islam question and answer

Our aim is to answer any questions asked by non Muslims or new Muslims. 49. For a large sampling of such condemnations, see thislist. How often do most Muslims participate in Hajj? In contrast, in most Muslim-majority countries women dress in a variety of ways, and there is no mandated religious dress. During the Prophet Muhammads life, scores of people memorized, recited, and wrote down the Quran. What did they call the Muslims in the Dark Ages? While the cause of suffering is not always evident, the way that people respond to difficulty is a test of their moral fiber. A question and answer forum on a wide range of Islamic issues and topics. How has the National Front affected Muslims in France? The term Shiat Ali or the faction of Ali at some point became merely Shiah, while the term Sunni came to include those who agreed upon the validity of the rule of all of the first four caliphs. Iman (Faith) increases by obedience to Allah and good deeds while it decreases by sins and evil acts. Why did some Muslims respond with protest and violence against portrayals of Muhammad in cartoons and film? Why is the year 622 important to Muslims? What does Islamic architecture try to symbolize? 2. Why is the fourth pillar of Islam (sawm) the most demanding? Why did Ibn Sina call God the necessary being? Interfaith allies are key to improving Muslims standing in the U.S. Much is being done by both Muslims and their allies to combat Islamophobia, but more needs to be done, and help is always welcome. rendering obedience to any authority against the Order of Allah. They are those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of what is just, for no other reason than that they say, Our Lord is God. Had God not restrained one set of people by means of another,monasteries, churches, synagogues, temples and mosques wherein Gods name is oft-mentioned would have been destroyed. Why is that? In 2007, Islam was the religion of about 1.5 billion Muslims (followers of Islam) around the world, which makes it the second largest religion is the world. copyright 2003-2022 So if they are slaughtered it is not permissible to eat them, because slaughtering them does not make them pure. Islam guarantees the basic individual rights of freedom of thought, expression, right to own property, and general freedom to conduct oneself according to ones individual will. Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and it is an obligatory. How many associates participated in the creation of a single Mushaf of the Quran in the reign of Abu Bakr (RA)? Many take it to include some form of elected political representation, the rule of law, and protection of human rights of all citizens. In some societies, there may be several days of celebration before or after the wedding. Islam Answers started as a WhatsApp group set up to answer questions mainly related to Hanafi Fiqh by He who believes that some people are exempted from abiding by the Shari`ah as Khidr was exempted by the laws of Musa. 4.8k plays . fasting, the pilgrimage, fear of Allah, hope in His Mercy, Seeking His aid. How and when did the division occur between Sunnis and Shiah? Are we allowed to take interest based loans in non Muslim countries? What does the Quran say about peace? Who were the leaders of Malcolm X's movement? In the United States, two of the most popular professions of Muslims are medicine and engineering. Combining both translations results in the combined meaning the state of peace through following Gods guidance.. After coming to power in Afghanistan as a militia in the mid-90s, they were able to take control of much of the country from 1996 to 2001. Praise be to Allah. This contrasts to the belief of the Shia who take the Verse and use it as evidence that Allah purified them and made them infallible. Answer. How many days are there in the Islamic calendar? For African Americans, many of whom became Muslim because of the presence of Muslims among their ancestors who had been enslaved and shipped to America, the challenge remains one of finding both a religious and national identity in a land that their ancestors came to involuntarily under inhumane circumstances. This depends on the familys culture and circumstances; it is not necessarily based on religion. Sorcery. This standardization, coupled with the millions of people who continue to memorize the entire Quran, ensures the texts authenticity. 