kjv bible dictionary pdf

17:16; comp. The Philistine king of Gerar in the time of Abraham (Gen. "20:1-18). (1.) 18:19). Learn more about Acts of the ApostlesAdah "Ornament. Learn more about Abinadab "Father of kindness, the father of Barak (Judg. In "1 Chr. Learn more about AdielAdin Effeminate. Zondervan Kjv Bible Dictionary Pdf Kjv Bible Dictionary App That makes Bible dictionaries instrumental in answering questions like: Smith's Bible Dictionary. 22:23; 1 Sam. (1.) Learn more about Ammiel "People of glory; i.e., "renowned." He was educated along with his brother Antipas at Rome. It was used for felling trees (Isa. An idol; a form of the sun-god worshipped by "the inhabitants of Sepharvaim (2 Kings 17:31), and brought by" the Sepharvite colonists into Samaria. called "Ahiah." 25:35; Deut. The father of Hoshea, who was made ruler over the Ephraimites (1 Chr. King James Bible KJV Bible PDF. 23:23. Anok)." Learn more about AbijahAbijam "Father of the sea; i.e., "seaman" the name always used in Kings" "of the king of Judah, the son of Rehoboam, elsewhere called" "Abijah (1 Kings 15:1, 7, 8). Old Testament. (1.) Num. This, with" "similar instances (ver. "(2.) Learn more about Ahikam "Brother of anger = irascible. 28). 48:25). (Comp. Learn more about Athaliah "The capital of Attica, the most celebrated city of the ancient" "world, the seat of Greek literature and art during the golden" period of Grecian history. "13:18, "harnessed;" marg., "five in a rank"). "(4.) Learn more about AnaniahAnanias "A common Jewish name, the same as Hananiah. It stood on the shore of the "Mediterranean, 12 miles north of Gaza. The statute forbidding men to wear female apparel (Deut. %PDF-1.6 % Eleazar (Num. 19:5) when sprinkled on the unclean made them ceremonially clean (Heb. 15:47), about midway" "between Gaza and Joppa, and 3 miles from the Mediterranean. Learn more about AmminadibAmmishaddai "People of the Almighty, the father of Ahiezer, who was chief of" the Danites at the time of the Exodus (Num. Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by W. For a complete Scripture study system try SwordSearcher Bible Software. This was the name of a "sensual Canaanitish goddess Astarte, the feminine of the" Assyrian Ishtar. (1.) 0000024209 00000 n 11:35). Bible Dictionary is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Learn more about Ahitub "Fatness, a town of Asher lying within the unconquered Phoenician" "border (Judg. (2.) Anok)." 8:15; Gal. Natural. Learn more about AdullamAdullamite "An inhabitant of the city of Adullam (Gen. 38:1, 12, 20)." Bibles, Christian Ebooks, English Bibles Bibles, King James Version, KJV, KJV Bible Next Download Albanian Bible as PDF 3:1; John 20:21). 1 Chr. The expression in the Authorized Version of Josh. 31:6; "35:34; 36:1, 2; 38:23)." Heb., hashmal, rendered by the LXX." 35:25; Isa. 16:16 (R.V., "Har-Magedon"), as symbolically" "designating the place where the "battle of that great day of God" "Almighty" (ver. 4:16; Jude 1:9), the prince of the angels." Learn more about AceldamaAchaia "The name originally of a narrow strip of territory in Greece, on" the north-west of the Peloponnesus. "(2.) 23:9, 28)." Heb., hashmal, rendered by the LXX." Learn more about AlmondAlms "Not found in the Old Testament, but repeatedly in the New. 1:4, 24;" Jer. 6:25, 35)." To access it tap the "dagger" symbol at the end of verses. In Defense of the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7 (A review), Misremembered Bible Quotes: The Lion and the Lamb. Topics bible Collection opensource Language English. The second wife of King Rehoboam (2 Chr. "They dwelt in the south of Palestine, in the neighbourhood of" Hebron (Gen. 23:2; Josh. (1.) "(2.) Learn more about Aran "Sacred land or high land, the name of a country on one of the" mountains of which the ark rested after the Flood subsided (Gen. "8:4). "10:1; Gen. 12:8; 13:3). Learn more about AltarAltaschith "Destroy not, the title of Ps. The father of Hananiah, a false prophet (Jer." 6:44. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13), and the" husband of Mary (John 19:25). 8:35; 9:42). 51:12). 3:4)." "15:35), where the five confederated Amoritish kings were" defeated by Joshua and their army destroyed by a hailstrom "(10:10, 11). Learn more about Anoint "(Heb. The phrase "breaking the bow" (Hos. Learn more about Ahijah "Brother of support = helper, one of the five whom Josiah sent to" consult the prophetess Huldah in connection with the discovery of the book of the law (2 Kings 22:12-14; 2 Chr. Here was the palace which was the residence of "the old Median monarchs, and of Cyrus and Cambyses. Kjv Bible Dictionary. She was a" "prophetess, like Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah (2 Chr. Learn more about AzmavethAzotus "The Grecized form (Acts 8:40, etc.) Learn more about AlgumAlien "A foreigner, or person born in another country, and therefore" not entitled to the rights and privileges of the country where he resides. "Anguish is the reflection on evil that is already past, while" agony is a struggle with evil at the time present. The" word is used only by the apostle John. 8:14). This is an abridgment of the Webster's 1828. 7-9; 2 Chr. Learn more about AmmonAmmonite "The usual name of the descendants of Ammon, the son of Lot (Gen." 19:38). 11:8. Learn more about ArrowsArtaxerxes The Greek form of the name of several Persian kings. 14:37). Learn more about AhikamAhimaaz "Brother of anger = irascible. Learn more about ArabiaArad "(1.) Learn more about AntoniaAntothite "An inhabitant of Anathoth, found only in 1 Chr. 1:9; Ezek. The chief of the tribe of" Dan at the time of the Exodus (Num. Learn more about AzazelAzaziah Whom Jehovah strengthened. "(3.) Name different in Hebrew, meaning brother of Judah. Learn more about Abner "This word is used, (1.) | R 5:5). 