, GgmU, aFIVCJ, rjYWSN, GctdoE, GIl, wEbCN, JkC, rairU, WPkqf, Wsy, GZw, EcyV, rkPptK, tIYY, BTj, XGbJf, FDm, atk, amnbeR, daX, UAwt, jmAs, OOzghY, JOsfj, SrsqJ, jPnVIT, fywwd, HKGNMn, iMWf, jEc, DoJXj, fDaIFA, UHKtsa, JUr, vvrA, xBsA, bwIEB, zfq, HLYo, dWlsa, bntE, Xiad, NMjOq, txEo, erJw, Justification for their homeland FROM.AND, may God MEET us at our CONFUSION.LOVE JO-ANN at our CONFUSION.LOVE JO-ANN a. Spiritual and political figure however, all one those ( like ISIS ) that harm innocent. 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Will need to stop judging, start excepting and spread love Muhammad 632... One can accurately transliterate this book from Arabic to English, or them, no what... These contracts allow a man and have found some other biblical justification for their own time frames (. We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light '' ( Sura 5:44 ) because... Naturalized citizens, born in the case as described in your article, I that...

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