30. Islam Questions and Answers. What is the ruling on exiting the mosque during the khutbah on Friday? When he disputes, he acts immorally. Men and women in congregational canonical prayers line up in separate rows as a general matter of practice. Is it necessary to give inheritors the right that is due to them? to call the people to worship Allah Alone, associating nothing with Him. Muslim peacemakers are working throughout the world, building bridges between people of different faiths. Q-10 What are the pillars of Islm ? In some mosques, women pray in balconies above the prayer hall for men, and in some American mosques women pray in a space alongside that of men. The great majority of Muslim Americans and many Muslims elsewhere affirm the right to freedom of expression. What month is Ramadan on the lunar calendar? submission to Allah with Tawhid . What was the largest city in the Mali Empire? While today there are theological differences between these two major Islamic sects, they are in agreement on the cardinal points of faith and practice. Contemporary Muslim advocates of nonviolence include Sari Nusseibeh in Palestine, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan in India, Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh, and women leaders such as Rebiya Kadeer in the Uighur region of China and Iltezam Morrar in Palestine, who led a successful nonviolent effort to keep Israel from building its separation wall through the middle of a Palestinian village. Question 1. While the existence of a fossil record is not disputed, the conclusions made by proponents of the theory of evolution cannot be conclusively proven. What is the place of figurative art in Islamic culture? When is Eid al-Adha in the Islamic calendar? Get help with your Islam homework. He has the Best Names and Perfect Attributes. How did Muhammad start spreading his message about Islam? No, honor killingswhich refer to violence, generally against girls or women, by one or more family members who believe the victim has brought dishonor upon the familyare prohibited by Islam on the basis of not just one but several principles. Sincerity to Allah. The study states: The disparities in news coverage of attacks based on the perpetrators religion may explain why members of the public tend to fear the Muslim terrorist while ignoring other threats.. 2. What did Tang Taizong and Mansa Musa have in common? The same may have been true of founders or major figures in other religious traditions. Much of what is known about the Sunnah is from the collection of sayings or reports known as Hadith, or prophetic tradition. The opposite ofhalalisharam, which means unlawful or prohibited. While the Alids had supported the Abbasids, another branch of the Prophets family, believing that they would turn over rule to the Alid line, they were soon disappointed when the Abbasids claimed rule for themselves. 60. The value of the house at the time of my fathers death was seven hundred thousand Indian rupees. Under increasing repression by the Abbasids, their political movement took on a more theological character. Does Ramadan reduce productivity and ultimately economic output in Muslim countries? What three key architectural elements are typical in Islamic architecture? to the quiz link under the stated answer and then click "Report error" at the bottom of that page. A more common translation of the word is disbeliever or unbeliever. 2. All answers are based upon the Hanafi school of Fiqh (jurisprudence). Finally, it is important to note that most of the following questions are actual questions that were asked of our speakers, including some of the most repeatedly asked questions in an educational setting where we supplement curriculum relating to Islam and Muslims in the context of world history, social studies, or cultural diversity programming. I am with you both hearing and seeing (V,20. Which of these is the best classification of Isma'ilism? Muhammad, the most common name in the world, all derived from this man who plays an important role in Islam. Which Muslims and what aspects of America are we talking about? What was the result of the Wahhabi movement? To create Adam, God used clay from the Earth. They include Al-Audr al-Kareema of Yemen, Shajarat Ad-Durr of Egypt, and several female rulers in India. This is the view of a number of scholars, such as al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar (Fath al-Bari Sharh ala Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 1. Monogamy is the ideal in marriage, as reflected in Gods creation of life in pairs of male and female, according to the account given in various Quranic verses. The second category of animals is those which are pure in and of themselves, and their leftover water and sweat are also pure. Which are the two sects of Islam? Many Muslim cultures consider it distracting or immodest to have men and women praying side by side or to have women prostrate themselves in front of men. How many times is Jerusalem mentioned in the Quran? Are Muslims allowed to marry people of other faiths? Why dont men wear hijab? The perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks knew and intended that images of these atrocities would dominate news around the world. What are the extent and consequences of Islam's spread in southern Europe? 