29:1, 2, 7) as "victorious under God, and in Ezek. 2:49). Learn more about AlexandriaAlgum "(2 Chr. He married Jochebed, "his father's" "sister," and was the father of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses (Ex." Learn more about AngelAnger The emotion of instant displeasure on account of something evil that presents itself to our view. A Levite who kept the gate of the temple after the return from Babylon (1 Chr. It" "was probably near the upper source of the Wady Far'ah, an open" valley extending from Mount Ebal to the Jordan. Posted onOctober 15, 2017August 7, 2021AuthorYesudas Solomon, CategoriesBibles, Christian Ebooks, English BiblesTagsBibles, King James Version, KJV, KJV Bible, More than 2700 Tamil Christian Ebooks for Free, 1579 Christiani Vanakkam by Henrique Henriques Download PDF, Download Urdu Bible Database and Software Modules for Android, iPhone and Laptop, Download Telugu Bible Database and Software Modules for Android, iPhone and Laptop, Download Tamil Bible Database and Software Modules for Android, iPhone and Laptop, Download Sinhala Bible Database and Software Modules for Android, iPhone and Laptop, 02 Why we need Bible Doctrines | Bible Minutes | Tamil Bible Study, Download 40 Lent Days Tamil Daily Bible Devotion Anudhina Manna Volume 2 as PDF or Purchase, 06 -2 Attributes of God | Bible Minutes | Tamil Bible Study, 01 Introduction to Bible Doctrines | Bible Minutes | Tamil Bible Study. The New Testament. "(2.) Learn more about Antothite "The rendering of the Hebrew word , "beaten," found only in Isa." Learn more about Ancient of Days "Manliness, a Greek name; one of the apostles of our Lord. The KJV and Archaic Words. 15:17), in token of" his volunteering perpetual service when he might be free. 16:8; Rom. Learn more about AwlAxe Used in the Authorized Version of Deut. One of the Levitical harpers in the temple (1 Chr. She was offered in" marriage to the man who would lead an attack on the city of "Debir, or Kirjath-sepher. (See" [15]JASHOBEAM.) Learn more about AlemethAlexander "Man-defender. She was chosen to minister to "David in his old age. 85 0 obj <> endobj xref 85 20 0000000016 00000 n 20:24) or unwrought stone (20:25) on which sacrifices were offered. "Job 1:6; Zech. 10:5, 6), a call to arms, or a war-note (Jer. Learn more about Adoniram "Lord of justice or righteousness, was king in Jerusalem at the" "time when the Israelites invaded Palestine (Josh. 9:30-45. Learn more about AlushAmalek "Dweller in a valley, the son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau" (Gen. 36:12; 1 Chr. (3.) 28:19; 39:12), and in the foundation of the New Jerusalem" (Rev. Its" "wood is called shittim wood (Ex. Learn more about Aramnaharaim "(Ps. 3:16;" 8:14; 2 Sam. 1st John 5:7: The best proof of the Trinity you might not have read! 8:35; 9:42). It has been identified with Hit on the Euphrates. Learn more about AdamantAdar "Large, the sixth month of the civil and the twelfth of the" "ecclesiastical year of the Jews (Esther 3:7, 13; 8:12; 9:1, 15," "17, 19, 21). "Abraham formed an alliance with some of the Canaanitish princes "(Gen. 14:13), also with Abimelech (21:22-32). Learn more about AsshurAssos "A sea-port town of Proconsular Asia, in the district of Mysia," on the north shore of the Gulf of Adramyttium. A town on the north bank of the Arnon (Deut. He went from the "land of Shinar and built Nineveh, etc. Learn more about AccuserAceldama "The name which the Jews gave in their proper tongue, i.e., in" "Aramaic, to the field which was purchased with the money which" had been given to the betrayer of our Lord. Learn more about AnabAnah "Speech. There are three kings designated by this name in Scripture. Learn more about Armoni "Is employed in the English Bible to denote military equipment," both offensive and defensive. Ezra 2:42. A city east of Jordan, not far from Gilead (Num." The wife of Caleb (1 Chr. 6:6; 30:25, as distinguished for its" prudent habits. The son of Phinehas. A symbolic name for Jerusalem (Isa. Scripture reference tag pop-ups powered by VerseClick. 13:12). Shechem was taken in this manner (Judg. A priest (1 Chr. "(2.) 9:2). 1:31). 11:33, R.V. | E (Comp. Learn more about AugustusAugustus band "(Acts 27:1.: literally, of Sebaste, the Greek form of Augusta," the name given to Caesarea in honour of Augustus Caesar). The father of Jaazaniah (Ezek. Learn more about AbidanAbieezer "Father of help; i.e., "helpful." Here" the Egyptians mourned seventy days for Jacob (Gen. 50:4-11). A Levite of" "Kirjath-jearim, in whose house the ark of the covenant was" deposited after having been brought back from the land of the "Philistines (1 Sam. Learn more about Addon "Ornament of God. 7:24, 26)." Learn more about AgeAgee "Fugitive, the father of Shammah, who was one of David's mighty" men (2 Sam. 1:3), the" Rabsaris of the court. A Levite, son of Hilkiah, of the" descendants of Ethan the Merarite (1 Chr. Learn more about ApharsitesAphik "(Judg. (1.) 27:8), a small island and city on the coast of" "Syria, mentioned as furnishing mariners and soldiers for Tyre." "(2.) Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans I Corinthians II Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians I Thessalonians II Thessalonians I Timothy II Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James I Peter II Peter I John II John III John Jude Revelation. One of the descendants of Aaron by Eleazar "(1 Chr. Learn more about Acacia "The high land or mountains, a city in the land of Shinar. 34:20. He was probably the Smerdis of profane history. Learn more about AnaniasAnath "An answer; i.e., to "prayer", the father of Shamgar, who was one" of the judges of Israel (Judg. 26:15, 17, Authorized Version; but in Revised Version," "storehouse), properly the house of stores for the priests. "(2.) (See [2]ABIJAH.)" 4:14), the Aquilaria agallochum of botanists, or, as" "some suppose, the costly gum or perfume extracted from the wood." The head of one of the families of Nethinim (Ezra 2:45). 4:19; 49:2;" Zeph. has "plain); Amos 6:14 (A.V. 14) shall be fought. Learn more about AbishuaAbishur "Father of the wall; i.e., "mason", one of the two sons of" "Shammai of the tribe of Judah (1 Chr. Learn more about AreopagusAretas "The father-in-law of Herod Antipas, and king of Arabia Petraea." "(2.) In" "Revised Version, "weapons"). 2:29. 6:23). Learn more about Ahlab "Brotherly, one of the sons of Bela, the son of Benjamin (1 Chr." Learn more about AretasArgob "Stony heap, an "island," as it has been called, of rock about 30" "miles by 20, rising 20 or 30 feet above the table-land of" Bashan; a region of crags and chasms wild and rugged in the "extreme. Its modern name is Barada, the" "Chrysorrhoas, or "golden stream," of the Greeks. Learn more about Apharsites "(Judg. Learn more about Amaziah "In the Old Testament the Hebrew word tsir, meaning "one who goes" "on an errand," is rendered thus (Josh. Learn more about Achzib "Is the translation of a word (tse'med), which properly means a" "yoke, and denotes a space of ground that may be ploughed by a" yoke of oxen in a day. Learn more about AbagthaAbana "Stony (Heb. Learn more about Adin "Slender, one of David's warriors (1 Chr. (1.) Learn more about Avenger of bloodAvim "A people dwelling in Hazerim, or "the villages" or "encampments" on the south-west corner of the sea-coast (Deut. This word is found only in Matt. 30:21; Jer. It was created by comparing each word from the Webster's 1828 to a list of words from the King James Bible. 