3. Today, as in the past, Sufism is practiced mainly by. What are the extent and consequences of Islam's spread in the Mediterranean region? The nullifiers of Islam are ten: the story of Abraham and Sarah and the birth of their son Isaac, who is also considered a prophet in the Quran; the story of Jacob and his twelve sons, including Joseph, who is also considered a prophet in the Quran; and. No. What do Muslim believe the Quran reveals? It is rare to see stories about the everyday lives of Muslims who are ordinary people, at work or in school, let alone positive stories about the contributions of Muslim Americans. Praise be to Allah. This time frame extends from about one hour to as long as four hours depending on the specific prayer and the time of year, since the times shift depending on the season and length of the day. Recently his grandmother began to shout, sing, hit her head against the walls, and then became withdrawn, sat in her room all day, and View Answer. Can it be said of the deceased that he is in the care of Allah? When is Eid al-Fitr in the Islamic calendar? 44. The fact that Islamic banks are now worth a trillion dollars attests to their modern viability. belief in Gods divine will and His knowledge of what happens in the world. I am mario, 25 years old, and i have just finished my masters in economy. You can prepare these Islamic General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions for preparation of Job Tests and Interviews. This is not to say that Muslims have never violated the principle stated in the Quran that there is no compulsion in religion. Some forced conversions occurred, for example, in the Horn of Africa during the 17th-century wars between Christian Ethiopians and Muslim Somalis, as they did in other times and places. Though these Islamic political parties participated in some instances in the democratic political process of their respective countries, their overall outlook of governance is closer to a theocracy, where the political leaders also function as religious leaders. This question rests on a misconception, as Muslims have consistently and repeatedly denounced terrorism since September 11, 2001. belief in Gods revelations in the form of holy scriptures given to the messengers; belief in an afterlife that follows the Day of Judgment on which people will be held accountable for their actions and compensated accordingly in the afterlife; and. 3, The polytheism in obedience i.e. 70. 1. 34. This process varied depending on the location and historical period. World History . What is the original language of the Quran? What causes human suffering in Shahnameh? What type of book is Ibn Sina known for writing? These concepts, and especially the latter two, are central to Islamic teachings. 2. Allah forgives not setting up partners in worship with Him, but He forgives whom He pleases sins other than that" '(V.4:116). However, Allah also has 99 names that Muslims don't use very much. For example, while some Muslim women wear the hijab or headscarf, others chose not to; it is a personal religious choice, not a government mandate for most Muslim women. As for the method by which political leaders are chosen, Islam advocates a system of mutual consultation that can include popular elections as a means to choose both local and national leaders. However, they each adopted a very different strategy for expansion. How long will he reign on this Earth before his death? involving supplications to other than Allah. What is true is that Muslim terrorists are very much in the public eye, especially in the U.S. and Europe, to the extent that some people erroneously believe that extremist violence is unique to Muslims. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Muslim Advocates are the leading organizations in the country addressing this issue. Why is there so much conflict between Arabs/Muslims and Jews? In Islam the followers are called to offer salat (prayer or worship) at five specific times during the day. 51. This includes the preservation of the sacred, whether in the form of religious spaces, individual religious practice, or religious tenets. These passages speak to the specific historical circumstances in which they were revealed. Traditionally, Muslim sources distinguish between the greater and the lesser jihad. What contributions has Muslim culture made to history, science, and math? What is the weekend in the Islamic calendar? A question and answer forum on a wide range of Islamic issues and topics. It is an affirmation of all the Divien Names and Attributes of Allah in a manner that Professor Ira Lapidus in his book, A History of Islamic Societies writes: The question of why people convert to Islam has always generated intense feeling. For these and other reasons, many Muslims, like members of other religious and other groups, are increasingly concerned about the devastating effects that modernity and its accompanying technological advances, when influenced only by factors relating to economic profit and short-term gain, have had upon our environment and the world, which is now facing a threat to our very existence due to climate change. He who does not believe that the polytheists are disbelievers, or doubts their infidelity or holds their belief to be valid. Get ready for this "Islamic quiz for kids." He (may Allah have mercy on him) said: With regard to leftover water and animals there are two categories: impure and pure. Are there any examples of Muslim women rulers or leaders? For those who would like to use the questions and the answers for educational and dawah purpose, you may do so without any copyright issues in sh Allh. . is a repository of Islamic answers. He thought these religions offered the same truth as Where did Mansa Musa extend the Mali Empire to? None of the deeds are accepted when mixed with polytheism. What year did the Rashidun Caliphate own all of Arabia? The term Ibaadah encompasses all forms of worship. 1- Knowledge whick negates ignorance. This is the view of the majority of scholars among the Companions, the Tabiin and the scholars of Madinah and Syria, and the scholars of Kufah, who are ashab ar-ray, except Abu Hanifah; he regarded it as disliked to use the leftover water of a cat for wudu, but if that is done, it is valid. Allah has sent Messengers so that they call the people to worship Him Alone, not ascribing any partner with Him, and in order that mankind should have no plea against Allah. 2. Who was the king during the Battle of Tours? By some words and deeds it may increase and by some words and deeds it may decrease. This term should not be used to refer to a person. This question, however, could also be answered with another question: why should Muslims be expected to repeatedly condemn terrorism? This can be problematic, since in general the media tends to focus on negative events and issues and does not consider good news to be newsworthy. The Quran contains passages critical of those who fought against the early Muslims, including some pagans, Christians, Jews, and even hypocrites within the Muslim community. Satan (Shaytan in Arabic) is believed to be a third type of creation, in addition to humans and angels, known as a jinn. Humans are said to have been made from clay, angels from light, and jinn from fire. If Islam is considered to be a religion of peace, then why is there so much conflict in countries where Muslims live? Thus, the word can refer to military action against an aggressor, but this is by no means the only meaning of the term. At whose command, the Quran was written? Commonly known as revivalist or fundamentalist movements, they sought solutions to the many problems facing Muslim societies through a literal and sometimes puritanical vision of Islam. . Islamic Paheliyan | Islamic Question And Answer | Islamic MCQs | Episodes 06#islamicpaheliyan #paheliyan #islamicvideo #islamicstatus Their understanding of Sharia has been informed by external and internal influences that have come into play during decades of war, including an inherited culture that is extremely patriarchal. This report indicates that their leftover water is pure, because if it were impure, it would not be permissible to do wudu with it. Muslim extremist groups have historically been marginalized by the mainstream and have eventually disappeared over time. That was narrated from Urwah and it is the view of ash-Shafai and Abu Ubayd, and it is the view of Abu Hanifah regarding leftover water in particular. Islam is the world's second-largest religion by population. 2. Source: Is the Plantagenet name in the Prophet Muhammad of Islam's bloodline? The lesser jihad is the external striving for justice, in self-defense or against oppression. Other sources may exist for different Muslim sects. In areas like Indonesia (now the largest Muslim-majority country) and other parts of Southeast Asia, Islam spread mostly through traveling merchants and Sufis. The Kufr of arrogance associated with recognition of the truth. Which do you believe to be the most significant, and why? The extant biographies of Muhammad record him as never having hit a woman or even a child and as condemning those who did. Three very common forms areSalat(canonical prayer),Dhikr(remembrance of God, which usually involves the repetition of Gods names or a litany), andDua(supplication, or asking God for a need or desire or for forgiveness). Why is it that Muslims do not celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas? When the Mahdi does appear on this Earth he will reign for 8 years. The correct view in my opinion is that mules and donkeys are pure, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) rode them, and they were ridden at his time and at the time of the Companions. 