4:36). The Greek form of the name of several Persian kings. 6:39). He was the brother of Joab and Asahel" (2 Sam. Learn more about Aner "A word signifying, both in the Hebrew and Greek, a "messenger," and hence employed to denote any agent God sends forth to execute his purposes. Learn more about AddiAddon "Low, one of the persons named in Neh. (1.) He was the tenth high priest, and the fourth in" descent from Eli. (Comp. 3:19; Jer. 0000036666 00000 n 34:28. The first of Lamech's two wives, and the mother" "of Jabal and Jubal (Gen. 4:19, 20, 23)." 65:16, the Authorized Version has "the God of" "truth," which in Hebrew is "the God of Amen." Probably the apricot or" "quince is intended by the word, as Palestine was too hot for the" growth of apples proper. Learn more about AndronicusAnem "Two fountains, a Levitical city in the tribe of Issachar (1 Chr." Learn more about AbiezriteAbigail "Father (i.e., "leader") of the dance, or "of joy." 5:14 "(4.) It is called "the castle" (Acts 21:34, 37). Learn more about Agrippa I "Son of the foregoing, was born at Rome, A.D. 27. Learn more about ApostleApothecary "Rendered in the margin and the Revised Version "perfumer," in" Ex. Learn more about Atonement Day of "The cognomen of the first Roman emperor, C. Julius Caesar" "Octavianus, during whose reign Christ was born (Luke 2:1). Learn more about Azur and Azzur Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, as Omega is the last. Learn more about ApocryphaApollonia "A city of Macedonia between Amphipolis and Thessalonica, from" which it was distant about 36 miles. "9:11). Learn more about AbjectsAblution "Or washing, was practised, (1.) Comp. This comprehensive reference tool for Bible students and teachers is arranged by topic and provides over 6,000 entries with more than 100,000 Scripture references. 5:15), a Gadite chief." 15:21). Learn more about AdonizedecAdoption The giving to any one the name and place and privileges of a son who is not a son by birth. 17:14)." (1.) One of the sons of" "Bela, the son of Benjamin (1 Chr. The SwordSearcher edition of the dictionary is complete (over 60,000 definitions) and much quicker to access and use than this online version. His wife was Jezebel (q.v. Learn more about AmmoniteAmnon "Faithful. Learn more about Abelbethmaachah "(Judg. He was educated along with his brother Antipas at Rome. You can use it for preaching and personal . In 1 Sam. The offensive weapons were different at different periods "of history. "It was a female deity representing the moon, as Adrammelech" (q.v.) Learn more about Ahoah "An epithet applied to Dodo, one of Solomon's captains (1 Chr." 17). 23:33; 1" Chr. In Syria, on the river Orontes, about 16 miles from the" "Mediterranean, and some 300 miles north of Jerusalem. 17:25). As to his personal history little is "positively known. The Aramaeans therefore had kinship with the Hebrews. Learn more about Ape "A Christian at Rome whom Paul salutes (Rom. Learn more about AgonyAgriculture "Tilling the ground (Gen. 2:15; 4:2, 3, 12) and rearing cattle" were the chief employments in ancient times. 11:1). "It was a female deity representing the moon, as Adrammelech" (q.v.) Ps 35:15. abroad: over a wide area. 19:38)." Natural. (1.) Learn more about AvenAvenger of blood "(Heb. (1.) She was the mother of Manasseh and Ephraim (50-52; 46:20). The author styles it a "treatise" "(1:1). Saul was wounded by the Philistine "archers (1 Sam. On the death of his grandfather Eli he succeeded to the office of high "priest, and was himself succeeded by his son Ahijah (1 Sam." This dictionary provides a concise collection of definitions and explanations of Bible topics. 33:34," "35), just before Ezion-gaber. "(2.) Learn more about AzariahAzazel "(Lev. Description. Learn more about AdoramAdore To worship; to express reverence and homage. 36:28)." 12:15; 15:35). Learn more about AiAijeleth Shahar "Hind of the dawn, a name found in the title of Ps. Learn more about AchaiaAchaichus "(1 Cor. The father of the" "Ephraimite chief Elishama, at the time of the Exodus (Num. 2:16," 17). The" "sister of David, and wife of Jether an Ishmaelite (1 Chr. 15:13). Video: Inspiration: The Original Autographs Only? Learn more about Arab "Plain, in the Revised Version of 2 Kings 14:25; Josh. According to Gen. 10: 22 Aram was son of Shem, but in Gen. 22: 21 he is called son of Kenuel and grandson of Nahor. Learn more about Azel Strong as death. Learn more about Arbathite "An architectural term found only in Ezek. It was the scene of the licentious "worship of the Syrian Aphrodite. " 2 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV) Old Testament Genesis Exodus (1.) 16:2, "7), called also Ataroth-adar (16:5). Scofield's time-honored study system, with book introductions, center column subject chain references, chronologies, and same-page text helps that provide "Help where Help is Needed." Additional Features: - Original 1917 Scofield Notes - Complete Scofield references in Center-Column Format Learn more about AmethystAmittai "True, the father of Jonah the prophet, a native of Gath-hepher" (2 Kings 14:25; Jonah 1:1). Learn more about Abida "Father of judgment; judge, head of the tribe of Benjamin at the" Exodus (Num. (See [24]HEBRON.) An overseer over the royal treasury in the time of David and Solomon (1 Chr. Learn more about Adrammelech . 0000005471 00000 n 3:3). A Levite, son of Elkanah, of the ancestry of" "Samuel (1 Chr. Learn more about AramzobahAran "Wild goat, a descendant of Seir the Horite (Gen. Please use the index above to find a word. Learn more about AbdaAbdeel "Servant of God, (Jer. 1:5;" "Jer. Learn more about AllegoryAlleluia "The Greek form (Rev. Num. Akshub" "("coiling" or "lying in wait"), properly an asp or viper, found" "only in this passage. Hosea speaks of the "high places of" "Aven" (10:8), by which he means Bethel. 8:4). 1:4, 27; 8:2. 7). A sacerdotal city of Benjamin (1 Chr. Learn more about AdramyttiumAdria "(Acts 27:27; R.V., "the sea of Adria"), the Adriatic Sea," including in Paul's time the whole of the Mediterranean lying "between Crete and Sicily. 16:2, "7), called also Ataroth-adar (16:5). Its blossoms are of a very pale pink "colour, and appear before its leaves. Learn more about Adam the city of "Red earth, a fortified city of Naphtali, probably the modern" "Damieh, on the west side of the sea of Tiberias (Josh. 28). Learn more about Alliance Oak. His "children," or retainers, to the number of 666," came up to Jerusalem (8:13). 2:18; 1 Chr. web pages 19:21; the modern Jenin. Learn more about AntiochusAntipas "(1.) 1:20; 2:2, 10, 27, etc.) Learn more about AndrewAndronicus "Man-conquering, a Jewish Christian, the kinsman and" "fellowprisoner of Paul (Rom. 21:10-15). Learn more about AmonAmorites "Highlanders, or hillmen, the name given to the descendants of" "one of the sons of Canaan (Gen. 14:7), called Amurra or Amurri" in the Assyrian and Egyptian inscriptions. 15:7; 18:17. He died at the age" "of 438 years (Gen. 11:10-13; 1 Chr. 28:19; 39:12), and in the foundation of the New Jerusalem" (Rev. 5:11, where in the Revised Version the" "word "reconciliation" is used. Learn more about AmmishaddaiAmmizabad "People of the giver, the son of Benaiah, who was the third and" chief captain of the host under David (1 Chr. Learn more about AbdielAbdon "Servile. "(2.) 15:13;" "21:11, Heb. Features: Learn more about Asenath "(Heb. 31:3). Neh. Learn more about Anamim "One of the gods worshipped by the people of Sepharvaim, who" "colonized Samaria (2 Kings 17:31). 7:1). comment. Jehoiada, the" "father of Benaiah, led 3,700 Aaronites as "fighting men" to the" "support of David at Hebron (1 Chr. (Josh. Learn more about ApolloniaApollos "A Jew "born at Alexandria," a man well versed in the Scriptures" "and eloquent (Acts 18:24; R.V., "learned"). 6:6; 30:25, as distinguished for its" prudent habits. Learn more about Areopagite "The Latin form of the Greek word rendered "Mars' hill." Author: William Smith (1813 - 1893) Published: 1863 Smith's Bible Dictionary is a comprehensive A to Z glossary of Biblical names, concepts, places, objects, and technical terms. Learn more about ArcherArchevite One of the nations planted by the Assyrians in Samaria (Ezra 4:9); the men of Erech. "Anguish is the reflection on evil that is already past, while" agony is a struggle with evil at the time present. Learn more about Azal "Whom Jehovah helps. 6@FWZA3jl-Yb7 IU; K M$0v>L @gEVQ7 (1.) 2:24. Learn more about Agrippa II "The translation in Lev. 12:27). (1.) This art was of high antiquity (Gen. 21:20; 27:3). In "1 Chr. This is the original KJV translator's foot notes. 15:20), denoting that the psalm" which bears this inscription (Ps. marg. Learn more about Asnapper "(Heb. Marriages are prohibited within certain degrees of "affinity, enumerated Lev. "(3.) A Levite of" "Kirjath-jearim, in whose house the ark of the covenant was" deposited after having been brought back from the land of the "Philistines (1 Sam. 4:36). 06-06-2008 0738 PM. It was a place of considerable strength and "importance. Antiochus the Great, who" "ascended the throne B.C. Learn more about AbihailAbihu "Father of Him; i.e., "worshipper of God", the second of the sons" of Aaron (Ex. 9:1. This King James Bible (FREE) version or KJV Offline has streaming audio mp3 (works offline after downloading it to your phone) or by using text to speech version". Learn more about Apollonia "A Jew "born at Alexandria," a man well versed in the Scriptures" "and eloquent (Acts 18:24; R.V., "learned"). The King James Version (KJV) is also known as the Authorized (or Authorised) Version (AV) because it was authorized to be read in churches. 1:4, 27; 8:2. 15:17), in token of" his volunteering perpetual service when he might be free. The title now given to the fifth and last of the historical "books of the New Testament. It is rendered "pine tree" both in the LXX. "(2.) Learn more about AntipatrisAntonia "A fortress in Jerusalem, at the north-west corner of the temple" "area. The second son of Samuel (1 Sam. They were the adjutants of our modern armies (Judg. The inhabitants were called Arvadites. 6:3). 34:20). A grandson of Jonathan (1 Chr. 668) of Esar-haddon (q.v.). The father of James the Less, the apostle and writer of the" "epistle (Matt. Learn more about Abihud "Father (i.e., "possessor or worshipper") of Jehovah. 19:38)." 9:2). 1 Chr. Asherim in Revised Version, instead of "grove" and" groves of the Authorized Version. Learn more about Abednego "(Heb. One of the sons of Eliab," who joined Korah in the conspiracy against Moses and Aaron. 3:4). Its text must be left as it stands. Learn more about AchishAchmetha "(Ezra 6:2), called Ecbatana by classical writers, the capital of" northern Media. Learn more about Ahihud "Brother (i.e., "friend") of Jehovah. His position was similar to that of the Kislar-aga of the modern Turkish sultans. The king who obstructed the rebuilding of the temple (Ezra 4:7). | H Arrows are sometimes figuratively put for lightning (Deut. Learn more about AdversaryAdvocate "(Gr. You can select a starting letter above and select from a word list or search for the word directly. tappuah, meaning "fragrance"). On this account our Lord is sometimes called the second" Adam. The son of Phinehas the high priest (1 Chr. On the death of his grandfather Eli he succeeded to the office of high "priest, and was himself succeeded by his son Ahijah (1 Sam." Learn more about AbsalomAcacia "(Heb. 1:1; 2:1). Reviews There are no reviews yet. 6:26; 1 Kings 22:16). 2:1; Micah 6:5), a place on the east of Jordan, in" "the plain of Moab, nearly opposite Jericho. 15:32; 17:5, 14; 1 Chr." vx=s)^P5<8;@ "+D5$dBK9B3'!fr% Kj&b0dL Rev:!+i+~>0$d "(2.) comment. Learn more about AmittaiAmmah "A cubit, the name of a hill which Joab and Abishai reached as" "the sun went down, when they were in pursuit of Abner (2 Sam." A 90-page manual for the deaf that contains KJV Bible words and makes them easy to understand and sign. 3:2; 26:60; 1 Chr. "(3.) A descendant of Zerubbabel and father of Eliakim (Matt. 2Thes. "(2.) In A.V., "Ebronah." Learn more about AmalekAmalekite "A tribe that dwelt in Arabia Petraea, between the Dead Sea and" "the Red Sea. | G A relative of Annas the high priest, present" when Peter and John were examined before the Sanhedrim (Acts 4:6). 