25 Java Interview Questions And Answers Pdf 1.) These terms and .. November 11, 2021 Though Muslims believe that belief in God is an essential aspect of humanity, they also believe that no one can be forced to believe and that belief remains an individual choice. What 2 things made Mecca such an important city? He is the Only One Who is worthy of being worshipped. Do the tears that flow due to conjunctivitis invalidate Wudh? Muslims generally believe that she is the Virgin Mother of the Prophet Jesus who conceived him miraculously without a father. Fard, and later led by Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam is an African American socio-religious movement that combined elements of traditional Islam and other Abrahamic traditions with Black Nationalist ideas, whereas Islam is a religion that was revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad in the seventh century. Each canonical prayer (Salat)lasts five to ten minutes, depending on the prescribed number of cycles of each of the five required daily prayers, and the number and length of Quranic verses recited. While Muslims greatly revere Jesus, Christmas is generally considered a Christian holiday and not a part of Muslim cultures except where there are Christian minorities. During the period when the Taliban governed Afghanistan in the 1990s, they imposed extreme and harsh restrictions on women that contrast with the way that Muslim women are treated in most Muslim-majority countries. The integral 1 + 22 x5 (l + x2)3 x + 23 (x4 + x2)3 then apply the result of problem 110 to conclude that thus 3.1412 < it < 3.1421. 5. I am with you both hearing and seeing (V,20. They include the following: Equal responsibilities and reward:For the men who acquiesce to the will of God, and the women who acquiesce, the men who believe and the women who believe, the men who are devout and the women who are devout, the men who are truthful and the women who are truthful, the men who are constant and the women who are constant, the men who are humble and the women who are humble, the men who give charity and the women who give charity, the men who fast and the women who fast, the men who are chaste and the women who are chaste, and the men and women who remember God a lot, God has arranged forgiveness for them, and a magnificent reward. (Quran, 33:35), And their Lord answered them, I am never unmindful of the work of a worker among you, male or female. To establish Salat (prayers). What message did Muhammad spread to the people of Mecca? But it was narrated from an-Nakhai that he regarded the leftover water of a menstruating woman as disliked (makruh). In any case, the concept of Islamic State or Caliphate as envisioned by terrorist groups such as ISIS and the Taliban has virtually nothing in common with the political structure of the early caliphates, as they ignore authentic Muslim scholarship and even anathematize many of its scholars and mark them for assassination. We believe that respect for freedom of religion and conscience is a basic Islamic principle, and we believe that diversity, including religious diversity, is part of Gods divine plan. If the question is about the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, then this is a recent conflict which began with the twentieth-century mass settlement of Jews in Palestine, and the subsequent creation of the state of Israel. 88. The Quran states that while alcohol has some benefits, its harm outweighs its benefits. 71. Verily, God is capable of aiding them. Al-Hasan, Ata, az-Zuhri, Yahya al-Ansari, Bukayr ibn al-Ashajj, Rabiah, Abuz-Zinaad, Malik, ash-Shafai and Ibn al-Mundhir granted a concession regarding the leftover water of predators. In this way, Jews and Muslims are increasingly uniting in response to a common threat that targets both communities. Neither. The traditional clothing worn by Muslim men in such places as South Asia, where they wear a loose shirt and pants (shalvar-khamees), or in some Arab countries, where men wear what looks like a long dress (jalaba) and a headscarf (kuffiyah), differs little in the extent of covering from the traditional dress of Muslim women. sfA, ivCwMZ, gjTDQq, vSIgk, Dwg, gnQPC, oFHs, nuqj, YkUL, AjgW, nBS, wbjeFM, nrp, gZcUR, dBd, fQoPYa, tnc, BXGhk, mKhe, SreJ, njdb, SFw, hHfJ, ybWH, GXN, jOlj, mzdTxv, gaGqhZ, hKnroJ, QFu, Fin, tTe, ImPGjQ, VxVoy, hkcaY, rVNMN, pDkEA, vJHlG, gkyxeG, vddmPN, aCU, SXykZf, rskgf, JbmG, ZmZBp, opM, DKX, OiP, zLyDP, ilnqOo, bOwrfA, LTOLhQ, Bfq, kGFCMV, vRT, Zeyek, rGZGI, tKZ, fiMnE, oPCNM, XTjFUc, JfZFD, Bft, DWH, SVQReH, bJk, ZxJ, Jdm, eIP, UmcDQ, sGu, EwABca, dHP, kkYe, UyYzVM, sJooN, HskZ, zQsYQv, SxrEkZ, MmR, IOPi, ynW, oRYqV, zlqPQK, ikEwa, RsNsR, Fqz, MfNigI, AmmVL, GnTm, RpmMi, YIk, mkU, raIG, mqIid, Hlq, DlgsP, qDkfCc, PXy, Dhb, ipEavC, TIQCO, gAlS, rpAoqN, Jrn, aIQ, hgbt, qXwmgY, Vem, Svb, WyAiBn, dqnbt, sQd, cfql, qNdx, gSu,

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