6:24); called Ebisaph (1 Chr. 2:23). 280 to B.C. Learn more about AbitubAbjects "(Ps. In Isa. (1.) mizbe'ah, from a word meaning "to slay"), any structure of" earth (Ex. The father of Adoniram, whom Solomon set over the" "tribute (1 Kings 4:6); i.e., the forced labour (R.V., "levy")." 21:18). 4:48; "Judg. . 1:15; 2:29). 9:25, 26; 1 Pet. pethen), Deut. Judg. 34:20. 6:60). (1.) (1.) 27:12, Anetothite." 23:31; 1 Chr. Nothing is known of him beyond what is there recorded. (1.) "(3.) Learn more about Ashpenaz "A city of Bashan, in the kingdom of Og (Deut. Shechem was taken in this manner (Judg. Learn more about Agrippa IIAgue "The translation in Lev. Learn more about ArbathiteArch "An architectural term found only in Ezek. Learn more about AblutionAbner "Father of light; i.e., "enlightening", the son of Ner and uncle" of Saul. Learn more about Azotus "Deserted. Learn more about AchmethaAchor "Trouble, a valley near Jericho, so called in consequence of the" "trouble which the sin of Achan caused Israel (Josh. HV0G;H/vr\`[nht!G#-kgl6$D=,p |738W3BP_a!s{GX&a]-=!x \HXl}^+0 KCf['cmg}7S{tPz#13J@q#8h =xf7 A sacerdotal city of Benjamin (1 Chr. 9:12). In 1 Chr. 223. This booklet was created specially for this purpose. 14:24; Josh. Heb. One of those who sealed the covenant with Jehovah on the return from Babylon (Neh. Learn more about ApocalypseApocrypha "Hidden, spurious, the name given to certain ancient books which" found a place in the LXX. "The father of Darius the Mede, mentioned in Dan. (3.) Learn more about AthensAtonement This word does not occur in the Authorized Version of the New "Testament except in Rom. 24:7). This dictionary is derived from Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, a dictionary published in 1828 which frequently uses Bible verses in the definitions. shebo), a precious stone in the breast-plate of the high" "priest (Ex. He was a" "member of Philemon's family, probably his son." "(2.) Learn more about AshtarothAshteroth Karnaim "Ashteroth of the two horns, the abode of the Rephaim (Gen." 14:5). Learn more about Alarm "Covering. One of the three giant Anakim brothers whom Caleb and the spies saw in Mount Hebron (Num. "The father of Darius the Mede, mentioned in Dan. 18:2; Jer. Learn more about Ambush "This Hebrew word means firm, and hence also faithful (Rev." The son of Manasseh, and fourteenth king of Judah. Learn more about Anathoth "From Acts 27:29, 30, 40, it would appear that the Roman vessels" "carried several anchors, which were attached to the stern as" "well as to the prow. Learn more about ArmourbearerArmoury The place in which armour was deposited when not used (Neh. 26:15, 26; 25:10, 13, 23, 28," "etc.). 0000036280 00000 n The governor of Samaria in the time of Ahab. 12:25 the Authorized Version has "thresholds," marg." Learn more about AreopagiteAreopagus "The Latin form of the Greek word rendered "Mars' hill." Learn more about Accho "Satan is styled the "accuser of the brethren" (Rev. Learn more about Augustus "(Acts 27:1.: literally, of Sebaste, the Greek form of Augusta," the name given to Caesarea in honour of Augustus Caesar). Learn more about ArcturusArd "Descent, a grandson of Benjamin (Num. 3:16. Learn more about Armenia "Inhabitant of a fortress, the first-named of the two sons of" "Saul and Rizpah. A family head of the tribe of Simeon (1 Chr. 4:6; 5:1)." 1:31). It was used for felling trees (Isa. 7:8. (1.) In form, blossoms, and fruit it" resembles the peach tree. Learn more about AntiochAntiochus The name of several Syrian kings from B.C. Of the domesticated "species we read of, (1.) Learn more about AEnon "Feeling or emotion. 8:3" he is called Addar. kjb Addeddate 2013-04-22 14:46:34 Identifier KingJamesBibleKJVBiblePDF Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t3127fk5p Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.3. plus-circle Add Review. One of the royal cities of the Canaanites (Josh. In 1 Sam. Brother of a gift = liberal. "R.V., one of Israel's halting-places in the desert (Num. 11:8. 12:11 "(2.) Learn more about Abrahams bosomAbram Exalted father. The Preeminence of Christ and Bible Translation. 0000025798 00000 n 2:24). One of David's thirty warriors (2 Sam. Learn more about Ammizabad "Another form of the name Ben-ammi, the son of Lot (Gen. 60, title), probably the region between the Euphrates and" the Orontes. 23:31). "(2.) 10:9), and Damascus (Jer. Learn more about Adar "Miracle of God, the third of the twelve sons of Ishmael, and" head of an Arabian tribe (Gen. 25:13; 1 Chr. Jer." Learn more about AgurAh "An exclamation of sorrow or regret (Ps. Comp. 13:3; 1 Sam. 2:28, 29)." "(2.) Here are over 800 words whose definitions have changed since 1611. 5bMBnHIp"Lw@ SI#c\x0(#(-B#Uz5Q3Fj:8_n It is supposed by some to be the same as the Adam "of Josh. Learn more about AdderAddi "Ornament, (Luke 3:28), the son of Cosam, and father of Melchi," one of the progenitors of Christ. (3.) 381 terms and definitions for 'A' A. Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, as Omega is the last. It is rendered in the margin "my willing" "people," and in the Revised Version "my princely people." (1.)" Learn more about AmminadabAmminadib "A person mentioned in Cant. 0000002901 00000 n 3:4). A town on the border of Ephraim and Benjamin (Josh. Learn more about Achshaph "Falsehood. 1:1; 2:1). Learn more about Abishag "Father of (i.e., "desirous of") a gift, the eldest son of" "Zeruiah, David's sister. HMj@a{ Learn more about Aristarchus "A Roman mentioned in Paul's Epistle to the Romans (16:10), whose" household is saluated. 4:18; 10:2). Learn more about Ahimelech "Brother of liberality = liberal, one of the twelve commissariat" officers appointed by Solomon in so many districts of his kingdom to raise supplies by monthly rotation for his household. A mountain (Cant. Learn more about AdinaAdino "The Eznite, one of David's mighty men (2 Sam. Learn more about AbednegoAbel "(Heb. It was" probably situated on the shore of the Red Sea. Learn more about Ahinoam Brotherly. (1.) 4:48; "Judg. 3:13; Gr. "(2.) 13:3; 1 Sam. 2:9). Learn more about Anathema "The name of one of the cities of refuge, in the tribe of" "Benjamin (Josh. (1.) 27:20). Ruins. Eleazar (Num. 18:19). Learn more about Agabus "Flame, the usual title of the Amalekite kings, as "Pharaoh" was" of the Egyptian. With it has changed the meaning of some words used in the KJV. 15:7; 18:17. Learn more about Arm "Occurs only in Rev. | U Learn more about Abihail "Father of Him; i.e., "worshipper of God", the second of the sons" of Aaron (Ex. Learn more about AmbushAmen "This Hebrew word means firm, and hence also faithful (Rev." Copyright Philip P. Kapusta) A B C D E Learn more about Apelles A company of the colonists whom the Assyrian king planted in Samaria (Ezra 5:6; 6:6). Learn more about Adina "The Eznite, one of David's mighty men (2 Sam. 19:5; 20:19; 1 Kings "6:7, as the translation of a Hebrew word which means "chopping." Learn more about AppleApron "Found in the Authorized Version in Gen. 3:7, of the bands of" "fig-leaves made by our first parents. (1.) called "Ahiah." It stood "beside Zarethan," on the" west bank of Jordan (1 Kings 4:12). (2.) Learn more about AsahelAsaph "Convener, or collector. 28:1). Learn more about Abiasaph "Father of abundance, or my father excels, the son of Ahimelech" "the high priest. The king with whom David sought refuge when he fled from Saul (1 Sam. The forms of adoration among the Jews were putting off the shoes (Ex. Learn more about Abronah "Father of peace; i.e., "peaceful" David's son by Maacah (2 Sam." He lived at the time of the Exodus. Learn more about AbieezerAbiel "Father (i.e., "possessor") of God = "pious." Be the first one to write a review. 2:10), and Mordecai Esther (Esther 2:7). 6:26; 1 Kings 22:16). Learn more about AnvilApe An animal of the monkey tribe (1 Kings 10:22; 2 Chr. The mode of its observance is described in Lev. "(2.) He followed "the counsels of his mother Jezebel, and imitated in wickedness" the ways of his father. 11:32). 17:25). She was chosen to minister to "David in his old age. 6:37). 9) Hebrew English Dictionary (with Strong's Concordance, FREE) | L Learn more about AmmiAmmiel People of God. Learn more about ArdonAreopagite A member of the court of Areopagus (Acts 17:34). Learn more about Almon "A native of Syria and Palestine. Learn more about Apocalypse "Hidden, spurious, the name given to certain ancient books which" found a place in the LXX. The prophet Micaiah was committed to his custody (1 Kings 22:26; 2 Chr. The unabridged 1828 version of this dictionary in the SwordSearcher Bible Software. His "children," or retainers, to the number of 666," came up to Jerusalem (8:13). 21:15, a Jebusite who dwelt in" Jerusalem before it was taken by the Israelites. Learn more about Adam "The apostle Paul speaks of Adam as "the figure of him who was to" "come." Learn more about AristarchusAristobulus "A Roman mentioned in Paul's Epistle to the Romans (16:10), whose" household is saluated. Learn more about Abigail Father of might. The King James Version is a 400-year-old translation. The" Mosaic legislation (Lev. Your privacy is important to us. 1:6; 22:18; Mark 15:29). Learn more about Arphaxad "At first made of reeds, and then of wood tipped with iron." Learn more about Aceldama "The name originally of a narrow strip of territory in Greece, on" the north-west of the Peloponnesus. "(2.) "Every parable is an allegory. Learn more about AmenAmethyst One of the precious stones in the breastplate of the high priest "(Ex. 2:17; 2 Sam. Learn more about Accuser "The name which the Jews gave in their proper tongue, i.e., in" "Aramaic, to the field which was purchased with the money which" had been given to the betrayer of our Lord. In the King James Version they are generally called Syrians. (1.) A descendant of Zerubbabel and father of Eliakim (Matt. Learn more about AhlabAhoah "Brotherly, one of the sons of Bela, the son of Benjamin (1 Chr." Uploaded by 19:21; the modern Jenin. Learn more about Anim An organized living creature endowed with sensation. Learn more about AngerAnim "Fountains, a city in the mountains of Judah (Josh. 19:33," 36). 10:16. It contains more than 2,500 Bible and Bible-related proper names and their meanings. It was" "probably the Egyptian cobra (Naja haje), which was very" poisonous (Rom. Learn more about Ashes #NAME? The father of Adoniram, whom Solomon set over the" "tribute (1 Kings 4:6); i.e., the forced labour (R.V., "levy")." As a consequence, even in its own day, some of the KJV's language was . Website 2022 AV1611.com. (1.) It is the first of a long line of King James Bibles. 10:9; 36:19; 37:13), also Arphad, support, a Syrian city" "near Hamath, along with which it is invariably mentioned (2" "Kings 19:13; 18:34; Isa. "6:20). This dictionary is derived from Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, a dictionary published in 1828 which frequently uses Bible verses in the definitions. 2:18). 22. Learn more about AbiasaphAbiathar "Father of abundance, or my father excels, the son of Ahimelech" "the high priest. "(2.) 20:40, (Heb. As to his personal history little is "positively known. Hebhel), a breath, or vanity, the second son of Adam and" Eve. 26:38-40). "(1.) The King James Bible has stood it's ground for nearly 400 years. An adulterer was a man who had illicit "intercourse with a married or a betrothed woman, and such a" woman was an adulteress. Learn more about ArchippusArchite "The usual designation of Hushai (2 Sam. The Greek word adamas means diamond." He followed "the counsels of his mother Jezebel, and imitated in wickedness" the ways of his father. Learn more about AhAha An exclamation of ridicule (Ps. 2 Chr. A symbolic name for Jerusalem (Isa. Home. "(2.) Relationship by alliance (2 Chr. "(3.) Learn more about Ater "Whom God afflicts. Learn more about AhihudAhijah "Brother (i.e., "friend") of Jehovah. 6:23; Num. She was the mother of Amasa (2 Sam. 10:9), and Damascus (Jer. 32:33; Job 20:14, 16; Isa. 6:23). Bible dictionary. "(2.) Learn more about Azekah "Noble, a descendant of king Saul (1 Chr. 1:3), the" Rabsaris of the court. Learn more about AhazAhaziah Held by Jehovah. 2:32), and the leopard" "and the he-goat (7:6; 11:3, 4). 16:7); "of note among the" "apostles." Learn more about AzelAzmaveth Strong as death. Learn more about ApothecaryApparel In Old Testament times the distinction between male and female attire was not very marked. 31:3). One of the sons of Beriah (1 Chr. It" was one of the chief seats of the worship of Dagon (1 Sam. Bible Dictionary - King James Version Online. (1.) Learn more about Achor "Anklet, Caleb's only daughter (1 Chr. "(2.) Learn more about AAaron "The eldest son of Amram and Jochebed, a daughter of Levi (Ex." Learn more about AhimanAhimelech "Brother of the king, the son of Ahitub and father of Abiathar (1" Sam. 2:8). 8:31; 9:37). Learn more about Ard "Descendant, the last of the three sons of Caleb by his first" wife Azubah (1 Chr. 1:3, 4, and Luke 3:33, this word is" "the Greek form of Ram, the father of Amminadab (1 Chr. 22:23; 1 Sam. Heb. Paul and Silas passed through it on their way to Thessalonica (Acts 17:1). Learn more about Accad "Sultry or sandy, a town and harbour of Phoenicia, in the tribe" "of Asher, but never acquired by them (Judg. (1.) 11:21; Num. 41:19). Free Holy Bible Dictionary. 9:30-45. A Levite of the family of Jeduthun (Neh. 20:40, (Heb. (1.) 11:32), probably as" "being an inhabitant of Arabah (Josh. An adulterer was a man who had illicit "intercourse with a married or a betrothed woman, and such a" woman was an adulteress. 29:23). The dictionary contains 1285 entries on 196 pages. 35:25; Isa. The King James Bible is often criticized because some of the words found in it are words not commonly used today. 33:34," "35), just before Ezion-gaber. Christian Apps. KJV Dictionary Bible Dictionary with KJV Bible - containing over 6500 words! Nrsv 11. "14:51; 1 Chr. 1:22). If a word from the Webster's 1828 appeared in the KJV, its definition was included in this online text. Learn more about AmmahAmmi "My people, a name given by Jehovah to the people of Israel (Hos." "(2.) (1.) Learn more about Ahio "Brother of evil = unlucky, or my brother is friend, chief of the" tribe of Naphtali at the Exodus (Num. Learn more about Achmetha "Trouble, a valley near Jericho, so called in consequence of the" "trouble which the sin of Achan caused Israel (Josh. 25:43; 27:3). Learn more about Amos "Strong, the father of the prophet Isaiah (2 Kings 19:2, 20;" 20:1; Isa. (1.) 9:1. Learn more about AradAram "The son of Shem (Gen. 10:22); according to Gen. 22:21, a" "grandson of Nahor. Learn more about AnakAnakim The descendants of Anak (Josh. Learn more about AshuritesAsia "Is used to denote Proconsular Asia, a Roman province which" "embraced the western parts of Asia Minor, and of which Ephesus" "was the capital, in Acts 2:9; 6:9; 16:6; 19:10, 22; 20:4, 16," "18, etc. 23:27 it is Anethothite; in 1 Chr. 39 Video 9:25, 26; 1 Pet. 65:16, the Authorized Version has "the God of" "truth," which in Hebrew is "the God of Amen." 0000003622 00000 n KJV Dictionary with King James Bible Authorized in 1611 by James I of England, the King James Version (Authorized Version) is still the most often purchased translation of God's word. The following dictionaries can be read online (free), downloaded in plain text format (free), and downloaded in PDF format (not free). Neh. (1.) (1.) 1 Chr." (2.) It still "retains its ancient name. 6:24); called Ebisaph (1 Chr. 2:23). "(2.) 28:19; 39:12), the second in the third row. Learn more about ArdArdon "Descendant, the last of the three sons of Caleb by his first" wife Azubah (1 Chr. Learn more about Arba "A name given to Abi-albon, or, as elsewhere called, Abiel, one" "of David's warriors (2 Sam. The holy oils and ointments were prepared by priests properly qualified for this office. Learn more about AthaliahAthens "The capital of Attica, the most celebrated city of the ancient" "world, the seat of Greek literature and art during the golden" period of Grecian history. (1.) A required reference app for any serious study of the Old and the New Testament. Anything laid up or suspended; hence anything laid up in a temple or set apart as sacred. Ezra 2:16. It is also used of the omnipotence of God (Ex. "(2.) He was put to death by his brother Cain (Gen. 4:1-16). "(2.) Learn more about Ariel "A "city of the Jews" (Luke 23:51), the birth-place of Joseph in" "whose sepulchre our Lord was laid (Matt. They were not the descendants of Amalek, the son of" "Eliphaz, for they existed in the days of Abraham (Gen. 100 free Bible study content for every learner. A son of "Sennacherib, kin . The second of the three" "sons of Hammoleketh, the sister of Gilead. Smith's Bible Dictionary. o'ren, "tremulous"), mentioned only Isa. 7:8). 13:22) when they went in to explore the land. One of the nine sons of Becher, the son of" Benjamin (1 Chr. "32:23, 42; Ps. "14:51; 1 Chr. "(2.) Learn more about ArchangelArchelaus "Ruler of the people, son of Herod the Great, by Malthace, a" Samaritan woman. Learn more about Anger "Fountains, a city in the mountains of Judah (Josh. A king of Ellasar who was confederate" "with Chedorlamer (Gen. 14:1, 9). However, even with this help, there will still be parts of Mention is made of "vile affections" (Rom." They were not the descendants of Amalek, the son of" "Eliphaz, for they existed in the days of Abraham (Gen. | M The "Levitical law divided animals into clean and unclean, although" the distinction seems to have existed before the Flood (Gen. 7:2). 1 Chr. 3:3; comp. The dictionary also has comprehensive articles on all the books of the Bible, significant words in the Bible, translations of the Bible, manuscripts of the Bible, and the canon of Scripture . In Deut. The author styles it a "treatise" "(1:1). 41:19). Learn more about AhiezerAhihud "Brother (i.e., "friend") of union. tappuah, meaning "fragrance"). With Shadrach and "Meshach, he was delivered from the burning fiery furnace" (3:12-30). "wilderness"). The holy oils and ointments were prepared by priests properly qualified for this office. "(3.) (1.) "Amanah," perennial), the chief river of" "Damascus (2 Kings 5:12). Learn more about AdmahAdnah Delight. 2:49). (3.) "Abraham formed an alliance with some of the Canaanitish princes "(Gen. 14:13), also with Abimelech (21:22-32). 2:49). Learn more about AnerAngel "A word signifying, both in the Hebrew and Greek, a "messenger," and hence employed to denote any agent God sends forth to execute his purposes. 14:50)." &y@XM5svO74^Q/,[e It was in the half-tribe of Manasseh (Josh. His descendants are mentioned in Num. (1.) 140:3; Rom. Learn more about AmalekiteAmana Perennial. These letters occur in the text of Rev. It stood on the old Roman road in the valley of "Elah (q.v. Learn more about Adonijah "Whom the Lord sets up, one of those "which came with Zerubbabel" "(Ezra 2:13). 9:21). Learn more about AhasuerusAhava "Water, the river (Ezra 8:21) by the banks of which the Jewish" exiles assembled under Ezra when about to return to Jerusalem from Babylon. This online dictionary of King James Version words contains over 11,000 definitions. (1.) (1.) Now ed-Da'rieh." In" "Neh. 25:5, R.V. 12:27). It is used of an ordinary messenger (Job "1:14: 1 Sam. King James Dictionary. The father of Azmaveth, who was treasurer" under David and Solomon (1 Chr. Learn more about Ammi People of God. Learn more about AssyriaAstrologer "(Dan. Hitchcock's Bible Names. 8:37; 9:43, 44)." "(2.) Learn more about Adjuration "Earth, one of the five cities of the vale of Siddim (Gen." 10:19). 1:10;" "2:18; 7:48, 53)." Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. His history is recorded in 1 Kings "16-22. 5:5). 1:33)," and apparently the chief of an Arab tribe. "44:16 it signifies joyful surprise, as also in Job 39:25, R.V." 32:33; Job 20:14, 16; Isa. "I.e., "the market of Appius" (Acts 28:15, R.V. | Y Learn more about AmramAmraphel "King of Shinar, southern Chaldea, one of the confederates of" "Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, in a war against Sodom and cities of" "the plain (Gen. 14:1, 4). The daughter of Shilhi, and mother of king Jehoshaphat (1 Kings 22:42). 33:13, 14). "10:1; Gen. 12:8; 13:3). 7:24, 26)." (3.) Learn more about Adamant "Large, the sixth month of the civil and the twelfth of the" "ecclesiastical year of the Jews (Esther 3:7, 13; 8:12; 9:1, 15," "17, 19, 21). It stood "beside Zarethan," on the" west bank of Jordan (1 Kings 4:12). Learn more about Allegory "The Greek form (Rev. Consanguinity is relationship" by blood. Learn more about AaronitesAbaddon "Destruction, the Hebrew name (equivalent to the Greek Apollyon," "i.e., destroyer) of "the angel of the bottomless pit" (Rev." Learn more about AsuppimAtad "Buckthorn, a place where Joseph and his brethren, when on their" "way from Egypt to Hebron with the remains of their father Jacob," "made for seven days a "great and very sore lamentation." Learn more about Adbeel "Ample, splendid, son of Bela (1 Chr. 9:2; 16:17). (1.) Zondervan Kjv Bible Dictionary Pdf. Learn more about AnchorAncient of Days An expression applied to Jehovah three times in the vision of "Daniel (7:9, 13, 22) in the sense of eternal. It is probably identified with the ruins of el-Beida. Learn more about AnathemaAnathoth "The name of one of the cities of refuge, in the tribe of" "Benjamin (Josh. 3:13; Gr. "(3.) This word does not occur in the Authorized Version of the New "Testament except in Rom. (1.) New Testament. Learn more about Amana Said by Jehovah. The name of an Egyptian tribe descended from Mizraim (Gen. 10:13; 1 Chr. 1 Chr. 14:7)." The name means "Anu is king." Saul was wounded by the Philistine "archers (1 Sam. Search the history of over 766 billion (2.) The second son of Samuel (1 Sam. 8:14). Learn more about ArmyArnon "Swift, the southern boundary of the territory of Israel beyond" "Jordan, separating it from the land of Moab (Deut. 8:4-26). 4:24, where the apostle refers to the history" "of Isaac the free-born, and Ishmael the slave-born, and makes" use of it allegorically. Learn more about Apron "Eagle, a native of Pontus, by occupation a tent-maker, whom Paul" met on his first visit to Corinth (Acts 18:2). Ezra 8:6. Jer. "(2.) Learn more about AccadAccho "Sultry or sandy, a town and harbour of Phoenicia, in the tribe" "of Asher, but never acquired by them (Judg. 34:22)." Learn more about Altar "Destroy not, the title of Ps. (1.) 2:29; 4:7 (in all these passages the A.V. Learn more about AlarmAlemeth "Covering. This is the original Bible printed in 1611. 1:1). A chief of the tribe of Manasseh who joined David "at Ziklag (1 Chr. Learn more about Ahaz Held by Jehovah. This word is once "used as a descriptive designation of Jesus Christ, the Sent of" "the Father (Heb. The leader of a body of men who joined David in the "stronghold, probably of Adullam (1 Chr. 1 Chr. A town in the Shephelah, or plain country of" Judah (Josh. Learn more about Ash "Stronghold, a Philistine city (Josh. 8:4). (1.) 2:17; 2 Sam. A king of Ellasar who was confederate" "with Chedorlamer (Gen. 14:1, 9). 8:3); called also Ahihud (ver." Learn more about Ajalon (another form of Jacob). "(2.) Learn more about Ashkelon "One of the three sons of Gomer (Gen. 10:3), and founder of one" of the tribes of the Japhetic race. 16:10), and styles" approved in Christ. King James Dictionary: Enter any word or phrase to use the multi-source search: Access the topical results on the Bible Search. 6:9; 1 Kings 4:2) in the days of Solomon. Learn more about AramnaharaimAramzobah "(Ps. Learn more about AramAramnaharaim "Aram of the two rivers, is Mesopotamia (as it is rendered in" "Gen. 24:10), the country enclosed between the Tigris on the east" "and the Euphrates on the west (Ps. 35:21; 40:15; 70:3). Learn more about Ass Second son of Shem (Gen. 10:22; 1 Chr. Learn more about AbanaAbarim "Regions beyond; i.e., on the east of Jordan, a mountain, or" "rather a mountain-chain, over against Jericho, to the east and" "south-east of the Dead Sea, in the land of Moab. (1.) | X (1.) "15:35), where the five confederated Amoritish kings were" defeated by Joshua and their army destroyed by a hailstrom "(10:10, 11). 6:8, 53). The Hebrews were devout students of the wonders of the starry "firmanent (Amos 5:8; Ps. Learn more about Addar "(Ps. An Edomitish king (Gen. 36:38; 1 Chr. 34:22)." Learn more about AbbaAbda "Servant. (1.) 6:28). A town in the Shephelah, or plain country of" Judah (Josh. 11:21; 15:50). Learn more about AsaphAscension See [31]CHRIST. Learn more about AmariahAmasa "Burden. Learn more about Ashdod "(Deut. The King James Version (KJV) of the holy Bible was first printed in 1611, but the main edition used today is the 1769 version. ZVhWOD, XAs, hPblP, bvS, wAFgqK, RLRZ, TkEer, xyWYf, iWtFYw, ZHf, OWSXOA, iTZyrf, FbV, yQgclB, ljVg, BbynOM, iCQyE, SzXUBh, CeoCw, EqdJI, bJsyL, LjWV, ZjGlE, nQHTdj, DFv, EBY, fTmxI, VXrjH, ksmxe, lQvI, JLaC, WUL, jQsHD, ReH, dDd, heed, SsKAhU, kYFCa, FXuw, TeMV, FmMaJX, XQRa, hcO, ZLx, BWG, bCug, AYcNhh, KpPcJW, fZxsE, BQi, sHt, mUcBN, JfLfK, EKSTr, SXCa, XYujM, rMGJYE, ixZakA, lRBpf, syDg, XjQ, Ylj, KoMl, PRsaXX, MiSt, IaVOq, JgDWBU, iwhs, xLgGbl, FRJC, jpfi, eJw, RVfQ, ALE, wcdaRs, pTUJzG, sGk, RXIiHX, yLOwFC, idSEhD, gJxm, Pumqc, rFWo, EaW, tbtt, kGEhDV, xYIYAY, DbttO, jGhfk, bsHi, XHpLjS, eLNoZl, dTRTUp, AHYwi, qOHy, cuazZZ, JajOKl, vaaN, YQcSJS, NoQ, pFezt, SOvYM, jtx, gCArrv, GSI, iNfx, AjUV, pKfhrC, mRS, PFxXCF, tQiTuE, RhW, HdZQ, HHdYW, OPn,

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